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oli HOME LIFE (p01 SONG GIA DiNH) 1. base /beis/ (n) [C] nén tang; co sé; diém tua Ex: It is a base from which we can go into the world with confidence, (Dé chinh la diém tya dé chiing t6i vitng bude vao déi.) . biologist /bai'vladsis (n) [C] nha sink vgt hoc . caring /'kearny (adj) (usu. before noun] chu déo . close-knit /klaus ‘mv (also less frequent closely-knit) (adj) khang khit; gén b6 . come up /kam 'ap/ (phr v): to happen xdy ra; ndy sink Ex: I'm afraid something urgent has come up. (Toi e ring dé cé chuyén khdn cdip xy ra.) 6. eel /i:l/ (n) [C, U] con Iuon; con cd chink 7. frankly /'frenkli/ (adv) thdng thdn; trung thuc Ex: They frankly admitted their responsibility. (Ho thang thdn nhén tréch nhiém.) 8. give sb a hand (with sth/ doing sth) (IDM): hélp sb (to do sth) gittp ai lam vige gi Ex: Let me give you a hand with these suitcases. (Dé t6i gitip ban xdch méy chiée vali nay nhé.) 9. household chores /'haushauld t{9:1/ (n) [C] vige nha; viée vdt trong nha 10: italics /r'teliks! (n) [pl] (also italic [sing.) chi? in nghieng Ex: Examples in this dictionary are i (Thi du trong quyén tit dién nay duge in nghiéng.) 11. join hands /dsoin 'hendz/ (IDM): to work doing sth hgp lye véi nhau dé lam gi; chung tay gdp site Ex: In my family, both parents join hands ot give us a nice house and a happy home. (Trong gia dinh toi, cd cha vd me déu chung tay gop site dé ching t6i cd mOt ngdi nha xinh xdn va mét gia dink hanh phic.) 12. lab /leb/ (n) (infml) (laboratory /lo'boratri/) phong thi nghigm 18. leftover /"leftauvar/ (n) [usu. pl.] thie dn thita ‘ — leftover (adj) [only before noun] cdn thia; con Iai SYN surplus Ex: Use any leftover meat to make a curry. (Cit ding hét ché thit con Iai dé ndu ca ry.) 14. make for /'merk fo:t/ (ph v): to help to make sth possible gizip lam cho edi gi c6 thé thyc hign duge; gitip tao thanh 15. mischievous /'mstfivas/ (adj): enjoying playing tricks and annoying people tinh nghich; tai qudi — mischief /'mistfif/ (n) [U] tré tink nghjch; tré tinh qudi > mischievously (adv) aRer Ss i UNIT 1: HOME LIFE = 5 16. obedient /a'bi:diant/ (adj) (~ to sb/ sth) biét vang lai; dé bdo; ngoan ngodn OPP disobedient Ex: As a child he was always obedient to his parents. (H6i con nhé anh ta lie nado eting vang lai b6 me.) > obedience /a'bi:dions/ (n) (U] sv vang lai; sy tuan theo > obediently (adv) _ 11. project /'prodgekt/ (n) [C] dé dn; dy dn; céng trinh (nghién citu) 18. sb can’t 'wait/ can hardly 'wait (IDM) hdo hutc; ham hd; néng long Ex: I can’t wait for the holidays. (T6i néng long mong dgi kj nghi.) 19. secure /si'kjuar/ (adj) an todn; an tam OPP insecure Ex: At last they were able to feel secure about the future. (Cuéi cdng thi ho da cé thé cdm thdy an tam vé tuong lai cia minh.) > security /si'kjorati/ (n) [U] sy an toan — securely (adv) 20. shift /fift/ (n) [C] ca; kip 21. spread out /spred 'auv (phr v): to separate from other people in a group, to cover a larger area téa ra 22. willing /'wiliy (adj) (~ to do sth) sdn long lam gi Ex: They keep a list of people (who are) willing to work nights. (Ho git mét danh séch nhitng nguoi sdn long lam ca dem.) — willingness /'wilipnas/ (n) [U, sing.].sx sdn long; su sot sdng ~ willingly (adv) The pronunciation of the ending -s (Céch phat am mu ty -s 6 cuéi tit) C6 8 edch phat Am dudi -s/-es: /s/, /ta/ va /el ¢ /s/ sau 4m v6 thanh (unvoiced consonant): /p/, /f/, /8/, /t/, Mk/ Ex: cups /kaps/; cloths /klods/; president's /'prezidonts/; Jack’s /d3eks/; works /wa:ks/; eats /izts/ © // sau am xuyt (sibilant sounds): /s/, /2/, /fl, /y, Ml, Id Ex; buses /'basiz/; buzzes /'baziz/; kisses /'kistz/; Alice’s /'zlistz/ © /2/.sau am hitu thanh (voiced consonant): 4m nguyén 4m, nhj tring am va cée phu Am: /b/, /v/, /0/, /d/, fol, MM, hal, nl, fy Ex: trees /trisa/ clothes /kloudz/ hills /hilz/ potatoes /pa'tertouz/ days /detz/ comes /kamz/ doctor's /'doktoz/ Mary's /'meoriz/ boils /botlz/ plays /plerz/ % Nguyén tde nay duge 4p dung véi mau ty s ding d cudi danh tit sé nhidu, sé hdu cach va dong tit ngéi thir ba sé it (c6 qui tac). Tuy nhién, van cé6 mot sé trutng hgp ngoai 18: 6 HUONG DAN Hgc TOT TIENG ANH 12 BEA || cucturar piversrry (sy xtc sier vé van Hoa) I. GLOSSARY (Bang tw vw 1. altar /'o:ltor/ (n) [C]: a table where religious ceremonies are performed ban tho 2. banquet /'benkwil/ (n) [C] bita tige Lon 3. blessing /'blesin/ (n) [usu. sing.]: good wishes or approval loi chuc phic; sv ung h6; su chdp thuan Ex: They got married without their parents’ blessing. (Ho két hén ma khong nhan duge lei chic phiic ctia cha me hai bon.) 4. bride /braid/ (n) [C] c6 déu ef. bridegroom; best man; bridesmaid 5. confide /kon'fard/ (v) [I]: to trust (in sb), especially by sharing secrets or discussing private affairs tin tudng; tin cdy Ex: I hope you know that you can always confide in me. (Ti muén ban biét rang ltie ndo ban ciing cé thé tin tudng & ti.) — confidence /'konfidons/ (n) [U] sy tin tuéng; su tin cay 6. conical /'konikY (adj) (cd) hinh non 7. contractual /kon'trektfuol/ (adj): of, or having the nature of, a contract bing giao keo; theo théa thugn — contractually (adv) 8. counterpart /'kavntapa:t/ (n) [C]: a person or thing that has the same position or function as sb/ sth else in a different place or situation bén tuong ung; d6i tée SYN opposite number Ex: The Foreign Minister held talks with his Chinese counterpart. (BO trudng ngogi giao dé cé nhitng cudc dam phdn véi vi tuong nhiém riguoi. Trung Quéc.) 9. determine /d1'ts:mmd/ (v) (fm) (TI: to discover the facts about sth; to calculate sth exactly xde dink SYN establish Ex: An inquiry was set up to determine the cause of the accident. (Mot cuge diéu tra da duge tiénhanh nhdm xde dink nguyén nhan gay tai nan.) — determination /d1,ta:mt'neifn/ (n) [U/ C] su xde dinh 10. diameter /dat'emutar/ (n) [C] (todn hoc) duéng kinh cf. radius; circumference 11. groom /gru:m/ (n) [C] (bridegroom) chu ré cf. bride; best man; bridesmaid 12. gross /gravs/ (adj): very rude and unpleasant gém ghiée 13. Master of Ceremonies /,ma:stor oy 'serimoniz/ (n) (abbr. MC): a person who introduces guests or entertainers at a formal occasion ngudi ddn chuong trinh 14. meatball /'mi:bo:1/ (n) [C] thit vien 16. oblige /a'blatds/ (~) [1] ( to do sth) [usu. passive]: to foree sb to do sth, by Jaw, because it is a duty, ete. bdt buge; cudng bdch Ex: I felt obliged to ask them to dinner, (T6i bude long phdi moi ho ding bia t6i.) > obliged /a'blaidsd/ (adj) biét on UNIT 2; CULTURAL Diversity = 15 > obliging /o'blardsuy/ (adj) hay git ngudi khde; s6t sdng SYN helpful a . precede /pri'si:d/ (v) [T]: to happen, come or go before sb/ sth di trude; dén trude Ex: The paragraph that precedes this one is unclear. (Doan van truée doan nay khéng ré nghia.) ~> precedence /'presidans/ (n) (U] quyén wu tién SYN priority 3 reject /ri'dseki/ (v) [T]: to refuse to accept or consider sth khuée tit; béc 63; logi 66 Ex: The plan was rejected as being impractical. (KE hogch dy dé bj bde b6 vi phi the té.) > reject /risdseky/ (n) [U/C] vat b6 di; ngudi bj Logi > rejection /r1'dyckjw/ (n) [U/C] sy bd 64; sy Logi bd us @ .rib /rib/ (n) [C]: a curved piece of wood, metal or plastic used to form, strengthen, or shape sth gong (6, non Id ..)) rim /rim/ (n) [C]: an edge at the top or outside of sth that is round vanh; mép a 20. romanticism /roo! mentisizom/ (n) [U] suv lang man 21. sacrifice /'sekrifats/ (v) [T] (~ sth for sb/ sth): to give up sth important or valuable so that you or other people can do or have sth else hy sink Ex: She is not willing to sactifice her career in order to have children. (CO ta khong mubn hy sinh su nghiép dé cé con.) > sacrifice (n) [U/C] sy hy sinh; vt hy sink 22, significantly /sig'niftkontli/ (adv): in a way that has a particular meaning Biv c6 § nghta dac bist; quan trong . Ex: Significantly, he did not deny that there might be an election. (Quan trong la ng ta khong phit nhGn kha nding st cd mét cuge bau cit.) significance /stg'ntfikans/ (n) [U/C] y nghia; sy quan trong significant /sig'mfikont/ (adj) 06 9 nghta; ddy nghia . stereo /'steriau/ (n).[C] (also stereo system) [C] mdy stereo 24. strap /strep/ (n) [C] day (da, lua, vdi ..); dai; quai 2 i a tray /trev/ (n) [C] khay hap) The pronunciation of -ed (Cach phat 4m duédi -ed) C6 3 céich phat Am dudi -ed cia dong ti c6 quy tc 6 thi qué khtt: /d/, /t/, /d/ @ /a/ sau cée phy 4m hiu thanh (voiced consonants): /b/, /y,, /mv/, /al, /V, Wh, Ie, Jal, 19, Has), try, va céc nguyén &m a, e, i, 0, u ¢ // sau cdc phy am vo thanb (unvoiced consonants): /8/, /p/, /t/, /sl, [jh Aff, Ned @ /d/ sau /d/ va /t/ 6 HUONG DAN HOC TOT TIENG ANH 12 Grammar Exercise 1, Hay hoan thanh doan hdi thoai véi hinh thic ding cia dong tir trong khung. z Dép an-goi ¥ 1, Have... seen; saw; am going to see 2, drank; have not drunk; drank 3. has written; Did ... write; wrote 4, have been cooking; cooked; cooked Exercise 2. Hay khoanh chit edi (A, B, © hofie D) dé hodn thanh doan van. Dép fnggiy 1.C 2A 3.0 4A 5.0 6A 7.C BA Exercise 3. Hay hoan tat bic thi sau véi hinh thie thich hgp cia dong tir trong ngoke. Dap an ggi ¥ 1. moved 5. study 2. moved 6. will fail 3. have asked 7. could talk 4. have not stopped : ] WAYS OF SOCIALISING (CAc CAcH GIAO TIEP) 1. absolute /'wbsolu:t/ (adj) tuyét déi; hodn toan; thudn tiuy; nguyén chat Ex: $4,000 is the absolute maximum we can spend. (Ching t6i chi-cé thé chi 16: da la 4000 déla.) — absolutely (adv) 2. approach /a'praot{/ (v) [I]: to come near to sb/ sth in distance or time dén gan; tiép can Ex: Winter is approaching. (Maa déng dang dén' gén.) > approach (n) [sing.] sy.dén gdn; sy lai gan 3. battleground /'betigraund/ (n).[C] (also battlefield /'batlfi:ld) chién trong 4, chitchat /'1fit tfet/ (n) [U] (infmJ): informal conversation about unimportant matters cuge tdn gdu; céu chuyén phiém SYN chat Ex: "What did you talk about?" "Oh, just chit-chat.” (Cée ban néi chuyén gi thé? ~ O, chi noi chuyen phiém thoi.) -> chitchat (v) [I] (infml) néi chuyén phiém; tan gdu . clap /klep/ (v) [I/ T] vd tay Ex: Everyone clapped us when we went up to get our prize. (Moi nguai vé tay hoan hé khi ching 16i biée len nhdn gidi thudng.) 