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Foraging ecology of High Andean insectivorous birds in remnant Polylepis forest

Author(s): Huw Lloyd
Source: The Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 120(3):531-544. 2008.
Published By: The Wilson Ornithological Society

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The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 120(3):531–544, 2008




ABSTRACT.—I examined how High Andean insectivorous birds partition resources in remnant Polylepis
forest patches at three locations in the Cordillera Vilcanota, southern Peru. A number of distinctive guilds were
identified within the bird community based on the manner and location of foraging displayed by each species.
Important dimensions that enabled differentiation amongst guild co-members were those that supported the
partitioning of resources between guilds. The significant disproportionate use of substrates and prey-attack ma-
neuvers by birds indicated substrate specialization within the insectivorous Polylepis bird community. These
specializations provide a means by which Polylepis insectivores fit syntopically along a resource gradient.
Insectivores demonstrated a differential response to foraging in smaller patches, and changes in the foraging
regimes of four guilds between large and small patches were frequent. The most abundant insectivores in small
patches were the least diverse foragers; they compensated behaviorally for changes in patch habitat quality by
using fewer substrates and prey-attack maneuvers. Guild members that shifted their foraging regime to use fewer
attack maneuvers were also more tolerant of small patches. Small Polylepis patches have a significant role in
fragmented High-Andean ecosystem functioning by providing essential foraging habitat for insectivorous birds.
Received 16 April 2007. Accepted 18 November 2007.

Small patches or scattered trees are a com- Polylepis woodland is a distinctive, high-
mon feature of many fragmented landscapes elevation Andean forest habitat that occurs
(e.g., Guevara and Laborde 1993, Fischer and above cloud level (3,500–5,000 m) as patches
Lindenmayer 2002, Manning et al. 2006) and of woody vegetation surrounded by paramo
are central to many conservation strategies (e.g., Festuca species) or puna (e.g., Ichu spe-
(e.g., Diamond et al. 1987, Fischer et al. 2005, cies) grass and shrub (e.g., Baccharis species)
Manning et al. 2006). Forest patches differ in communities (Stotz et al. 1996). These high-
size and vegetation composition, factors that altitude woodlands are relicts of a once-wide-
are likely to influence the variety and quantity spread habitat (Ellenberg 1958, Kessler 2002)
of food resources (Muhlenburg et al. 1977, and comprise mainly evergreen trees of the
Fæth and Kane 1978, Jaenike 1978). Few genus Polylepis (Rosaceae) which are highly
studies have examined the foraging ecology drought tolerant (Fjeldså 1993, Stotz et al.
of bird species in different forest patch size 1996). The trunk and branches are laminated
categories to identify which species are more with brown-reddish bark that peels off in pa-
affected by habitat changes than others, and per-like sheets as a protection against ex-
the extent to which birds are capable of be- tremely low temperatures, and often have
haviorally compensating for habitat changes
mosses and lichens growing on them (Capriles
(e.g., Maurer and Whitmore 1981). Examining
and Flores 2002).
the trophic-structure of remnant patch spe-
Previous studies have shown that a number
cialists and, in particular, how different for-
of specialized bird species are associated with
aging guilds vary in response to foraging in
Polylepis forests and show high habitat-re-
patches of different sizes, may provide a more
complete understanding of the factors that stricted endemism (Fjeldså 1992, 1993) and
govern overall bird community structure in forest patch specialization (Lloyd and Mars-
fragmented landscapes. Furthermore, these den in press). Little is known about the for-
analyses could identify how small patches aging ecology of Polylepis bird species (Her-
could serve as focal tools for habitat manage- zog et al. 2002), the majority of which are
ment. described as insectivorous (Herzog et al.
2003). This information is important because
1 Department of Environmental and Geographical
Polylepis woodlands are impacted by humans
Sciences, Manchester Metropolitan University, Chester in several ways (Renison et al. 2006) includ-
Street, Manchester, United Kingdom. M1 5GD; ing firewood collection (Fjeldså 1993), fire
e-mail: management (Renison et al. 2002), browsing
532 THE WILSON JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY • Vol. 120, No. 3, September 2008

FIG. 1. Schematic showing the main areas of Polylepis woodlands, including the three study sites, in the
Urubamba Valley, Cordillera Vilcanota, Department of Cusco, southern Peru.

