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Reproductive Cloning

Under reproductive cloning, the use of somatic cell nuclear transfer is used for developing the
embryo. Under this technique, the female donor gives the egg cell a nucleus. The somatic cell is
fused with eggs in an artificial medium using electricity. The success rate of this procedure is very
less that is only one or two out of 1000 embryos reach the world.

Molecular Cloning

Under this type of cloning, the DNA of two separate organisms is used. The species that are the
source of the DNA to be cloned and the species that future act as the living host of the
recombinant DNA. It is currently used in modern biology and medicines.

Legal Perspective of Human Cloning

Rapid advancements in technology around the globe have led to a development in every possible
field. One such speedy development was seen in the field of biotechnology. This field is developing
at an international level and needs proper laws and regulations for the resources being used.
Human cloning forms the parts of research and experiment in the field of bioscience. There have
been many international attempts in the field of biomedical, for conducting ethical and human
research. But these regulations are not legally binding at present and are open to the
development of legislation at the national and international levels. Currently, almost 70 countries
around the globe do not allow human cloning.

Advocates of human cloning argue that it would have important uses, such as allowing parents to
clone a child who’s been tragically lost in an accident or through illness. The technology could also
allow scientists to grow replacement tissues and organs that are accepted by the body without the
need for immunosuppressive drugs.

On the flipside, critics highlight the fact that many cloned animals end up being deformed, warning
that human clones could be similarly damaged. Others worry that cloning might lead to a loss of
human dignity and individuality, as vividly depicted in Aldous Huxley’s dystopian novel Brave New

I personally think that it shouldn’t be legal, basically because if it becomes a really common
technology, people would get to the point where they would use for bad purpose.

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