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22-12-2020 - Tuesday

Assignment - 26th december

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Management - man + age + mentor (humans with experience become mentally tough)
Management exists even before humans exist.

Leader says what everyone has to do. If i am doing a business i am the boss.
Barter in management = ?

Evolution of management:
1. Traditional management = boss gives product to customer. Exchange of commodities -
Barter system. b->c (B2C)
2. Semi traditional management - boss moves from one group to another group.
Value based barter system = 1kg of rice = 5kg of firewood
B -> M ->C (B2B) & (B2C) no direct contact between the boss and customer.
Business expansion = if no one wants my product in my group, i move the product to
other group. Other group won't let new people with them
Person who is the mediator between the boss and the customer = manager
Large scale production =
Boss thinking about the behaviour of the manager - OB evolves
3. Modern management - boss -> general manager - > various departments
Boss is really interested in the behaviour of the employee. Completely currency based.

Organizational behaviour = organization + behaviour = whether the person has the

behaviour of that particular job.
Behaviour fits the job of the person
Ob leads once to once thinking towards viewing behaviour in a performance related
context, that is as it leads to effectiveness or success in achieving organizationally
desirable outcomes.

24-12-2020 - Thursday

Definition of OB:
The study of what people ​think, feel and do​ in and around organization.
Group level - doing, interpersonal level - feeling, individual level - thinking
Thinking starts at individual level
Ob gets more respect from people who have work experience
300% more success for ob practices company than company with no ob practices
Simple OB model
Understand organisational events (why certain things happen in the organisation)-
predict organisational events - influence organisational events
Make sure you are not responsible for the fault

Historical development of OB:

1924 - 32 hawthorne experiment
1. Plato - leadership
2. Aristotle - persuasive(convincing) communication - the way you communicate
can influence the behaviour of the people.
3. Confucius - ethics and leadership -
4. Chanakya - in book arthashastra - punishment for delaying the work and
incentives for doing the work faster.
5. Adams smith - division of work - call them as specialist, experts - 1776
6. Max Weber - german sociologist - charismatic leadership
7. F W Taylor - system approach - accurate input, do’s and don'ts of process -
defined output

Hawthrone experiment​ - Sir Eliton Mayo and harvard professors - illumination

experiment - light increased productivity raised, light decreased productivity
raised environment does not influence the productivity.
Hawthorne, Contributing disciplines to ob, scope of ob - topics to prepare

Hawthorne Experiment: -

- Conducted between 1924-1932

- Conducted by, Elton Mayo White Head Roethlisberger

Experiments Conducted
• Illumination Experiment
• Relay Assembly Test Experiments
• Mass interviewing program
• Bank wiring observation room experiment

​ ow varying levels of illumination affected productivity.

Illumination Experiment​: h
Measured Light Intensity vs. Worker Output
• Result : – Higher worker productivity and satisfaction at all light levels
– Worker productivity was stopped with the light levels reaching moonlight
• Conclusions: – Light intensity has no conclusive effect on output
– Productivity has a psychological component

Relay Assembly Test Experiments

- Failure of illumination experiment
- 2 girls choose, they can choose their co - workers
- Observer - make changes after consulting with girls, girls can take the decision too.

Conditions productivity
Each girl’s extra pay based on the group increased
2 5min break mrng & evng, 10 mins increased
5 mins break, frequency increased slightly decreased (affected rhythm)
2 10mins break, snacks increased
Change in work hours, workday increased

- absenteeism decreased, morale increased, and less supervision was required

- Revert back to original position - productivity increased
- productivity increased not because of positive changes in physical factors but because
of the change in girls’ attitudes towards work and their work group.
- Feeling of stability, sense of belongings, more freedom, self discipline, sense of

Mass interviewing program

- 20,000 experiments were conducted between 1928 - 1930
- Determine employe attitude towards the company, supervision, plans , promotions and
- Worker’s behaviour influenced by group behaviour
- Initially yes or no questions later non directive interviewing

● Complaint - symptom of personal disturbance

● Satisfaction / dissatisfaction - employe’ personal situation
● Personal situations - sentiments, desires, interests, past and present interpersonal
● The position or status of worker in the company is a reference from which the worker
assigns meaning and value to the events, objects and features
● The social organisation of the company represents a system of values from which the
worker derives satisfaction or dissatisfaction
● The social demands of the worker are influenced by social experience in groups both
inside and outside the work plant

Not satisfactory - another series of experiments

Bank Wiring Observation Room Experiment

- Impact of small groups on the individual

- 14 male workers in small group (9 wireman, three soldiers, two inspectors)
- Hourly wage rate and bonus was based on the average of the group
- They think that people will enforce rules on each other but it doesn't work
- Worker decided to target for themselves lower than company target
- Fear of unemployment, fear of rising the standard, protection of slow workers,
satisfaction on the part of management
- Informal relationships are more important factor
- Social beings not economic beings

1. People are social beings (non economic rewards are important)
2. Form informal groups to overcome formal relationships. Behaviour influenced by groups
3. Informal groups may have conflicts with formal groups. Management must understand
4. Communication is important part of organisation
5. Human and social motivation greater than incentives
6. Informal leader is important for group behavior
7. Supervision is important part - style of supervision
8. Working conditions
9. Employee morale
10. balanced approach to who;e situation

Contributing disciplines to OB

6 Contributing Disciplines to the Organization Behavior Field are:

1. Psychology.
2. Sociology.
3. Social Psychology.
4. Economics.
5. Anthropology.
6. Political Sciences.
Significance of OB

1. Skill improvement - ability of employees, use of knowledge

2. Understanding consumer buying behaviour
3. Nature of employees - introvert, extrovert, motivating, dominating
4. Anticipating organizational events - understand and predict events eg.production
planning, resource scheduling
5. Efficiency and effectiveness
6. Employee motivation - different ways to motivate the employee
7. Better environment for organisation
8. Optimum utilization of resources

Scope of OB: ​- 3 categories (people, structure, technology, social system)

1. Individual behavior - personal interview round, attitude, skills, personality

2. Inter - individual behavior - communication between employees, group dynamics,
meeting to decide some new thing
3. Group behavior - how group behaves, group efforts in organisation goal, rally

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