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Read the following questionnaire and answer the questions below:

1. Yes

2. Yes

3. based on a well thounght plan

4. business processes that extend beyond your organization to include

suppliera and/ or customer

5. on-going relationship

6. spreadsheets

7 a. Yes

7 b. total end to end supply chain inventory levels and value

8 forecasting techniques

sales and marketing opinión

9. cross functional, cross -company teams supplier input is solicited during

the deseing process

10. together

11. Yes

12. total end to end supply chain costs


In the supply chain evaluation, the following are evaluated:

SRM KPIs are used to measure purchasing and supplier management. Among these are the


Total cost savings: measures the savings achieved by the company with respect to the

organization's budget. From this calculation it is feasible to keep an annual record.

Quality of deliveries: measures how many times the supplier makes deliveries correctly. In this

case, if, for example, there is only one piece in poor condition, the entire order must be

considered as wrong.

In the evaluation of the supply chain, these KPIs show the performance of the internal processes

of the company. Some of these are the following:

Productivity: is the relationship between the work generated and the resources used to carry it


Warehouse space utilization: it is used to know how the space in the warehouse is being used. If

there are empty shelves, or on the contrary, if a larger warehouse is necessary.

Inventory demand: allows you to predict the level of demand for a product by customers, in

order to plan the necessary inventory in the short or medium term.


CRM KPIs in Supply Chain Assessment

These address all processes related to customer service, including last mile delivery. CRM KPIs

for supply chain assessment include:

Customer retention rate: measures the ability of the company to keep a customer. In general, the

time that the person remains as an active client of the company is taken into account.

Initial response time: measures the speed with which the company responds to requests from its

customers. The shorter the waiting time, the better the shopping experience and the conversation

with the Brand.


Why do you think it is important to have different types of questions to evaluate a

supply chain?

In all organizations it is necessary to set clear objectives in order to determine which KPIs are

indicated for the evaluation of the supply chain.

We must minimize three key objectives:

Thus, the monitoring of processes through KPIs has become a powerful tool for the development

of innovative strategies, capable of providing great competitive advantages to companies. Same

that have migrated to the use of new technologies for the management and monitoring of all

these indicators. Such as logistics transport tracking systems that have business intelligence

analysis modules incorporated. inimize replenishment proximity provisioning system and

reduction of production costs.

What aspects of the supply chain are being assessed by the

questionnaire? Explain.

Through the questionnaire, the processes of International Physical Distribution are being

evaluated, if we have business plans based on processes, if during the design of the evaluation

processes contributions are requested from suppliers or others, the costs are evaluated.

What kind of information can be analyzed to improve the current situation of the

supply chain?

We can analyze all the information of the supply chain process verifying the following:

 SRM: Supplier Relationship Management

 ISCM: Internal Supply Chain Management

 CRM: Customer Relationship Management

 We can also analyze more data such as the indicators that, according to the results

obtained, we can evaluate and thus be able to improve, such as logistics indicators that

teach us that we can measure the management of purchases and suppliers, we also see the

internal performance of the supply chain. supply Here we address all processes related to

customer service.

Analyzing data helps us to improve the supply chain to deliver better service, better

products and, most importantly, satisfaction to the final customer and thus have greater


After analyzing the previous self-assessment questionnaire and checking the

complementary material “Sample supply chain management questionnaire”, create

your own questionnaire, including different types of questions to assess one of the

following aspects (select only one):

The points mentioned are very important, but I am convinced that in order to have a

pleasant customer experience and customer service, we must have optimal conditions

when managing transportation. If we have problems with transportation, that is, delays

from pick-up to delivery, we will not have a positive impact on our supply chain and all

KPIs will be negatively affected, which is why I consider the transportation management

part to be very important.

Remember to include a short paragraph to explain why this questionnaire is

important for you as the Distribution Manager and for the company itself. The

questions you ask must cover different aspects of the topic being evaluated. You

must create minimum ten (10) questions and maximum, twenty (20). Do not forget

to include open and closed questions. The potential information you collect, will be

useful to make your company be better.

This questionnaire is very important because we can evaluate our logistics processes and

thus be able to improve to provide a better service and excellence.

Do you think that your company has suitable personnel?

Do you know how the supply chain is evaluated?

Do you know that Key factors involved in the evaluation of the supply chain?

Why do you consider the relationship with customers important?

Explain what is strategic planning and storage?


In the evaluation of the supply chain, how do indicators or KPIs benefit us?

Explain some indicators that are part of the logistics chain.

How does the customer retention rate benefit us?

Is it necessary to set clear objectives in order to determine which KPIs are indicated for

the evaluation of the supply chain?

Do you have the right personnel in the supply chain?

Do you know the concept of supply chain?

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