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13/2/22, 00:08 Task 1 - How much do I know?

- Evaluation quiz: Attempt review

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Task 1 - How much do I know? - Evaluation quiz

Started on Saturday, February 12, 2022, 11:58 PM

State Finished
Completed on Sunday, February 13, 2022, 12:08 AM
Time taken 9 mins 50 secs
Grade 20.0 out of 25.0 (80%)
Feedback <p>Muy bien</p>

Question 1

0.0 points out of 2.0

Reading Cloze, Lexical Expository Texts

Read the following text  and choose the answer that best completes each space in the  paragraph.
_____ summer I went to Spain. On the first day, I _____ to a restaurant with a wonderful view of the city. On the second
day, I visited museums and saw many pictures. Third and last day, I spent a ______ day in a beautiful beach called

a. On-visits-all

b. Ago-spent-a little

c. Last-went-whole 

Question 2

2.0 points out of 2.0

Match the words and the definition or use:

When you are thirsty you order this in a restaurant.

a. Main course

b. Beverages

c. Dessert 1/7
13/2/22, 00:08 Task 1 - How much do I know? - Evaluation quiz: Attempt review

Question 3


2.0 points out of 2.0

Language in context
Choose the option that best completes the conversation
A: Does this t-shirt suit you?


a. Yes, I would like to buy those jeans.

b. No, I would like to talk to the manager.

c. No, I would like to try a bigger one.

Question 4


0.0 points out of 2.0

Grammar in context

Select the word that best completes the sentence:

 I think my bird ____ fly, but it can’t ____

a. Don’t / sing

b. Can’t / eat.

c. Can / swim .

Question 5 

2.0 points out of 2.0

Grammar in context

Select the word that best completes the sentence:

I ___ travelling to San Andrés, because there ___ many places to visit.

a. like / are

b. dislike / is not

c. hate / is 2/7
13/2/22, 00:08 Task 1 - How much do I know? - Evaluation quiz: Attempt review

Question 6


2.0 points out of 2.0

Reading Informative Texts

Choose the correct answer according to the text:

The Statue of Liberty, is a popular tourist attraction for first-time visitors to the city. This 150-foot monument was gifted
to the United States from France in order to celebrate 100 years of America’s independence. The statue is located on
Liberty Island, and it is accessible by taking a ferry from either Battery Park in New York City or Liberty State Park in
Jersey City.

Why did France give America the Statue of Liberty? 

a. To celebrate the end of the civil war.

b. To conclude a union between the two countries.

c. To celebrate a century of America’s independence.

Question 7


2.0 points out of 2.0

Grammar in context

Select the word that best completes the sentence:

________, the company built a new factory, which ______ millions of dollars.

a. Today / pay

b. Tomorrow / donated 

c. Last year / cost

Question 8

2.0 points out of 2.0

Match the words and the definition or use:

 It is a sport that you can practice in the water

a. Football

b. Baseball

c. Swimming 3/7
13/2/22, 00:08 Task 1 - How much do I know? - Evaluation quiz: Attempt review

Question 9


2.0 points out of 2.0

Language in context
Choose the option that best completes the conversation
A: Are you the tallest in your classroom?


a. Yes, I am sure Carlos is the tallest.

b. Yes, I'm taller than the rest of the class.

c. No, my dad is the tallest one.

Question 10


1.0 points out of 1.0

Reading Informative, Expository, Argumentative Texts

Read the following article and choose the option that bests answers the question.

Jo Sixteen - What now?

You are 16 years old, and finally you can leave school! You need to think carefully about what to do next. If you
want a professional career, you will need to go to university and get a degree. There are many options in the
district of Northacre. St. Leopold’s School offers a great variety of subjects in humanities and sciences. It is a
private school. Knowle Grammar School is a state school, so you don't need to pay. However, you’ll have to pass
an exam to be accepted. Wyle River Academy is a place where you can study subjects like Business Studies, 

Management and Economics. Northacre College is good for arts. Here you can study woodwork, art, textiles and

much more. Milldown College for outdoor activities is a great idea! There are courses in Farm Mechanics, Land
Management, Animal Management and much more. Finally, getting an apprenticeship with a local or national

company can be another possibility. You will get training, gain certificates or diplomas and start earning at the
same time. Find out more at the Jobs Fair on 26th May at Northacre College. 
Based on the reading, Anna wants to work with horses. Where is the best place for her to study?

a. Wyle River Academy

b. Milldown College

c. Northacre College 4/7
13/2/22, 00:08 Task 1 - How much do I know? - Evaluation quiz: Attempt review

Question 11


1.0 points out of 1.0

Reading Informative, Expository, Argumentative Texts

Read the following article and choose the option that bests answers the question.