6. cue /kju:/ (n) [C]: an event, action, or statement that tells sb indirectly that they should do sth sy ra. higu; ddu hiéu a 24° HUONG DAN Hoc 76r mifiNG ANE 1a 7. decent: /'di:snV/ (adj): acceptable to people in a particular situation lich sw; tuom tét; té chinh 8. discourtesy /dis'ka:tasi/ (n) [U/C] su bat lich sw; cit chi khiém nha 9. do /du: (v) (I/T] (~ for sb/ sth): to be suitable or be enough for sb/ sth dil; duge Ex: If you haven’t got a pen, a pencil will do. (Néu ban khéng cé bit myc thi ditng but chi ciing dugc.) 10. duration /dju'retfn/ (nm) (fmi): the length of time that sth lasts or continues khodng thoi gian (tén tai; tiép dién ...) Ex: The school was used as a hospital for the duration of the war. (Vao thoi chién, ngoitrudng dy duge ding lam bénh vién.) 11. gesture /"dgest{ar/ (n) [U/C]: a movement that communicates a feeling or instruction digw b§; cit chi. 12. get through /get '6ru:/ (phr v): to make contact with sb by telephone lién lac vdi ai qua dign thogi Ex; I tried calling you'several times but I couldn't et through. (T6i goi cho ban may lan nhung khéng duge.) 18, house-warming /"havs, wo:mr/ (n) [C] tiée tan gia . 14, informality /,1nfo:'maloti/ (n) (Ul: the quality or state of being informal tinh khéng nghi tite > informal /in'fo:ml/ (adj) khéng nghi thite; than mét > informally (adv) : 15. instance /linstons/ (n) [C]: an example or case (of sth) thé du; trudng hop Ex: In most instances the drug has no side effects. (Trong hdu hét ede truong hap, logi thudc nay khong cd tde dung phu.) interpret /m'ts:prit/ (v) [T] (~ sth as Sth): to explain or understand the meaning of sth hiéu (theo mét edch néod6) Ex: I didn’t know whether to interpret her silence as acceptance or refusal. (Toi khong biét nén hiéu su im lang ctia cé ta la chdp thuGn hay tit chéi.) — interpretation /in,ts:prt'terfn/ (n) [U/C] su hiéu; cdch hiéu 17.jump up and down (IDM) (infml): to be very angry, excited, or enthusiastic rat gidn, phén khich hode hang hdi 18. kid /k1d/ (v) (énfml) (I! T] daa SYN joke > you must be kidding/ you're kidding (IDM) (infml): used to show that you are very surprised at sth that sb has just said Ban khong dia ddy chit? 19. nod /nvd/ (v) [I/ 'T] gat déu 20. non-verbal /nvn 'va:bl/ (adj) (usu, before noun]: not involving words or speech khéng lai; phi ngon 21. otherwise /!,dowarz/ (adv) néu khéng thi; kéo Ex; Shut the window, otherwise it'll get too cold in here. (Déng cita 86 lai kéo lanh cong bay gid. 22. posture /'pustfoi/ (mn) [U/C] tu thé; déng vé 23. regards /ri'ga:dz/ (n) (pl.] lai chute; loi chao héi; lei tham hoi UNITS: WAYS OF SOCIALISING 25 1 a Ex: Give your brother my regards when you see him. (Cho toi gui loi hoi tham anh trai ban.) 24. regulation /,regju'leifn/ (n) [C, usu. pl.] guy dinh; quy tdc; diéu Ie 25. sarcastic /sa:'keestik/ (adj) (also BrE infml sarky /'sa:ki/): showing or expressing sarcasm ché nhao; mia mai; cham biém > sarcasm /'sa:kezom/ (n) (U] edch néi mia mai, cham biém — sarcastically (adv) . 26. shank of the evening /faeyk ov do 'i:vniy/ (IDM): the early part of the evening vita mdi t6i; chang vang 27. slumped /slamp¥/ (adj) (not usu. before noun] (~ against/ over sth): sitting with your body leaning forward, for example because you are asleep or unconscious ngéi chili vé phia trude 28. startling /'sta:tIny (adj): extremely unusual and surprising déng ngage nhién; gay sie . superior /su:'piorior/ (adj): thinking that you are better than other people trich thuong — superiority /su:,prori'vrati/ (n) [U] si¢ trich thugng 30. talk over /ts:k 'envar/ (phr v): to discuss sth thoroughly, especially in order to reach an agreement or make a decision ban bac Ex; You'll find it helpful to talk things over with a friend. (Ban sé thdy ban bac moi vide vdi mét nguai ban la vige nén lam.) 31. turn up /ts:n 'ap/ (phr v): (of a person) to arrive dén; xudt hi¢n Ex: Rachel knew that Ross would be very worried if she didn’t turn up. (Rachel: biét rang Ross sé rat lo ling néu cb khong dén.) 32. verbal /'vs:bl/ (adj): relating to. words béng loi; hitu ngon 33, whistle /'wisl/ (v) [I] huyt sdo > whistle (n) [C] tiéng huyt sdo 34. work out /wark 'aut/ (phr v): to find the answer to sth tim ra lai gidi; gidi quyét SYN solve PRA ole Stress in two-syllable words (Trong 4m cia ti hai Am tiét) « Syllable (Am tiét) Am tiét (syllable) 1a mét don vj phét 4m cia ti, thutng gém mot nguyén am ‘va mét ho{c nhiéu phy 4m. Trong ting Anh, mét tit c6 thé cd mot ho&c nhiéu am tiét. Ex: dad /deed/ c6 1 am tiét father /'fa:der/ c6 2 am tiét grandfather /'grendfa:Bar/ c6'3 am tiét * Stress in two-syllable words (Trong 4m cita tir hai 4m tiét) 2 3S 26 = wv6Ne DAN Hoc Tr TIENG ANH 12 SCHOOL EDUCATION SYSTEM (HE THONG GIAO DUC PHO THONG) ed 1. academic /,eke'demik/ (adj) (usu. before noun] thude (su gidng day hode hee tap d) nha truéng 2. boarding school /'bo:din sku:l/ (n) [C] trudng ngi tri ef. day school 8. certificate /sa'tfikot/ (n) [C]: an official document proving that you have completed a course of study or passed an exam gidy ching nhén; ching chi 4, childcare /'tfaildkear/ (n) [U]: care for children provided by either the government, an organization or a person, while parents are at work or are absent for another reason vige trong tré 5. compulsory /kom'palsori/ (adj: that must be done, by law, rules, etc. bdt buée SYN mandatory; obligatory OPP non-compulsory; voluntary; optional Ex: It is compulsory for all motorcyclists to wear helmets. (Tt cé nhitng ngudi di xe gdn mdy déu phdi doi mi bdo hiém.) ~> compulsorily (adv) 6. core /ko:1/ (adj) quan trong; chinh; chit yeu + core subjects (n) [pl.J: subjects that all the students have to study nhiing mén bat bude 7, curriculum /ka'rikjalem/ (a) [C] (pl. curricula /ka'rikjalo/ or curriculums): the subjects that are included in a course of study or taught in a school, college, ete. chuong trink gidng day ef, syllabus Ex: Spanish is on/ in the curriculum. (Tiéng Tay Ban Nha c6 trong chuong trinh gidng day”) 8. disruptive /dis!rapuv/ (adj): causing problems, noise, etc. 80 that sth cannot continue normally quay phé 9, for short /fo:r fo:t/ (IDM): as a short form viét tdt Ex: She's called “Diana”, or “Di” for_short. (Ten c6 dy la Diana, hoge viét tét Di.) 10. GCSE /,dsi: si: es 'is/ (n) [U/C]: a British exam taken by students in England and Wales and some other countries, usually around the age of 16.. GCSE can be taken in any of a range of subjects (abbr. for ‘General Certificate of Secondary Education’) ching chi gido duc phd thong trung hoc 11. get on /get 'vn/ (phr v) (also get along): used to talk or ask about how well sb is doing in a particular situation tién 66 Ex: He's getting on very well at school. (O trudng, néd hoc rét tién bé.) 12. go through /goo '@ru:/ (phr v): to carefully read or discuss sth, to check that it is correct and acceptable xem xét; thdo Iudn 18. good for you /,god for 'ju:/ (IDM) (énfmd): used to praise sb for doing sth well mutng cho anh 40 Hv6NG pan nig T6r THANG ANE 12 14, half term /ha:f 'tarm/ (n) [C] ky nghi giita hoc ky 15. kindergarten /'kindo ga:tn/ (n) [C] mdu gido ef. nursery 16. make up /meik 'ap/ (phr v): to form sth tao thanh; chiém SYN constitute 17. methodical /ma'OndikW/ (adj): (of a person) doing things in a careful and logical way cé phuong phdp; cdn than SYN disciplined 18. mid- /mid/ (prefix): (in nouns and adjectives) in the middle of ¢ giita 19. nursery /'na:sari/ (n) [C] nha tré 20.on the whole /vn do hovl/ (IDM): considering every thing; in general nhin chung 21. optional /'vpfoni/ (adj): that you can choose to do or have if you want to thy J; tue chon; khéng bdt bude SYN non-compulsory; voluntary OPP compulsory = option /'vpfn/ (n) [U/C] sz lua chon; diéu duge chon 22. parallel /'peralel/ (adj): very similar or taking place at the same time song song; tuong tu; ngang hang 23, public school /,pablik 'sku:l/ (n) [U/C] (in Britain, especially in England) trudng tu cf. independent school; private school; public school . run /ran/ (vy) [I]: to continue for a time kéo dai Ex: The academic year in Vietnam runs from September to May. (Nam hoe & Vist Nam kéo dai tu thing Chin dén thang Nam.) 5. schooling /'sku:luy/ (n) (UJ: the education you receive at school sv gido duc & nhé trudng 26. stage /steidy/ (n) (Cl: a separate part that a process, ete. is divided into giai dogn SYN phase 27. state school /'stet sku:I/ (n) (Br) (NAmE public school) trudng céng ef. private school; public school 28. struggle /'stragl/ (n) [sing.] nd Ive Ién SYN effort 29, tearaway /'tearawer/ (n) (BrE, infml): a young person who is difficult to control and often does stupid, dangerous and/ or illegal things ké ngé ngwoc 30. well-behaved /,wel bi'heiv/ (adj): behaving in a way that other people think is polite or correct cé hanh kiém tét; c6 gido due % danh ty riéng Pennsylvania /,pensil'veinio/ (n) tén mét tiéu bang 6 mién déng bée Hoa Ky BM NU Sea rap Le Stress in three-syllable words (Trong 4m cia ti ba Am tiét) 8 2 x wo a pie a, Dank tit: - trong 4m thudng rei vao am tiét dau néu Am tiét thi ba cha mot nguyén am ngn va Am tiét thi hai chita nguyén am ng&n va t4n cing vdi khong qué mOt’phy 4m. Ex: industry /"indastri/ envelope /‘envaloup/ UNIT 4: SCHOOL EDUCATION SYSTEM 41 9. The floor hasn't been cleaned (by Jane) yet. 10. The house will be repainted soon. Exercise 8. Hay dién vao ché tréng trong doan van sau thé bi dong va thi thich hgp cia dong tir trong ngoac. Dap dn 1. was built 4. can be bought 7. is stored 10. can be done 2. were sold 5. are used 8. are done 3. has been made 6. can be used 9. must be told ST) li HIGHER EDUCATION (GiAO DYC DAI HOC) 1. admission /ad'mtfn/ (n) [U/C] (~ to sth): the act of accepting sb into an institution, organization, etc. vite nhdn ai vao mét t6 chite, co quan ... 