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<table cellspacing="0" rules="all" border="1" style="border-

<th scope="col">Date Time</th><th scope="col">Document
Name</th><th scope="col">Lesson Name</th><th scope="col">Student Name</th><th
scope="col">Teacher Name</th><th scope="col">Student Rate</th><th
scope="col">Teacher Rate</th><th scope="col">StudentEvaluation</th><th
scope="col">Pronunciation</th><th scope="col">Vacabulary</th><th
scope="col">Grammar</th><th scope="col">SentenceDevelopmentAndSpeak</th><th
scope="col">TeacherEvaluation</th><th scope="col">Status</th><th
scope="col">Feedback Date</th>
<td>29/03/2022 18:00</td><td>Family and Friends 2nd
Edition</td><td>Family and Friends 0_VT3 Values Time! 3</td><td>Nguyễn B&#236;nh
Nguy&#234;n</td><td>Trần Tr&#226;n
Emily</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>Cần cố gắng</td><td>Cần cố
gắng</td><td>Cần cố gắng</td><td>Cần cố gắng</td><td>H&#244;m nay B&#236;nh
Nguy&#234;n c&#243; cố gắng ho&#224;n th&#224;nh b&#224;i tập. Tuy nhi&#234;n con
cần phải d&#224;nh nhiều thời gian hơn v&#236; số lượng b&#224;i tập con c&#242;n
rất nhiều. Con cần ch&#250; &#253; hơn trong q&#250;a tr&#236;nh
học.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 23:54</td>
<td>29/03/2022 17:30</td><td>Family and Friends 2nd
Edition</td><td>Family and Friends 0_9_9 I like plums!</td><td>Nguyễn B&#236;nh
Nguy&#234;n</td><td>Trần Tr&#226;n
Emily</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>Cần cố gắng </td><td>Cần cố gắng
</td><td>Cần cố gắng </td><td>Cần cố gắng </td><td>H&#244;m nay B&#236;nh
Nguy&#234;n c&#243; cố gắng ho&#224;n th&#224;nh b&#224;i tập. Tuy nhi&#234;n con
cần phải d&#224;nh nhiều thời gian hơn v&#236; số lượng b&#224;i tập con c&#242;n
rất nhiều. Con cần ch&#250; &#253; hơn trong q&#250;a tr&#236;nh học.
</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 23:53</td>
<td>29/03/2022 17:00</td><td>Everybody Up</td><td>EVERYBODY UP 2
1_76 How We Feel Lesson 1</td><td>Ho&#224;ng Thu Thảo </td><td>Trần Tr&#226;n
Emily</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>C&#243; tiến bộ.</td><td>C&#243;
tiến bộ.</td><td>C&#243; tiến bộ.</td><td>C&#243; tiến bộ.</td><td>Con ho&#224;n
th&#224;nh b&#224;i học rất tốt, con chăm ch&#250; giảng b&#224;i v&#224; t&#237;ch
cực tương t&#225;c với gi&#225;o vi&#234;n. Con phản xạ tốt, nhận biết nhanh
c&#225;c từ vựng mới. Con biết c&#225;ch đặt c&#226;u v&#224; trả lời đ&#250;ng
c&#225;c c&#226;u hỏi. </td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 23:42</td>
<td>29/03/2022 21:00</td><td>English Conversation
Practice</td><td>Level 2 - Lesson 34: Unit 1 - THIS IS OUR LAUNDRY
ROOM</td><td>Ho&#224;ng Thị Thu Nga</td><td>Glynda
td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>She is doing fine. It&#39;s just that she
really needs to practice more expressing herself. If only she can have more
conversations with foreign speakers. I know that he can do it better next
time.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 23:13</td>
<td>29/03/2022 22:00</td><td>Mindset for IELTS level
1</td><td>Lesson 15: Listening Unit 1: Exam Skills</td><td>Phạm Minh
td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>He is doing great in the class. At his age, I
suggest that he do his lesson earlier so he will not feel sleepy and can
concentrate more about the lesson.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 23:11</td>
<td>29/03/2022 22:30</td><td>Mindset for IELTS level
1</td><td>Lesson 16: Listening Unit 1 Exercise 1- Exercise 3</td><td>Phạm Minh
td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>He is doing great in the class. At his age, I
suggest that he do his lesson earlier so he will not feel sleepy and can
concentrate more about the lesson.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 23:11</td>
<td>29/03/2022 21:30</td><td>Topic Conservation
Elementary</td><td>Lesson 40: A. Musical Instruments - I can play the
guitar.</td><td>Đặng B&#225; Hu&#226;n</td><td>Glynda
td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>He did well in the class. He is trying his
best to express himself in a complete sentences. That is what we are going to work
on again next time.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 23:10</td>
<td>29/03/2022 20:30</td><td>Topic Conservation
Elementary</td><td>Lesson 39: B. Stationery - I’m looking for a
stapler.</td><td>Đặng B&#225; Hu&#226;n</td><td>Glynda
td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>He did well in the class. He is trying his
best to express himself in a complete sentences. That is what we are going to work
on again next time.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 23:10</td>
<td>29/03/2022 19:30</td><td>Express Yourself</td><td>Issue 1_1-2
Life Styles 2/2</td><td>Nguyễn Hải Phong</td><td>Glynda
Maye</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>ease, spouses,
decisive, expectancy, </td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>He is a smart boy but
a bit shy. However, I suggest that he note down the new vocabulary we had in the
lesson today. I know that h e can do it better next
time.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 23:09</td>
<td>29/03/2022 19:00</td><td>Family and Friends 2nd
Edition</td><td>Family and Friends 1_13_58 Skill time!</td><td>L&#234; Đăng Khoa
Soc</td><td>Glynda Maye</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>juniors,
football, blanket, rug, cupboard, shelf, twelve</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>Jamie has
got one cupboard.
Jamie has got twelve books.
There are footballs in his blanket.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>He did a great job in
the class and he is very active. I suggest that he practice more the words and
sentence patterns we have learned today. I know he can do it better next
time.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 23:07</td>
<td>29/03/2022 18:00</td><td>Mindset for IELTS level
2</td><td>Lesson 47: Unit 2 - Speaking: EXERCISE 4-6</td><td>Nguyễn Ho&#224;ng
td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>He is doing a great job and practicing very
well in the exercises of IELTS listening task. I just suggest that he will remember
the topics so that he can do it better in the actual
exam.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 23:04</td>
<td>29/03/2022 18:30</td><td>Mindset for IELTS level
2</td><td>Lesson 48: Unit 2 - Speaking: EXERCISE 7-9</td><td>Nguyễn Ho&#224;ng
td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>He is doing a great job and practicing very
well in the exercises of IELTS listening task. I just suggest that he will remember
the topics so that he can do it better in the actual
exam.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 23:04</td>
<td>29/03/2022 15:00</td><td>Family and Friends 2nd
Edition</td><td>Family and Friends 2_6_89 Fluency time! 2</td><td>Nguyễn Minh Anh
Tina</td><td>Glynda Maye</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>oranges,
mangoes, tomatoes</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>I&#39; like three apple, please.
Anything else?</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>She is a smart girl and she did well in her
lesson today. For the sentence patterns we practiced in the lesson, I suggest that
he practice it more after the class so she will nit forget about
it.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 23:02</td>
<td>29/03/2022 22:00</td><td>Oxford Let&#39;s Begin - 5th
Edition</td><td>LET&#39;S BEGIN 2_Lesson 43: Let&#39;s Learn to Read</td><td>Lương
Ngọc Th&#244;ng</td><td>Jamela
Mae</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>Practice pronouncing the following
words: Letter E, Letter F, Letter G, Letter H, egg, elephant, fish, farm, gorilla,
goat, heart, house, star, circle, square</td><td>Review the following words so you
may add them to your vocabulary: Letter E, Letter F, Letter G, Letter H, egg,
elephant, fish, farm, gorilla, goat, heart, house, star, circle, square</td><td>

Study and practice the following sentences and questions:

- It’s an egg.
- It’s an elephant.
- It’s a fish.
- It’s a fram.
- It’s a goat.
- It’s a gorilla.
- It’s a heart.
- It’s a house.
- It’s a star.
- It’s a circle.
- It’s a square.