by livestock (Teich et al. 2005), and soil deg- METHODS

radation (Renison et al. 2004). These effects Study Sites.—I recorded the foraging ecol-
combine to prevent forest regeneration, and ogy of Polylepis bird species at three sites in
restrict Polylepis woodlands to localized and the Cordillera Vilcanota mountain range (Fig.
highly fragmented landscapes (Fjeldså 2002, 1). Mantanay (13⬚ 12⬘ S, 72⬚ 09⬘ W) at 3,400–
Kessler 2002). Small remnant patches (⬍1.0 4,500 m elevation, above the village of Yan-
ha) and scattered trees are a common feature ahuara, is one of the largest areas of Polylepis
of these landscapes at distances of 30–1,500 racemosa woodland in the Cordillera Vilcan-
m from the larger (⬎10 ha) patches, and vary ota. The site was surveyed during 67 field
in habitat quality (Lloyd and Marsden in days in July 2003, October 2004, and Septem-
press). These patches continue to be eroded ber 2005. Yanacocha (13⬚ 17⬘ S, 72⬚ 02⬘ W),
due to ongoing firewood collection and burn- ⬃3,700–4,500 m elevation, above the village
ing (Fjeldså and Kessler 1996). Consequently, of Huaocari, was surveyed for 28 days in Oc-
some Polylepis bird species are considered tober 2003 and June 2004. Laguna Queuña-
globally-threatened (BirdLife International cocha (13⬚ 12⬘ S, 72⬚ 10⬘ W) is a small area of
2004) and are presumed to have extremely P. pepei woodland, ⬃4,200–4,500 m eleva-
small populations in the tiny forest patches tion above the village of Huilloc (hereafter re-
that remain (Fjeldså 1993). If factors that af- ferred to as Huilloc), and was surveyed during
fect resource partitions in remnant forest 22 field days in December 2003 and July
patches can be identified, this information 2004.
could enable biologists to predict with greater Foraging Observations.—Polylepis birds
accuracy the responses of Polylepis birds to were located visually and vocally foraging
further habitat loss and degradation, and pro- with or independently of mixed-species flocks
vide a link to the mechanisms that could be in both large (ⱖ10 ha) and small (ⱕ1.0 ha)
used for active habitat restoration strategies. forest patches. Individual birds of all species
The objectives of this paper are to describe were followed opportunistically between 0530
(1) foraging patterns, and (2) guild composi- and 1730 hrs for as long as they could be kept
tion of the insectivorous Polylepis bird com- in view. Sequential foraging observations for
munity in remnant forest patches in the Cor- each individual were made using 8 ⫻ 42 bin-
dillera Vilcanota, southern Peru. oculars, recorded on micro-cassette, and later

transcribed to data sheets. Many individuals

of each species were sampled reducing prob-

Flick (includes bill-sweep/toss)

lems associated with pseudoreplication. No

Perch type, substrate, and attack maneuver variables used in this study. Prey-attack maneuvers follow Remsen and Robinson (1990).
more than three consecutive sequences of for-

Prey-attack maneuver subsurface

aging events were taken of each individual to
further limit bias (Morrison 1984, Kratter
The point of each foraging sequence was
marked with colored tape. Variables estimated
and recorded at the point of each foraging se-
quence were species, height above ground,


and height below the canopy. Vegetation cov-
er at each marked foraging point was esti-
mated using a sighting tube (James and Shu-
gart 1970) once the bird had moved from

Reach glean (all reach maneuvers)

view. Terminology and strategy for recording
prey-attack maneuvers (Table 1) follows Rem-

Prey-attack maneuver surface

sen and Robinson (1990). This scheme rec-

Hang-upside-down glean
ognizes the importance of links between the
prey-attack maneuver and substrate used by

Hang-down glean

Sally-hover glean
Sally-strike glean
the bird, and places importance on the posi-

Hang-up glean
tion from which the prey-attack-maneuver is

Flutter chase
Lunge glean
Perch glean
launched (Remsen and Robinson 1990, Mac
Nally 2000).
Bird Counts.—I examined the influence of
bird abundance on foraging ecology by sur-
veying birds at census plots along transects
within large and small remnant patches using
a point count distance sampling method
Inner-most leaves (nearest to main trunk)
Outer-most branches (⫹/⫺ moss/lichen)

(Reynolds et al. 1980 as adapted by Jones et

Secondary branches (⫹/⫺ moss/lichen)
Primary branches (⫹/⫺ moss/lichen)

al. 1995). Each transect was randomly placed

with census stations positioned 150 m from Outer-most branches ⫹ tree resin
Secondary branches ⫹ tree resin
Main trunk (⫹/⫺ moss/lichen)

each other (Blake and Karr 1987). I used en-

Primary branches ⫹ tree resin

counter rates of birds recorded within 50 m of


the census stations’ central point as a measure

Main trunk ⫹ tree resin

of relative abundance. Bird surveys were con-

Outer-most leaves

ducted between 0530 and 1630 hrs and only

Leaf node/calyx

during hours of suitable weather (i.e., in the

Ground litter

absence of snow, rain or strong wind). I was

the only recorder for the bird surveys and was


familiar with the vocalizations of the region’s



bird species. I sat quietly for a 5-min ‘settling

down’ period (Bibby et al. 2000) following
arrival at each plot, before spending 20 min
recording all birds seen and heard. Two rep-
Other tree species alive
Other tree species dead