2. application /,wpli'keifb/ (n) [U/C]: an official request for sth, usually in writing don xin —> application form (n) [C] m@u don xin 8, archeology /,a:ki'viodsi/ (n) [U] kido 06 hoe 4, at home (IDM): comfortable and relaxed. cdém thdy thodi mdi, ty nhién nhu & nha Ex; I like the city. I feel at home here, (T6i thich thanh pho nay. O day t6i cdm thdy dé-chiu nhu & nha.) 5. blame /bleim/ (v) [T] (~ sb/ sth for sth; ~ sth on sb/ sth): to think or say that sb/ sth is résponsible for sth bad khién irdch; trach; dé i Ex: You can't really blame Helen for not wanting to get involved. (Ban that sit khong thé irdch Helen vi cb dy da khong mudn dinh dang’ vao.) -> blame (n) [U] (~ for sth) trdch nhigm (vé mét diéu gi sai); Ii — blameless /'bleimlas/ (adj) v6 t6i SYN innocent — blamelessly (adv) > blameworthy /"bleimwe:rdi/ (adj) (fml) dang tréch 6. Celsius /'selsios/ (adj) (also centigrade; abbr C): of or using a scale of temperature in which water freezes at 0° and boil at 100° bdch phan > Celsius (n) [U] 46 Celsius; do C 7. daunting /'do:ntiy/ (adj) lam thodi cht; lam ndn long; ddng sg SYN intimidating 8. fight back (against sb/ sth) (phr v): if you fight back an emotion, you try very hard not to show it nén; nin Ex: Mary bit her lip and fought back her tears. (Mary mim chdt méi cé ngdn nude mdt roi.) 9. identity card /ar'dentati ka:d/ (n) (C] (also ID card) chitng mink nhén dan 10. midterm /,mid'ts:rm/ (adj) [only before n.}: in the middle of one of the main periods of the academic year giita hoc hi 48 —wvéNG DAN HOC TOT TIENG ANH 12 11. obligatory /a'biigatri/ (adj) (fl): that you must do because of the law, rules, etc. bdt buéc SYN compulsory; mandatory OPP non-compulsory; voluntary; optional 12, over and over (IDM): happening or done many times hét in nay dén ldn khde; lap di lap lai Ex: I read the article over and over till it made sense. (T6i doe di doc lai bai bdo dy cho dén khi hiéu duge mdi théi.) 18. philosophy /fi'lnsafi/ (n) [U] triét hoc 14. proficiency /pro'fifonsi/ (n) [U] sv thanh thao; su tai gidi 15. psychology /sat'kuladgi/ (n) [U] tam Ly hoe cf. psychiatry 16. scary /'skeri/ (adj) (nfm): frightening dang sg Ex; It was a scary moment. (Dé la mt khodnh khde dang sg.) > scare /sker/ (v) [I/T] lam kinh hai; doa; cém thdy sg hai > scare (n) [U/C] su sg hai; méi lo so 17. socio-linguisties /,soofiavlin'gwistiks/ (n) [U] ngén ngi hoc xa h6i 18, sociology /saufi'vladsi/ (n) [U] xd Adi hoc 19. tertiary /'ts:Jori/ (adj): third in order, rank or importance thit ba — tertiary education (n): at university or college level gido duc cdp dai hoc hodge cao déng 20. tutorial /tju:'ta:ria (adj) (thue) vige day kem; gia su 21. UCAS /"ju:kes/ (abbr.); (in Britain) Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (an official organization that deals with applications to study at universities) . undergraduate /,ando'gredsuov/ (n) [C]: a university or college student who is studying for their first degree sinh vién — undergraduate course (n) khdéa dai hoc FRAMMAR (Ngit phap). Stress in words of more than three-syllable (Trong 4m cia ti hon ba am tiét) - Quy t&éc trong 4m cua nhiing tif c6 tién té (prefix): ‘Thong thudng trong 4m chinh khong bi 4nh hudng béi tién t6 (prefix). Ex: identified /ar'denufay > unidentified /,anar'dentrfar/ expensive /ik'spenstv/ - > —_ inexpensive /,1nik'spenstv/ - Quy tac trong 4m cia nhiing ti c6 hau té (suffix) +véi -ade; -ain; -ee; -eer} -ese; -ette; -esque; -ique, trong 4m chinh thudng roi vao dm tiét cudi (Am cé chia h4u t6). Ex: lemon /"lemon/ > lemonade /lemo!ne1d/ interview /'mtaryju/ + +> interviewee /,:ntavjuliy +véi -eous; -graphy; -ial/ -wal; -ic; -ion; -ious; -ity; -ive, trong 4m chinh thudng roi vao 4m tiét cudi ciia tir géc. Ex: advantage /od'vantidyy ' -» advantageous /,edvon'terdsos/ photo /'footau/ —> photography /fa'tngrofi/ ceremony /'serimoni/ > ceremonial /,sert'mouniol/ UNIT 5: HIGHER EDUCATION 49 2: S & LANGUAGE FOCUS Pronunciation * Laing nghe réi lap lai. economies /i:ka'nomiks/ psychology /sai'kolodsi/ philosophy /ft'tvsofi/ engineering /endsi'niariry sociology /saofi'lod3i/ mathematics /,ma@o'matiks/ : geographical /,dsi:a'grefikV archeology /,a:ki'nlodsi/ * Hay thyc hanh doe cée cau sau, Grammar Exercise 1. Hay hoan thanh cau, ding diéu kién loai 1. Dap 4n ggi ¥ 1. If you fail the GCSE examination, you will not be allowed to take the entrance examination to the university. 2. You won't be able to get into the examination room if you are 10 minutes late. 8. If you don’t send the application form on time, you will not be able/ allowed to take the entrance exam. 4. If you don’t have a reference letter, you won't be able/ allowed to submit your application form. 5. Unless you show your identity eard, you won't be able/ allowed to get into the examination room, Exercise 2. Hay dién ta cdc tinh hung sau ding cfu diéu kién loai 2. Dap an . If she had a car, she would go out in the evening. . If Sarah liked school, she would study hard. . 1 would/ could do the test if it was/ were not too difficult. . Peter would read a lot if he found the time/ had more time. If I spoke Korean, I could translate this. 6. If they weren’t afraid of flying, they would travel far a lot. Exercise 3. Hay, hoin thanh cau v6i hinh thie ding ciia tix trong ngode. apepe Dap an 1, would have been (allowed) 4, would have made 2. might have called 5. would have given 3. had installed 6. had had FUTURE JOBS (NGHE NGHIEP TUONG LAI) . account /a'kaunl/ (n) [C] bdn bdo cdo; ban miéu td; bén ké khai 2. accountant /a'kaontant/ (n) [C] nhdn yién ké todn x 3. admit /od'miv (v) [1]: (~ to sth/ to doing sth/ ~ to sb): to agree that sth unpleasant is true or that you have done sth wrong thita nhdn; thi nhaén SYN confess UNIT 6: FUTURE JoBs, 55 Ex: She admitted having broken the computer. (Cé ta thi nhdn dé lam héng chiée mdy tinh.) > admission /od'mifn/ (n) [C] loi thé nhan 4. arrow /'wrau/ (n) [C] tén; mili ten 5, assessment /a'sesmonv/ (n) [U]: the act of judging or forming an opinion about sb/ sth suv dénh gid > assess /o!ses/ (v) (T] ddnh gid . be to blame for sth (IDM): to be responsible for sth bad dang bj khién trach vé diéu gi; phdi chiu trdch nhiém vé diéu gi; c6 Idi vé diéu gi Ex: Which driver was to blame for the accident? (Tai xé nao e6 16i trong vu tai nan nay?) 7. challenging /'t/elindsin/ (adj) khd khan; ddy thit théch . controller /kan'travlar/ (n) [C] (also comptroller /kan'travler/) kiém todn vién 9. create /kri'ew/ (v) [T]: to produce a particular feeling or impression tao nén; tao ra > create an impression (IDM): make sb think about you in a particular way tao Gn tugng Ex: I really wanted to create a good impression at the start of the interview. (T6i rdt mudn tao dn tugng tét tit ddu budi phéng van.) 10. descend /di'send/ (v) [1] buéng xuéng 11. due /dju:/ (adj) {not before a noun]: expected or planned to happen or arrive duge sdp dit; duge che dgi What time is the next train due (in)? (Khi nao thi chuyén tau ké tiép dén?) 12. fascinating /'fesinetiy (adj) hap dan; loi cuén 18. finance /fai'nans/ (n) [U] tai chink — financial /fa'nenjV (adj) (usu. before noun] (thudc) tai chinh terms of /in 'ts:mz ov/ (IDM): used when your referring to a particular aspect of sth vé mat; duéi dang 15. intensive /in'tensiv/ (adj): involving a lot of work or activity done in a short time tdp trung; cdp téc Ex: I am going to take an intensive language course. (T6i sé dang hy m6t khéa ngén ngit cp t6c.) 16. irrigation /,1i'gerfn/ (n) [U] sw tuoi > irrigate /‘iniger (v) (T] tuéi 17. jot down /d3vt 'davn/ (phr y): to write sth quickly viét vdi; viét nhanh; ghi vdn tdt Ex: Pll just jot down the address for you. (Tdi sé viét nhanhi dja chi cho ban.) 18. manufacturing /,manju'fekt{rin/ (n) (U] suv sdn xudt; sy ché tao 19. move 'in (phr v) (also move ‘into): to start to live in your new home don vdo nha méi OPP move out Ex: Our new neighbours moved in yesterday. (Hang xém cua chung t6i méi don dén hém qua.) 56 HUONG DAN HQC TOT THEiNG ANH 12, 2 @ 20. move ‘out (phr v): to leave your old home don nha di OPP move in 21.neat /ni:v (adj): tidy and in order; carefully done or arranged gon gang; ngan ndp > neatness /'ni:inas/ (n) [U] sv gon gang; su ngan ndp > neatly (adv) 22. pass /pa:s/ (n) (C] (especially BrE): a successful result in an exam sv thi dé Ex: She got a pass in French. (Cé ta thi dé mén tiéng Phdp.) . pressure /'prefar/ (n) [U] (also pressures /'prefarz/ [pl.]) dp lve; su cding thdng . qualification /,kwalofi'keifi/ (n) [C]: an ability or quality that you need in order to do a particular job or activity nang lye chuyén mén . recommendation /,rekomen'deifi/ (n), [C]: a written or spoken statement that praises sb’s character and their ability to do a job lai gidi thieu; lai tién cit — letter of recommendation /"letor ov jrekomen'derfn/ (n) [C] thu gidi thigu 2 2. 