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Good evening guys, my name is Erica.

Does anyone know what my theme is?

Laughing is the best medicine.

Why is laughter the best medicine?

"because laughter shakes, vibrates our body and relaxes us, giving us a sense of well-being.
It activates in our brain the production of chemical substances that protect us against
strokes, stress, heart problems and even depression", reduces pain, improves mood.

Laughter is an especially powerful tool for managing conflict and reducing tension when
emotions are running high. Whether with romantic partners, friends and family, or co-
workers, you can learn to use humor to smooth over disagreements, lower everyone's
stress level, and communicate in a way that builds your relationships instead of tearing
them down.

More than just a respite from sadness and pain, laughter gives you courage and strength to
find new sources of meaning and hope. Even in the most difficult of times, a laugh – or even
just a smile – can make you feel better. And laughter is truly contagious - just hearing
laughter primes your brain and prepares you to smile and join in on the fun.

And in social life he strengthens relationships, promotes group unity, strengthens

relationships, yes, all of that.

IMPORTANTE : In the 1300s, visionary French surgeon Henri de Mondeville, a professor of

surgery, advised telling patients jokes after an operation. And Sigmund Freud, the father of
psychoanalysis, identified the power of laughter and “gallows humor” to let go of stress in
times of crisis. And plenty of medical and psychological research also supports the power of

in my conclusion Laughter takes you to a higher place where you can see the world from a
more relaxed, positive and joyful perspective.

So smile, because laughter is the best medicine.

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