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TEST I- ESSAY: Own word only please… (10 points each).

1. What is Document-
- This is a material contains a written or type writer to deliver a message with
someone or anything. Like for example Last will of testament, or public notes.

2. Public official-
- A public official this is a person who serve a job in a government, doing a job
under the rules of state and to protect civil person.
3. Class characteristics-
- This is the common pattern of the handwritten or the letters of some document

4. Significant characteristics-
- This is the handwritten of the person who write then if they re rewrite again they
same pattern on the first what did he write so they conspicuous of her written

5. Questioned document-
- This is a document related and involving to criminal litigation or who is the
person who counterfeit the document in illegal process will serve his criminal

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