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Year 9 English Narne_,_��-��: �) ;�, _..;.

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Shakespeare's Language Practice Date����-·�-'--= - �- �-'=-="--�

DIRECTIONS: Complete the followingtable by writíng the translations or modern equivalents of Shakespeare's English. Pay
attentíon to capital letters and punctuation. lf the question contains capital letters, full stops, or question marks,
you must include those in your answer. lf it does not, then do not capitalize or punctuate your answer. Sorne of
the following are complete sentences, and sorne are not.

Shakespeare's English: Modern translation or equivalent:

l. for't

2. ne'er

3. 'gin

4. 'tis

5. alarum

6. show

7. coz

8. The boy which works for the farmer

is young.
9. Who saw the thief should report
10. mine ears

11. Thou art kind.

12. Thou hast it now.

13. The earth hath bubbles.

14. He goeth thither.

15. Know you this man?

16. Fail not our feast.

17. Such things here as we do speak

18. His great love hath holp him.

19. What hast thou writ?

20. March we onwards to the king.

21. Gentle my lord

22. I cannot go no further.

23. Whither are they vanish'd?

24. And when goes hence?

25. And lead us not into temptation

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