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Student 1: Work Sample

Achievement Proficient Developing Emerging

Criteria 15 10 5
Knowledge and Understanding The student correctly identified The student correctly identified The student did not correctly
(Healthy Choices) excellent healthy food choices some healthy food choices for 3 identify more than 2 healthy
for every meal and snack with a or more meals and some variety food choices for their meals
great variety in color and foods. in colors and foods. and/or snacks.

Transfer of Knowledge The student accurately The student described some The student did not describe the
(Explanation/Interpretation) described all the serving sizes correct serving sizes and serving sizes and included at
and included at most 5 of the 6 included at most 3 of the 6 most 1 of the 6 nutrients in each
nutrients in each meal. nutrients in each meal. meal.

Transfer of Knowledge The student was open to other The student was open to other The student was not open to
(Variety of choices) diet choices by showing a wide diet choices by showing at least other diet choices.
range of food types (i.e., 2 other food types (i.e.,
vegetarianism, paleo, keto, etc) vegetarianism, paleo, keto, etc)

(Students receive 5 points for handing in assignment on time, before the beginning of class the next
Total: 50 /50 Points

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