licates of each station were made in each

patch size category making a total of 180

point counts (100 in large patches and 80 in

Escallonia alive
Escallonia dead
Perch type

Polylepis alive
Polylepis dead

small patches). The direction of surveys along


transects was rotated in an attempt to mini-

mize any bias associated with variable bird
activity at different times of day.
Data Analyses: Guild Composition.—Se-
534 THE WILSON JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY • Vol. 120, No. 3, September 2008

quential observations rather than single point for quantitative separation of species into
observations are the preferred method for guilds (Holmes et al. 1979). Differences in
sampling foraging behavior of birds from a foraging (niche) position between species in
large sample of individuals because they have each guild were examined using Mann-Whit-
a greater tendency to reveal rare behaviors ney U and Kruskal-Wallis tests. Differences in
(Hertz et al. 1976, Eckhardt 1979, Holmes et frequency of use of each perch type, substrate,
al. 1979, Moermond 1979, Morrison 1984). I and prey-attack maneuver between species in
used 30 sequential foraging events as the min- each guild were examined with ␹2 tests.
imum sample size following Morrison (1984). Standardized residuals in contingency ta-
Twenty-three high Andean bird species were bles were analysed to learn whether birds for-
recorded during the surveys for which suffi- aged disproportionately at certain perch types
cient sample sizes were collected for 12 spe- or substrates, or disproportionately used cer-
cies. Two of these 12 species were omitted tain prey-attack maneuvers (Kratter 1995,
from further analyses. The Royal Cinclodes Gabbe et al. 2002, Hartung and Brawn 2005).
(Cinclodes aricomae) was observed using the Sequential Bonferroni adjustments of P values
ground or boulders as a perch type and moss for overall ␹2 values were not made because
or bark-ground litter as substrate and was, they are considered over-conservative with lit-
therefore, separated from the other bird spe- tle consensus as to their application for eco-
cies by perch type, substrate, and niche posi- logical studies (Cabin and Mitchell 2000,
tion. The Thick-billed Siskin (Carduelis cras- Moran 2003, Driscoll and Wier 2005).
sirostris) was observed feeding on either Comparison of Foraging Regimes in Dif-
flowers or seeds of Polylepis trees and was not ferent Patch Size Categories.—Eight bird spe-
considered to be an insectivore. cies were selected for analysis based on a
I selected 100 random point (individual) minimum sample size of 50 foraging sequenc-
foraging maneuvers and 100 sequential for- es in each patch size category. Twenty random
aging maneuvers for each species to examine samples of niche position, substrate use, and
any possible bias of temporal dependence in prey-attack manoeuvres for each of the eight
sequential observations (e.g., Bell et al. 1990) species in both large and small patches were
and tested for significant differences using selected. I defined niche position as mean ⫾
Mann-Whitney U-tests. Only two of 12 spe- SD foraging height range (foraging height
cies examined had significant differences in above ground and foraging height below can-
foraging height above ground; White-browed opy). I used J⬘ evenness scores to examine
Tit-spinetail (Leptasthenura xenothorax) (U ⫽ whether a significant shift in foraging regimes
3,576, P ⬍ 0.05) and Cinereous Conebill occurs for each species (e.g., Morse 1971,
(Conirostrum cinereum) (U ⫽ 2,373, P ⬍ Yeaton 1974) within each guild between large
0.001), and only the Giant Conebill (Oreo- and small patches. I calculated J⬘ evenness
manes fraseri) had a significant difference (U scores of total number and frequency of use
⫽ 3,621, P ⬍ 0.01) in foraging height below of perch types, substrates, and prey-attack ma-
the canopy. I attributed these results to chance neuvers as measurements of niche breadth,
alone, since only 5% of tests were significant, substrate breadth and breadth of prey-attack
and included all sequential foraging observa- maneuvers, and tested for significant differ-
tions in all subsequent analyses. ences using Mann-Whitney U-tests.
I used a hierarchical cluster analysis using Influence of Bird Abundance on Foraging
␹2 measures of between-group linkage to Regimes.—Spearman’s rank correlation anal-
group species into distinctive guilds based on yses were used to examine the influence of
frequency use of perch type, substrates, and bird abundance on foraging regimes. I exam-
prey-attack maneuvers for each of the 10 bird ined the relationship between density shift of
species. I defined guild as a group of species each species between large and small patches
(⬎1) that exploit the same class of environ- (abundance in large patches minus abundance
mental resources in a similar way (Root 1967, in small patches) with the difference in rich-
Morrison and Hall 2003). Guilds were as- ness and breadth of both substrates and prey-
signed by visual inspection of the dendrogram attack maneuvers. I then examined the rela-
since currently no statistical precedent exists tionship of species tolerance of small patches

FIG. 2. Hierarchical cluster analysis with dendrogram (using ␹2 measures of between-group linkage) of guild
composition of 10 species of insectivorous bird species in Polylepis forests based on percent (0–25) use of perch
types, substrate, and attack maneuvers.

