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My Philosophy of Learning and Teaching

Every day is a cause to learn something new and teach someone something new. Influence, especially

on the young minds, are not just important but also everywhere. Children are influenced by everything

such as their families, their community, their friends, educators, and their environment. Children are

wonderfully curious, open-minded, observant and question everything. They have so much talent and

skill to be great and also teach adults a few things about life and a new way to view it.

Children are extremely open minded and come into this world not knowing anything. Navigating

through this world requires guidance, preparation and mentors. Children come in all different shapes,

sizes, abilities and learning styles. Some children have the ability to pick up on information quicker than

others, some children may require more help and assistance, or some just need to sit back, soak it up

and then perform. When children are learning they are surrounded by many factors such as

environment, families, communities, and their educators. Children need the assurance that anything is

possible for them to achieve.

Educators, besides their parents or guardians, are the most trusted and influential people in a

child’s life. Educators spend a lot of time with them and get to know the children for who they are and

what they can be. It is important for educators to observe each child and cater to their learning styles

and guide them through their developments. Educators have the ability to give the child the best care,

cater to a child’s curiosity and expand on their skills by their interactions. Educators take children

outside to explore and to be active, provide children with resources, opportunities, outlets and materials

to succeed and grow. Educators have the responsibility to groom and shape children to set them up for

the future.

Families and communities are an important component to a child’s development. Children are

widely surrounded and influenced by the people around them and begin to learn how to associate
themselves around others and pick on others mannerism. Children strive and learn better when they are

surrounded by people whom they trust and have their best interest at heart. Families and communities

teach children how to interact with people of different culture, abilities, age, economic stand points and

people with different views on life. When a child is surrounded by influences that do not have their best

interest can be detrimental to their developmental stage; deterring them away from proper

developments, or can hinder their developments and make it harder for them.

Environment is very similar to the communities. The environment a child(ren) is in, just like the

people and community they’re surrounded by, play a huge role in their development and mannerisms.

Children need a lot of access to open and safe spaces; spaces where children are able to move around,

have resources, create risks, be healthy and be free to socialize. Children pick up on many things

depending on where they are, whether it is an urban area, suburban area, middle class, low class,

violent/abusive, or a nurturing and loving environment. All of this shape the mindset of a child, nurture

and affect their upbringings. For example, living in an urban, high-class environment, promotes

opportunities and health. A child born into a middle/high class environment, usually, are surrounded by

materials and resources that are readily available and accessible where as children grown in low/middle

class would have a hard time accessing much resources to help them learn and excel.

1. Underwood, K. N.A. Everyone Is Welcome: Inclusive Early Childhood Education and




2. Wien, C. A. N.A. Think, Feel, Act Empowering Children in the Middle Years

Environments that Supports Engagement and Expression.



3. Malaguzzi, L. June 1993. Your Image of the Child: Where Teaching Begins.


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