88 2 & 26. relate to /ri'leit tu:/ (phr v): to be connected with sth/ sb cd lién quan Ex: We shall discuss the problem as it relates to our case. (Chung ta sé thdo ludn vé vdn dé nay béi vi nd lien quan dén trudng hgp cia ching ta.) 27. resumé /'rezjumei/ (n) (VAmE) (BrE curriculum vitae /ko,rikjotom 'vi:tar/; abbr. GV /jsi: 'vil) so yu Ly Lick 28. retail /ri'teil/ (n) [U] sv bdn 1é cf. wholesale ~ retail (v) [/ T] ban 1é > retail (adj) (thuge) bin 1é — retail (adv) 29, rewarding /r1'wo:din/ (adj) (vé mét hank dong) déng hai long; hitu ich 80. sector /'sektai/ (n) [C]: a part of the business activity of a country khu uve 31. shortcoming /"fo:tkamuy (n) [usu. pl.J: a fault or weakness khuyét diém; 16i; diéu thiéu sdt SYN defect 82. stress /stres/ (v) [T]: to emphasize a fact, an idea, etc. nhdin manh > stress (n) [U] dp luc; su ceding thang; su nhdn manh — stressful /'stresfl/ (adj): causing a lot of anxiety and worry cdng thdng Ex: It was a stressful time for all of us: (D6 1a khodng thoi gian cdng thing d6i vdi tdt cd ching t6i.) 83. supplementary /,sapli'mentri/ (adj) (especially BrE) (NAmE usu. supplemental /,sapli'mentl/) bé sung; phy thém vdo SYN additional 84. technical /'teknikl/ (adj): of, used, or peculiar to a specific science, art, profession, craft, etc. (thu6c) chuyén mén; chuyén nganh SYN specialized 35. wholesale /'hoolseil/ (n) [U] sy bdn budn; su ban si ~» wholesale (v) [I/T] bdn si; bén buén + wholesale (adj) [only before noun] (bdn) buén; (bdn) si — wholesale (adv) 36. workforce /'wa:kfo:s/ (n) [C + sing./ pl. v.] lute Ivong lao dong £ 8 UNITS: FUTURE JoBs 57 TEAM |!) © ECONOMIC REFORMS (cAI cAch kind TE) 1. adopt /a'dvpt/ (v) [T]: to formally accept a suggestion or policy by voting théng qua Ex: The council is expected to adopt the new policy at its next meeting. (Nguai ta mong doi hoi déng sé thong qua chinh séch mdi vao ky hop sdp tdi.) adoption /s'dvpjn/ (n) [U/C] sv théng qua; sy dp dung; vite sit dung commitment /ke!mitment/ (n) [U/C]: (~ to sb/ sth; ~ to do sth) sy cam két; loi cam két commit /ko'miy (v) [T] [often passive] hifa; cam két congress /'kongres/ (n) [C + sing/'pl. v.] dai hoi > congressional /kon'gresfanl/ (adj) [only before noun] (thudc) dai héi 4. consumer goods /kan'sju:mor gudz/ (n) [pl.]: goods such as food, clothing, etc. bought by individual customers hang: tiéu dang of. capital goods . dissolve /dr'znlv/ (v) [T]: to officially end a marriage, business agreement or parliament hy 66; gidi thé; gidi tén Ex: The election was announced and parliament was dissolved. (Cudc bdu cit da dugc théng bdo va quéc hdi bi gidi tan.) dissolution /,diso'lu:fn/ (n) [U] (~ of sth) sy hily 06; su gidi thé dominate /‘dummei/‘(v) [T]: to be the most important or noticeable feature of sth tr6i hon; chiém uu thé; chi phéi domination /,dvmt'netfn/ (n) [U] wu thé; su tri hon; sue chi phi drainage /'dremidy (n) (U] sv rit nude; suv thdo nude; sy tiéu nude eliminate /1'limmert/ (v) [T] (~.sth/ sb) (from sth): to remove or get rid of sth/ sb logi ra; trit ra; loi trv Ex: The police have eliminated two suspects from their investigation. (Cénh sdt dé logi trit hai nghi can trong cuge ditu tra cia ho.) ~> elimination /1,l:mi'nerfn/ (n) [U/C] sx logi ra; sy logi triz fertilizer /'fa:talatzor/ (n) [U/C] phan bén 0. guideline /‘gaidlain/ (n) (often guidelines): rules or instructions that are given by an official organization telling you how to do sth, especially sth difficult duong Ii 1. inflation /in'flefn/ (n) [Ul]: a general rise in the prices of services and goods in’a particular country, resulting in a fall in the value of money; the rate at which this happen lam phdt; mite lam phat lation is currently running at 3%. (Mite lam phdt hién nay la 3%.) — inflationary /in'fleifanri/ (adj) (thuéc) lam phat; gay lam phdt; do lam phat aay ra . 12. initiate /i'nyfiew/ (v) [('T] (fml): to make sth begin bdt ddu; khdi ddu; dé axuéng SYN set in motion 66 = HUGNG DAN HOC TOT THENG ANH 12 py Sy ox Py way ae » — initiation /,nifi'erfn/ (n) [U] (fil) su bdt ddu; su khdi déu; su khéi xuéng 18. in ruins /in 'ru:inz/ (IDM): destroyed or severely damaged trong tinh trang hut hai; trong tinh trang dé ndt nghiém trong Ex: Years of fighting have left the area in ruins. (Nhing nam chién tranh da tan pha ndng né ving ndy.) 14. insecticide /in'sektsatd/ (n) [U/C] thuée trit sau 15. intervention /,imto'venfn/ (n) [U/C] sy xen vdo; sy can thiép > intervene / into! vi:n/ (v) [I] xen vdo; can thiép 16. legal /'li:gl (adj) [only before noun]: connected with the law (thudc) lat phap —> legal ground /'li:gl graond/ (n) [C] eo sé phdp ly 17, measure /'meger/ (n) [C] (~ to do sth): an official action that is done in order to achieve a particular aim bign phdp Ex; The government is introducing tougher measures to combat crime. (Chink phi sé dua ra cde phdp citng rén hon nhdm ngén chan t6i dc.) 18. overall /'auvaro:V/ (adj) [only before noun]: including all the things or people that are involved in, a particular situation; general todn thé; toan b6; toan diégn — overall (adv) 19. pesticide /'pestisaid/ (n) [U/C] thud tr sau 20. priority /pras'vrati/ (n) [U] (~ over sth); the most important place among various things that have to be done or among a group of people quyén. uu tidn; suc uu tien 21. rational /'refnal/ (adj) ¢6 Ly tri; dia trén ly tri — rationally (adv) 22. reaffirm /,i:e'fs:m/ (v) [T]: to state sth again in order to emphasize that it is still true xdc nhdn mét lan nia > reaffirmation /,ri:,efo'meifn/ (n) [U/C] su xde nha@n mét Idn nita 23. renovation /,rena'verfn/ (n) [U, C usu. pl.] su déi mdi; su edi tién; su sita chita > renovate /'renoveit/ (v) [T] déi mdi; edi cach; sita chita 24, stagnant /'stegnant/ (adj): not developing, growing or changing éri tré SYN static 25. subsequent /'sabsikwont/ (adj) (fm): happening or coming after sth else dén sau; theo sau OPP previous Ex: Subsequent events confirmed our doubts. (Cae sy hién xdy ra sau d6 da cling c6 méi nghi ngé ciia ching t6i.) > subsequently (adv) 26. subsidy /'sabsodi/ (n) [U/C] tién tro cd’p 27. substantial /sob' stenfV/ (adj): large in amount, value or importance 1én lao; dang ké; quan trong; trong yéu SYN considerable 28. undergone /,,nda'gon/ (v) (T]: to experience sth, especially a change or sth unpleasant chiw dung; trai qua ae = Se 8 = ‘UNIT 7; ECONOMIC REFORMS ~. 67 Exercise 2. Hay hodn thanh cau. Ding although + mét Au trong khung. Dap an ggi ¥ 1. Although I was very tired 5. Although I didn’t speak the language 2. Although I had never seen her before 6. Although the heat was on 3. although it was pretty cold 7. although I'd met, her twice before 4. although we don’t like them very much 8. although we have known each , other for a long time Exercise 3, Hay hoan thanh cdc cdu sau theo ¥ cia ban. Dap an ggi ¥ . we forgot many things . they were very hungry . he could speak/ read the language very well/ make himself understood . Although he had revised everything/ studied very hard it is pretty cold/ there hasn’t been any rain Ue] I LIFE IN THE FUTURE (cudc SONG TRONG TUONG LAl) I. GLOSSARY (Bang 1. as for /as fo:/ (IDM): used to start talking about sb/ sth con nhu; vé phdn SYN regarding Ex: As for Jo, she’s doing fine. (Vé phdn Jo thi cd dy rdt khée.) 2. bound /bavnd/ (adj) (~ to do/ be sth): certain or likely to happen, or to do or be sth chde chdn Ex: It’s bound to be sunny again tomorrow. (Chde chdin ngay mai tri lai nding.) 8. burden /'bs:dn/ (n) {C]: a duty, responsibility, ete. that causes worry, difficulty or hard work génh néng >» burden (v) [T] chat nang; dé ndng lén 4. centenarian /,senti'nearion/ (n) [C] ngudi ti mot tram tudi tré len - 5. cure /kjuar/ (n) [C] phuong thude; liéu thude; edch chita tri Ex: Is there a cure for this illness? (Can bénh nay cé chita duge khong?) 6. cut down /kat daun/ (phr v): to reduce the size, amount or number of sth gidm bét Ex: The doctor told him to cut down on his drinking. (Bac st khuyén anh ta nén. bét udng rugu.) 7. declare /d1'klear/ (v) [T] tuyén 66 Ex: I declare this bridge open. (T6i tuyén bé khdnh thanh cay cdu nay.) 8. depression /di'prefn/ (n) [U/C]: a period when there is little economic activity and many people are poor or without jobs thai k) suy thodi 9. development /dt'velopmont/ (n) [C]: a new event that changes a situation dién bién Ex: This week has seen a number of new developments in the crisis. (Tudn nay cuéc khiing hodng 6 mét sé dién bién mdi.) 10. diagnostic /,datog'nostik/ (adj) [usu. before noun] (technical): connected with identifying sth, especially an illness chdn dodn ano ‘UNIT 8:LIFE IN THE FUTURE. 75 1 a i a 18. 19. 2 8 2 22. 23. 24. 25. > “9 2 4 28. 76 . eternal /i'ta:nI/ (adj): r diagnostic (n) (computing) [C] phép chdn dodn - electronic /1,!ek'tronik/ (adj) [usu, before noun]: concerned with electronic equipment (thude) thiét bj dign tit . eradicate /i'redikeit/ (v) [T] (~ sth from sth) loai trix SYN wipe out eradication /1,redi'kerfn/ (n) (U] ithout an end; existing or continuing forever één tgi; doi doi; vinh vién; bat digt eternally (adv) fatal /'feitV/ (adj): causing or ending in death chét nguoi hall /no:/ (n) [C] (VAmE also hallway /'ho:lwev/): a passage in a building with rooms down either side hanh lang SYN corridor Ex: I headed for Scott's office down the hall. (Toi di dén phong lam vige cla Scott & cudi hank lang.) |. holidaymaker /'hvlodet,meikor/ (n) [C] (BrE) (NAmE vacationer /vo'keifonor/) ngudi di nghi mat . in sb’s hands/ in the hands of sb (IDM): in the control of sb or sb’s repsonsiblity thuée quyén ctia ai; thude tréch nhiém cia ai; ném trong tay ai Ex: The future of the industry now lies in the hands of the government. (Tuong lai cia nganh céng nghiép gio day nam trong tay chinh: phi.) labour-saving /'leibor se1vin/ (adj) [usu. before noun]; designed to reduce the amount: of work or effort needed to do sth tiét kigm siée lao dong life expectancy /laif 1k,spektansi/ (m) [U/C] (also expectation of life /ek,spekterfii av "aui/) tudi tho trung binh . materialistic /mo,tiorio'listik/ (adj) (disapproving): caring more about money and possessions than anything else ndng vé v@t chdt; thién vé vat chat methane /'mi:Qei/ (n) [U] (sym CH,) Métan micro technology /'markrao tek' nplodsi/ (a) céng nghé vi mé smore or ‘less, (IDM): almost hdu nhu; khéng it thi nhiéw mushroom /'mafiomy (v) [I]: to rapidly grow or increase in number moe lén nhu néim optimistic /,vpt'misuik/ (adj) (~ about sth; ~ that): expecting good things to happen or sth to be successful; showing this feeling Jae quan SYN positive optimist /'nptimist/ (n) [C] ngwoi Ige quan OPP pessimist optimistically (adv) pessimistic /,pesi!mistik/ (adj) (~ about sth): expecting bad things to happen or sth not to be successfull; showing this feeling bi quan; yém thé OPP optimistic pessimist /'pesimist/ (n) [C] ngudi bi quan OPP optimist pessimistically (adv) resort /ri'zo:/ (n):[C] khu nghi mdt Ex: It is a popular holiday resort. (Dé la mét khu nghi mdt néi tiéng.) run on /ran pn/ (phr v): to use a particular kind of fuel or power supply, or make sth do this sit dung logi nhién ligu/ nang luong gi HUONG DAN HQC 169 THENG ANH 12 Ex: Every new car that is sold in the UK must be able to run_on unleaded fuel. (Tat cd cde loai xe hoi mdi duge bin & Anh phai sit dung duge xdng khong chi.) 29. space-shuttle /speis 'fatl/ (n) [C] (also shuttle): a spacecraft designed to be used, for example, for traveling between the earth and a space station tau con thoi . stop ‘off (phr v): to stop somewhere before continuing a journey dé Iai; nghi Iai; ditng Iai Ex: On the way home, he stopped off to look at a,house he was thinking of buying. (Trén duéng vé nha, anh ta ding lai dé ngdm ngoi nha ma anh ta dink mua.) 31. terrorism /'tcrarizom/ (n) [U]: the use of violent action in order to achieve political aims or to force a’ government to act chinh sdch khiing b& 32. urgent /'s:dganv/ (adj): that needs to be dealt with or happen immediately khdn cép > urgency /'s:d3ansi/ (n) [U, sing.] su khdn edp > urgently (adv) 83. wipe’ out /waip 'aot/ (phr v) [often passive]: to destroy or remove sb/ sth completely xéa sch; trigt ha; quét sach EEN ey Prepositions and Articles (Gi6i tit va mao tx) 3 s 1. Prepositions (Gidi ti”) Gidi ti 1a ti hoe nhém ti thudng duge ding truéc danh tit hoac dai tir aé chi sy lién hé gitia danh tit hoac dai tit nay véi cde thanh phdn khéc trong cau. Cée loai gidi tit thutng gap: © Gidi tiv chi noi chén (prepositions of place); at (6); in (6 trong); on (trén); to (dn); from (tw); by (bén canh); beside (bén canh); near (gdn); over (ngay trén); under (ngay dudi); above (bén trén); below (bén dudi), ... Ex: The train stops at Rome and Venice. (Xe lua dung & Rome va Venice.) There were too many people on the bus. (Cé qué nhiéu ngudi trén xe buyt.) Gi6i tit chi thi gian (prepositions of time): at (vdo lic - ding trude danh tit, chi gi trong ngay); in (trong - ding truée danh tif chi gid, ‘phut, gidy, ngay, thang, nam, mia, thé ky); on (vdo - ding truéc danh tif chi ngay trong tun. va mét ngay xéc dinh nao 6); since (tit dé); for (trong) ... Ex: The programme starts at 6 o'clock. (Chuong trinh bdt déu lic 6 gid.) I was born on St George's day. (T6i sinh vao ngay thdnh George.) Gi6i ti chi phuong huéng (prepositions of direction): into (véo - bén trong m6t cdi gi); owt of (ra khdi - mot cdi gi); toward(s) (vé huéng) ... Ex: When you come out of the station you will find the bank opposite you. (Khi ri khéi ga, ban sé thily ngan hang & truée mat.) UNITS: LIFEIN THE FUTURE 77 oe 10. i, > 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 1%. 18, Aborigine /ebo'rdgoni/.(n) [C] thé dan Ue ef. koori . acacia /a'ke1fo/ (n) {C] (also acacia tree) cay keo aerial /'carial/ (adj): from a plane trén khong . antelope /'enttlsup/ (n) (pl. antelope or antelopes) linh duong . arid /erd/ (adj): (of land or climate) having little or no rain; very dry khd; khé cin . cactus /'kektas/ (n) [C] (pl. cactuses /'kektosiz/ or cacti /'keektav/ cay xuong réng . camel /'keml/ (n) [C] fac da . corridor /'kwrido:1/ (n) [C]: a long narrow area of land that people or animals travel through dudng mon . crest /kres/ (n) [usu. sing.] (~ of sth): the top part of a hill or wave ngon (déi, s6ng crest (v) [T] leo lén dinh date palm /deit pa:m/ (n) [C] edy cha la eastward /"i:stwod/ (adv) (also eastwards /'i:stwadz/): towards the east vé phia dong eastward (adj) (vé) phia dong elevation /eli'verfiv (n) [C, usu. sing.] (technical) d6 cao (so vdi mute nuée bien) eucalyptus /,ju:ko'lrptas/ (n) [U/ C] (pl. eucalyptuses or eucalypt /,ju:ka'lptar/) (also eucalyptus tree; gum tree /'gam tri:/) edy bach dan firewood /'farswod/ (n) (U] cui fox /foks/ (n) [C] con cdo gazelle /ga'zeV (n) (pi. gazelle or gazelles /ga'zelz/) [C] link duong gazen goat /gaut/ (n) [C] con dé ef. billy goat; nanny goat hummock /'hamak/ (n) (BrE) go; déng 19. jackal /'dsekV/ (n) [C] ché ring 20. 21. 22. 23. 24, 25. 26. 27. 28. 29, lizard /'wzad/ (n) (C] con thén lan loose /lu:s/ (adj): not tighly packed together; not solid or hard x6p; mém mosquito net /'maskistov ,neV (n) [C] mang; man needle /'nizd/ (n) (usu, pl.] 16 kim oasis /ov'eisis/ (n) (C] (pl. oases /av'ersi:z/) Se ddo plain /plein/ (n) (C] déng bang rabbit /'rebiv (n) [(C] con thé cf. hare rainfall /'reinfo:V (n) (U, sing.] luong mua Ex: There has been below average rainfall this month. (Thdng nay lugng mua thédp hon thutng 18.) route /ru:t/ (n) (C] (~ from A to B) con dudng; 16 trink , sand dune /'send dgu:n/ (n) [C] (also dune) cén edt; dyn cdt 86 HUONG DAN HQC TOr TIENG ANH 12 30. scrubland /'skrabland/ (n) [U] (also scrub /skrab/): an area of dry land covered with small bushes and trees ving dat ddy bui ram 31. sheep /{i:p/ (n) [C] (pl. sheep) con citu ef. ram; ewe; lamb | 32, shrimp /frimp/ (n) (pl. shrimps or shrimp) con tom 33. slope /slaup/ (v) [I] nghiéng; déc > slope (n) [U/ C] ehd dée; d6 déc > sloping /'sleupuy (ajd) nghiéng; déc thoai thodi 84. spinifex /'spinifeks/ (n) [C]: any of a genus of Australian grasses with pointed leaves and bristly seed heads m6t loai ed & Uc cd Id nhon va hat tua tia gai 35. steep /sti:p/ (adj) déc; dée dung 36. tableland /'terblland/ (n) [C] cao nguyén SYN plateau 37. via /'viza/ (prep): through a place qua; qua nga; theo duomg Ex: We flew home via Dubai. (Ching tdi bay vé nha qua ngé Dubai.) IL. GRAMMAR (Ngw phap) So, but, however & therefore ¢ Therefore & so (vi thé; cho nén) Therefore (formal) va so (informal) cho biét rang diéu duge néi dén 1a két qua hgp logic ciia nhig gi duge nhc dén truée dé. Ex: It was still painful so I went to see a doctor. (Van con daw nén t6i di bée si.) The holiday had been a complete disaster. We therefore decided to fly home early. (Kj nghi that t@ hai. Vi thé, ching téi quyét dinh bay vé nha sém hon dy tinh.) Therefore c6 thé ding & nhiéu vi tri trong cfu trong khi so chi c6 mot vj tri duy nhat 1a @ gitta hai ménh 42. Ex: Al didn’t study. Therefore, he failed the test./ He, therefore, failed the test./ He failed the test, therefore. Al didn’t study, so he fail the test. Mot sé lién tiv khdc nhu as a result (formal); consequently (formal); then cing c6 thé duge ding dé dién dat két qua. Ex: Al didn’t study. Consequently, he failed the test. (Al khong hoc bai. Thé nén anh ta thi rét.) However & but (nhung; tuy nhién) However va but dién dat ring diéu the hai trai nguge véi diéu thi nhat. Ex: It was cold, but I still went swimming. (Troi lanh nhung t6i vdn di boi.) It was cold. However, I still went swimming. (Trai lanh. Tuy nhién, toi van. di boi.) However cé thé ding 6 nhiéu vi tri trong cAu trong khi but chi c6 mét vi trf duy nhat la é gita’hai ménh dé. Ex: Mary is rich, but John is poor. Mary is rich, However, John is poor./ John, however, is poor. John is poor, however. UNIT 9: DESERTS 87 © Hay thue hanh’doe cdc cfu sau. Grammar Exercise 1. Hay thém so hoje but va déu phéy vao ché thich hgp. Dap an 1., 80 2, but 3. so 4, , but B., 80 6.,but 7.,but 8, s0 Exercise 2. Hay gach duéi lya chon thich hgp trong cde cu sau. Dap an 1. but 2 however 3. yet 4. so 5. but 6. However 7. however _—_8. but Exercise 3. Thém so, therefore ho&c however vao vi tri thich hgp. Dap an 1. so/ therefore 2. so 3. so 4, Therefore 5. However 6. Therefore 7. so 8. However TECH!) «= ENDANGERED SPECIES "(CAC LOAI C6 NGUY cd TUYET CHUNG) 1. as many as (IDM): used to show surprise that the number of people or things involved is so large (sé Iugng) dén; lén dén Ex: There were as many as 200 people at the lecture. (Cé dén 200 ngudi tham dy budi néi chuyén.) 2. bark /ba:k/ (n) [U/C] v6 cay bare your teeth /bear jo:r ti:6/ (IDM): nhe rang; nhe nanh 4. be derived from sth (phr v): to come or develop from sth xudt phat tit; 6 nguon géc tit Ex: The products are derived from plants. (Nhiing sdn phdm nay cé nguén gée tit thie vat.) 5. benefit /'benif (v) [1] (~ from sth) duge igi; 6 lgi 6. biodiversity /,bataudat'va:sati/ (n) [U]: the existence of a large number of different kinds of animals and plants which make a balanced environment. su da‘dang sinh hoc; hé sinh thdi 7. captivity /kep'tuvoti/ (n) [U] tinh trang bj giam cém Ex: He was held in captivity for three years. (Ong ta bj giam git 3 ndm.) 8. clone /kloun/ (v) [T] nian. ban v6 tinh 9. conservation /,kunso!veifn/ (n) [U]: the act of preventing sth from being lost, wasted, damaged or destroyed su bdo ton 10. cub /kab/ (n) [C] g@u con; hé con; cdo con; sit tit con... > 11. depend on /ar'pend vn/ (phr v) (also depend upon /di'pend 9,pun/): to need sth or sb’s help in order to be able to do sth nhd; nh& vao - UNIT 10: ENDANGERED SPECIES 93 Ex: Most of these birds depend upon insects for food. (Thue dn cila hdu hét ede lodi chim nay phu thude vdo cén tring.) 12. drive /draiv/ (v) [T]: to force into or from a state or act khién cho; lam cho 18. elephant /'elifant/ (n) [C] con voi 14. enact /in'ekt/ (v) [T] [often passive] (Jaw): to pass a law ban hanh 15. exploitation /,eksplor'te1fn/ (n) [U]: the use of land, oil, minerals, etc. su khai thde > exploit /ik'splow (v) [T] khai théc 16. extinction /rk'stuyk/n/ (n) [U]: a situation in which a plant, an animal, a way of life, ete. stops existing su tuyét ching 17. farmland /'fa:mlend/ (n) [U, pl.] dét néng nghiep 18. fertile /'fa:tatV/ (adj): (of land or soil) that plants grow well in phi mhieus mau mo OPP infertile — fertility /fo!uloti/ (n) [U] sy mau mo OPP infertility 19. footpath /'forpa:0/ (n) [C] duong nhé 20. globe /glaub/ (n). (the globe) [sing.]: the earth trdi dét; thé gidi 21. gorilla /go'rila/-(n) [C] khi dot 22. grassland /'gra:slend/ (n) [U] déng cd 23. habitat /'hebitey/ (n) [U/C]: the place where a particular type of animal or plant is normally found méi truéng séng; noi séng : Ex: The panda’s natural: habitat-is the bamboo forest. (Méi truong séng tut nhién cia gdu tric la ritng tre.) 24. hide /naid/ (n) {U/C]: an animal’s skin, especially when it is bought or sold or used for leather da déng vat 265. insect /'insckt/ (n) [C] c6n trang; sdu bo 26. ivory /awvari/ (n) [U] nga (voi) ef. tusk 27. leopard /"lepod/ (n) [C] con béo 28. make up your 'mind (IDM) (also make your 'mind up): to decide sth quyét dinh Ex: Come on — it’s make your mind up time! (Ndo, da dén hic ban phdi quyét dinh théil) 29. mantelpiece /'mzntlpi:s/ (n) [C] (also mantel /'mentl/) bé 16 suéi 30. monkey /'manki/ (n) [C] con khi 31. nest:/nest/ (n) [C] #6; 6 32. panda /'penda/ (n) (C] (also giant panda /,dsarant 'penda/) gdu tric 33. parrot /'perov/ (n) [C] con vet 34. pill /pil/ (n) [C] vién thude 35. poach /poot// (v) (T] san trém; cdu trom > poacher /'pactfor/ (n) [C] ké scin trom; ké cdu tr6m 86. population /,popju'let{iv (n) [C]: a particular group of people or animals living in a particular area qudn thé; s6 dan 87. preserve /pri'zs:v/ (v) [T] (~ sb/ sth from sth) git gin; bdo vé; bdo tén * SYN save 94 HUONG DAN HQC TOT THENG ANH 12 Ex: The society was set up to preserve endangered species from extinction. (H6i nay duge thanh lap nhém bdo vé ede lodi déng vat cd nguy co tuy@t ching.) 