with differences in richness and breadth of the surface and subsurface of trunks and
substrates and prey-attack maneuvers. Species branches in the understory of live Polylepis
tolerance was defined as species abundance in trees using similar surface prey-attack maneu-
small patches. vers, but different subsurface prey-attack ma-
RESULTS Within-guild Niche Position and Niche
Guild Composition.—Individuals (1,122) of Breadth: Arboreal Sally-gleaners.—I found a
10 species followed during 110 days in the difference (P ⬍ 0.001) in niche position and
field corresponded to 8,694 foraging events. mean foraging vegetation cover between the
Guild 1 (Fig. 2) arboreal sally-gleaners, in- two Anairetes species in this guild (Table 2).
cluded Ash-breasted Tit-tyrant (Anairetes al- The Tufted Tit-tyrant foraged higher above
pinus) and Tufted Tit-tyrant (A. parulus) that ground and nearer the canopy than the Ash-
fed primarily on the inner- and outer-most breasted Tit-tyrant, but had a narrower niche
leaves of live Polylepis trees using principally position and niche breadth. The Ash-breasted
sally-strike and perch glean prey-attack ma- Tit-tyrant foraged in a narrow range of dense
neuvers. Guild 2, arboreal foliage gleaners, Polylepis vegetation.
included both Cinereous Conebill and White- Arboreal Foliage Gleaners.—There were
browed Conebill (Conirostrum ferrugineiven- differences in mean height below the canopy
tre), which fed principally on the outer-most (P ⬍ 0.001) but not in mean height above
leaves of Polylepis trees using mainly hang- ground or mean vegetation cover at foraging
up and hang-down prey-attack maneuvers. sites for both arboreal foliage gleaners (Table
Guild 3, arboreal bark-foliage gleaners, in- 2). The White-browed Conebill had the more
cluded three Leptasthenura Tit-spinetail spe- narrow niche position in foliage closer to the
cies and Tit-like Dacnis (Xenodacnis parina) ground, a more narrow niche breadth, and for-
that fed on the inner- and outer most branches aged within a narrow range of dense vegeta-
and foliage using hang-up glean as the dom- tion cover. The Cinereous Conebill had the
inant prey-attack maneuvers. Guild 4, under- more narrow niche position for mean foraging
story bark-subsurface gleaners, included the height below the canopy.
Creamy-crested Spinetail (Cranioleuca albi- Arboreal Bark-foliage Gleaners.—There
capilla) and Giant Conebill that fed mainly on was a difference (P ⬍ 0.001) in the niche po-

TABLE 2. Niche position (mean ⫾ SD height variables and vegetation cover) and niche breadth (J’ Evenness scores) of four insectivorous Polylepis guilds.
Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests were used to examine within-guild differences between variables.
Number of Mean ⫾ SD height above Mean ⫾ SD height below Mean ⫾ SD vegetation
Guild composition foraging bouts ground canopy cover Niche breadth

Arboreal sally gleaners

Anairetes alpinus 401 3.45 ⫾ 1.92 1.71 ⫾ 1.30 76.7 ⫾ 15.8 0.944
A. parulus 384 3.86 ⫾ 1.45 1.28 ⫾ 1.23 71.2 ⫾ 17.2 0.834
Z ⫽ 14.79, P ⬍ 0.001 Z ⫽ ⫺5.77, P ⬍ 0.001 Z ⫽ ⫺5.40, P ⬍ 0.001
Arboreal foliage gleaners
Conirostrum cinereum 723 5.14 ⫾ 2.72 1.42 ⫾ 1.15 70.7 ⫾ 13.6 0.943
C. ferrugineiventre 928 4.95 ⫾ 2.51 2.19 ⫾ 1.85 73.0 ⫾ 10.1 0.835
Z ⫽ 0.66, P ⫽ 0.507 Z ⫽ ⫺7.40, P ⬍ 0.001 Z ⫽ 1.82, P ⫽ 0.068
Arboreal bark-foliage gleaners
Leptasthenura xenothorax 1,361 4.84 ⫾ 2.34 2.05 ⫾ 1.60 73.7 ⫾ 12.6 0.919
L. yanacensis 839 2.98 ⫾ 1.85 1.68 ⫾ 1.28 72.6 ⫾ 16.6 0.841
L. andicola 381 1.70 ⫾ 0.67 1.36 ⫾ 0.79 54.5 ⫾ 19.9 0.852
Xenodacnis parina 628 3.56 ⫾ 1.80 2.00 ⫾ 1.57 71.3 ⫾ 15.4 0.985
␹23 ⫽ 813, P ⬍ 0.001 ␹23 ⫽ 39.8, P ⬍ 0.001 ␹23 ⫽ 189.1, P ⬍ 0.001
Understory bark-subsurface gleaners
Cranioleuca albicapilla 1,029 4.59 ⫾ 2.39 3.10 ⫾ 2.03 71.2 ⫾ 12.8 0.808
Oreomanes fraseri 2,020 5.31 ⫾ 2.54 2.73 ⫾ 1.59 71.6 ⫾ 15.1 0.838
Z ⫽ ⫺5.17, P ⬍ 0.001 Z ⫽ ⫺9.57, P ⬍ 0.001 Z ⫽ ⫺6.68, P ⬍ 0.001
THE WILSON JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY • Vol. 120, No. 3, September 2008