John Bull is a literary and cartoon character created to personify Britain by Dr. John Arbuthnot in 1712 and
popularized first by British print makers and then overseas by illustrators such as American cartoonist Thomas

Bull is usually portrayed as a stout man in a tailcoat with breeches and a Union Jack waistcoat. He also wears a
low topper (sometimes called a John Bull topper) on his head and is often accompanied by a bulldog. John Bull
has been used in a variety of different ad campaigns over the years, and is a common sight in British editorial
cartoons of the 19th and early 20th centuries.
The cartoon image of stolid stocky conservative and well-meaning John Bull, dressed like an English country
squire, sometimes explicitly contrasted with the conventionalized scrawny, French revolutionary sans-culottes
Jacobin, was developed from about 1790 by British satirical artists James Gillray, Thomas Rowlandson and
George Cruikshank.
John Bull was also one of the names of a series of British periodicals.
Based on the reading, it is possible to say that:

a. John Bull topper can be defined as a dress.

b. John Bull topper can be defined as a holiday.

c. John Bull topper can be defined as a meal.

Question 12


1.0 points out of 1.0 

Reading Informative Texts

Choose the correct answer according to the text:

Carolina writes an email to her friend about work:

"Hi Cristina, I am sorry I haven’t called you for so long. How are you? How is your new apartment? I have been very busy
at work. I arrive at the office at 7 am and leave at around 6:30 pm. I just get half an hour for lunch and a five-minute
break in the morning and in the afternoon. I am very tired when I get home, so I just eat, watch some television and go
to bed. In the office, I am on the phone all day, listening to customer complaints and entering them into our computer
system. At the end of the day I have to write a summary of all the calls I received during the day and give my boss a
status on the complaints that are not yet resolved. I do not know how much longer I can do this. I need a vacation, or
even better, I need another job! I’ll call you this weekend.


What does Carolina listen almost all day at work?

a. She listens to customer service all day.

b. She listens to customer complaints.

c. She listens to her friends all day. 5/7
13/2/22, 00:08 Task 1 - How much do I know? - Evaluation quiz: Attempt review

Question 13


2.0 points out of 2.0

Reading Informative, Expository, Argumentative Texts

Read the following article and choose the option that bests answers the question.

John Bull is a literary and cartoon character created to personify Britain by Dr. John Arbuthnot in 1712 and
popularized first by British print makers and then overseas by illustrators such as American cartoonist Thomas
Bull is usually portrayed as a stout man in a tailcoat with breeches and a Union Jack waistcoat. He also wears a
low topper (sometimes called a John Bull topper) on his head and is often accompanied by a bulldog. John Bull
has been used in a variety of different ad campaigns over the years, and is a common sight in British editorial
cartoons of the 19th and early 20th centuries.
The cartoon image of stolid stocky conservative and well-meaning John Bull, dressed like an English country
squire, sometimes explicitly contrasted with the conventionalized scrawny, French revolutionary sans-culottes
Jacobin, was developed from about 1790 by British satirical artists James Gillray, Thomas Rowlandson and
George Cruikshank.
John Bull was also one of the names of a series of British periodicals.
Based on the reading, it is possible to say that:

a. Dr. John Arbuthnot is John bull's father.

b. Dr. John Arbuthnot is John bull's uncle.

c. Dr. John Arbuthnot is John bull's cousin.

Question 14


1.0 points out of 1.0 

Match the words and the definition or use:

 When you talk about a sport in which a person jumps from an aircraft and falls for as long as possible before opening
a parachute. You talk about:

a. Skydiving

b. Badminton

c. Ice skating 6/7
13/2/22, 00:08 Task 1 - How much do I know? - Evaluation quiz: Attempt review

Question 15


0.0 points out of 1.0

Reading Informative, Expository, Argumentative Texts

Read the following article and choose the option that bests answers the question.
Experts believe that an infected animal may have first transmitted the Coronavirus to humans at a market that sold live
fish, animals and birds in Wuhan. The market was later shut down and disinfected, making it nearly impossible to
investigate which animal may have been the exact origin.

Bats are considered a possible source, because they have evolved to coexist with many viruses, and they were found to be
the starting point for SARS. It is also possible that bats transmitted the virus to an intermediate animal, such as pangolins,
which are consumed as a delicacy in parts of China, and may have then passed on the virus to humans.

The outbreak grew because of human-to-human transmission.

Based on the reading, firstly, coronavirus was transmitted by: 

a. Pangolins.

b. Bats

c. Live fish, animals, and birds.

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