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Irregular verbs

2. it means to possess; own
4. to move through the air using wings
5. to become aware of (sounds, noises, etc.) by the ear.
7. a battle or combat
8. it is a synonym of drop
9. to compose or create (something) in words or pictures
10. to perform (an act, duty, role, etc.); to execute (a piece of work)
11. to divide with or as if with a sharp-edged instrument
12. to carry or cause (someone or something) to come toward the speaker;
16. to come to be without, as through accident
17. to approach or move toward someone or something
18. to send or cause to move by force; to cause and guide the movement of (a vehicle, etc.);
to operate:
19. to leave a place; depart:

1. to seize or capture, esp. after chasing
3. to have or keep in the hand; grasp
6. to take into the mouth and swallow for nourishment
7. it is an antonym of lose.
8. it is an antonym of remember.
11. to select from a number of possibilities; pick by preference
13 to cause bodily injury to; injure
14. to perceive or understand as fact or truth; to have in the mind clearly and with certainty
15. the price paid to buy, produce, or maintain anything

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