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Research in Education Questions India’s #1 Learning Platform Start Complete Exam Preparation PRG pm aa aad estoy Corres eau Exotica? D> Download App MCQ Question 1 DR g) Reo aR ces ae View this Question Online > Which of the following represents the distinctive feature of qualitative research? 1. Perspective based, inductive and meaning giving 2. Hypothesis based, deductive and testing 3. Deductive cum inductive based approach and generalization 4, Deductive inquiry with focus and hypotheses being tested Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 1 : Perspective based, inductive and meaning giving Research in Education MCQ Question 1 Detailed Solution Research is a systematic inquiry towards understanding a complex social phenomenon or a process. Based on the research problem, the selection of research methods by the researcher may vary. There are two types of research on the basis of a process i.e Quantitative research and Qualitative research. Qualitative research: + The objective is to explore a phenomenon to gain understanding by diving deeper into the problem. + The quality of data rather than quantity is given importance. + Used qualitative methods of data collection such as interviews, focus groups, observation, etc. + Itis spiral in nature. * The researcher starts with observation and ends with a theoretical position based on the facts, data, and his/her perception. + It moves from specific to theory. Therefore, itis inductive in nature. + A subject is studied in depth. + The conclusions are descriptive rather than predictive. + Believes in the interpretivism paradigm end disregards the positivist assumptions and statistical data analysis. + The behavioral aspect of people is studied. (thoughts, beliefs, attitude, values, etc) rr #1 Learning Platform Start Complete Exam Preparation Pee RR et Ree aet Download App Capertee MCQ Question 2 View this Question Online » Identify the probability sampling procedures from the following: A. Quota sampling B. Stratified sampling C. Dimensional sampling D. Cluster sampling E. Systematic sampling Choose the correct answer from the option given below: 1. A,Band Conly 2. B,CandDonly 3. B, Dand E only 4, C,DandEonly Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 3: B, D and E only Research in Education MCQ Question 2 Detailed Solution The concept of sampling involves selecting a portion (sample) from a bigger group (the sampling population). There are three methods of sampling in research: 1. Random/Probability Sampling 2. Non-tandom/Non-probability Sampling 3. ‘Mixed’ Sampling Random/Probability Sampling: In this type, each element in the population has an equal and independent chance of selection in the sample. 1. Simple Random Sampling: It is the most popular of the probability sampling methods. The idea of randomization implies that sample selection Is independent of humen judgment. 2. Stratified Random Sampling: It combines randomization with stratification. Here, the population is divided into strata, the population within each stratum is homogeneous with respect to the characteristic based on which it is being stratified and such characteristics must be identifiable in the study population (e.9. age, income, sex, etc.) 3. Cluster Sampling: It is based on the ability of the researcher to divide the sampling population into groups, called clusters and then to select elements within each cluster, using the simple random sampling technique. It is appropriate when the population is large. 4. Systematic sampling - It is also called sequence random sampling. in which the first sample will be random and based on the first selection of sample rest are selected. In this method order of all the units in the sampling frame are based on some variable and every unit on the list is selected. Gaps between elements or units are equal and constant which means there Is periodicity order. additional Information Types of Non-Random/Non-Probability Sampling Designs: These designs do not operate on the principle of randomization rather these are used when the number of elements in the population is either unknown or cannot be individually identified, 1. Accidental Sampling: It is clso based upon convenience in accessing the sampling population. People who are unwilling to provide data are simply ignored and the researcher moves to the next person until he/she meets somebody who is willing to be a participant. You stop collecting data when you reach the required number of respondents you decided to have in your sample. 2. Judgment/Purposive Sampling: The primary consideration in purposive sampling is the researcher's judgment as to who can provide the best information to achieve the objectives of your study. The researcher will only go to those people who in his opinion is likely to have the required information and will be willing to share it 3. Snowball Sampling: It is also called network or chain referral sampling. To start with, the researcher identifies a small number of respondents having a set of characteristics of interest to the researcher. After collecting the required data from those respondents, the same respondents are asked to identify others having the same characteristics set. E.g,, collecting data from drug addicts, rape victims, etc. 4. Quota Sampling: The researcher is guided by some visible characteristic, such as gender or race, of the study population that is of interest to him. The sampleis selected from a location that is convenient and easily accessible to the researcher and whenever a person with this visible relevant characteristic is seen that person is asked to participate in the study. 