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Q1. Each Excel file is a workbook that can hold many worksheets.

The worksheet is a grid of

columns (designated by letters) and rows (designated by numbers). The letters of the
columns are indicated in the blue buttons across the top of the worksheet. The numbers of
the rows are indicated in the blue buttons down the left of the worksheet. The intersection of
a column and a row is called a cell. You can input your data into the cells. Cells can contain
text, numbers, or formulas for automatic calculations. Each cell on the spreadsheet has a
cell address that is the column letter followed by the row number.

Q2. A full set of keyboard shortcuts is included in Siebel applications, but administrators can
change these keyboard shortcuts in Siebel Tools. For information about the keyboard
shortcuts available to you, contact your system administrator.

The following keys facilitate keyboard navigation in applications:

Arrow keys. Press the arrow keys to navigate within a widget (such as within a list applet,
within a form applet, within a drop-down list, and so on).

ENTER. Press ENTER to navigate to the screen if the focus is on the screen or to navigate
to the view if the focus is on the view.

ENTER key behavior in applets and dialog boxes. Pressing ENTER while focusing on a
control button results in the same behavior as clicking the control button.

ESC. Press ESC to close an interface element, such as a calendar control, a calculator
control, and so on, without saving changes in the interface element. Also, press ESC to
cancel an operation, such as an operation to create a query or to create a record.

ESC key behavior in applets and dialog boxes. A confirmation message appears (showing
the OK and Cancel buttons) when a user closes a dialog box by clicking Close (the X icon) in
the upper corner of the dialog box.

Press ENTER to close the confirmation message and the dialog box.

Press ESC to close the confirmation message and return to the original dialog box.

ESC key and Undo. Pressing ESC once performs a single undo operation. Pressing the
Undo key multiple times might generate multiple results depending on the user's previous
activity, including which user interface elements the user has interacted with.

TAB and TAB+SHIFT. Press TAB to navigate forward and TAB+SHIFT to navigate
backward between widgets (interface elements, such as the application-level menu and
application toolbar).

TAB and TAB+SHIFT moves the focus among widgets and standard HTML controls. For
example, pressing the TAB key in a typical List Form view moves the focus in the following
Application-level menu

Saved Queries/PDQ

Application toolbar

Visibility Filter

List applet menu

List applet buttons (one by one)

List column headers (one by one)

List applet grid first row first list column control

Form applet menu

Form applet buttons

Form applet controls (one by one)

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