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Almost everyone has had the unpleasant experience of being bitten by a mosquito.
Mosquito bites can cause skin irritation through an allergic reaction of the mosquito’s saliva -
this is what causes the red bump and itching. But a more consequence of some mosquito bites
may be transmission of serious diseases and viruses such as malaria, dengue virus, Zika and
West Nile virus, which can lead to disabling and potentially deadly effects ( such as encephalitis,
meningitis and microcephaly).
Mosquitoes are considered pests because they carry so many diseases. But getting rid of
mosquitoes is difficult. One way is to drain the water out of ditches, swamps, and ponds where
they lay their eggs. Female mosquitoes bite to obtain the protein from blood that they use to
nourish their eggs, according to the Department of Health. Body odors and the carbon dioxide
exhaled through breath attract the mosquitoes. To destroy full-grown mosquitoes, insecticides
are sometimes used. Insecticides are powders or liquids for killing harmful insects. The
alternative way to prevent mosquito bites is using mosquito repellent. There are many types of
mosquito repellents such as lotion, spray, coil and etc.
Nowadays, there are many mosquito repellents to prevent us from being bitten by
mosquitoes and keep us from diseases carried by mosquitoes. however, many mosquito
repellents contain harmful chemicals such as DEET which can cause asthma, headaches,
irritation in the eyes, bronchial irritation, cough, cold, running nose and skin infections.
There are two types of mosquito repellent available, mosquito repellents made from
chemicals and organic mosquito repellents. Chemical mosquito repellents can bring bad effects
to humans while organic mosquito repellents are harmless to humans. However, it is very
difficult to find organic mosquito repellents in the marketplace. We can make our own organic
mosquito repellent with coffee and beeswax as a natural repellent.
According to the EPA, coffee grounds are a safe and effective way to keep mosquitos away.
Coffee can repel mosquitoes because it has a strong smell. Mosquitoes have a very strong sense
of smell. The smell of the coffee will bother the mosquitos and keep them away.We use beeswax
instead of paraffin because beeswax is better than paraffin in many aspects.
This study was conducted to answer these following problem:
1) Will this product be as effective and safer to use rather than the mosquito repellents on the
2) Why does beeswax do better than paraffin?


Most candles today are made of paraffin wax which creates highly toxic benzene and
toluene when burned (both are known carcinogens). In fact, the toxins released from paraffin
candles are the same as those found in diesel fuel fumes and are linked to asthma and lung
cancer. The environmental impact of paraffin should also be noted. Crude oil, being the origin of
paraffin wax, is considered highly unsustainable, being a non-renewable resource. It has also
been the cause of many environmental calamities, in oil spills, damage of natural habitats and
climate change.
Because beeswax has a higher melting point than other waxes, it emits the brightest, most
warm-toned flame. Beeswax candles also last longer than most other candles. Because it is so
dense (0.958), it burns slower and drips less, and many consider beeswax candles to be drip free.
And it is more safe than using paraffin wax.


The study will conducted to determine the effectiveness of beeswax as a better mosquito
repellent component. The children will benefit the most because they are kept away from bad
side effects of the chemical toxics which is dangerous for them. Through this study, the
knowledge of people regarding beeswax instead of paraffin candle mosquito repellent would be
increased and prevention could be done to avoid more serious damage to their children`s health.


The focus of this study is to determine the effectiveness of beeswax as insect repellent
media. Investigating the performance of these will be described by observation of two candles.
One candle wil be treated with paraffin wax and another candle is with beeswax. The study is
performed during the project work. The data used in research is gathered through observation
and evaporation technique.
Beeswax is a renewable all natural wax produced by honey bees. Its non-toxic properties
make it perfect for use as a clean burning and bright fuel source in beeswax candles. Unlike most
paraffin candles, beeswax is hypo-allergenic, which is great for people with allergies or
sensitivities and those of us who want clean burning candles in our homes.
Paraffin wax is a non-renewable wax created as a byproduct of petroleum, coal, or oil
shale. Paraffin is highly refined and treated with chemicals to force it into something that passes
as a usable product. It isn’t a clean or bright burning fuel source. Paraffin is not hypo-allergenic
and not great for people with allergies, asthma, or other chemical sensitivities.
Coffee is a brewed drink prepared from roasted coffee beans, the seeds of berries from
certain Coffea species. When coffee berries turn from green to bright red in color – indicating
ripeness – they are picked, processed, and dried.Dried coffee seeds (referred to as "beans") are
roasted to varying degrees, depending on the desired flavor. Roasted beans are ground and then
brewed with near-boiling water to produce the beverage known as coffee.

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