5. Dimensional Sampling: It is an extension of quota sampling where the researcher takes into account several characteristics such as gender, residence, education, etc. and ensures that there is at least one individual in the study representing each of the chosen characteristics ee ar eae PS Ela Orel tM ee Teh) Doe Peo fed f wah acs CC caer Corre eau Download App exer ary MCQ Question 3 View this Question Online > Identify the qualitative research designs from the list given below: i) Exploring common experiences of individuals to develop a theory ii) Controlling. manipulating. observing and measuring the effect iii) Exploring the shared culture of a group of people iv) Exploring individual stories to describe the lives of people v) Extending generalizations from sample to population Select the correct answer from the following options: 1. 1) Il) and w) 2. 1),ti) and til) 3. ii) ili) and v) 4. ii). iv) andv) Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 1: i), iii) and iv) Research in Education MCQ Question 3 Detailed Solution ‘Qualitative research + Itis grounded in the assumption that individuals construct social reality in the form of meanings and interpretations, and that these constructions tend to be transitory and situational. + Qualitative research typically involves qualitative data, i.e., data obtained through methods such as interviews, on-site observations, and focus groups that are in narrative rather than numerical form. Such data are analyzed by looking for themes and patterns. + Itinvolves reading, re-reading, and exploring the data. + Qualitative research is defined as a market research method that focuses on obtaining data through open-ended and conversational communication. This method is not only about ‘what” people think but also “why” they think so. Qualitative Research Designs: * Qualitative research methods are designed in a manner that helps reveal the behaviour and perception of a target audience with reference to a particular topic. + The results of qualitative metho more descriptive and the inferences can be drawn quite easily from the data that is obtained. qualitative research methods like an in-depth interview, focus groups, ethnographic research, c analysis, case study research that are usually used * Qualitative research designs aim at exploring experiences, culture, stories, ideologies, etc. to understand social and behavioural sciences. + Qualitative research focuses on understanding a research query as a humanistic or idealistic approach. Thus, option 1 is the correct answer. © Ad ional Information Features of Qualitative research + Mainly for exploratory purposes and to generate hypotheses. + The usual purpose is to generate a range and variety of data + The methods of inquiry are informal and flexible + The researcher usually starts with only a broad indication of the information objectives of the project, but with a clear understanding of the overall purpose of the research. + The researcher usually works from a list of the topics to be covered, but the course of each ‘interview’ will be influenced by the respondent. + Probability sample techniques are used in data collection + Data gathering to take place with top-down systematic evidence + Data collection with bottom-up empirical evidence is considered critical in this research. The aim of bottom-up studies, in contrast, is rather to give an accurate empirical description and explanation of the interactions and problem-solving strategies of actors involved in policy delivery. Many of the bottom-up studies do not go beyond providing descriptive accounts of a large mount of discretion available to implementers. + Based on small numbers of respondents who take part individually or in small groups. + It cannot be known how true the findings are of the population from which the respondents are drawn + Data collection is usually handled by research professionals. + Use of standardized research tools. + A qualitative project cannot be repeated exactly, because every data collection event in a project is different. + The findings can rarely be expressed in statistical form Analysis and conclusion rely heavily on the researcher's perceptions and interpretation skills fe TERE ane tapi Start Complete Exam Preparation aR re eoe arsed ica Exirz RO caer [eestor Download App MCQ Question 4 View this Question Online > The ability of an acceptance sampling plan to distinguish between good and bad lots of products is known from its 1. Trend graph 2. Quality history 3. OC curve 4. None of these Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 3: OC curve Research in Education MCQ Question 4 Detailed Solution Explanation: Acceptance sampling: Acceptance sampling is the process of evaluating a portion of the product/material in a lot for the purpose of accepting or rejecting the lot as either conforming or not conforming to a quality specification. Operating Characteristic (0C) curve: The operating characteristic curve for an attribute sampling plan is a graph of fraction defective in a lot against the