sition and mean vegetation cover between all ⬍ 0.001), substrates (P ⬍ 0.001), and surface
four species in this guild (Table 2). The prey-attack maneuvers (P ⬍ 0.001) between
White-browed Tit-spinetail and Tit-like Dac- the two species composing this guild. The Ci-
nis foraged higher above the ground and lower nereous Conebill used leaf node foraging sub-
below the canopy and occupied a wider niche strates disproportionately more frequently
position within the guild. The Andean Tit- than expected. The White-browed Conebill
spinetail (Leptasthenura andicola) foraged used a high percent of outermost leaves dis-
lower to the ground than any other species in proportionately more frequently than expected
the guild and also had the more narrow niche and, overall, used more substrates and surface
position. The White-browed Tit-spinetail for- prey-attack maneuvers than its congener. The
aged within a narrow range of dense Polylepis Cinereous Conebill used hang-down glean
vegetation while the Andean Tit-spinetail for- maneuver disproportionately more frequently
aged in a wider range of more open Polylepis than did the White-browed Conebill.
vegetation. The Tawny Tit-spinetail (L. yana- Arboreal Bark-foliage Gleaners.—There
censis) had the narrowest and Tit-like Dacnis was a difference in use of perch types (P ⬍
had the widest niche breadth of all four spe- 0.001), substrates (P ⬍ 0.001), and prey-at-
cies in the guild. tack maneuvers (P ⬍ 0.001) by all species
Understory Bark-subsurface Gleaners.—I within the guild. Polylepis trees were the
detected a difference (P ⬍ 0.001) in niche po- dominant perch type used by all species with-
sition and mean foraging vegetation cover for in the guild, but only the Andean Tit-spinetail
the two species in this guild (Table 2). The used this exclusively as a perch type. The
Giant Conebill foraged higher above ground White-browed Tit-spinetail foraged dispropor-
and higher in trees than the Creamy-crested tionately more frequently on outer-most
Spinetail. The SD for niche position above the branches. The Tawny Tit-spinetail used a
ground was similar for both species but the greater number of foraging substrates, in par-
Giant Conebill occupied a wider niche posi- ticular a high percent of outer-most leaves,
tion below the canopy and also foraged in a and foraged disproportionately more frequent-
narrow range of dense Polylepis vegetation ly on secondary branches. The Andean Tit-
cover. The Creamy-crested Spinetail had the spinetail and Tit-like Dacnis foraged dispro-
more narrow niche breadth of the two species portionately more frequently on inner-most
in the guild. leaves. The Tit-like Dacnis used the greatest
Within-guild Substrate Specialization: Ar- number of prey-attack maneuvers. All three
boreal Sally-gleaners.—There was a differ- Leptasthenura species used a higher percent
ence in the percent use of perch types (P ⬍ of hang-up glean surface prey-attack maneu-
0.01), substrates (P ⬍ 0.001), and surface vers than the Tit-like Dacnis. Both White-
prey-attack maneuvers (P ⬍ 0.001) between browed and Andean Tit-spinetails used the
the two species in the guild. The Tufted Tit- hang-upside-down-glean maneuver dispropor-
tyrant used Polylepis trees exclusively as a tionately more frequently than other prey-at-
perch type for all foraging maneuvers. Both tack maneuvers, whereas the Tawny Tit-spine-
Anairetes species used a high percent of outer- tail used hang-up, and the Tit-like Dacnis used
most leaves but the Ash-breasted Tit-tyrant perch glean disproportionately more frequent-
used more types of substrates than its conge- ly than expected.
ner. The Ash-breasted Tit-tyrant used hang-up Understory Bark-subsurface Gleaners.—
glean in addition to all other prey-attack ma- There was a difference in the use of perch
neuvers used by the Tufted Tit-tyrant and for- types (P ⬍ 0.001), substrates (P ⬍ 0.001), sur-
aged disproportionately more frequently on face (P ⬍ 0.001), and subsurface prey-attack
inner-most leaves, using the sally-strike glean maneuvers (P ⬍ 0.001) between the two spe-
maneuver disproportionately more frequently. cies in the guild. Only the Giant Conebill used
The reverse was apparent for the Tufted Tit- Polylepis trees exclusively as perch types. The
tyrant use of substrates and prey-attack ma- Creamy-crested Spinetail used a high percent
neuvers. of secondary branches and foraged dispropor-
Arboreal Foliage Gleaners.—There was a tionately more frequently on secondary
difference in the percent use of perch types (P branch lichen. The Giant Conebill used a
538 THE WILSON JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY • Vol. 120, No. 3, September 2008

