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Name:_________________________________ Date:_______________ Period:______

TED Ed Questions
Directions: After watch the video titled, “What is a calorie?” by Emma Bryce, answer the
following questions.
1. A portion of our consumed energy goes towards physical activity each day. Make a list of
all the daily activities you perform that you think would require this energy.

2. Explain what factors make our individual energy requirements so unique, and why you
think this is the case.

3. Calories are:
A) The same as fats
B) Units we use to measure the amount of energy in our food
C) A way of heating water
D) Special proteins

4. How much of the energy we consume goes towards supporting the body's basic functions?
A) 70%
B) 20%
C) 10%
D) 35%

5. Calorie estimates for people are based on:

A) How healthy people are, on average
B) How much sugar we need
C) How much exercise people do on average
D) Average weight, muscle mass, physical activity, and other factors

6. True or false: Everyone should eat exactly 2,000 calories a day if female, and 2,500
calories a day if male.
A) True
B) False

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