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The answers for assignment 3

1 : He never thought of becoming an FBI agent, but he was trying to get me in better shape.

2 : there is no guarantee of success, but the greatest probability of success.

4: But do it first. When you are very weak and your position is weak, it takes very little time to show
your shortcomings.

5: True curiosity is a cure for emotional control.

7: The real issue at the end of the evening meeting is implementation, not regulation.

8: Batna-the best option for doing business. It’s an idea, but it’s actually terrible. When he is taken
hostage in the spirit, the spirit cannot.

9: Setting high standards hinders cooperation and creates fraud and mistrust of relationships.

10: Remove all interruptions from the transaction before starting the transaction. Create a negative
list or items to reject. Stay on the negative side and understand the other side.

12: Fear of loss is a major factor in human behavior and is at the heart of hostage negotiations.

13: Choose a good goal first. People have to work intentionally, not to make money.

14: The most dangerous conversations are the ones you don’t know you’re involved in.

15: Do not disturb someone who is hurt by something.

16: the power of respect: people love when you respect others you don’t need to respect. Respect is
good for everyone.

18: The main remedy is to scream and come back to life quickly. Unexpected smiles and laughter
will help you reset.

Directed by : Najlae BOUASSOUL

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