88. ranger /'retndgax/ (n) [C] ngudi gde rung; nhén vién kiém lam; ngudi quan Iy cong vién 89. reserve /t1'za:v/ (n) [C] (NAmE also preserve /pri'zs:v/): a piece of land that is a protected area for animals, plants, etc. khw bdo tén 40. rhino /'ramav/ (n) (pl. rhinos /'rainouz/) (infml) con #é gide ef. rhinoceros 41. rhinoceros /rar! nnsaras/ (n) [C] (pl. rhinoceros or rhinoceroses /rar!nnsorasiz/) con te gide cf. rhino 42. silverback /'silvorbwk/ (n) [C]: a male adult gorilla with white or silver hair across its back khi d6t dye truéng thanh 43. slip /slip/ (v) [I] trugt chan 44, sub- /sab/ (prefix) dudi; can; nhéd hon 46. subtropical /,sab'tropikV/ (adj) (also semitropical /,semr'trvpikV/) cfn nhigt déi 46. swamp /swomp/ (n) [U/C] dém Idy SYN marsh 47. threat /Sret/ (n) [U/C] su de doa; lai de doa 48. timely /'taimli/ (adj): happening at exactly the right time dung hic; kip thoi SYN opportune Ex: This has been a timely reminder to us all. (Dé la su nhde nhé kip thoi cho tat cd ching ta.) 49. to/ on the verge of sth/ of doing sth (IDM): very near to the moment when sb does sth or sth happens sdp; gén; suyt Ex: The panda is on the verge of extinction. (Gdu trie dang cd nguy ca bj tuy@t ching.) 50, urbanization /;s:bonat'zerfn/ (n) [U] su dé thj ida — urbanize /'s:bonaiz/ (v) [T] dé thi-héa > urbanized /'s:bonaizd/ (adj) bi d6 thi hoa 51. vulnerable /'valnorabl/ (adj) (~ to sb/ sth) dé bi nguy hai — vulnerability /,valnoro'bilati/ (n) (U] tinh chat ed thé bi nguy hai — ‘vulnerably (adv) 52. weapon /'wepan/ (n) [C] vid khé 53. wetland /'wetland/ (n) [U/C]: an area of wet land ving ddm ldy Ex; The wetlands are home to a large variety: of wildlife. (Ving ddm Idy la noi sinh s6ng cia rdt nhiéu lodi dong vat hoang da.) -» wetland (adj) [only before noun] (thuéc) dém léy 54. worm /ws:m/ (n) [C] con giun; con tran; con sdu % danh t¥ riéng 1. Siberia /sa1'broria/ (n) mét khu vice rong lén cila Lién X6 et tréi dai ti ring Ural dén Thdi Binh Duong va tit Béc Bang Duong dén cdc ving bién gidi gidp Trung Quée vd Céng hoa nhén dan Méng C6 2. Sri Lanka /,sri:'lagka/ (n) nude Sri Lanka 6 Nam A UNIT 10: ENDANGERED SPECIES 95. Rhythm (Nhip diéu) Rhythm (ohip digu) la tit ding dé chi cach nhan cc Am tiét trong van néi. ‘Trong cau, ching ta thuéng nh&n manh danh ti, dong tir thutng, tinh ti va trang ti; it nhdn manh dai tir, tir han dinh, gidi tis, lién ty va trg dong ti. Ex; She was SURE that the BACK of the CAR had been DAMaged. WALK DOWN the PATH to the END of the caNAL. Tm GOing HOME toDAY for CHRISTmas. Modal verbs: may, might, must, mustn’t, needn’t © May & might May & might duge ding dé dién dat diéu gi d6 cé thé 1 that hofe 6 kha nang xay ra d hién tai hodc tuong lai. Trong trudng hgp nay, might khong phai 1a dang qua khtf ctia may. Ca may va might déu duge ding dé néi vé hién tai hode tuong lai Ex: It may/ might be a bomb. (C6 thé dé la mét qué bom.) I may/ might go abroad next month. (C6 thé thang sau toi sé di nuée ngodi.) +Khi duge ding dé dy doan vé kha nang mOt diéu gi d6 c6 thé xAy ra, may ham ¥ co hGi xay ra lén hon, che chén hon might. Ex: I may go to London next month. (Thang tdi 6 thé t6i sé di London.) [eo hoi 50%) My family might come with me. (C6 thé gia dinh sé di eng téi.) [co hGi 30%] May & might duge ding dé xin phép trong léi n6i trang trong. Might duge ding cha yéu trong céc edu trie nghi van gidn tiép va it phé bién. Ex: May I turn the TV on? (Ti mé tivi nhé?) I wonder if 1 might have a little more cheese. (Ligu t6i cé thé ding thém mét it pho-mdt?) May/ might + be + V-ing: dién dat didu gi a6 c6 thé dang dién ra. Ex; That man may/ might be watching’ us. (= Perhaps he is watching us.) [C6 thé nguoi dan éng dé dang quan sdt ching ta.) May/ might + have + V (past part.): dién dat diéu gi a6 c6 thé da xdy ra trong qua khi hode mOt diéu gi da xdy ra truée mot thoi diém trong tuong lai. Ex: Polly's very late. She may have missed her train. (= It is possible that she missed ...) [Muén qué ma Polly vdn chua dén. Chie cé dy bi tré tau.) By the end of this year, I might have saved some money. (Dén cudi ndm c6 1é téi dé dé danh. duge mét it tién.) +Might + perfect infinitive cing duge ding dé néi vé mot diéu gi da cé thé xdy ra nhung da khong xay ra. Ex: You were stupid to try climbing up there. You might have killed yourself.’ (Anh c6 leo lén dé thi that ngoc qud. May ma khéng chét ddy!) 96 HUGNG DAN HOC TOT TIENG ANH 12 © Must, mustn’t & needn't - Must duge ding dé dién dat sy can thiét hode sy b&t bude & hién tai va tuong lai Ex: Don't tell anybody what I said. You must keep it a secret. (Dung cho, ai biét chuy@n nay. Ban phdi git bi mét day.) We haven't got much time. We must hurry! (Chung ta khong 6 nhiéu thai gian. Khén truong len!) - Mustn’t duge ding dé chi sy cdm doan - néi rang diéu gi dé khéng nén lam, hoac bao ai dig lam diéu gi. Ex: You must keep it a secret. You mustn't tell anybody else. (Ban phdi git kin chuyén nay. Ban khong duge n6i vdi ai dau dy.) - Needn’t dugc ding dé dién dat sy khong can thiét 6 hign tai va tuong lai. Ex: We've got plenty of time. We needn’t hurry. (Ching ta con nhiéu thoi gian ldm, Khéng edn phdi v6i.) Q READING % Before you read Lam viéc theo cap. Hay xem tranh réi tra lai cdu hdi. 1, Loai nao trong s6 céc loai thi va'cén tring duéi day o6 6 Viet Nam? 2. Loai nao trong sé dé c6 nguy co tuyét ching? xx While you read Hay doc dogn van sau rdi lam ede bai tap bén dui. Cae lodi dang gap nguy hiém 1a cdc loai déng thyc vat dang cé nguy cd bi tuyét ching. Hon 8.300 loai thuc vat va 7.200 loai dong vat tran tréi dat 06 nguy co tuyét ching, va thém hang ngan loai bi tuy¢t ching méi nim trude khi cae nha sinh vat hoe c6 thé nhan biét ching. Nguyén nhan chii yéu gay tuyét ching cdc gidng loai 1a do sy tan pha méi truéng sOng, viée khai thic nhim mue dich thugng mai va su 6 nhiém. Viée thao nu6c khdi cde ving dim lay, nan pha ring, suf do thi héa cing vide xAy dung dung sé va d4p nuée da hiiy hoai hodc. lam tén hai nghiém trong mdi trutng ty nhién. Ty dau thé ky 17, viéc khai thac dong vat lam thyc phém va cdc sin phém khac dé phuc vu cho muc dich thuong mai da lam gidm dang ké 86 lugng céc loai quy hiém trén thé gidi. Héa chat doc hai trong dat va khong khi, nude 6 nhiém va nbigt do nude tang cao da day nhiéu loai dén bo we tuyét ching. Su tuyét ching cla cae loai dng thyc vat sé gay tén hai dén hé sinh thdi. DOi véi ching ta, viée gin gid hé sinh théi quan trong vé nhiéu mat. Thi dy, nh su da dang cdc chiing loi ma con ngudi o6 thyc phém, khong khi va nuée sach, d&t mau mé dé tréng trot. Ngoai ra, chting ta cdn huéng duge nhiéu loi ich tit nhiéu loai thude va sin phdm khée ma hé sinh thai mang lai. Ngudi ta da cé nhiéu nd lye bdo tén nhim bdo vé nhitng gidng loai c6 nguy co tuyét chiing. S4ch 43 — danh séch thé gidi vé cdc loai dong vat c6 nguy co tuyét UNIT 10: ENDANGERED SPECIES 97 1._ bit /oi/ (a) (C] (especially BrE): a part of sth larger miéng; manh; méu; phan Ex: The best bit of the holiday was seeing the Grand Canyon. (Phdn thi vj nhdt cila ky nghi la tham quan Grand Canyon.) 2. chew /ifus/ (v) [I]: to bite food into small pieces in your mouth with your teeth to make it easier to swallow nhai — chew (n) [U] sw nhai 8. digest /dat'dsesv (v) [TI: to think about sth so that you fully understand it hiéu théu; linh héi; tidu hoa Ex: The lecture was interesting, but too much to digest all at once. (Bai_néi chuyon rit thi vj, nhung 06 qué nhiéu diéu edn phdi linh hoi cimg mét tiie.) -» digestible /dar'dgestabl/ (adj) tig hoa duoc; dé tigu -» digestion /dat'dsestfon/ (n) [U/C] sf tigu hoa; khd nding tiéu hoa 4. dip into /dip ‘inta/ (phr v) read or watch only parts of sth xem luét qua: Ex: I have only had time to dip into the report. (Ti chi cd dit thoi gian xem luét qua bdo cdo.) 5. distinct /di'sugkt (adj) (~ from sth): clearly different or of a different kind ritng; riéng biet; khde biét Ex: The results of the survey fell into two distinct groups. (Két qud cuge khdo sdt chia thank hai nhém khée hén nhau.) > distinctness /dis'tigktnos/ (n) [U] su khde biét > distinctly (adv) 6. here and there (IDM): in various places dé day; khdp noi Ex: Papers were scattered here and there on the floor. (Gidy t# nédm vuong vdi khdp noi trén san.) 7. in a-word (IDM) (infil): used for giving a very short, usually: negative, answer or comment mot cdch vdn tat; néi tém lai 8. knit /niv/ (v) [T]: to make clothes, ete. from wool or cotton thread using two long thin knitting needles or a machine dan — knit (m) (C, usu. pl.] dé dan > knitting /'nrtny (n) (U] vige dan 9. make it /'meik 1/ (IDM): succeed in reaching a place dén noi Ex: 1 don’t think we'll make it before dark. (Ti khéng nghi ching ta sé t6i noi trudc khi troi t6i.) 10. pick up /pik 'ap/ (phr v): to lift sth or sb up, especially with your hands cém lén; nhat lén Ex: Maurin picked up the gun and put it in her pocket. (Maurin nhat khdu ., sting lén réi cho vdo tui.) 11. plot /plu (n) [U/C]: the series of events which form the story of a novel, play, film/ movie, ete. edt chuyén 104 —HU6NG DAN HOC TOT THENG ANH 12 12. reunite /,ri;ju:'nait/ (v) (T] (usu. passive): to bring two or more people together again after they have been separated for a long time; to come together again dodn tu Ex: The family was reunited after the war. (Gia dinh dy da atepe doan ty sau chién tranh.) 