I am sad today.
I burned my finger.

</td><td>It is necessary for the student to develop the habit of responding in

complete sentences. As a result, during the class, please strive to answer in whole
phrases.</td><td>During class, Thong needs to improve his focus and concentration.
There is still a lot of room for improvement, so we&#39;ll be focusing on boosting
his focus and desire, as well as his speaking and reading talents, in the coming
months.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 22:25</td>
<td>29/03/2022 20:30</td><td>Everybody Up</td><td>EVERYBODY UP 5
8_221 Computers Lesson 4</td><td>Đặng Tiến Đạt</td><td>Cerr
Gray</td><td>0</td><td>4</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>1. electricity 2. biggest 3. Brazil
4. sources </td><td>words to note: 1. source 2. dam 3. appliances </td><td>1. about
2. good use of: more 3. take on the use of: on / in </td><td>1. I don&#39;t
research about it. 2. In the future, people use even more energy. 3. Don&#39;t
throw the trash on the ocean. </td><td>He cooperates well. He can try to broaden
his vocabulary for better expression through reading English books or watching
English programs. </td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 22:04</td>
<td>29/03/2022 20:00</td><td>Everybody Up</td><td>EVERYBODY UP 5
8_220 Computers Lesson 3</td><td>Đặng Tiến Đạt</td><td>Cerr
Gray</td><td>0</td><td>4</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>1. finished (note on ed sound) 2.
she&#39;ll (note on L sound) 3. minute (note on U sound) </td><td>words to note: 1.
research 2. remind</td><td>Good use of: need - needs / is using / had </td><td>1.
Emma needs to write a report. 2. Tommy is using it. 3. Tommy had a report to write.
</td><td>He cooperates well. He can just be cautious when speaking regarding his
grammar (tenses of verbs, use of is/ are, pronouns)
</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 22:00</td>
<td>29/03/2022 19:00</td><td>Family and Friends 2nd
Edition</td><td>Family and Friends 4_6_203 Fluency time!</td><td>Phạm L&#234; Huy
Khang</td><td>Cerr Gray</td><td>0</td><td>4</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>1. basketball 2.
here 3. moment</td><td>words to note: 1. hold on 2. at the moment 3. get
back</td><td>1. good use of: call - called 2. take note on the use of: to + the
</td><td>1. It&#39;s Anna. 2. I called my friend. 3. I called about the sport.
</td><td>He needs to focus more in class, try to avoid doing something else for
better responsiveness. </td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 21:56</td>
<td>29/03/2022 21:30</td><td>English file Elementary 4th
Edition</td><td>Lesson 6C: Making music Part 1</td><td>Đặng Ngọc
Tr&#226;n</td><td>Jamela Mae</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>Practice
pronouncing the following words: accordion, drums, bass player</td><td>Review the
following words so you may add them to your vocabulary: music, accordion, bass,
guitar, keyboard, saxophone, trumpet, violin, accordionist, bass player, violinist,
guitarist, pianist, drummer, keyboard player, trumpeter, saxophonist</td><td>
Study and practice the following sentences and questions:
- I studied nails.

- I just like it.

- I just have short nails.

- No, I don&#39;t. Why not? I don&#39;t like musical instruments.

- What is your favorite English song?
3. You like music. Do you like music?
4. Anna is having a shower. Is she/ Anna having a shower?
5. You&#39;re tired. Are you tired?
6. She lives near here. Does she live near here?
7. I&#39;m late. Am I late?
8. The train arrives at 6 o&#39;clock. Does the train arrive at 6
o&#39;clock?</td><td>You must first learn to listen properly if you want to learn
to speak English fluently. Listening to other people&#39;s language and then
mimicking it is a typical approach to increase one&#39;s fluency.
</td><td>Ms. Tran is always eager to participate in the everyday activities in
class. She demonstrates self-assurance by venturing out on her own to pursue her
passions. She is aware of her learning methods and strives to use them to her
advantage.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 21:55</td>
<td>29/03/2022 18:30</td><td>Family and Friends 2nd
Edition</td><td>Family and Friends 4_6_202 Skill time!</td><td>Phạm L&#234; Huy
Khang</td><td>Cerr Gray</td><td>0</td><td>4</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>words to note:
violin, enormous, pointed</td><td>words to note: 1. grunt 2. generous 3. lie
</td><td>1. take note on the use of: the (article) 2. take note on the use of: it +
is = it&#39;s 3. take note on: give - gave 4. take note on the right choice of
word: popcorn - corn 5. take note on the use of: to (preposition) </td><td>1. The
grasshopper is playing violin. 2. The grasshopper is hungry because in the winter.
3. The ant give popcorn with grasshopper. </td><td>He&#39;s good in putting
pictures in the right order. He needs to be cautious when speaking regarding his
grammar ( order of words). He seems to be doing something else during the class.
</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 21:47</td>
<td>29/03/2022 19:30</td><td>Teen2teen 2</td><td>Lesson 10: Unit
3 - Topic Snapshot &amp; Vocabulary: Extra-curricular Activities</td><td>Dương Gia
Kh&#244;i</td><td>Cerr Gray</td><td>0</td><td>4</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>1. teammates
( take note on the S sound) 2. charity 3. orchestra ( take note on the CH sound) 4.
language </td><td>1. computer 2. fun 3. skills </td><td>1. note on the use of: is /
are 2. note on the use of: I / am 3. note on: take - took </td><td>1. Gan are
taking dancing lessons. 2. Maya from Moscow. 3. I am take singing lessons.
</td><td>He&#39;s good in filling in sentences. He can just be more cautious when
speaking when it comes to his grammar. </td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022
<td>29/03/2022 21:00</td><td>Teen2teen 3</td><td>Lesson 1:
Welcome - Daily and Other Activities</td><td>Phan Minh Ch&#226;u</td><td>Ng&#226;n
động từ ở hiện tại đơn v&#224; tiếp diễn </td><td>good</td><td>phần từ vựng ổn,
nhưng ngữ ph&#225;p con hay qu&#234;n chia động từ đ&#250;ng cho th&#236; th&#236;
hiện tại đơn v&#224; hiện tại tiếp diễn. Ch&#250; &#253; chủ từ khi l&#224;m
b&#224;i </td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 21:32</td>
<td>29/03/2022 21:00</td><td>Complete KEY for Schools
2020</td><td>Lesson 6-23 Have You Got Any Homework?</td><td>Nguyễn Thịnh
Cường</td><td>Cerr Gray</td><td>0</td><td>4</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>1. biology 2.
chloride 3. chemistry</td><td>1. clever 2. helpful 3. trainers</td><td>1. highest
(superlative) 2. heavier than 3. good use of: in </td><td>1. The highest mountain
in the world is Everest. 2. The melon is heavier than the grape. 3. My least
favorite subject in school is literature. </td><td>He cooperates well in class. He
can just be cautious on his grammar when expressing himself regarding comparatives.
</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 21:32</td>
<td>29/03/2022 20:30</td><td>English File Pre-intermediate 4th
Edition</td><td>Lesson 7B: Happiness is…Part 1</td><td>Dương Minh
Ho&#224;ng</td><td>Mark Spoon</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>gerund
Ralph replied
- to
- under
- before
- for
- at
- in
etc.</td><td>finish = verb
eat = verb
sing = verb

