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GREK OXON OXOKOKOXOX ENON ONO OROAOHONOXOXES es ay x es : a ISAAC ALBENIZ 2 3 Sm x 3 £ 3 x x SEVILLA 2 & (SEVILLANAS) x é FT iese ions fer chleore eA Longo Bare x & x ‘ : B x : 5 s| “L’ARTE DELLA CHITARRA x : ee eae o : & 5 x : : i : 3 ey % x Ss} B4 g 8} is 5 8 gi EDIZIONI SUVINI ZERBONI - MILANO. 8 Mie i & ke DHT KOK ONO KOK OKO KORE KORO KONOROMOMOROROR QIROXONONOKONOKOREROR EXON ON ONOREREROROEORTS a “eg é R § ISAAC ALBENIZ e : j : ie 5 SEVILLA 2 ‘ as G : : 8 3S a ‘ i [ x x So : “L'ARTE DELLA CHITARRA iB 5 collana di musiche per chitarra direnta da Alvaro Company 1% x x 5 E z 5 3 * * : : : : ‘3 | x EDIZIONI SUVINI ZERBONI - MILANO” > e x 5 ONTO GON ERS ORONO NOOR ONOROROORO MOK Sse PREFAZIONE, Se vero che Iuac Albena non ha site alan lavoro originale per citer, fttavia certo che ele Spe nlc lo sprit dh questo sramento viv e prevent; nas pu dire che in alcuni brani eee ae’ proprio if toque jondo (I modo stdaluo di suonare I chiara) et ante fl Inencoabbiano dstato fr eondiaioni dela composition. Foyer per questo la trcrisione per eitara di quel lavori che tecicamente si sono adatati a questa Toppese raft qpontanea cy secondo il nontr pare qualche volta pefino pi effieace del originale emotes; questo cao della ceeberrima Leyenda (Asturias) he devel sua popolrit all raSainao adattemento per citar fatto da André Seg Mee pens trescrnone dl "Sevile”(dalla “Suit espanol) si oserver che in aluni cas abiam> sae eeetccntons ix pornbilts dt scgiere fra due divers sokmiont strumenta, «nostro pare: ‘gualmente valid. PREPACE me fe Ae ate mu fr he gs ec lA eo eo se ent ond aise in hs pano works fact, one might eur ey thatthe toque Jondo tthe “ada ie cE ne tee cant ncn o omer: have dtd compe ‘tinal conditions of some pecs. Tea fort ean that transcription forthe ute of thave works techn 1 ua for fh rt Ach re spononeous ond naturel and aur option. ocaionaly ee wet es oe an the plano ong theses Suck i the ee withthe wel-knoun "Leyenda re ce ae ices papery to Andis, Segoe exiaordinary adeplaion for gut (itary oenpton of “Sele” (from the “See epatte) 1 wl be noted thai the pleer Fen eral cht of to diferent inure solutions our option equly vl vdapted to sack en EINLEITUNG Hat tae Albee such hein Stick fr de Gitte komponet, ot edoc in wine gran Kl ra tt ee discs Irtrument 2 splren, Man hat fog den Elndrack das in cinigen Stcen der Wren do (he endalnche Art Gitar spelen) und der cane lamenco de Vorausetzungen ser ieee aa Seg ine ir aed ch ech arenes Ste ek tal ean Pe gua ir vere al tsa get hat Rr gn Cl Seen ren so "Sa ade “Se enol? man enn a 1 de vorigenden Trak Papen tg Mighchkelt eegsben habe, sch for de ene oder fr die se tect wetengmn Lamia ler Alfonso Borghese INDICAZION! TECNICHE EsIMBOLOGIA ‘Slows AND SYMaOLS BEZEICHNUNGEN UND SPIELTECHNISCHE HINWEISE DITEGGIATURA CORDE, FINGERING Staines FINGERSATZ SAITEN M.S. = mano dnitre M.D. = manodestra @ = tscoras lejtherd "ht hand teng Unke Hana reshte Hand suite 1 = indee Ms P= police M.D. ® = records ‘des finger (1) Fam (rh) 2rd ring ‘eietinge (LH) Dave (1) 2saie 2 = metioM.s. bm indice M.D. @ = seconds Imi finger index finger (rh) Srdstring Mietingee (C1) “esgetnger cH) S'sate 3 = andwe wes. m= medio M.D. @® = tucorde ing finger) Idd finger (8) Stating inginger (10) Mitetinges (i) esate 4 = nigolo Ms, = anutae MD. @ = Secor ue finger) ting finger rh) Stating ener Finger) Ringinge eH) Bisa = mignolo M.D. (senza