higher percent than the Creamy-crested Spine- dense vegetation cover (P ⬍ 0.001) and across
tail and foraged disproportionately more fre- a more narrow range of dense vegetation cov-
quently on the main trunk substrate. The er (P ⬍ 0.001) in small patches.
Creamy-crested Spinetail used the hang-up- Overall richness and breadth of substrates
side-down glean attack maneuver dispropor- used by both the White-browed and Tawny tit-
tionately more frequently than the Giant Co- spinetails differed (P ⬍ 0.001) between large
nebill. and small patches. Both substrate richness and
Foraging Regimes in Large vs. Small substrate breadth used by Tit-like Dacnis dif-
Patches: Arboreal Sally-gleaners.—There fered (P ⬍ 0.001) between both patch size cat-
were insufficient samples for the Ash-breasted egories. There was a difference (P ⬍ 0.001)
Tit-tyrant in both forest patch size categories in the breadth but not richness of prey-attack
for the species to be included in the analysis. maneuvers used by the White-browed Tit-spi-
The Tufted Tit-tyrant foraged higher (P ⬍ netail. There was a difference (P ⬍ 0.001) in
0.05) above ground and used a wider range of richness but not breadth of prey-attack ma-
vertical foraging heights above the ground (P neuvres by the Tawny Tit-spinetail between
⬍ 0.001) in large patches. The Tufted Tit-ty- large and small patches. Richness and breadth
rant foraged in small patches in more dense of attack maneuvers used by the Tit-like Dac-
vegetation cover (P ⬍ 0.001) and in a more nis were greater in large patches and differed
narrow range of more dense vegetation cover (P ⬍ 0.001) between large and small patches.
(P ⬍ 0.001). Richness and breadth of prey- Understory Bark-subsurface Gleaners.—
attack maneuvers used by the Tufted Tit-tyrant The niche position of the Creamy-crested
were greater in small patches, and differed (P Spinetail and Giant Conebill differed (P ⬍
⬍ 0.001) between both patch size categories. 0.001) between large and small patches. Both
Arboreal Foliage-gleaners.—The niche po- species foraged higher above ground (P ⬍
sition for White-browed and Cinereous cone- 0.001) and closer to the canopy (P ⬍ 0.001)
bills differed (P ⬍ 0.001) between large and in large patches, and foraged in more dense
small patches. Both species foraged higher vegetation (P ⬍ 0.001) and in a more narrow
above ground (P ⬍ 0.001) and in more dense range of dense vegetation cover (P ⬍ 0.001)
vegetation cover (P ⬍ 0.05) in large patches. in small patches. Richness but not breadth of
The Cinereous Conebill foraged significantly substrates used by the Creamy-crested Spine-
further from the canopy (P ⬍ 0.001) in large tail differed (P ⬍ 0.001) between both patch
patches while the reverse was apparent for the size categories. Overall richness and breadth
White-browed Conebill. Richness and breadth of substrates used by the Giant Conebill dif-
of substrates used by both guild members dif- fered (P ⬍ 0.001) between large and small
fered (P ⬍ 0.001) between large and small patches. There was a difference (P ⬍ 0.001)
patches. There was a difference in the richness in use of both surface and subsurface prey-
(P ⬍ 0.001) and breadth of attack maneuvers attack maneuvers between large and small
(P ⬍ 0.001) between large and small patches patches by both guild members. Overall rich-
by both guild members. ness and breadth of prey-attack maneuvers
Arboreal Bark-foliage Gleaners.—There used by the Creamy-crested Spinetail were
were insufficient samples for the Andean Tit- greater in large patches and differed (P ⬍
spinetail in both patch size categories for it to 0.001) between both patch size categories.
be included in the analysis. The niche position There was a difference (P ⬍ 0.001) in rich-
for the remaining three guild members dif- ness but not breadth of prey-attack maneuvers
fered (P ⬍ 0.001) between large and small used by the Giant Conebill between both
patches. The White-browed Tit-spinetail for- patch size categories.
aged higher above ground (P ⬍ 0.001) and in Bird Abundance and Foraging Regimes.—
more dense vegetation (P ⬍ 0.001) in large There was a significant negative correlation
patches than in small patches. Both the Tawny (r2 ⫽ ⫺0.89, P ⬍ 0.01) between the shift in
Tit-spinetail and Tit-like Dacnis foraged high- species density and the richness of prey-attack
er above ground (P ⬍ 0.01 and P ⬍ 0.001, maneuvers used by insectivores in small
respectively) and closer to the canopy (P ⬍ patches, suggesting the most abundant of the
0.001) in large patches, but foraged in more eight focal species (both arboreal foliage

TABLE 3. Changes in foraging regimes of eight insectivorous Polylepis bird species between large and small patches. * Significant difference between large
gleaners) were the least diverse foragers, us-

to foraging lower, in more dense and in narrower range of vegetation cover *

to foraging lower, in more dense and in narrower range of vegetation cover *

ing fewer attack maneuvers in small patches.
A significant positive correlation (r2 ⫽ 0.74,
P ⬍ 0.05) between species tolerance in small-

to use different breadth of substrates and prey-attack maneuvers *

to use different breadth of substrates and prey-attack maneuvers *

er patches and difference in the breadth of
substrates used indicated that species which
demonstrated a significant shift in foraging re-
gimes to use fewer substrates in smaller patch-

