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A.Y. 2021-2022



M arriage is a matrimonial ceremony

between a man and a woman to come
together in oneness. It is the beginning of
creating a new family. It is the mutual
intimacy and mutuality of two people
committing to a life-long offering of oneself
When you've decided on your cover story, come up with
to a spouse.
a list of topics for your feature articles. This can range
from interviews, product reviews, human interest pieces,
Our group stand is ANTI- SAME SEX Allowing same-sex marriage to proceed would,
and even lists. Think about what your audience would
MARRIAGE because we know, and we in our opinion, be immoral and might alter the
be interested in and get writing! Again, choose
believe, that marriage is very sacred. basic fabric of a true Filipino family. Consider
engaging photos and graphics to accompany your
Traditionally, it is only done between men this: if the law acknowledges homosexuality as the
words, as these also help catch your audience's eye.
and women and as to respect to our God who legal equivalent of heterosexuality, many things
created only two kinds or classification of willwriting
After alter dramatically.
all your articles and adding them to your
gender, Adam and Eve. In addition, the Take
layout, list downtwoall examples:
the titlessex
to education
set up yourcurricula
table of
Roman Catholic Church says by the Vatican and adaptation. The public
contents. You can add a brief descriptionschool sex education
for each
that they cannot bless same-sex marriages, no curriculum
article or keep would
it simplehave
andto teach
paste that
the homosexual
feature titles on
matter how stable or positive the couple and
the heterosexual
page. Don't forgetmarriages
your page are equal,
numbers something
relationships are. And in Vatican's view, the Philippine community strongly opposes.
same-sex marriages are not part of God's plan Finally, design your back page. Most magazines feature
for families and raising children. The a full-pageHomosexual
advertisement, which you're
couples also the
will have welcome
message, approved by Pope Francis, came in toright
do. Why not partner with a local business
to adopt children as heterosexual couples, and feature
their products?usNot
compelling your style?
to ignore what Simply include
we already know some
response to questions about whether the
contact information and tell your audience
be true: that it is far better for a child to be raised how to
church should reflect the increasing social
by a you. Add and
mother your father
social media
than by, handles, email,
say, two or
and legal acceptance of same-sex unions.
even any publication information
homosexuals. The Catholic Church and otheryou think they'd be
"Does the Church have the power to give the
interested in.
blessing to unions of persons of the same Christian denominations argue that same-sex
sex?" the question asked. marriage should never be legalized in the
"Negative," replied the Vatican's Philippines because it could have a negative
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, impact on society, and that practicing same-sex
which is responsible for defending Catholic marriage is immoral and against God's will. By no
doctrine. means we are opposed to same-sex marriage
Given that same-sex marriage is defined because we want to live in a society where
as the union of gays/lesbians of the same sex, immorality is removed and people obey God's
it may be upsetting to witness, hear, or allow commandments.
such a wedding to take place.
A.Y. 2021-2022



We have come to identify the cons of the

same sex marriage in support to our stand of
One of those cons of gay marriage cited
by people are that marriage is for procreation
(having children) and shouldn’t be extended
to same-sex couples since they are not able to
produce children together. There are
consequences for children of same-sex
marriages as children needs to have a male
father and a female mother. Same-sex Possibility of Tax Increase
marriages increase the chances of leading to With the tax benefits to be given to surviving
other unaccepted marriages and non- legal partners, this can be added expense for the
traditional marriages such as incest, government. Some people are thinking that with
polygamy, and bestiality. the legalization of same-sex marriage and the
When in decided
you've tax benefits, thecover
on your government
story, comewill
up be
Disadvantages of Gay Marriage prompted
a to raise
list of topics taxes
for your in order
feature to This
articles. afford
Affects Child Development from
added interviews,
expenses. product reviews, human interest pieces,
Even if gay parents are allowed to adopt or and even lists. Think about what your audience would
have children, having two parents of the same be interested in and
In conclusion, get writing!
our country Again, choose
the Philippines is
sex might not be healthy or what’s best for the engaging photos and graphics to
a Christian country more as a Roman Catholic accompany your
these also help
is ayour audience'sofeye.
separation the
children involved. These kids need both a
father and a mother image to have a balance church and the state, the lawmakers of the
After writing all
Philippines your articles
consider moralsand derived
adding themfromtotheyour
and normal childhood. Gender roles can be
layout, list down all the titles to set up your table of
hard to play especially if biological and Bible in legislating laws. That is why for us group,
contents. You can add a brief description for each
physical aspects are the issue if the Philippine government will legalize same-
article or keep it simple and paste the feature titles on
Burdens the Divorce System sex marriage, it would violate the religious
the page. Don't forget your page numbers too!
Another disadvantage of allowing gay freedom and values of the Filipino morality.
people to marry is the fact that when things Finally, design your back page. Most magazines feature
don’t work out and they file for divorce, they Our stand
a full-page as a group against
advertisement, whichsame-sex marriage
you're also welcome
will add to the number of cases pending in is that
to it devalues
do. Why traditional
not partner marriage
with a local and
business family.
and feature
court and the burden put on the legal system That family is the basic unit of society,
their products? Not your style? Simply include some and we
in terms of court proceedings for divorce, should not
contact change the
information and true essence
tell your of marriage
audience how to
alimony and child support will be doubled and family making same-sex marriage
reach you. Add your social media handles, email, to beor
while these problems would have been outlawed.
even any publication information you think they'd be
lessened if gay marriage were not legalized. interested in.
Prone to Bullying
Even if gay marriage is already legalized, DOMINICQ ADIQUE DANICA DOMUGHO
not all accept and embrace this practice, JHAY PERSON AVENDAÑO KAMILLE FRANCINE INDOYON
particularly kids. Opponents of gay marriage MARK DAVID CRUZ JEAN RENJAY LAPIRA
claim that making this marriage between ROWELLA DELA CRUZ LENNETH MONES
homosexuals legal can bring problems in the
future especially when children are involved.


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