finishing = verb/noun
eating = verb/noun
singing = verb/noun

gerund = a verb with +ing that is used as a noun</td><td>Tell me five of your ideas
about happiness:
- Happiness is not getting up easily everyday.
- Happiness is playing sports everyday.
- Happiness being able to travel
- Happiness is eating delicious food.
- Happiness is not having homework.</td><td>The lesson today was about gerunds and
about happiness in simple ways</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 21:02</td>
<td>29/03/2022 20:00</td><td>Oxford Primary Skills Reading and
Writing</td><td>Reading and Writing 6-3_109 Unit 3 Reading,
Vocabulary</td><td>Nguyễn Đức Minh Bim</td><td>Hồng Nghi
Nancy</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>con cần ch&#250; &#253; c&#225;ch
ph&#225;t &#226;m từ &quot;the&quot; trước c&#225;c danh từ bắt đầu bằng
nguy&#234;n &#226;m, ch&#250; &#253; thực h&#224;nh ph&#225;t &#226;m lại c&#225;c
từ sau: merchant, mud, silk, jewellery, weapons,...</td><td>con nắm tốt tất cả
c&#225;c từ mới trong b&#224;i học v&#224; đo&#225;n nghĩa của từ dựa v&#224;o ngữ
cảnh rất tốt, cần luyện tập ph&#225;t &#226;m c&#225;c từ vựng mới v&#224; cố gắng
ghi nhớ c&#225;ch viết c&#225;c từ mới con nh&#233;</td><td>con cần ch&#250; &#253;
c&#225;ch trả lời Yes/No trong b&#224;i Reading đ&#250;ng với ngữ ph&#225;p (con
chưa ph&#226;n biệt tốt chủ ngữ để x&#225;c định c&#226;u trả lời ph&#249;
hợp)</td><td>con hiểu v&#224; phản hồi được những c&#226;u hỏi đơn giản của
c&#244;, giao tiếp với c&#244; rất tốt, con c&#243; nổ lực trong việc sử dụng tiếng
Anh để giao tiếp với c&#244; v&#224; duy tr&#236; tốt cuộc hội thoại</td><td>Con
tương t&#225;c tốt với c&#244;, con rất vui vẻ v&#224; rất nổ lực học tập, con
c&#243; kỹ năng Reading tương đối ổn. Tuy nhi&#234;n v&#236; b&#224;i học c&#243;
kh&#225; nhiều b&#224;i tập n&#234;n con cần tập trung cao độ hơn để c&#243; thể
ho&#224;n th&#224;nh tốt c&#225;c b&#224;i tập trong buổi học nh&#233;, v&#224; cố
gắng l&#224;m c&#225;c b&#224;i tập về nh&#224; c&#244; đ&#227; giao cho
con</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 20:57</td>
<td>29/03/2022 20:30</td><td>Oxford Phonic World &amp; Little
Fox</td><td>Lesson 7_Letter Ff</td><td>Nguyễn H&#224; Ruby</td><td>Jamela
Practice pronouncing the following words: etter F, fish, fan, farm,
fork</td><td>Review the following words so you may add them to your vocabulary:
Letter F, fish, fan, farm, fork</td><td>
Study and practice the following sentences and questions:

- It&#39;s the letter F.

