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Netflix's Audience Growth Strategy: A Case Study

Statement of the problem:

They have experimented with various techniques from time to time. In 1999, the
company debuted its movie renting service. They developed their business model and
strategy, which propelled the company to new heights as the world's largest online
network entertainment provider. They had been performing an excellent job because they
needed to stay ahead of their competitors at all costs. Hastings's management has been
focused on giving new and updated offerings to its subscribers as part of its product
development strategy and has been more eager to provide rapid service than its
competitors. Their subscription-based business strategy is a big part of their success. 

They should constantly strive to improve their service based on customer feedback. For
instance, if the customer requests a feature, they cannot yet deliver, constantly update
them on the progress. It will let them keep customer satisfaction levels high. 
Netflix has been highly successful in maturing and developing to adapt to customers'
changing needs over time. 

In a situation where he felt that the Academy Awards had not been fair to his wife, Will Smith's denial of
participation in the event is ethically justified. He was right to protest against the insensitivity of the
authorities towards his wife, who had been denied a nomination for her role in Concussion. The fact that
she is a black does not make her less deserving than any other actor.

What makes Will Smith's action even more correct is the fact that it was not motivated by ego or anger. It
was motivated by a strong sense of justice. According to him, "It feels like it would minimize my wife's
performance and minimize every nook and cranny that we poured our heart and soul into."

In this case, we can apply one of the aspects of ethical behavior known as being considerate. According to
this aspect, an individual must be sensitive about how their actions are perceived by others and how these
actions might affect their relationships with those around them.

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