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Task 2 - Composition An environmental Fable

Presented by:

Luis Daniel Triana Palacios

C.C. 1113641179

Presented to:

Angélica María Pinto



Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia “UNAD”

March 2022

Palmira Valle del Cauca

➢ After reading the text, summarize the main points of the fable in the forum as follow:

1. How the town was at the beginning

R// It was a town located in America where the streams flowed clear and cold,
where the cereal fields were prosperous, where the harmony around them was

2. How it is now

At present, a rare plague took hold that has caused the cattle and sheep to get sick
and die. the farmers have died and the doctors do not know what kind of diseases
are causing these events it is said that it was something evil that caused all this

3. How it is predicted to be in the future

Sadly, nothing is expected of what it was one day, since as a consequence the
beautiful streams will never again sprout or the cereal fields will become an
unavoidable terrain and will become a desert.

4. A fable is a story with a lesson; so, in your opinion What is the lesson that this
fable teaches? (One or two lines)
This fabulous leaves us as a teaching that nothing is forever if you don't know how
to take care of it, unfortunately human beings only learn when things happen to us
and there is no longer a solution.

Table 1. Brainstorming

what i was one day
city rich in flora and fauna resources

Destruction of the flora with the felling of

trees poisoning of the fauna through food

that is not fit for consumption

The way your region, town or city was

before. My region was an area full of rivers and a

lot of flora and fauna where only the songs

of the birds and the sound of the flows

were heard.

The way it I snow

Thanks to the evolution of man, it has been

evidenced in the few forests that are

evident in my region, we are full of

buildings and factories that the only thing

they contribute is a great pollution that

causes a high degree of damage to the

atmosphere causing global warming.

Predictions how it will be in the future.

The future is uncertain they say out there

but sadly if we continue killing our home

we will only be left with a desert where

nothing and no one can live in it

 According to the information above, write a three-paragraph fable where you
explain how overharvesting and/or industrialization have affected the region where
you live, use pictures to illustrate your fable (you can take as example the text “a
fable for tomorrow”)

what i was one day

Somewhere in the mountain there was a little piece of land full of a lot of flora and fauna, a

river that overflowed with fish and an indescribable tranquility.

As time passed, the villages came to inhabit

and use the resources that the land and life offered them. for years they lived increasing in

turn the number of people who used the resources of this beautiful mountain
The resources of the mountain began to be not enough for them, which generated

uncertainty and surplus in the inhabitants, causing them to start giving things to the

animals, the chickens so that they would produce more eggs and the fish so that they would

reproduce more.

This led over time to the spread of a plague among the animals of a disease that was caused

by the food they ate, then it reached humans, the children began to die and the elderly were

very few who survived and in its wake the Fauna disappeared and the only river that existed

was contaminated, leaving in its wake a mountain that was once beautiful, turned into a

mountain full of larvae and boils.

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