- It&#39;s a fish.
- It&#39;s a fan.
- It&#39;s a fork.
- It&#39;s a farm.
It is necessary for the student to develop the habit of responding in complete
sentences. As a result, during the class, please strive to answer in whole phrases.
</td><td>Despite the fact that the student has to practice to enhance the coherence
of her speech, she was able to engage well in class. She is still interested in and
paying attention to the lessons. Please try to communicate in English even at
home.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 20:55</td>
<td>29/03/2022 19:30</td><td>English for Everyone</td><td>Lesson
3_35-214 Opinions and plan Part 2</td><td>Nh&#226;n Đỗ Kent</td><td>Hồng Nghi
Nancy</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>học vi&#234;n cần luyện tập
th&#234;m về ngữ điệu, ch&#250; &#253; ph&#225;t &#226;m của từ &quot;the&quot;
trước những danh từ bắt đầu với nguy&#234;n &#226;m, ch&#250; &#253; ph&#225;t
&#226;m c&#225;c từ sau: arranged, squash</td><td>b&#225;c c&#243; vốn từ vựng để
giao tiếp tốt v&#224; b&#225;c nắm từ vựng rất nhanh</td><td>b&#225;c nắm tốt cấu
tr&#250;c ngữ ph&#225;p trong b&#224;i học h&#244;m nay về: verb with infinitives,
vận dụng xử l&#253; tốt c&#225;c b&#224;i tập</td><td>học vi&#234;n phản hồi được
tất cả c&#225;c c&#226;u hỏi giao tiếp của gi&#225;o vi&#234;n, sử dụng đa số
l&#224; c&#225;c c&#226;u đơn, rất t&#237;ch cực giao tiếp bằng tiếng Anh v&#224;
duy tr&#236; cuộc hội thoại rất tốt</td><td>b&#225;c rất vui vẻ v&#224; t&#237;ch
cực giao tiếp trong buổi học v&#224; duy tr&#236; tốt cuộc giao tiếp với gi&#225;o
vi&#234;n, b&#225;c xử l&#253; rất tốt c&#225;c b&#224;i tập. B&#225;c cần cải
thiện th&#234;m về kỹ năng Listening v&#224; ph&#225;t &#226;m nhiều hơn b&#225;c
nh&#233;</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 20:55</td>
<td>29/03/2022 19:00</td><td>Everybody Up</td><td>EVERYBODY UP 3
6_137 Helping Out Lesson 3</td><td>Phạm Kh&#225;nh Tr&#224;</td><td>Hồng Nghi
Nancy</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>con thực h&#224;nh ph&#225;t
&#226;m theo hướng dẫn của c&#244; rất tốt, con cần luyện tập th&#234;m về ngữ
đi&#234;u trong lời n&#243;i con nh&#233;, ch&#250; &#253; ph&#225;t &#226;m
c&#225;c từ sau: sweep, floor, garbage.</td><td>con nắm tốt từ vựng trong b&#224;i
h&#244;m nay v&#224; nhớ ngay được từ vựng trong buổi học, cần ghi ch&#250; v&#224;
luyện tập thực h&#224;nh với c&#225;c từ mới nhiều hơn con nh&#233;</td><td>con vận
dụng thực h&#224;nh tốt c&#225;c mẫu c&#226;u trong b&#224;i học v&#224; vận dụng
thực h&#224;nh đặt c&#226;u rất tốt</td><td>con hiểu v&#224; phản hồi được c&#225;c
c&#226;u hỏi giao tiếp với c&#244;, tuy nhi&#234;n con chỉ trả lời Yes/No hoặc
c&#225;c c&#226;u trả lời ngắn chưa ho&#224;n chỉnh cả c&#226;u, con cần sử dụng
tiếng Anh nhiều hơn trong buổi học nh&#233;</td><td>con nắm rất tốt b&#224;i cũ,
c&#244; đ&#227; nh&#236;n thấy sự tiến bộ ở con rất nhiều, con tương t&#225;c tốt
với gi&#225;o vi&#234;n v&#224; rất nổ lực thực h&#224;nh c&#225;c mẫu c&#226;u
v&#224; từ vựng. Con cần tự tin sử dụng tiếng Anh giao tiếp với gi&#225;o vi&#234;n
nhiều hơn trong buổi học, cố gắng năng nổ hơn con
nh&#233;.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 20:50</td>
<td>29/03/2022 20:00</td><td>Express Yourself</td><td>Issue 1_2-
4 Traffic &amp; Transportation 2/2</td><td>Nguyễn Kh&#225;nh Linh</td><td>Mary
Joy</td><td>0</td><td>4</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>She could practice
speaking.</td><td>She was able to learn new words.</td><td>She was able to
construct sentence.</td><td>She could practice speaking.</td><td>Lihn was able to
anticipate in the lesson.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 20:50</td>
<td>29/03/2022 18:00</td><td>Oxford Let&#39;s Begin - 5th
Edition</td><td>LET&#39;S BEGIN 2_Lesson 35: Let&#39;s Talk</td><td>Phạm Đức
Ki&#234;n</td><td>Hồng Nghi Nancy</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>con
luyện tập ph&#225;t &#226;m theo hướng dẫn của c&#244; rất tốt, tuy nhi&#234;n khi
c&#244; y&#234;u cầu con tự đọc lại th&#236; con chưa tự ph&#225;t &#226;m tốt
được, ch&#250; &#253; ph&#225;t &#226;m c&#225;c từ sau: sit down, stand up, turnd
around</td><td>con nắm được c&#225;c từ vựng trong b&#224;i h&#244;m nay tuy
nhi&#234;n c&#242;n một số từ con chưa tự ph&#225;t &#226;m lại được, phụ huynh cần
hỗ trợ cho con &#244;n tập lại b&#224;i học nh&#233;</td><td>tốt</td><td>con
đ&#227; dần nắm tốt c&#225;c c&#226;u hỏi th&#244;ng dụng như &quot;How are you,
How old are you..&quot;</td><td>H&#244;m nay con nắm b&#224;i tương đối ổn v&#224;
đ&#227; chịu tương t&#225;c với c&#244; hơn, con nắm b&#224;i h&#244;m nay tương
đối tốt. Cần cố gắng luyện tập ph&#225;t &#226;m theo hướng dẫn của c&#244; con
nh&#233;. Cố gắng kh&#244;ng n&#243;i chuyện ngo&#224;i lề, cần chăm chỉ thực
h&#224;nh theo hướng dẫn của c&#244; hơn v&#224; cố gắng &#244;n tập lại b&#224;i
cũ con nh&#233;</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 20:48</td>
<td>29/03/2022 17:30</td><td>Oxford Let&#39;s Go - 5th
Edition</td><td>LET&#39;S GO 2_60 Unit 6 Let&#39;s Learn</td><td> Phạm Ch&#226;u
Giang</td><td>Hồng Nghi
td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>student no
show</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 20:44</td>
<td>29/03/2022 20:00</td><td>Family and Friends 2nd
Edition</td><td>Family and Friends 2_8_96 Skill time! </td><td>Đo&#224;n Vũ Gia
td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>You did well. Stay focus and attentive.
Practice the spelling of the words and review your lessons everyday. I do hope to
see you again next time.
</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 20:32</td>
<td>29/03/2022 20:00</td><td>Family and Friends 2nd
Edition</td><td>Family and Friends 4_7_206 Will it really happen? Part
2</td><td>L&#234; Thanh T&#249;ng</td><td>Ng&#226;n
Nguyễn</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>tạm ổn</td><td>chưa
ổn</td><td>chưa ổn, chưa sử dụng được th&#236; tương lai đơn </td><td>kh&#225;
chậm, phản ứng chậm v&#224; đặt c&#226;u kh&#225; l&#226;u </td><td>phản ứng
kh&#225; chậm trước c&#225;c c&#226;u hỏi ở phần n&#243;i. Chưa năng động trong
l&#250;c học, kh&#244;ng tập trung ho&#224;n th&#224;nh l&#250;c học, c&#242;n thơ
thẩn v&#224; kh&#244;ng ch&#250; &#253;, chưa ho&#224;n th&#224;nh được b&#224;i
tập, cần xem lại b&#224;i v&#224; l&#224;m b&#224;i tập về nh&#224;
</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 20:32</td>
<td>29/03/2022 19:30</td><td>Adult Trial Lesson &amp; Placement
Test</td><td>Adult Trial Lesson &amp; Placement Test</td><td>Ho&#224;ng Ngọc
td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>Chị Phương cũng có m&#244;̣t s&#244;́ từ vựng
căn bản đ&#234;̉ nghe hi&#234;̉u và giao ti&#234;́p trong các chủ đ&#234;̀ quen
thu&#244;̣c.. tuy nhi&#234;n do chưa ti&#234;́p xúc nhi&#234;̀u với chúng cũng như
chưa có m&#244;i trường thực hành nói thường xuy&#234;n n&#234;n gặp nhi&#234;̀u khó
khăn v&#234;̀ ngữ pháp khi nói và khả năng sắp x&#234;́p từ vựng mình có đ&#234;̉
thành m&#244;̣t c&#226;u nói hoàn chỉnh, đủ ý... chị c&#226;̀n luy&#234;̣n t&#226;̣p
thường xuy&#234;n t&#226;́t cả các kỹ năng đ&#234;̉ có th&#234;̉ chỉnh sửa phát
&#226;m và tự tin hơn khi giao ti&#234;́p.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022
<td>29/03/2022 20:00</td><td>Everybody Up</td><td>EVERYBODY UP 1
3_51 Birthday Party Lesson 4</td><td>Nguyễn Trần Phương Anh</td><td>H&#224;
Nguyễn</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>singular noun:
danh từ s&#244;́ ít....
one game....
plural noun: danh từ s&#244;́ nhi&#234;̀u...
two games....
game: trò chơi...
marble: vi&#234;n bi...
puzzle: b&#244;̣ x&#234;́p hình...
card: thẻ bài...
</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>H&#244;m nay học th&#234;m m&#244;̣t s&#244;́
đ&#244;̀ chơi mới, c&#244; giáo cũng tranh thủ &#244;n lại từ vựng v&#234;̀ đ&#244;̀
chơi cho con... con nhớ r&#226;́t t&#244;́t, và có th&#234;̉ nắm vững v&#234;̀ danh từ
s&#244;́ ít và danh từ s&#244;́ nhi&#234;̀u... c&#244; giáo th&#226;́y được khả năng
phát &#226;m của con có tri&#234;̉n vọng r&#226;́t nhi&#234;̀u, nhưng ngữ đi&#234;̣u
giọng nói thì v&#226;̃n còn hơi cứng nhắc m&#244;̣t chút... chưa được m&#234;̀m mại và
có đ&#244;̣ l&#234;n xu&#244;́ng nh&#226;́t định,, c&#244;́ gắng nha
con.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 20:28</td>
<td>29/03/2022 20:00</td><td>Market Leader Pre-Intermediate - New
Edition</td><td>Lesson 3-19 Listening and Reading 1/2</td><td>Nguyễn Thị V&#226;n
Anh</td><td>Jamela Mae</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>Practice
pronouncing the following words: egg, strategy, develop, attract, customers,
increase, themselves, packaging</td><td>Review the following words so you may add
them to your vocabulary: most important, factors, successful</td><td>
Study and practice the following sentences and questions:
- There is a lot of work to do in my company.
- I was in the meeting all day.
- The meeting just finished.
- The first factor is focusing on how to increase market share. The second one is
having a good designers who also understand production. The last one is responding
to the needs of the workforce.

