Simple Present Tense Activity 1

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I. Complete the sentences. Fill in the blanks with a verb from the box

Cook Do Drink Eat Go Listen Play Read Sleep Watch Write

1. The children ……………… tennis on Saturdays

2. We usually …………………the newspaper in the morning.
3. I …………………………… my homework at night
4. I ………………………… pizza once a week
5. They ……………………… soap operas on TV
6. Babies ……………………12 hours a day
7. The girls usually …………dinner in the evening.
8. You …………………….. a letter to his pen friend every month.
9. They ………………………… to romantic songs
10. You usually …………………coffee
11. We ………………………. to work by bus every day.
II. “ S “ form. Make similar sentences using the subjects below the examples.

1. The boys brush their teeth three times a day.

2. We go to school
3. You always wash your car.
4. We catch the train every morning
5. They teach math
6. We go to the school every day
7. I wash the dishes
8. The boys fix TV sets
9. I miss Susan
10. You guess the future
11. We have money
12. They have good friends
13. We have a beautiful house
The dog
14. I have an expensive car
My child
15. We have interesting books

II. Look at the answers. Make the right questions

1. Yes, I have to work on Sunday

2. Yes, we speak English

3. Yes, the boys play tennis

4. Yes, we make cakes

5. Yes, Cats hate water

6. Yes, Cows eat grass

7. Yes, The boys go to school

8. Yes, They write emails

9. Yes, children like an ice cream

10. Yes, I brush my teeth twice a day

11. Yes, He catches the train every morning

12. Yes, He drives to work

13. Yes, He drives to work

14. Yes, He gets up early every day

15. Yes, He goes to the gym every day

16. Yes, It smells very delicious in the kitchen

17. Yes, It snows a lot in winter in Russia

18. Yes, Joe’s perfume smells very delicious

19. Yes, Julie talks very fast

20. Yes, Mary enjoys cooking

III. Answer No

1. Does Tom love this song No,

2. Does Susan take out the trash No,

3. Does my brother’s dog bark a lot No,

4. Does the cat run very fast No,

5. Does my Dad work on the weekends No,

6. Does Mary do the laundry No,

7. Does My father wash his cars. No,

8. Does Homer speak good English No,

9. Does Mike go to gym every day. No,

10. Does my mother cook No,

11. Do my sisters work at the theater No,

12. Do the girls do the ironing. No,

13. Do your sons live in London No,

14. Do the boys like Ice cream No,

15. Do you often forget your keys. No,

16. Do pigs like milk No,

17. Do you see Peter every day No,

18. Do they study German on Monday No,

19. Do the girls teach chemistry No,

20. Do you use a computer No,


During the last decades scientists have found a lot more evidence about animals' intelligence, both from
laboratory studies and from natural field observations.

Comparative psychologists investigate whether apes can comprehend symbols, other scientists study similar
abilities in sea mammals. Still others say that birds can form abstract concepts.

Researchers now do not have any doubt that apes can really learn signs that represent words and combine
them in different ways to form sentences. This implies a rudimentary possibility of communication.

However, it is not just in behavioral labs that animals show their intelligence, but also in the wild, Two
American zoologists have found that vervet monkeys in Kenya have at least, three distinct alarm calls: one for
snakes, one for eagles and one for leopards and that each one provokes a different response. The vervets
climb to the highest branches of a tree when they hear the leopard call but take cover on the ground with the
call for an eagle.

We must not think that animal intelligence is similar to humans. Different creatures have different forms of
abilities; dogs do not play chess or learn math, but we have a grossly inferior ability to recognize the world by
smells. Besides dogs trained to help disabled people learn up to 89 different commands. They press elevator
buttons, turn lights on and off, even get food out of the refrigerator.

Do you imagine a cat helping a human cross the street? Impossible! But it does not mean that the cat does not
have intelligence, just that it has different aptitudes from a dog or human. The cat's legendary ability to find its
way home reflects not only a superb visual memory, but a very peculiar sense of smell.

All of this raises questions about our own place in the animal kingdom and it seems that thinking is not a
special power that puts us apart from the rest of nature, but a biological adaptation that we have in common
with much of the animal world.
I. Copy 12 sentences in the simple present tense and give their equivalent in Spanish

1. __________________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________________________

6. __________________________________________________________________________

7. __________________________________________________________________________

8. __________________________________________________________________________

9. __________________________________________________________________________

10. __________________________________________________________________________

11. __________________________________________________________________________

12. __________________________________________________________________________

II. Answer the following questions with complete ideas

1. Where do scientists make their observations?

2. Name 3 aspects that comparative psychologists investigate?

3. What do the researchers say about the monkeys and what does it imply?

4. Name two things the dog can't do and one thing he can do better than us?

5. How many calls does the vervet monkey have, what is each of them for and how does he react to them?

6. What the number 89 refers to

7. Name 3 things that dogs can do?

8. What is the outstanding ability that a cat has?

9. What is thought?

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