probability of acceptance. For any fraction defective p in a submitted lot, The OC curve shows the probability P, that such a lot will be accepted by the sampling plan. Ina sampling plan, three parameters are specified, N-= lot size from which the samples are drawn, n= sample size, C= acceptance number It means, takes a random sample of n from a lot of N if the sample contains more than C defective, rejects the lot otherwise accept the lot. Accept able Quality) Indifferent Region) Quality Region jectionable Probability of ace Consumer's Qual risk Oo AQL LTPD 1.0 Proportion of defectives (P) —> OC Curve There are two terms on the OC curve: Producer's risk: + If the quality is good still from the sampling plan some lots are rejected the producer has to suffer. + The producer risk is the probability of rejecting a good lot that otherwise would have been accepted. Consumer's or Purchaser's risk: + if the quality is bad still from the sampling plan some lots are to be accepted the consumer will ‘suffer. * Consumer's risk is the probability of defective lots being accepted which otherwise would have been rejected. & ee aN eur Realy Start Complete Exam Preparation aoe on po Cresent Download App MCQ Question 5 View this Question Online > In quantitative research paradigm which of the following sampling methods are given preference? A. Simple random sampling B. Stratified sampling C. Quota sampling D. Snowball sampling E. Systematic sampling es Ve er ee ee eee ee 1. A,BandConly 2. A,Band E only 3. B, Cand Donly 4. C,Dand Eonly Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 2: A,B and E only Research in Education MCQ Question 5 Detailed Solution Sampling: + Sampling is the selection of a subset (a statistical sample) of individuals from within a statistical population to estimate characteristics of the whole population. Statisticians attempt for the samples to represent the population in question. CB key Points There are two types of sampling ‘Sampling (Methods + Simple Random Sampling * Systematic Sampling Probability + Stratified Sampling ‘sampling + Probability Proportional to Size Sampling + Cluster or Multistage Sampling + Poisson sampling + Accidental sampling /grab/ convenience / opportunity sempling 'Non-probability + Quota sampling ‘sampling + Purposive sampling + Voluntery Sampling + Snowball sampling Quantitative Research; + It is used to quantify the problem by way of generating numerical data or data that can be transformed into usable statistics. * itis used to quantify attitudes, opinions, behaviours, and other defined variables — and generalize results from a larger sample population. + Quantitative Research uses measurable data to formulate facts and uncover patterns in research. + Quantitative data collection methods are much more structured than Qualitative data collection methods. + Quantitative data collection methods include various forms of surveys - online surveys, paper surveys, mobile surveys and kiosk surveys, face-to-face interviews, telephone interviews, longitudinal studies, website interceptors, online polls, and systematic observations. + The probability method is the best representative in quantitative research. So, the correct answer is A, B, and Eonly. ut Biimportant Point sampling Description ‘Simple + Ina simplerandom sample, every member of the population has an equal chance of random) being selected + Your sampling frame should include the lsampli whole population. + This sampling method {s appropriate when | the population has mixed characteristics, and you want to ensure that every characteristic is proportionally represented In the sample. + You divide the population into subgroups (called strata) based on the relevant characteristic (e.g. gender, age range, income bracket, job role). \Stratifia sampling + In this method, the population is first ie segmented into mutually exclusive sub- groups, just as in stratified sampling. ta Dimension sampling is a part of it. itt Quota lsampling + If the population is hard to access, snowball sampling can be used to recruit Snowball participants via other particioants. + The number of people you have access to sampling “snowballs” as you get in contact with more people. + This method is similar to simple random. . sampling, but ts usvally slighty easier to. | yyy Systematic conduct. | Se te ee ee ee ee with a number, but instead of randomly generating numbers, individuals are chosen at regular intervals. & eS eee ari pee tciia) Beane os Start Complete Exam Preparation ears feed maa Exot DCS tier cy Cresta Download App MCQ Question 6 View this Question online > JP Naik has described as the elusive triangle in Indian education. 