- In my opinion...
</td><td>If you study using material that is fascinating and relevant to you,
English will never be boring. Make a note of all the activities and interests that
encourage and stimulate you in your daily life on a sheet of paper. Take a look at
how each of them links to the English language. Stop reading about tennis in your
original language once a week and start reading about it in English instead.
</td><td>Ms. Anh recognizes when she requires assistance and gladly accepts it. She
likewise considers her responses carefully before giving them. She excels at
reflecting on her flaws and addressing them in order to improve as a
person.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 20:25</td>
<td>29/03/2022 20:00</td><td>English for Business - Level 6 &amp;
7</td><td>Lesson 8 B3 How to Report Success</td><td>L&#234; Văn
Qu&#253;</td><td>Mark Spoon</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>Refer to
recording or Skype chat for more info</td><td>Refer to recording or Skype chat for
more info</td><td>Refer to recording or Skype chat for more info</td><td>Refer to
recording or Skype chat for more info</td><td>The lesson today was about update on
progress and rise and fall of things in work.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022
<td>29/03/2022 19:30</td><td>English for Business - Level 6 &amp;
7</td><td>Lesson 7 B2 Updating on Progress</td><td>L&#234; Văn
Qu&#253;</td><td>Mark Spoon</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>assigned

I feel nervous because I will give a presentation in front of many

- so far
- up to now

We have finished most of our work so far.</td><td>&gt; Progress team is an

important department in a technical company.

= Progress team is important in a technical company</td><td>The lesson today was

about update on progress and rise and fall of things in
work.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 20:24</td>
<td>29/03/2022 20:00</td><td>Oxford Let&#39;s Go - 5th
Edition</td><td>LET&#39;S GO 2_59 Unit 6 Let&#39;s Talk</td><td>Nguyễn Tiến
td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>Stop playing computer games while in my class
because it will make you unfocussed on the lesson. I am willing to teach you,
please cooperate and show respect on the class time you&#39;re booking with me.
</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 20:23</td>
<td>29/03/2022 19:30</td><td>Everybody Up</td><td>EVERYBODY UP 4
2_157 Land and Sea Lesson 4</td><td>B&#249;i Nguyễn Bảo Ngọc</td><td>Ann
td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>You did well. Stay focus and attentive.
Practice the spelling of the words and review your lessons everyday. I do hope to
see you again next time.
</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 19:58</td>
<td>29/03/2022 19:30</td><td>Express Yourself</td><td>Issue 1_2-3
Traffic &amp; Transportation 1/2</td><td>Nguyễn Kh&#225;nh Linh</td><td>Mary
Joy</td><td>0</td><td>4</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>She was able to practice
speaking.</td><td>She was able to learn new words.</td><td>We were able to correct
her grammar.</td><td>She was able to practice speaking.</td><td>Lihn was able to
understand the lesson well. She is a good
listener.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 19:57</td>
<td>29/03/2022 19:30</td><td>Mindset for IELTS level
2</td><td>Lesson 22: Unit 1 - Speaking: RESPONDING TO YES/NO - QUESTIONS</td><td>Đỗ
Hồng Linh</td><td>Jamela Mae</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>Practice
pronouncing the following words: street lights, worshipping</td><td>Review the
following words so you may add them to your vocabulary: threw in, a few pieces,
personal belongings/stuff, district</td><td>
Study and practice the following sentences and questions:
- Yes, I feel tired today.
- Yes, that is right. I feel tired but happy because I was able to see my friends
at school.
- I woke up earlier than I used to.
- I spent all day studying...
- I also threw in a few pieces of furniture.
People in my community go out at night because they work rather than spend time
with their families at home. There are only a few street lights in the countryside,
so it&#39;s risky to go out even if it&#39;s only 7 - 8 p.m.

- My favorite thing about my hometown because as I see it, it&#39;s different from
the other parts of Vietnam. My hometown is the birth place of my nations. Thus,
there are several festival which take place in my hometown. It is also the homeland

