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What is GIT

Git is a free and open-source distributed version control system. GIT is used for tracking the changes in
the source code, thereby enabling multiple developers to work together. Features of GIT are Tracks
history, Creates backups etc.

2. What is the difference between Git and GitHub?

Git is a free and open-source distributed version control system. GIT is used for tracking the changes in
the source code, thereby enabling multiple developers to work together. Features of GIT are Tracks
history, Creates backups etc.

GitHub is a web-based Git repository hosting service, that offers all the distributed revision control and
source code management (SCM) functionality to GIT as well as adding its own features.

GIT GitHub
Git is a software. GitHub is a service.
Git is installed locally on the system GitHub is hosted on the web
Git is focused on version control and code GitHub is focused on centralized source code
sharing. hosting.
Git is a version control system to manage source GitHub is a hosting service for Git repositories.
code history. 
Git is open source licensed. GitHub includes a free-tier and pay-for-use tier.
Git competes with CVS, Azure DevOps Server, GitHub competes with GitLab, Git Bucket, AWS
Subversion, Mercurial, etc. Code Commit, etc.

3. What is VCS?

Version control system is a tool that helps the software development team to track and manage the
changes done in the source code.

4. What is SCM
5. Write name of 5 SCM
6. What is a branch

Git branch allows us to work on different parts of the same project simultaneously without
impacting the main branch. Suppose if we want to add two features to the existing project, then
we can create two branches and other developer can work on these features independently and
only when these features are tested then we can merge with feature with the main branch. Thus git
branch allows us to work on different parts of the same project independently.

7. What is tag
Tag allows us to give a meaningful name to a specific version of code in the repository. Or a git tag is
used to label and mark a specific commit in the git commit history. Next time if we wish to see the
commit history instead of giving the commit id we use the tag associated with that commit to show
the commit details.

8. What is the difference between the tag and a branch?

A branch is an active line of development whereas a tag is an immutable reference to a specific commit
on a branch. A branch always points to the top of a development line and will change when a new
commit is pushed whereas a tag will not change.

9. When do we create a branch and when do we create a Tag.

Branch is created at the time of development, when we work on a new feature and the Tag is created
when we want to create a release point for our stable version of code.

10. What will Git add command do?

The git add command will add the files from the working directory to the staging area.

11. what is the command to revert the code from staging area to working area

Git reset is used to revert the code from staging area to working area

git merge

- Is a non-destructive operation

- Existing branches are not changed in any way

- Creates a new merge commit in the feature branch

git rebase

- Moves the entire feature branch to begin on the tip of the master branch

- Re-writes the project history

- We get much cleaner and linear project history

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