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(​After a long day tracking Shiroyama on the the Jijinto slums, Toshie reports to the Sword
and heads out to an onsen to have some peace to enter her ninja meditative trace. But it
was not peace what awaited her there... but dick Jigoku​)

Her long hair fell, wet and humid, all the way to her thin shoulder blades which glistened wet
with the wet water from the hot bath. Toshie sighed as her wet fingers worked on her neck
and shoulders to untie the knots that had knotted there, nimble fingers working like so many
nimble wombats burrowing deep into a wet warm hole in the earth which is like another way
of saying a cooch. She then wrung her wet hair to release the excess wetness and tied it on
a ponytail with a simple wooden pin,
which then became wet.

Toshie gasped when her spirit senses warned her of a dark, intense presence in her
surroundings. Following her instinct, her eyes turned towards the slightly ajar door, and
caught a fleeting glimpse of the rough-hewn chest and gruff jawline of the stranger prowling
around in the hot baths. With practiced ease, she stood and spun on herself, her belligerent
breasts swinging with fluid grace, nipples mendaciously mustering a malebolgian might. She
slid the shoji door open, revealing the jacketless Ronin (which is his pirate rapebaby name)
trembling with barely contained Perverted on the hallway.

<Perverted Test: Pass>

<Attunement has greatly increased>

The Sword who Cuts the Heavens was ashamed at being caught. But his shame made him
more cutting- cutting into the sex part. he stepped inside, and his rough-hewn chest
smushed into Tohsie’s like a baker's pin roll into bread dough made of tits. At the electrifying
contact of chests, Ronin almost had a dick Saint Vitus' dance.

"Toshie", Ronin whispered gruffly, his pulsating flesh katana pressing against Toshie's toned
thighs. "There is something I have kept hidden even from Satsuma and the kid. You are the
heaven I long to grab".
Toshie held her breath, looking into those prying eyes as if she expected to suddenly see
"I mean grab by the pussy" he added.

Toshie nodded, a bashful smile covering the blush on her dark Kondo skin. For too many
long nights, the heart of the Heartless Hound had longed for those words. Now that heart
leaped from her chest and bound and rose into the night sky, bathed in the mysterious glare
of the moonlight towards the welcoming velvet canopy of the night, her desire a golden ray
piercing with the first light of the dawn of a new future. Her coochie also dripped like a bitch,
Toshie moaned, her wet thighs now also wet with wet desire. "Sword who cuts the
Heavens... cut me open now"
Ronin, rough-hewn chest pulsing in the moonlight, stood silently.
"Oh, sorry", she added. "Sword who cuts the heaven, cut open my snooch. With your dick.

At hearing those grammatically correct but pragmatically sub-optimal words, Ronin flexed his
rough-hewn chest and Toshie found herself flung over to a bench by the sheer force of
Ronin´s marauding midriff. She parted her toned tights wet with wetness and desire and
exposed the soft, sakura-like petals of her slit.

Ronin entered her as if she was jailbait and he was Izo Uesugi. His bludgeoning blood
sausage battered inside of her and he was fulfilled with a bursting flood of sexual fulfillment.
Also, cock.
She clutched at the bench with agony and ecstasy and the curved first phalanx of his fingers
as a hooking contraption. Her concomitant cooch tightened and loosened with each meaty
thrust. Her beautiful arms spread beside her body like a majestic black swan that was
spreading her wings and someone was putting his dick inside the swan.

Then Ronin groaned, arched his back and had dick Jigoku. He pumped all his hot, peearly
rapebaby pirates as Toshie spasmed and cimaxed with all the climaxes!
The two laid still for a moment as the wet scent of wet sex rose like the vapor from the hot
springs. The Heartless Hound smiled, still aflush with orgasm. She glowed like contentment,
like the Shogi players that won with Kakuichi.
She walked across the room and picked up her wet towel wet with wet water. "Sword who
Cuts the Heavens", she said softly, "there is something that you must know".
But the bench was empty.

Ronin was gone, escaped through the back door. In the distance, Toshie heard the fading
sound of a marauding midriff.

(To be Continued in Brutal and Drifter 2: Masashi's Red Tush night)

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