- My favorite thing about my hometown is how distinct it is from the rest of

Vietnam. My hometown is where my nations were born. As a result, my hometown hosts
a number of festivals. It is also the birthplace of...
- A famous historical place in my hometown is Hung King temple. </td><td>English
will never be boring if you study with stuff that is interesting and relevant to
you. On a piece of paper, make a list of all the hobbies and interests that
motivate and stimulate you in your daily life. Consider how each of these relates
to English. If you adore tennis and read about it once a week in your native
language, for example, stop and start reading in English.
</td><td>Linh is a strong-willed individual who knows what she wants and goes out
to get it. Her mind is autonomous and free-spirited. She is also assured about her
opinions and beliefs.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 19:55</td>
<td>29/03/2022 19:30</td><td>Gold Experience A2+ 2nd
Edition</td><td>Lesson 66: Unit 8 - LISTENING</td><td>Nguyễn Đức
td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>. You listened carefully and you were very
attentive to the discussion. You remained focused and showed interest to the topic.
You were very enthusiastic and smart during our class. You participated well during
our discussion and you answered the questions correctly. Keep up the good work.
Thank you and see you again.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 19:54</td>
<td>29/03/2022 18:30</td><td>Oxford Primary Skills Reading and
Writing</td><td>Reading and Writing 4-9_77 Unit 9 Reading,
Comprehension</td><td>Trần Thảo My Mickey</td><td>Ng&#226;n
td><td>great</td><td>great</td><td>she did a great job with all reading, writing,
listening and speaking. She&#39;s got her fluency in using English in normal
communication. That&#39;s perfect </td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 19:42</td>
<td>29/03/2022 18:00</td><td>Oxford Primary Skills Reading and
Writing</td><td>Reading and Writing 4-8_76 Unit 8 Vocabulary, Writing</td><td>Trần
Thảo My Mickey</td><td>Ng&#226;n
td><td>great</td><td>great</td><td>she did a great job with all reading, writing,
listening and speaking. She&#39;s got her fluency in using English in normal
communication. That&#39;s perfect </td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 19:42</td>
<td>29/03/2022 18:30</td><td>Oxford Let&#39;s Go - 5th
Edition</td><td>LET&#39;S GO 4_127 Unit 5 Let&#39;s Talk</td><td>Trần Đăng
Qu&#226;n</td><td>Mary Joy</td><td>0</td><td>3</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>He still
needs to practice it.</td><td>He still needs to practice it. More words should be
taught.</td><td>He still needs to practice it.</td><td>He still needs to practice
it.</td><td>Dand was able to participate in the class
well.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 19:29</td>
<td>29/03/2022 19:00</td><td>Everybody Up</td><td>EVERYBODY UP 1
8_73 The Toy Store Lesson 4</td><td>L&#234; Phương Như</td><td>Mary
Joy</td><td>0</td><td>3</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>I still need to observe
it.</td><td>I still need to observe it.</td><td>I still need to observe
it.</td><td>I still need to observe it.</td><td>Ruby was very active in the class.
I like the way she responded to my questions.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022
<td>29/03/2022 19:00</td><td>Little Hands</td><td>Little Hands 1
- Lesson 25-8: Fun Toys Part 2</td><td>Đỗ Minh Sơn</td><td>H&#224;
Nguyễn</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>bus (&#226;m /s/ ở cu&#244;́i)...
boat (&#226;m /t/ ở
cu&#244;́i)</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>H&#244;m nay học
m&#244;̣t s&#244;́ từ vựng đ&#234;̉ m&#244; tả đ&#244;̀ v&#226;̣t (big, small).. con học
ngoan và chịu khó lặp lại theo sự hướng d&#226;̃n của c&#244; giáo.. v&#226;̃n có
thói quen đáp 1 từ n&#234;n c&#244; giáo c&#244;́ gắng tạo thói quen trả lời
m&#244;̣t c&#226;u hoàn chỉnh cho con. phát &#226;m của con tạm &#244;̉n, khi có
c&#244; giáo nhắc nhở thì con phát &#226;m tròn vành hơn, đ&#226;̀y đủ các &#226;m
cu&#244;́i của từ hơn..</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 19:27</td>
<td>29/03/2022 19:00</td><td>Little Hands</td><td>Little Hands 1
- Lesson 9-3: Dd Ee</td><td>Phạm L&#226;m Nhi </td><td>Jamela
Practice pronouncing the following words: candies, flashlight, torch, Letter D,
dog, desk, Letter E, elephant, egg, eyes,
Earth</td><td>Review the following words so you may add them to your vocabulary:
candies, flashlight, torch, Letter D, dog, desk, Letter E, elephant, egg, eyes,
Study and practice the following sentences and questions:

- These are candies.

- Yes, I like candies.
- I am hungry.
- I am happy today.
- It&#39;s the letter D.
</td><td>Talk to her about your everyday activities and topics that you normally
discuss in English. Some games are intended to help her improve her vocabulary, but
there are plenty more that will help her improve her spelling, phonics, and even
speaking skills.</td><td>The student consistently contributes positively to class
discussions. She is always willing to pitch in and assist with any task. Despite
this, she must concentrate on memorization of the new terms she has learnt in
class. She also needs to be more flexible in his English language
communication.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 19:25</td>
<td>29/03/2022 19:00</td><td>Everybody Up</td><td>EVERYBODY UP 5
7_216 World Travel Lesson 3</td><td>Nguyễn Như Quỳnh Heni</td><td>Ann
td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>See you next time
Queen.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 19:12</td>
<td>29/03/2022 18:30</td><td>Everybody Up</td><td>EVERYBODY UP 2
1_77 How We Feel Lesson 2</td><td>Phạm Nam Dương</td><td>H&#224;
Nguyễn</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>Can you see me?
Con có nhìn th&#226;́y c&#244; kh&#244;ng?....
Yes, I can....
Can: có th&#234;̉...
Can&#39;t = can not : kh&#244;ng th&#234;̉...
Can you hear me? COn có nghe th&#226;́y c&#244; nói kh&#244;ng?
How are you today? H&#244;m nay con th&#234;́ nào?
I&#39;m happy/ I&#39;m good/ I&#39;m great/ I&#39;m fine/ I&#39;m OK/ I&#39;m hot/
I&#39;m cold...
How old are you? Con bao nhi&#234;u tu&#244;̉i...
I&#39;m 11 (years old)....

repeat: lặp lại...

feelings: cảm xúc/ cảm giác...
sick: bị &#244;́m...
tired: bị m&#234;̣t...
bored: bu&#244;̀n chán...
excited: hào hứng, vui...
listen: nghe...
Look at the pictures: hãy nhìn vào bức
tranh....</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>COn học r&#226;́t ngoan, chịu khó
lắng nghe c&#244; giáo giảng dạy... phát &#226;m của con cũng có tri&#234;̉n vọng,
c&#244; giáo chỉnh sửa là con sẽ lặp lại theo li&#234;̀n,,, c&#244;́ gắng học
thu&#244;̣c từ vựng và các m&#226;̃u c&#226;u giao ti&#234;́p c&#244; giáo hay dùng
trong lớp...chú ý phát &#226;m từ vựng th&#226;̣t
đúng..</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 18:57</td>
<td>29/03/2022 18:30</td><td>Everybody Up</td><td>EVERYBODY UP 3
8_146 Things We Use Lesson 3</td><td>Nguyễn Quang Huy</td><td>Jamela
Mae</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>Practice pronouncing the following
words: garbage, scissors, Letter Ii, dictionary</td><td>Review the following words
so you may add them to your vocabulary: river, clean up, dirty, garbage,
everywhere, posters, spelling </td><td>
Study and practice the following sentences and questions:

- Let&#39;s clean up.

- Great job!
- Why are you late?
- I am late because I was eating dinner.
</td><td>Increase the amount of English you use in your daily life. In this case,
working on your vocabulary could be really advantageous. However, you must be
selective about which words and phrases you learn if you want to remember
them.</td><td>Huy is always enthralled by the concepts discussed in class. He is
demonstrating increased independence in his ability to learn and study without the
need for constant supervision.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 18:55</td>
<td>29/03/2022 18:30</td><td>Express Yourself</td><td>Issue 1_1-2
Life Styles 2/2</td><td>Nguyễn H&#224; My</td><td>Ann
td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>My is such a wonderful kid. She always try her
best in giving ideas and sharing her experienced in class about our topic. She is
intelligent and she answers politely. Keep on learning my dear. I can see a great
future ahead of you!</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 18:54</td>
<td>29/03/2022 18:00</td><td>Express Yourself</td><td>Issue 1_1-1
Life Styles 1/2</td><td>Nguyễn H&#224; My</td><td>Ann
td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>My is such a wonderful kid. She always try her
best in giving ideas and sharing her experienced in class about our topic. She is
intelligent and she answers politely. Keep on learning my dear. I can see a great
future ahead of you!</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 18:53</td>
<td>29/03/2022 18:00</td><td>Complete KEY for Schools
2020</td><td>Lesson 14-58 Vocabulary vs Reading Part 4</td><td>Đinh Bảo H&#226;n
Nguyễn</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>argue: tranh
lu&#226;̣n, cãi nhau....
informal: kh&#244;ng trịnh trọng...
discuss: thảo lu&#226;̣n...
explain: giả thích...
persuade: thuy&#234;́t phục...
shout at....