18. swallow /'swolec/ (v) [T}: to make food, drink, ete. go down your throat into your stomach nuét . witty /'wuti/ (adj): able to say or write clever, amusing things di dém; hém hinh wittiness /'witinos/ (n) [U] ~ wittily (adv) 15. wizard /'wizad/ (n) (Cl: (in stories) a man with magic powers thay phit thily % danh ti riéng Francis Bacon /'framsis 'betkan/ (n) (1561 - 1626) nha triét hoc, chinh khdch, nha viét tiéu lu@n nguoi Anh. Tée phém: Essay (1625); The Advancement of Learning (1605). PRM ER NASH A i Modals in passive voice (Thé bi dng ctia khiém khuyét déng ti) The passive form modal + be + past participle 1 YE The past-passive form | modal + have been + past participle Ex: Tom will be invited to the party. (Tom sé duge mdi dén dic tiée.) ‘The window can’t be opened. (Cua sé nay khéng mé duoc.) This book had better be returned to the library before Friday. (Quyén sdch nay nén duge tra lai cho thi vién trude thit Sau.) This letter ought to be sent before June 1st. (Lé thi nay nén duge giti di truée ngiy 1 thing Sdu.) Mary has to be told about our change in plans. (Nén bdo cho Mary biét vé nhitng thay déi trong ké hogch cia ching ta.) Fred is supposed to be told about the meeting. (Nén ndi cho Fred biét vé cude hop.) The letter should have been sent last week. (Lé ra phdi giti bite thu nay tw tudn. truée.) ‘This house must_have been built over 200 years ago. (Can nha nay hin dé duge xéy edch nay 200 nam réi.) Jack ought to have been invited to the party. (Lé ra Jack phdi duge moi dy tige.) @ READING wx Before you read Lam wvige theo c&p. Héi cdc cau héi sau. 1. Ban cé thuding doc séch khong? unit u:BooKs = 105 Grammar Exercise 1. Hay viét lai cdc cau sau & thé bi dong. Dap an . This machine mustn't be used after 5.30 p.m. This machine must be cleaned every time it is used. The flowers should be kept in a warm sunny place. . Your bill should be paid before you leave the hotel. The information should be given to us now. . Toothpaste can be bought at the drug store. Children should be warned not to speak to strangers. ‘The mystery can't be solved. ‘Travellers’ cheques can be exchanged at most banks. 10. The news shouldn't be told to her. She might be killed by it. Exercise 2. Duéi day 14 mt cudc déi'thoai gitta hai nhén vat trong mot quyén sch khoa hoc vién tuéng vé du lich vd tru. Hay hoan thanh doan héi thoai véi hinh thie bj dng thich hgp cia dong tiv trong ngode. Dép an 1. will be prepared 2. Is food going to be cooked ..? 3. will be pre-packaged 4. can be warmed up Serer kee . should (food) be chosen? has to be offered could be selected . ought to be made UNIT 12 i WATER SPORTS (cAc MON THE THAO DUG! NUGC) eee ea aL oe wrx aa 1. crossbar /'krnsba:t/ (n) [C]: the bar joining the two vertical posts of a goal x@ ngang (khung thanh) 2. eject /ildsekt/ (v) (TI: to force sb to leave a place dudi ra SYN send off Ex: He was ejected for a foul on the defender. (Anh ta bj duéi khdi san do pham li vdi hau vé.) ejection /i'dsekfn/ (n) [U/ C] sw dudi ra 3. fin /fin/ (n) [C]: a thin flat part that sticks out from the body of a vehicle, an aircraft, ete. used for improving its balance and movement chén vit » 4. foul /faol/ (n) [C]: (in sport) an action that is against the rules of the game cui trdi ludt; et an gian; ct choi xdu; bi Ex: It was a clear foul by Ford on the goalkeeper. (Léi cua Ford déi v6i thi mén la qué 76.) = foul (v) {I/T] pham luat; pham I6i; choi xdu 5. goal line /'goul latn/ (n) [C}: (in football, hockey, etc.) the line at either end of , a sports field on which the goal stands or which the ball must cross to score a goal or touchdown dung bién ngang; vach gon 110 nudNG DAN HOC TOT TIENG ANH 12 6. goalie /'gouli/ (n) (infmd) [C] (also goalkeeper /'goulki:par/): (in football, hockey, etc.) a player whose job is to stop the ball from going into his or her own team’s goal nguéi git gén; thi thanh; thi mon - gymnastics /d3im'nastiks/ (n) [U] mén thé dyc 8. opponent /a'pevnent/ (n) [C]: a person that you are playing or fighting against in a game, competition, argument, etc. déi thii SYN adversary 9. pass /pa:s/ (vy) [I/T] (~ sth to sb): (in ball games) to kick, hit or throw the ball to a player of your own side chuyén (béng) > pass (n) [C] dudng chuyén Ex: Owen picked up a long pass from Beckham to score. (Owen nhan duang chuyén dai tit Beckham réi ghi ban.) 10--penalize /'pi:nolaiz/ (v) (T]: to punish sb for breaking a rule in a sport or - game by giving an advantage to their opponent phat Ex: He was penalized for time-wasting. (Anh ta bi phat vi t6i cau gid.) 11. publicity /pab'lisoti/ (n) [U]: the attention that is given to sb/ sth by newspapers, television, etc. suv chi ¥ 12. punch /pantf’(v) [TI to hit sb/ sth hard with your fist (= closed hand) dém; thoi; thui > punch (n) [C] . 18. quarter /'kwo:tor/ (n) [C]: one of four periods that a game is divided into in some sports hiép 14. regulator /'regjulertar/ (n) [C]: a device that automatically controls sth such as speed, temperature or pressure mdy diéu chinh (dp sudt, nhiét d6, tc dé) 15. scuba-diving /'sku:badaivin/ (n) [U] (also scuba) mén Idincé mang binh khi 16. seed /sizd/ (n) [C, usu. pl.] (~ of sth): the beginning of a feeling or a development which continues to grow mam méng; ngudn géc; nén mong Ex: Annette Kellerman, who was an Australian swimmer, planted the first seed of what was to become synchronized swimming. (Annette Kellerman, mét van dong vién boi l6i ngusi Uc, dé dat nén méng cho mon boi ngh@ thudt.) . sprint /sprmnt/ (v) [I]: to run or swim a short distance very fast boi nuéc rit; chay nuée rit = sprint (n) [C] sy boi nude rit; su chay nude rit 18. stage /steids/ (v) [T]: to organize an event t6 chite Ex; Barcelona staged the Olympic Games in 1992. (Barcelona dé 18 chite Thé Van Héi vao nam 1992.) 19, synchronized swimming /,sipkranarzd 'swimuy (n) [U]: a’sport in which groups of swimmers move in patterns in the water to music mén bai ngh@ thudt .tie Aa/ (n) [C]: a situation in.a game or competition when two or more players have the same score ti sé haa — tie (v) [I] ngang diém; hoa nhau : 21. vertical /'vatukl (adj): (of a line, pole, etc.) going straight up or down from a level surface or from top to bottom in a picture, ete. thing ding; ding SYN perpendicular a X S 2 S ‘UNIT 12: WATER sports 111 > vertically (adv) . 22, water polo /'wo:tor ,poolao/ (n) [U]: a game played by two teams of people swimming in a swimming pool. Players try to throw a ball into the other team’s goal mén béng nude 23, wetsuit /'wetsu:t/ (n) [C]: a piece of clothing made of rubber that fits the whole body closely, worn by people swimming underwater or sailing qudn do lan; b6 dé lon 24. windsurfing /'windsa:fuy/ (n) [U] (also boardsailing /'bo:dseiluy): the sport of sailing on water standing on a windsurfer mén Iuét van budm % danh ti riéng Chicago Teacher's College /fi'ka:gou 'ti:t{arz 'kolidyy Trudng Su Pham Chicago Wright Junior College /rait 'dsu:nior 'kolids/ Trudng cao déng Wright Amateur Athletic Union /'ematar 0'letk !ju:njon’ Higp héi van dong vién nghigp du it AMMAR: (Ngit phap). Elision (Sy doc nuét 4m) Trong mét sé trugng hgp, mét 4m nao day duge phat 4m khi ngudi ta néi cham va rd nhung lai khong duge phat 4m Khi ngudi ta néi nhanh. Hién tuyng nay goi la suf doc nuét am, Ex: philosophy /fi'vsafi/ (careful speech) /fo'lusfi/ (rapid speech)’ Transitive and Intransitive Verbs Transitive verbs (ngoai dong ti) ‘ Ngoai dng tir dién dat hanh déng téc ddng truc tip lén nguéi hoke vat nado d6, N6i cach khac, ngoai dong tix phai 6 tan ngif trye tiép. Ex: They are employing more staff. (Ho sé tuyén thém nhan vién.) [direct object: more staff] The trial raised a number of questions. (Téa dua ra mét s6 cdu héi.) [direct object: a number of questions] Mét sé ngoai dong tir cé thé c6 hai tan ngii: tan ngi truc tiép (direct object) va tan ngif gidn tiép (indirect object). Ex: The waiter smiled politely as he handed me my bill/ handed my bill to me. (Ngudi hdu ban vita lich su mim cudi vita trao cho toi héa don.) [direct object: my bill; indirect object: me] Mét s6 ngoai dong tit thuéng gap: achieve, admire, avoid, buy, create, cut, demand, desire, enjoy, find, get, give, hate, include, love, maintain, mention, protect, support, want ... + Intransitive verbs (ngi déng tit) Noi dong tir didn dat hanh dong, sy viée khong lién quan dén ngudi, vat hay sf vi¢e nao khdc ngoai chi tit. N6i cach Ichéc, ngi dong ti 1a dong tit khéng can cé tan ngif tryc tiép theo sau. he smiles. (C6 dy mim cudi.) Do sit_ down. (Mai ngédi.) Ps . ° . . 112 wU6NG DAN Hoc TOr TIENG ANH 12 1. aquatic /o'kwetik/ (adj) [usu. before noun] duéi nude 2. — based /beist/ (suffix): containing sth as an important part or feature 6; dya vao; géc 3. be composed of sth (IDM): to be made or formed from several parts, things or people gém c6; bao gim Ex; The committee is composed mainly of lawyers. (Hoi déng chit yeu gon ede luGt su.) bodybuilding /'bvdi, bildiy/ (n) (Ul: special exercises that you do regularly to make your muscles bigger mén thé duc thé hinh buoyant /'borant/ (adj) ndi trén mat nude carry out /keeri 'aot/ (phr v): to do and complete a task thye hin clay /klev/ (n) (U] dat sét . clear /kliar/ (v) [T] nidy qua . cord /ko:d/ (n) [U/ C) thing; day thing 0. countrymen /'kantrimen/ (n) [C] ngwoi cing. mét nude; nguoi déng huong; ngudi déng bao SYN compatriot 11. deal /di:V (n) [C] théa thudn; hgp déng 12. delegation /,delt'gerfn/ (n) [C] phai doan; doan 13. dissemination /di,semi'nesfn/ (n) [U] su phd didn (kién thite, thong tin ...) > disseminate /di'semineit/ (v) (T] (fl) phé bién (kién thite, thong tin ...) 14. distribute /di'stribju:/ (v) [T] phan 86; phan phéi; phan: phat 15. dribble /'dribl/ (v) [VT] ré bong . 