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Draft of writing 2

My memorable experience that I could have was when I participated in the

international event of the American concrete institute in Canada, where I was
representing my university. Having won the national competition with my team,
we were preparing for the international competition. However, it wasn’t only
about preparing academically; furthemore, we also had to get the travel budget
and even get the visas.
First of all, this was an opportunity we had to seize. Therefore, we set
ourselves goals and we managed to secure the means to travel. Having taken
the first step, we started a great challenge. We were 5 people in our team.
However, only 2 could speak fluent english. Even though, we had 2
colleagues who spoke fluent english, the city where the event was held was in
Quebec what it means people speak french. So, we had to learn a few words in
french, but there were some stores where they spoke english.
Second of all, personal anecdotes. Having practiced a lot of english, it wasn’t
enough. Indeed, I had some funny anecdotes due to my bad pronunciation. For
example, asking the hotel receptionist for change, I pronounced the number
five like fight. The receptionist started joking with me, while I was embarrassed
and laughing. Another fun experience, buying coffee and the barista told me “To
go”, and my brain was processing that he meant delivery and I responded with
Finally, the day of the event. Having prepared for the presentation, we were
enjoying the event. Walking through the hotel lobby, I met other latinos such as
mexicans and colombians, who were very friendly. Meanwhile, they were telling
me about their experiences in the city. Beyond the competition, this event was
one of fellowship. The organizers gave us a lot of fun dynamics and it was all
very memorable.
To summarize: I learned from many cultures, including latinos and North
americans. We had a great performance; nevertheless, we came in 6th place
between 48 universities. Even though, it wasn’t the result we wanted, this
whole trip was a memory we will never forget.

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