</td><td>just/ already/ yet</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>Con học từ vựng khá nhanh, dù có
nhi&#234;̀u từ con kh&#244;ng bi&#234;́t nhưng học m&#244;̣t lát con đã ghi nhớ và áp
dụng t&#244;́t.. v&#234;̀ coi lại cách sử dụng thì hi&#234;̣n tại hoàn thành với just/
already và yet nha con... dù là con hi&#234;̉u r&#244;̀i nhưng khi thực hành v&#226;̃n
còn chưa được chắc chắn với đáp án của mình...
</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 18:27</td>
<td>29/03/2022 18:00</td><td>Fun for Flyers 4th
Edition</td><td>Lesson 42 Holiday news</td><td>Nguyễn Bảo Vy</td><td>Mary
Joy</td><td>0</td><td>3</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>I still need to observe it at time
passes by.</td><td>I still need to observe it at time passes by.</td><td>I still
need to observe it at time passes by.</td><td>I still need to observe it at time
passes by.</td><td>Bao Vy was active in the class and she is a good
listener.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 18:27</td>
<td>29/03/2022 18:00</td><td>Everybody Up</td><td>EVERYBODY UP 5
2_191 Camping Lesson 1</td><td>Trương Quang Kh&#225;nh</td><td>Jamela
Mae</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>Practice pronouncing the following
words: fifteen, thirteen, study, identify, wild, strawberries, find, explore,
cave</td><td>Review the following words so you may add them to your vocabulary:
fun, study insects, identify trees, pick wild strawberries, find animal tracks,
explore a cave, collect leaves</td><td>
Study and practice the following sentences and questions:

- Yes, I can. I can see you.

- Where are you from?

- I like camping.
- Because it is fun.
- I don&#39;t like studying insects.
- Because they are scary.</td><td>The pupil must cultivate the habit of answering
in complete sentences. As a result, please try to answer in complete sentences
during class.
It has been proven that repetition helps us recall knowledge for longer periods of
time. So, please review the words which you have learnt in class. </td><td>Khanh is
starting to take an interest and wants to understand more about it. He is also
interested in a wide range of topics. However, he must continue to practice in
order to improve his speaking abilities. The student also needs to improve his
listening ability. </td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 18:25</td>
<td>29/03/2022 17:30</td><td>Debate Pro Junior</td><td>Debate Pro
Junior 4_73 Topic 36 Preserving Land Making Your Arguments</td><td>Phạm Quỳnh
td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>She is doing a great job. I am glad to see her
again. She participates very well and shares her thoughts about the lesson. I
suggest that she review the vocabulary and use it in her own sentences. In that way
she was able to improve more in her grammar.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022
<td>29/03/2022 17:00</td><td>Debate Pro Junior</td><td>Debate Pro
Junior 4_72 Topic 36 Preserving Land</td><td>Phạm Quỳnh Anh</td><td>Glynda
Maye</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>awareness,range from, extinction,
humane, mass</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>She is doing a
great job. I am glad to see her again. She participates very well and shares her
thoughts about the lesson. I suggest that she review the vocabulary and use it in
her own sentences. In that way she was able to improve more in her
grammar.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 17:57</td>
<td>29/03/2022 17:30</td><td>Everybody Up</td><td>EVERYBODY UP 5
6_210 Making Things Lesson 2</td><td>Ho&#224;ng Tuấn Hiển</td><td>Jamela
Mae</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>Practice pronouncing the following
words: fifteen, toothpicks, aprons, named, classmates, tablespoon, cookies, cup,
flour, also</td><td>Review the following words so you may add them to your
vocabulary: aprons, toothpicks, paper clips, cardboard, masking tape, modeling
clay, wipe off your sweat, sheets, rolls, bowls</td><td>
Study and practice the following sentences and questions:

- I am feeling good today.

- I don&#39;t like camping.
- It is boring.
- I don&#39;t have an apron.

- How many aprons do we have?

- We have 3 aprons.</td><td>It is necessary for the student to develop the habit of

