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Apollo D.

Advincula Jr BSA 2 – C06

Sunday mass reflection

Today’s Gospel. The Lord tells us to open our hearts, to see with the height of the

world. In the material world, we only believe

what we see in our own two eyes, which

specifically means that we only see the

exterior, we judge people solely based on

prejudice that they have done something wrong on the surface without even going

deeper to see the cause. Then, we devilified

them as if they were not human but demons.

The worst is, we didn’t even verify ourselves in

the mirror if we have the right to judge them.

See yourself first in the mirror, before you Judge others. The Lord specifies that we can

see a lot of things if we just open our hearts. Thus, not only see with the eyes or ears.

But see with our hearts. There is goodness in every person. Therefore, open your heart

and see it with a smile.

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