Shift in foraging regimes from large to small patches

es, all fairly frequently (Cinereous Conebill,

to foraging lower, in more dense vegetation cover *

to use different breadth of prey-attack maneuvers *
Tawny Tit-spinetail, and Giant Conebill), were
more tolerant of small patches. There was a
significant negative correlation (r2 ⫽ ⫺0.81,
P ⬍ 0.05) between species tolerance and the
difference in the richness of prey-attack ma-
neuvers in small patches. Species demonstrat-
ed a significant shift of their foraging regime
using fewer prey-attack maneuvers (Cinereous

similar breadth of substrates

Conebill, Tawny Tit-spinetail, and Giant
Conebill) were more tolerant of small patches
(Table 3). Species that continued to use many
different prey-attack maneuvers, and some
only rarely (i.e., having a more inflexible, or
rigid foraging regime [White-browed Conebill
and Tufted Tit Tyrant]), were least tolerant of
small forest patches (Table 3).
Guild Composition and Resource Partition-
ing.—A number of distinctive guilds were
identified within the insectivorous bird com-
munity in Polylepis forests based on relatively Leptasthenura xenothorax
few foraging parameters. These guilds parti-
Conirostrum cinereum

tion resources by selecting differences in

C. ferrugineiventre

Xenodacnis parina

niche position (range of foraging heights),

Anairetes parulus

density (and range) of vegetation cover, fre-

L. yanacensis

quency of substrate use, and prey-attack ma-

neuvers. The important dimensions that en-
abled differentiation among guild members
were similar to those that support partitioning
of resources between guilds. The organization
of insectivorous Polylepis bird communities
can be understood largely in terms of where
species forage in relation to tree height, veg-
Arboreal bark-foliage-gleaners

etation cover, substrate use, and prey-attack

maneuvers. Studies of temperate forest insec-
Arboreal foliage-gleaners

tivorous bird communities have yielded sim-

Arboreal sally gleaners

ilar conclusions (e.g., MacArthur and Mac-

and small patches.

Arthur 1961, Recher 1969, Holmes et al.

1979, Vassallo and Rice 1982, Gabbe et al.
Ecological separation of insectivorous bird
species is not unexpected. In areas of high
habitat-restricted endemism, such as the Cor-
540 THE WILSON JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY • Vol. 120, No. 3, September 2008

dillera Vilcanota Polylepis forests, one would tition resources principally on the dispropor-
expect to find bird species with leptokurtic tionate use of different perch types, substrates,
niche positions (i.e., bird species are special- and differences in the range of foraging
ized to compete for fairly predictable food re- heights and vegetation cover (niche position).
sources) (e.g., Stenseth 1980). What is unclear Similar disproportionate use of understory
from the analyses, however, is whether the substrates, and differences in foraging heights
niche position of insectivorous high Andean are important factors promoting increased
birds in remnant patches is either leptokurtic substrate specialization among numerous neo-
or platykurtic (i.e., whether each bird species tropical lowland insectivores such as Myr-
is trying to monopolize a certain part of the motherula antwrens that habitually follow
habitat). I cannot be sure how representative mixed-species flocks (e.g., Gradwohl and
these results are of other fragmented Polylepis Greenberg 1984, Remsen and Parker 1984,
landscapes because this study was confined to Rosenberg 1993), and species restricted to
only three sites in the Cordillera Vilcanota. Guadua bamboo habitats (Kratter 1995).
Some of the focal bird species differ markedly Shift in Foraging Regimes.—Polylepis in-
in their ecological amplitude in different hab- sectivores demonstrated differential response
itats (e.g., Cinereous Conebill, Tufted Tit-ty- to foraging in smaller patches; changes in the
rant) and this study covers only a fraction of foraging regimes used by members of the four
their full ecological range. guilds between large and small patches were
Substrate Specialization.—The significant frequent (Table 3). Similar results have been
disproportionate use of substrates and prey- found among temperate forest bird species,
attack maneuvers indicates substrate speciali- most noticeably the well studied Parus genus
zation within the insectivorous Polylepis bird (e.g., Krebs et al. 1972, Partridge 1976, Ala-
community. Polylepis trees differ in the pro- talo 1982) and between island and mainland
portion of branches and vegetation cover at passerine bird populations (Yeaton 1974).
different heights (Fjeldså and Kessler 1996). This suggests that High-Andean insectivorous
These differences may affect many of the sub- guilds are able to respond behaviorally to
strate foraging opportunities and constraints some habitat loss and alteration. The shifts in
for Polylepis birds. Similar differences are foraging regimes are significant because small
known to influence the foraging ecology of Polylepis patches differed from larger patches
temperate forest insectivores (e.g., Holmes at all sites in habitat quality (i.e., small patch-
and Recher 1986, Cueto and Casenave 2002, es had greatly reduced tree density, contained
Lyons 2005) in combination with richness and smaller, shorter trees, and a wider range of
abundance of prey species in different foliage more open canopy vegetation cover, than larg-
or branching compartments (Holmes and Rob- er patches) (Lloyd 2007). Some authors have
inson 1981, Rosenberg 1993). Consequently, suggested that differences in habitat quality of
variation in Polylepis vegetation structure forest patches are a proximate cause of the
could provide a number of opportunities to in- shift in foraging regimes for temperate forest-
crease substrate specialization, enabling spe- dependent bird species (e.g., Morse 1971,
cies to partition resources along these axes, Franzeb 1978, Maurer and Whitmore 1981).
possibly leading to a relaxation of between- Factors such as habitat quality are unlikely
and within-guild competitive pressures. to act in isolation (Wiens 1989, Jedlicka et al.
This hypothesis is supported by the pres- 2006). The Spearman’s rank correlation anal-
ence of the Andean Tit-spinetail foraging yses indicate the combined effects of habitat
within the same forest patches as the White- quality with changes in bird abundance be-
browed Tit-spinetail. Previously, these species tween large and small patches also exerts a
were thought not to occur in the same Poly- significant influence on variation in Polylepis
lepis woodlands (Fjeldså and Krabbe 1990) bird foraging regimes. The most abundant Po-
and rarely in Peru do two of the streaked- lylepis insectivores in small patches were the
plumaged Leptasthenura species occur syn- least diverse foragers and compensated behav-
topically (Fjeldså and Krabbe 1990). My find- iorally by opportunistically using fewer sub-
ings show that closely related Leptasthenura strates and prey-attack maneuvers with similar
species are able to occur syntopically and par- frequency. Insectivores that shifted their for-