1. equity, equality and quantity 2 equivalence, unity and quantity 3. equality, quality and quantity 4. equality, quality'and integrity Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 3 : equality, quality and quantity Research in Education MCQ Question 6 Detailed Solution JP Naik was in the field of Indian educetion for more than four decades and a central figure for the last ‘twenty years. He was the largest single influence in originating and promoting Indian educational research, institutionalizing educational innovations and reforms, and also in educational planning and policy-making. @ Key Points + Elusive triangle in education is the simultaneous pursuit of equality of opportunity and improvement of standards in the face of scarce resources that confronts Indian education with a dilemma common to many countries. + J.P. Naik, the great educationist, called education an “elusive triangle", with equality, quality, and quantity forming the three sides, none of which can stand without the other two, in his paper titled Equality, Quality, and Quantity: The Elusive Triangle in Indian Education. + In this, he discussed the educational opportunity, compulsory education, moder education, and qualitative improvement of Indian education. + When ‘elite India’ and its policymakers rejected the dimension of equality, the triangle collapsed and the country has landed itself at the bottom of the human development index table Therefore, according to JP Naik equality, quality and quantity form an elusive triangle. ra ieee an ru par iela) Start Complete Exam Preparation record pm maa alae iets am Ga ces CBee aR ec stc Download App MCQ Question 7 View this Question Online > In the process of drawing a random sampling which of the following process is in order of sequence? 1. Define target population, decide sample size, list all the units of target population and drawing the sample by randomization. 2. Decide sample size, define the target population, list the units of target population and select the sample by randomization. 3. List all the units of target population, decide sample size, define the population and apply randomization. 4. Drawing sample by randomization, decide sample size, define target population and list all units of target population. Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 1 : Define target population, decide sample size, list all the units of target population and drawing the sample by randomization. Research in Education MCQ Question 7 Detailed Solution ‘A“sample” is a miniature representation of and selected from a larger group or aggregate. The sample provides a specimen picture of a larger whole. This larger whole Is termed as the “population” or “universe”. In research, this term is used in a broader sense; it is a well-defined group that may consist of individuals, objects, characteristics of human beings, or even the behavior of inanimate objects, such as, the throw of a dice or the tossing of a coin ‘Sampling is the selection of representative of a small group (sample) from the population. The method used for drawing a sample is significant to arrive at dependable results or conclusions. The various sampling methods can be broadly classified into two categories: Probability Sampling and Non-probability Sampling. ‘Simple or unrestricted random sampling: + Simple random sampling is a method of selecting a sample from a finite population in sucha way that every unit of the population is given an equal chance of being selected. + In practice, you can draw a simple random sampie unit by unit through the following steps: 1. Define the population 2. Decide the size of the sample or the number of units to be inciuded in the sample. 3. Make alist of all the units in the population and number them from 1 to n. 4. Use either the ‘lottery method’ or ‘random number tables’ to pick the units to be included in the sample. + For example, 1. you may use the lottery method to draw a random sample by using a set of 'n' tickets, with numbers ‘1 ton’ if there are in’ units in the population. 2. After shuffling the tickets thoroughly, the sample of required size, say x, is selected by picking the required x number of tickets. 3. The units which have the serial numbers occurring on these tickets will be considered selected. 4, The assumption underlying this method is that the tickets are shuffled so that the population can be regarded as arranged randomly. Hence, Define the target population, decide sample size, list all the units of the target population, and drawing the sample by randomization is the process of drawing samples in a simple random sampling. Pee sea perl ea See CM Clue eel) eae eras Exot r eae es Download App MCQ Question 8 View this Question Online > Which of the following is the correct order of measurement scales in increasing order of accuracy, precision and number of operations used? 1. Ratio, interval, nominal, ordinal 2. Ordinal, ratio, interval, nominal 3. Interval, ordinal, ratio, nominal 4. Nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 4: Nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio Research in Education MCQ Question 8 Detailed Solution Measurement is the process of assigning numbers to objects and events in accordance with a set of rules. To grasp the full impact of measurement, it is important to understand the conceot of a measurement scale. There are several different kinds of scales: nominal, ordinal, interval, end ratio. Scales of Measurement: 1) Nominal (Label or category): + With anominailScale, numbers are assigned to objects or events simply for identification purposes. + For example, participants in various sports have numbers on their jerseys that quickly allow spectators, referees, and commentators to identify them. This identification is the sole purpose of the numbers. + Labeling or naming allows us to make qualitative distinctions or to categorize and then count the frequency of persons, objects, or things in each category. 