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This is a topic that many politicians have used for their campaigns to gain the votes of
younger people. But there’s something that everyone have concern of, and it is about
money. Obviously there are pros and cons which we are going to discuss.

- More Lower-Income Students Might Reach Graduation if there’s No Tuition
- Student Debt Will No Longer Crush the Younger Generations
- Students Might Have More Freedom to Choose a Major They Enjoy
- More People Would Go to College

- The Money Has to Come From Somewhere
- More People Would Go to College
- Younger Generations Won’t Know How to Handle Finances

In my personal opinion, I think we should find a middle point. For example, when the
president Joe Biden was making his presidential campaign, he propose a plan of making a
community college of high level free for all and four-year college career for the ones
whose families make less than $125.000 a year. I think is an acceptable plan for people
who doesn’t have the resources for making it to the university. But everything can be
completely good. With Biden’s plan obviously he needs money and in that case he make
the plan also including new taxes

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