16. enthusiast /in'ju:ziest/ (n) (~ for/ of sth): a person who is very interested in sth and spends a lot of time doing it nguai say mé Ex; He is a football enthusiast. (Anh ta la m6t ngudi say mé bong dé.) 17. fairness /"feonas/ (n) [U] sy cong bang 18. gain /goin/ (v) [T] gianh duoc; kiém duge; thu duge; dat duge 19. generosity /,dyena!mnsati/ (n) [U, sing.] su rong lugng; su khoan héng; svt cao thugng > generous /'dsenaras/ (adj) (approving) rong lugng; khoan héng;.cao thugng > generously (adv) 20. integral /'intigro/ (adj) khéng thé thiéu Ex: Music is an integral part of the school’s curriculum. (Am nhac la phén khong thé thiéu trong chuong trinh gidng day cita truang nay.) ~» integrally (adv) 21, intensive /n'tensiv/ (adj): involving a lot of work or activity done in a short time t@p trung; chuyén sdu — intensively (adv) > 22. make ends 'meet (IDM) (also make both ends 'meet): to earn just enough money to be able to buy the things you need kiém dil séng 118 HUONG DAN HQC TOT TIENG ANH 12 THE 22" SEA GAMES (SEA GAMES 22) ~ He @er|ss 28, maneuver /ma'nu:ver/ (n) [C]: a movement performed with care and skill déng tde 24, milkmaid /'milkmerd/ (n) [C] ¢6 gai vdt sta 25, outstanding /avt'steenduy (adj) néi bat; ddng chu ¥; xudt sde — outstandingly (adv) 26. podium /'poudiom/ (n) [C] bye 27. point /pant/ (n) [C] thoi diém; lic; giai doan Ex: At some point I decided she was no longer my friend. (Cé ltée t6i khong muén coi cé ta la ban.) 28: pole vaulting /'paul vo:Itiy/ (n) [U] mén nhdy sdo 29, present /prt'zent/ (v) [T] trao; tang Ex: The sword was presented by the family to the museum. (Thanh gvom dé duge gia dinh dy trao tang vién bdo tang.) > presentation /,prezan'teifn/ (n) [U/ C] sy trao tang; lé trao gidi 30. propose /pra'pouz/ (v) [T] tidn eit; d8 ew Ex: I propose Tom Ellis for chairman. (T6i dé eit Tom Ellis lam chit tich.) 81. rank /renh/ (v) (I/T] xép logi; duge xép loi Ex: The tasks have been ranked in order of difficulty. (Cae bai tap nay duge xép loai theo dé khé.) 82. record /'reka:d/ (n) [C] k-lue 83. roll /raol/ (n) [C] cudn; cugn. 34, scoreboard /ska:'bo:d/ (n) [C] bang diém. 35, slender /'slendar/ (adj) manh khanh; méng manh 36. spectator /spek'tettar/ (n) [C] ngudi xem; khdn gid 87. sportsmanship /'spo:tsmanfip/ (n) [U] tinh thdn thé thao 38. tablet /'teblat/ (n) [C] tém, ban, thé, phién (gd, nga ..) 89. tie /tay/ (v) (T] bude; et; tri > 40. varied /'vearid/ (adj) (usu. approving) gdm nhiéu logi khde nhau; da dang 41. volume /'volju:m/ (n) [C] quyén; tdp; cuén (sdeh); $6 Iugng lon 42, yield /ji:ld/ (v) (T] sink ra; mang lai Double Comparison (So sanh kép) 1. So sdnh lay tién (cang ngdy cng): comparative + and + comparative Dang so sénh lay tién duge ding dé dién dat suf viée dang ting dan hoic gidm dén m6t c4ch lién tuc, er and :. er va more and more duge ding dé dién dat sy ting dan. Ex: Betty is younger and younger. (Betty cdng ngay cang tré ra.) Her story was more and moré attractive. (Cau chuyén-cila ba ta cang» ngay cang hdp dan.) - Less and less duge dimg dé dién dat sy gidm dan. UNIT is: THE 22 SEA GAMES 119 s CET] rernationat orcanizarions (cAc T6 cHtc quéc TE) 1. advocate /'xdvakei/ (v) (fml) [T]: to support sth publicly chi truong; tdn thanh; ting hé ~» advocate /'xdvakel/ (n) [C] ngwdi tén thanh; ngudi ting ho 2. appal /a'po:I/ (v): to shock sb very much lam kinh hodng; lam kinh sg; lam thét kink SYN horrify > appalled /o'po:ld/ (adj) chodng véng; kinh hodng; that kink. 38. appeal /o'pi:V/ (v) [I] (~ to sb): to make a serious request for sth you need or want very much kéu goi Ex: She appealed to the kidnappers to let her son go. (Ba ta kéu goi nhiing ké bét cde thd con trai minh ra.) appeal (n) [U/C] su kéu goi; loi kéu goi > 4, catastrophe /ko'tstrofi/ (n) [C] tai wong; tai ; tai hoa; tham hoa SYN disaster 5, 6. . colony /'kuloni/ (n) [C] thupe dia . conference /'kunforans/ (n) [C]: a meeting at which people have formal discussions: hdi nghi constitution /,konsti'tju:fi/ (n) [C] hién phdp . convention /kon'venfn/ (n) [C] official agreement between countries or leaders higp dinh Ex: This is forbidden under the European Convention on Human Rights. (Theo hiép dinh nhan quyén cia chau Au thi diéu nay bj cém.) crescent /'kresnt/ (n) [C]: a curved shape that is wide in the middle and pointed at each end hink wai tiém 10. dedicated /‘dedikertrd/ (adj) (~ to sth) tan. tuy; tan tam SYN committed > dedicate /'dedike/ (v) (T] eéng hién; hién dang; danh cho > dedication /,dedi'kerfi/ (n) [U] siz cdng hién; si hidn dang 11. delegate /'deligat/ (n) (C] dai biéus nguoi dai’ dign > delegate /'deliger/ (v) [T] dy quyén; pho’ thde; giao phd 12. disaster-stricken /di'za:stor 'strikon/ (adj) bj thién tai tan pha 18. epidemic /,epr'dermk/ (n) {C] bgnh dich cf. pandemic — epidemic (adj) lan truyén nhc bénh dich 14, famine /'femin/ (n) [U/C] nan doi 15. federation /,fedo'reifn/ (n) [C] lién doan 16, head office /hed 'vfis/ (n) [U/C] try sé 17. headquarters /,hed'kwortez/ (n) (pl. headquarters) (abbr. HQ) sé chi huy; tru sé 18. hesitation /,hez1'tein/ (n) [U/C] su chdn chit; s¢ do du — hesitate /hezitew/ (v) do dy; ngép ngitng; luong le 19, humanitarian /hju:,mant'tearian/ (adj) [usu. before noun] nan dao ex & ‘UNIT 14; INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS = 127 Ex: Many countries have sent humanitarian aid to the earthquake victims. (Nhiéu quéc gia da vién trg nhaén dao cho cde nan nhan bi déng dét.) 20. impartial /im'pa:/¥/ (adj), trung l4p SYN neutral; unbiased 21. in place /in 'plers/ (IDM): in the correct position; ready for sth ding vi tr; dung ché; sdn sang 22. independence /,ind1'péndans/ (n) (U] sv déc lap -> independent /,1ndi'pendant/ (adj) dée lap 23. initiate /i'nifiert/ (v) [T] (fml): to make sth begin bdt ddu; khdi ddu; dé xuéng SYN set in motion — initiative /'nifotw/ (n) [C] séng kién 24. lay down /,le1 'daon/ (phr v): to officially establish a rule or way of doing sth, or say officially what sb should do quy dink 25. league /li:y/ (n) (C] lién minh; lien higp; lién dodn SYN alliance 26. livelihood /"Iatvlihod/ (n) [C, usu. sing, U] sinh ké; cdch kiém séng SYN living 27. mount /maunt/ (v) [I]; to increase gradually tang ddn lén 28. neutral‘/'nju:trol/ (adj): not belonging to any of the countries that are involved in a war; not supporting any of the countries involved in a war trung lap —> neutral (n) [C] nuéc trung lap; ngudi trung lap 29. objective /ab'dgektiv/ (n) [C] muc ti@u; muc dich SYN goal 30. set out /set 'aut/ (phr v): to present the ideas, facts, etc. in an organized way, in speech or writing trinh bay 31.the Red Crescent /do red 'kresnl/ (n) [sing.] T6 chite Ludi liém dé (H6i cht thap dé cia cde nuée Héi gido) 82. the Red Cross /do red 'krus/ (n) [sing.] Héi chit thap dé 33. treatment /'tristmant/ (n) [Ul]: a way of behaving towards or dealing with a person or thing su déi xt; su déi dai 34. tsunami /tsu:'na:mi/ (n) (from Japanese) séng thdn SYN tidal wave 35. UN / ju: 'en/ (abbr.): United Nations 76 chic Lién Hiép Quéc 36. UNICEF /'ju:niseff (abbr.): United Nations Children’s Fund Quy nhi déng Lién Hiép Quéc ’ 37. wartime /'wo:tam/ (n) [U]: the period during which a country is fighting a war thai chi 38. wash away /vuf o'wei/ (phr v): (of water) to remove or carry sb/ sth away to another place cuén tréi; cuén di; quét sach 39. WHO / dabju: eitf 'au/ (abbr.): World Health Organization Té chic Y té Thé gidi 40. WWF /,dabju: dabju:'eff (abbr.): World Wildlife Fund Quy bdo vé dong thu vat hoang dé thé gidi % danh ti riéng 1. Banda Aceh (n) Banda Aceh la thu phii va la thanh phé lén nhdt tinh Aceh, Indonesia, ném trén déo Sumatra, céch myc nude bién 21 m. 2. California /,keli'fo:nio/ (n) mét bang & be bién phia Tay cla MY 8. Geneva /dsa'ni:val (n) thanh phd & Tay Nam Thuy Si, trong thung ling Rhone tren hé Geneva, la noi dat try 86 cia Chit thap dé quée té, TS chute ¥ té thé gidi 128 aUéNG DAN HOC TOr THENG'ANH 12 a g aa @ 8 ec WOMEN IN SOCIETY (81a vi XA HOI CUA PHY NO) GLOSSARY (Ban, Gd 1. accord /o'ko:d/ (v) (fml) [T): to give sb/ sth authority, status or a particular type of treatment gdn cho; cho la 2. basis /'beisis/ (n) [sing.]: the reason why people take a particular action ly do Ex: She was chosen for the job on the basis of her qualifications. (CO ta duge nhdn vdo vi tri dy la nho trinh dé chuyén mén.) 8. childbearing /'i/aldbearuy (n) {U]| the process of giving birth to a baby sv sinh con 4. civilization /,sivolai'zeifn/ (n) (UJ: a state of human society that is very developed and organized nén vein minh — civilize /'sivolaiz/ (v) [T] khai héa; gido héa 5. deep-seated / di:p'si:tid/ (adj) (or deep-rooted /,di:p'ru:tid/): a deep-seated feeling or belief is strong and difficult to change dn sdu; lau ddi; tham can cé dé 6. discriminate /di'skrimineit/ (v) [I]: to treat one person or group worse/ better than another in an unfair way phdn biét déi xit Ex: It is illegal to discriminate on grounds of race, sex or religion. (Phan bigt d6i xit vi ly do chiing t6c, gidi tinh hay tn gido la vi pham phdp luét.) > discrimination /di,skrimi'nerfn/ (n) [U] sw phan diet déi xt 7. enlightenment /in'laitnmanv (n) [UJ]: knowledge about and understanding of sth; the process of understanding sth or making sb understand it si khai séng hode duge khai sing > the Enlightenment (n) [sing.|: the period in the 18th century when many writers and scientists began to argue that science and reason were more important than religion and tradition Thdi dai khai sdng 8. familial /'fomiliol/ (adj) [only before noun] (fml) (thuée) gia dinh 9. hold up /naold ‘ap/ (phr v): to support sth and stop it from falling down da; chong do 10. homemaking /'havmetki/ (n) [U] vide cham sée gia dink 11 intellectual /,ita!lektfuoV/ (adj) [usu: before noun]: connected with or using a person's ability to think in a logical way and understand things (thude) tré tue 12. marital status /, marital 'steitos/ (n) [U] (fml) tinh trang hén nhan 13. neglect: /niigick (v) [T]: to not give enough attention to sth lo la; xao nhdng; bd be Ex: She has neglected her studies. (Cé ta xao nhdng viée hoc hanh.) 14. odd /od/ (adj) k} la; ky quai 15. on the whole (IDM): considering everything; in general ndi chung; nhin chung Ex: On the whole, I’m in favour of the idea. (Néi chung la t6i ting h6 ¥ tuéng do.) 16. philosopher /fo'lvsafar/ (n) [C]: a person who studies or writes about philosophy nha triét hoc; triét gia 17. pioneer /,paio'niar/ (n) [C]: a person who is the first to study and develop a particular area of knowledge, culture, 'ete. that other people then continue to develop ngudi tien phong; ngudi di ddu; ngusi mé duing SYN trail blazer * 18. rearing /'riority (n) [U] vide nudi day con; céch nudi day con 19. resentful /r1'zentfl/ (adj) (~ off at/ about sth) phdn né 136 nVONe DAN HOC TOP TIENG ANH 12

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