2) Ordinal (Rank order): + An ordinal scale allows us to rank-order events. + Original numbers are assigned to the order, such as first, second. third, and soon. + For example, grades such as “A.” 'B,"‘C,""D’ and "F"; scores are given in terms of high, medium, and low; birth order in terms of firstborn, second-born, of later-born; a list of examination scores from highest to lowest; a list of job candidates ranked from high to low; and a list of the ten best- dressed persons + For example, a researcher may pose a question to a teacher as follows: > How aggressive has Johnny been in your classroom this week? Notat all Somewhat Very 1 2 3 4 5 > Although most psychological scales are probably ordinal, psychologists assume that many of the scales have equal intervals end act accordingly. + The difference in the level of aggression between a score of 1 and a score of 2 is about the same as the difference in the level of aggression between a score of 2 and a score of 3, and so on. » Many researchers believe that these scales do approximate equality of intervals reasonably well, and itis unlikely thet this essumption will lead to serious difficulties in interpreting our findings. 3) Interval (Rank order + Equal Intervals): + When we can specify both the order of events and the distance between events, we have an interval scale. + The distance between any two intervals on this type of scale is equal throughout the scale. + The central shortcoming of an interval scale is its lack of an absolute zero point—a location where the user 5- 8 can say that there is a complete absence of the variable being measured This type of scale often has an arbitrary zero point, sometimes called an anchor point. + For example, = scores on intelligence tests are considered to be on an interval scale. > With intelligence test scores, the anchor point is set at a mean IQ value of 100 with a standard deviation (SD) of 15. > A score of 115 is just as far above the mean (one SD) as a score of 85 is below the mean (one SD). Because we have a relative zero point and not an absolute one, we cannot say that a person with an IQ of 120s twice as intelligent as a person with an IQ of 60. itis simply not meant to do so. + Some additional examples of interval scales are both the centigrade and Fahrenheit scales of temperature, altitude (zero is sea level rather than the center of the earth), and scores on a depression scale or an anxiety scale. 4) Ratio (Rank order + Equal Intervals + Absolute zero) + Aratio scale has a number of properties that the others do not. With ratio scales, we can identify rank order, equal intervals, and equal ratios—two times as much, one-helf as much + Ratios can be determined because the zero points are absolute, a true anchor—the complete absence of a property. + Zero weight or height means the complete absence of weight or height. A 100-pound person has one-half the weight of 2 200-pound person and twice the weight of 50-pound person. We can say these things because we know that the starting points for these dimensions or measures are 0. + For example, you might measure a child's aggressive behavior by counting the number of times that the child inflicts physical harm on another person during a one-week observation period. Clearly, 10 incidents would be twice as many as 5, and 0 incidents would represent the absence of the variable you are measuring, Frequency counts that represent the number of times that a particular event occurred are @ common example of measurement on a ratio scale, But be careful not to confuse this use of frequency with the use of frequency as a summary statistic for data measured on a nominal scele (how many times observations fit a particular category). Decision tree to determine the appropriate scale of measurement: Question 1 Is there any order to the numbers? No Question 2: Nominal Are there equal interval Scale between adjacent numbers?| No . Question 3: Ontinal Is there an absolute zero? Scale Interval Scale Hence, the Nominal < ordinal < interval < ratio is the correct order of measurement scales in increasing order of accuracy, precision, and the number of operations used. The distinction among scales becomes of particular importance when we conduct statistical analyses of data. Underlying statistical tests are various assumptions, including those relating to the scale of measurement. In other words, the scele of measurement for a variable can determine the most appropriate type of statistical analysis of the data. < eee ea arc Start Complete Exam Preparation Cae aR Soca capes Pac Mock Tests as sco Corre eau Eats Download App MCQ Question 9 View this Question Online > Which of the following research designs is the most appropriate for depicting lived experiential realities? 1. Phenomenological designs & vero ens 3. Grounded theory designs 4, Narrative research designs Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 1 : Phenomenological designs fA < eee ea arc Start Complete Exam Preparation Cae aR Soca aie Peco Nereus as sco Corre eau Eats Download App MCQ Question 10 View this Question Online > Which method of the qualitative research focuses on language and meanings that are given to texts, for the purpose of creating and shaping knowledge and behaviour? 1. Discourse analysis ~~ iPS ISSINOUVA.COIT! 3. Trend analysis 4. Grounded theory Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 1 : Discourse analysis f&{

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