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Ausdruck aus der ANABIN Datenbank der Zentralstelle für auslåndisches Bildungswesen

Country: Brazil
Educational institution: Universidade Federal de Uberlândia


Full name: Federal University of Uberlandia

abbreviation: UFU

Name in German: Federal University of Uberlandia

Universidade Federal de Uberlandia
address: Caixa Postal 593, Avenida Engenheiro Diniz 1178 3 andar M artins, Uberlandia, M inas Gerais 38401-136
phone: +55 (34) 239-4811

fax: +55 (34) 235-0099


Other names for this institution
English: Federal University of Uberlandia


Universidade Federal / Federal University
status: H+
The federal universities offer courses in various fields. Degrees are offered at all levels of study ( Bacharel , Mestre , Doutor ).
Teaching and research are inextricably linked. At least one third of the teaching staff must have a master's degree or a doctorate and at
least one third of the teaching staff must have a full-time position. Federal universities are didactically, administratively and
financially autonomous. New courses therefore do not require prior approval from the M inistry of Education.

As of 2014: around 75% of students are enrolled at private universities, around 25% at state / public universities ( Universidades
comment :
Públicas ). The state / public universities are considered better, but do not offer enough study places. At state / public universities
there are usually significantly more applicants than places, which is not always the case at private universities.

A quota system has been in place for federal universities since 2016, according to which 50% of the study places are reserved for
secondary school graduates from state schools. Since private secondary schools are usually better, graduates from state secondary
schools had little chance of a place at a federal university before.


Graduation title Degree type Graduating class country

Bacharel em Física Bacharel / Bacharelado A4 Brazil

Engenheiro M ecânico Título (profissional) de ... A4 Brazil

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