aging regime to use fewer prey-attack maneu- that use small patches as a starting point are
vers were also more tolerant of small patches. more likely to be implemented in the short
Shifts in foraging regimes may also be ex- term than larger scale projects due to lower
plained by the combined effects of variation costs (e.g., Fenton 1997, Fischer and Linden-
in habitat quality with changes in area-depen- mayer 2002). Maintenance and expansion of
dent or disturbance-related prey resources small patches across the Cordillera Vilcanota
(e.g., González-Gomez et al. 2006, Jedlicka et landscape should focus on maximizing fea-
al. 2006), or with differences in microclimate tures of within-patch habitat quality such as
conditions (Cahill and Matthysen 2007), but high density of small trees with dense vege-
such data are lacking from the Cordillera Vil- tation cover. Maintaining these critical vege-
canota. tation components will promote a greater tol-
Five species from three guilds (Tufted Tit- erance of small patches by insectivores and
tyrant, Tawny Tit-spinetail, Tit-like Dacnis, provide the necessary conditions for micro-
Creamy-crested Spinetail, and Giant Conebill) habitat use and resource partitioning amongst
significantly altered their foraging regime to insectivorous guilds. This could increase the
forage at a significantly lower height, use a functional connectivity of threatened bird pop-
more narrow range of foraging heights, and ulations.
foraged within a more narrow range of denser Polylepis regeneration naturally happens
vegetation cover (Table 3). These responses mainly at forest edges, where there are higher
could be a proportional measure to foraging densities of seedlings (Cierjacks et al. 2007),
in smaller, shorter trees. Alternatively, these but these areas are usually destroyed by ex-
species could be accommodating for a shift in tensive burning and grazing by livestock. Fu-
the perception of predation risk by raptors ture landscape management strategies must re-
(e.g., Glaucidium Pygmy-owl species, Herzog quire a more sympathetic approach to reduc-
et al. 2003) in smaller patches. Habitat loss ing the dependency by local communities on
and alteration has an important role in shaping traditional land-use patterns of firewood ex-
the effect of changing predation risk on the traction, intense grazing by livestock, and pas-
behavioral responses of birds in fragmented ture burning in and around small patches and
landscapes (Lima et al. 1987, Zollner and forest edges.
Lima 2005, Cahill and Matthysen 2007). Tem-
perate forest insectivores foraging in small ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
patches spend more time foraging in dense Barry and Rosario Walker of Manu Expeditions, and
canopy cover and significantly increase their the Department of Environmental and Geographical
scanning and hopping rates (Pulliam and Mills Sciences, Manchester Metropolitan University, spon-
sored the research. I thank Constantino Aucca and
1977, Telleria et al. 2001). Similar time-bud- ECOAN, Eliana Manga, Freddy Padovani, Navidad
get analysis of Polylepis bird foraging rates Abandanio, Mary Montesinos, the Department of Im-
between large and small patches would prove migration (Cusco Region, Peru) and the Peruvian Con-
invaluable in future studies. sulate in London for their help and support. Stuart
Marsden, Alan Fielding, Luc Lens, and two anony-
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