unghisy) @ = 6a cords Ue finger (eA) Vethout te oan) testing Kier Fiagre (CH) (ohne Nagel) Suite tea due note ugua: mantenee il dito M.S. indicat fermo sul ast, btwn two sounds of the same puck: kep the fingo inthe sm potion, "chen tre! Noten lichee Hoke: den seggebenes Pinger de W ge ae, ue note differnt: eivolare col dito M.S sulla tantra ena produ portameate ete te Aeon note side the A fg lng te Singin whoa making 6 Ewachenamei Noten verchiedener Hohe: mit dem Fige 1. Her dae ribet geiten jedoch ‘hue ei lasando su eraeagen ‘re ath ee ‘potato iso (il mumero romano indice il tsto sal quale deve rimaere por tuts te drat $$} ane). {scl bare (he Roman mumerl indicate the fret on which the baré sould remain daring th length of the ine) sehen Harré (ie mich Zaha den Bunda, af welche das Bard nu halen it, Behe deen) nolare ol eapotasto da una psiione alr (senza produre portamento), ‘ig the bur fom oe poston tothe other Feith no usando mit dem Bute Yon einer Position ror anderen gllten, fn ein psa hevormbringen. indctione det tia cords compress dal capotasto (2 Sedeter te lwwat sing scaded te bre, tei tite im Bar inbeogene Sate, poggiando™ con un dito M.D. su ana cords per volta dee nota in cae -*). ct ogg plucking with» vight hand finger om oe stn et 2 tana feypecal fotnae=°) “frpompanda ober spoyadlsAnwhag it sem Fog © Hj ee Sate Giche vier *) orl apppgto™ noah ui nena ioe con mnie termine mae Serine (F > ee re Jenner dal gro eco dk questa patio tcc llama desir on a et rats na cara rma apn ges cane nae Se eso nen gw armen alotnandes eget a po wae tne elu ee Fao pnsamentesunando wc nok ot 069 eam a enn ioe pa pen che prs parsimante a wn exo meld [Peet poe tne et 1 Capemmin i apoyo) nok dot ma em to hasan Engh cermin 1.2 owt aed Aa Re Pere ge note enh fg air packing Hing ress aul te et ing Se ee bn pour an on han se ne prc wed melo Oa eet aogier fan sl plucking downwards towed he urument and not aoe ee cl. page raze con ob sed by the ub if sco a norma, ee tet enter dem chen Wort anf) a oe coae bezier ne bpndre Anclagtcie drt im Dee Bedeatt Aa Gite pee ekter Tonisteranehageaeicoet wt edt Finget at nach dem 2 Mea eae te neh es de Png sd can me agencies pore Armco an i Nach rent a nent hin (tat che snd el vom Schall wc Fal nd he om havc et ein afiandelgenden Noten 4 At He a On vlsen Ton posts. Er ha ach mit aug wei ports ot epg pee le Fy eae re Tp ard ea eae eden ron dere ante) apt HS oto ups not pe da Demet compro i ga ele LF oe MBit al WS Foe Ore he pe pled by er the remainder within hs speci eet Sa ce ore fg and aon ders Hagen iain so de) avn cn str gcd oe MD ambi ent) tt Reema Sri ete er FE pT Siren roe nang eT set ie Noten Fon eon della ola M.S). cane er he er. ony plac the fet note th ther Bing rounded by The holy. aaron Gimando der. M. (i H eli ur dic ert Note a SETH produaert werden), tamentotepto M.S (a MD. pis slant la prima nots, quella wise deve isitare ct pont i flgende dart nur von AcconDt Corns AKKOKDE Supe non ape Med athens oleae und gesehosene Akkorde > Aecordy atenuto com on movimento dep che pain pi corde adiacentscivlandon ope dale rst RTA QUeTaD tet tc ndca che Vaecordo deve emee on arpragato jl movinrnte de pd a Eo tier Timpresione che le corde sano mewe in Wbrasane smultarcamentc:) Fiera ne Tee iat adjrtnt stingy aah the thumb. beginning Othe lowest packed xing Chord oid ec sathoe ee. The thumb shuld move vo fst ha the sings sem fo ed together wud (eth gauge, indem p_ Ober mehrte nebrncinanderLigende Suite, binned it Dir Aker weiner, itl (dr fo betichnete Akkord x gros xu picen- dp mie ean an i es ndrck enateht, die Sate ween isbn Selinger rach. : ‘der con itp come sopea ms apeggando(quind con an moriment pi nto conforme ala srt). bre with trl but wh peg therfore mathe dower movement ended bs ark ‘Wie aten itp. jedoc arpepgerend (ao mit einer lngrameren meg) Indlcrione generic arpegpato (1 un bicotdo od un accord). ‘ume erpegio ig (om to notes ochre) Igemeine Beveichnung Ur Arpeggio oder Harlenanachlg (eve oder mehr Site), Arpeagat eon Past arpergo Rsches peo Respucd com te dite esgucedo sith three fingers [Resgueado mit rel ingen Sordo ayegato ove ip scvla da una cord bas alles nll spi compress dls fea te ate dita W'Deconcludon Fapeggate psc corde manent ‘Ghrd with ere. the thumb plvig from the lowett tothe Nghe ing shown. the remaining Stings lacked sth fingers nested oe {CetochenerAlkord, bel imp vn cn (Se tnpe Sten von den andra Fuge item Suite aber die vom Pfeil umfauten geite, warend ‘ngeschingen werden Tambora ~ pacuotee le corde pres il ponticlo con it p ocon un alo dts te tide aD ambora~ ete ting ear he ride wih the thumb or othe fgeof he se het de fogs of Tamora ~ a die Sten wid am Stet von poder cinem anderen augers {ea ager lg gegen, SEVILLA (GEVILLANAS) Traserisone por chitares di Alfons Borghese ISAAC ALBENIZ “860 1909) )=in Sol Dain Re ‘Allegro moderato ‘ean ter LTE srnz, fife oy o ve sen oem, fae = Cota 2-9" Qu = ee ore oon snnz. COPERE PER CHITARRA SOLA, © LIUTO, 0 VIHUELA Dioniste Aguado ‘stat (Chest) ‘re ond bilan (® Chise) sae Albéniz Sev (A Borghese) ‘Torre Bore (A Borghese) Anonimma del XVI seeolo icerene pe hts (0. Crstofrt) Paolo Arch ‘Autor vast aneogi cist (8 Tones) ‘Reon mui ania wll. (R Chies) Panne cient per lito (P. Posi) “in coacertte, vol. (, Tos) {bie dl concert, vol I (R Chie) ‘it dl concern, vol I (B. Tons) Nuricte pe churn alla cote Vreles (@ Desoe) ‘Toe Hany Cua (R, Chios) Jonann Sebastlan Bach ‘ruga BWY 10, tacrion per ehitara 1 barocespagsolo Oper complete pe to (. Chev) (ers por hutoeaecesone pr chiar (h Cueee) Sots BWV 995, eascrisine per ciara (0. obs) (A Compeey) Site BWY 1006, traterisione pe cites (0. ongis) Sect rove BWV 914 (S. Grondons) Bruno Bartolozl ‘adls Oto 4 Cxeano Anzl Cnlara Benati ‘Nom slo (lages des sptres) Bruno Bettinell {Cone ua dese Doi tt Guderto Bosee Rifas Giampaclo Bracali Vines Giuseppe Antonio Breseanelio ‘Dice pare per chara eg iia pr Clues Chis) Para VEG Chie) Paria VI Che) ta XVI(R. Chie) Carle Calst Quindet compossion! (8. Tone) Matteo Carcass eating di melts progres op, 60 (chee) Ferdinando Cacull tes adie 09 229 (Chis) Se) Andon op. 320 (Chis) Scivater op 101 (R Cher) Sai op 20 (8. hiss) Sslsop, 360.2 (A Compray-R. Michele) Susi Chee) Tresomte op. 21(R Chie) ‘Te sontne dl op. 59 (& Chies) ‘Vnaron sl Asta talaga "Sl marge oop a2 (R ches) ‘Genus pais (A Compaay) Antonio Castelione alan a even Sot Bre) Mario Castelauoro-Tedesco “Appots Ps e Sta) op 210 val. ‘FI: Gu neal Wal. He Dane et See li Dao dit Otacent IV; Danze dl Noveceto Ruggero Chiese ‘Gear Grade, Mood elementae pe irs ‘Fania fondameatle ella chirea ait tele ole eatre Vol: it accra ‘Aldo Clemeati Dodi varia! Pantani petite Alvaro Company nein er Cabrel ‘Axio Corght ‘Convonsacia y eedble per una opt citarc Antonio de Cabezén "ee componsioe (J. Hinjocs) Lis de Plo Patol

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