responding in complete sentences. As a result, during the class, please strive to
answer in whole phrases.</td><td>Hien consistently contributes to class discussions
in a positive way. He is always eager to join in and help with any task. Despite
this, he must work on memorizing the new terms learned in class. He also has to be
more adaptable in his communication with the English
language.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 17:55</td>
<td>29/03/2022 16:30</td><td>&#212;n Luyện Thi V&#224;o Lớp 10
M&#244;n Tiếng Anh Năm 2022-2023</td><td>Lesson 10: PRACTICE TEST 4
1/3</td><td>Nguyễn Tuấn Minh</td><td>Ng&#226;n
Nguyễn</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>tốt</td><td>tạm ổn
</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>sai 2/15 c&#226;u. Tổng cộng sai 6/40 c&#226;u, trong đề
của con c&#242;n phần viết n&#234;n cần cố gắng hơn nữa để c&#243; thể đạt được
điểm cao trong k&#236; th&#236;. phần viết lại c&#226;u l&#224;m kh&#225;
l&#226;u</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 17:45</td>
<td>29/03/2022 17:00</td><td>Everybody Up</td><td>EVERYBODY UP 4
1_151 Fun Outdoors Lesson 2</td><td>Đỗ Thị Kim Ng&#226;n</td><td>H&#224;
be (is/am/are) good at + V(ing): giỏi ở khoản nào đó....
Do something well....</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>Con học bài r&#226;́t t&#244;́t, nhạy
bén và có khả năng ti&#234;́p thu cao... chú ý phát &#226;m của mình, nh&#226;́t là
các &#226;m cu&#244;́i của từ, khi c&#244; giáo nhắc thì con sửa nhanh nhưng
n&#234;́u kh&#244;ng nhắc nhở thì con v&#226;̃n qu&#234;n đ&#234;̉ ý... c&#244;́ gắng
đọc và nghe ti&#234;́ng Anh nhi&#234;̀u đ&#234;̉ gia tăng khả năng phát &#226;m nhe
con.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 17:30</td>
<td>29/03/2022 11:00</td><td>Everybody Up</td><td>EVERYBODY UP 3
6_136 Helping Out Lesson 2</td><td>Phạm Kh&#225;nh Tr&#224;</td><td>Hồng Nghi
Nancy</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>con thực h&#224;nh ph&#225;t
&#226;m theo hướng dẫn của c&#244; rất tốt, con cần luyện tập th&#234;m về ngữ
đi&#234;u trong lời n&#243;i con nh&#233;, ch&#250; &#253; ph&#225;t &#226;m
c&#225;c từ sau: sweep, floor, garbage.</td><td>con nắm tốt từ vựng trong b&#224;i
h&#244;m nay v&#224; nhớ ngay được từ vựng trong buổi học, cần ghi ch&#250; v&#224;
luyện tập thực h&#224;nh với c&#225;c từ mới nhiều hơn con nh&#233;</td><td>con vận
dụng thực h&#224;nh tốt c&#225;c mẫu c&#226;u trong b&#224;i học v&#224; vận dụng
thực h&#224;nh đặt c&#226;u rất tốt</td><td>con hiểu v&#224; phản hồi được c&#225;c
c&#226;u hỏi giao tiếp với c&#244;, tuy nhi&#234;n con chỉ trả lời Yes/No hoặc
c&#225;c c&#226;u trả lời ngắn chưa ho&#224;n chỉnh cả c&#226;u, con cần sử dụng
tiếng Anh nhiều hơn trong buổi học nh&#233;</td><td>con thể hiện rất tốt trong buổi
học h&#244;m nay, con tương t&#225;c tốt với gi&#225;o vi&#234;n v&#224; rất nổ lực
thực h&#224;nh c&#225;c mẫu c&#226;u v&#224; từ vựng. Con cần tự tin sử dụng tiếng
Anh giao tiếp với gi&#225;o vi&#234;n nhiều hơn trong buổi học, cố gắng năng nổ hơn
v&#224; luyện tập th&#234;m về kỹ năng Listening nh&#233;.
</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 17:06</td>
<td>29/03/2022 15:30</td><td>Grammar Review &amp; Practice Test
for Grade 6 Entrance Exams</td><td>Lesson 19: Future simple tense</td><td>Nguyễn
Thanh Phong</td><td>Ng&#226;n
lại c&#225;c th&#236; cũ đ&#227; học </td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>b&#224;i h&#244;m nay
con hiểu v&#224; l&#224;m rất tốt, sai ph&#225;t &#226;m từ will. Xem b&#224;i về
th&#236; hiện tại đơn v&#224; qu&#225; khứ đơn
</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 16:03</td>
<td>29/03/2022 15:00</td><td>Movers Speaking Practice
Test</td><td>Lesson 3: Test 3</td><td>Nguyễn Quang Ph&#250;
Nguyễn</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>ph&#225;t &#226;m kh&#244;ng
r&#245; từ </td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>đặt c&#226;u sai ngữ ph&#225;p khi n&#243;i, chỉ
to&#224;n gh&#233;p từ v&#224;o th&#224;nh c&#226;u </td><td>đặt c&#226;u sai ngữ
ph&#225;p v&#224; n&#243;i chưa lưu lo&#225;t, con đọc từng từ ngắt qu&#227;ng
</td><td>phần n&#243;i rất yếu, phần story h&#244;m nay ph&#225;t &#226;m v&#224;
sử dụng từ vựng để diễn tả c&#226;u chuyện đều ph&#225;t yếu, kh&#244;ng lưu
lo&#225;t v&#224; ph&#225;t &#226;m kh&#244;ng r&#245; từ. Đặt c&#226;u sai ngữ
ph&#225;p </td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 16:03</td>
<td>29/03/2022 15:30</td><td>Oxford Let&#39;s Begin - 5th
Edition</td><td>LET&#39;S BEGIN 2_Lesson 42: Let&#39;s Learn More</td><td>Đo&#224;n
Huy Kh&#225;nh</td><td>Mark Spoon</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>an
answer</td><td>Other shapes:
-pentagon</td><td>an = a, e, i, o, u</td><td>We have star, rectangle, diamond, and
oval as shapes.

Tell me 3 more shapes:

1. circle
2. square
3. triangle</td><td>The lesson today was about shapes and answering yes an no with
complete structure</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 15:58</td>
<td>29/03/2022 15:00</td><td>Family and Friends 2nd
Edition</td><td>Family and Friends 4_6_202 Skill time!</td><td>Nguyễn H&#224; Thy
Thy</td><td>Jamela Mae</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>Practice
pronouncing the following words: Grasshopper, weather, became. covered, thick,
dig</td><td>Review the following words so you may add them to your vocabulary: The
Ant and the Grasshopper, lovely day, grunting, enormous, heavy, carried (carry),
less, laugh, plenty, thick, ground, dig, lazy, prepare</td><td>
Study and practice the following sentences and questions:

- Yes, I can see you now.

- I woke up at 6 am.
- I went outside with my mom in the morning.
- I slept at 10 pm

- Yes, I can.
- A girl was bored and her mother
was inside the house. The girl shouted, &quot;Help. I saw a snake.&quot; The
mother ran and she didn&#39;t see any snake.
Next day, the girl saw a real snake and she shouted for help. But her mother
didn&#39;t believe her, the mother just stayed inside.</td><td>Repetition has been
shown to help us remember information for extended periods of time. The primary
focus in the context of English should be on vocabulary and grammatical repetition.
The student must get into the habit of replying in complete sentences. As a result,
please try to answer in whole sentences throughout the session.
</td><td>Thy usually enter the class with a huge smile on her face and an open
mind. She is usually eager to follow instructions. She also sets a high bar for
herself. She is particularly skilled at completing tasks on
time.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 15:25</td>
<td>29/03/2022 14:30</td><td>Little Hands</td><td>Little Hands 1
- Lesson 3-1: Aa Bb</td><td>Minh Ch&#226;u Mina</td><td>Trần Tr&#226;n
td><td>Giỏi</td><td>Mina h&#244;m nay v&#224;o học trễ nhưng con c&#243; cố gắng
ho&#224;n th&#224;nh b&#224;i học. Con nhận biết từ vựng tốt v&#224; ho&#224;n
th&#224;nh hai c&#226;u hỏi: What is it?/ What do you see?.
</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 15:09</td>
<td>29/03/2022 14:00</td><td>Oxford Let&#39;s Begin - 5th
Edition</td><td>LET&#39;S BEGIN 2_Lesson 34: Let&#39;s Learn to Read</td><td>Đinh
Nhật Duy</td><td>Trần Tr&#226;n
td><td>Giỏi</td><td>Con c&#242;n nhỏ n&#234;n c&#243; thể nh&#236;n h&#236;nh ảnh
v&#224; nhận biết được từ vựng. Những b&#224;i học học về c&#226;u hỏi giới thiệu
bản th&#226;n c&#243; thể sẽ kh&#243; đối với con v&#236; con chưa nhận biết được
cả c&#226;u. Con ghi nhớ bảng chữ c&#225;i tốt. Con cố gắng trả lời c&#226;u
ho&#224;n chỉnh. </td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 15:06</td>
<td>29/03/2022 14:30</td><td>Cambridge Global
English</td><td>Global English 7_14_392 Local community</td><td>Nguyễn Quang
Minh</td><td>Cerr Gray</td><td>0</td><td>4</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>1. butcher 2.
laundromat 3. washed ( take note on the sound of &quot;ed&quot;</td><td>1. garage
2. jeweler 3. pharmacy </td><td>1. take note on the use of pronouns: My, I, we -
for starting sentences. 2. use of: is / are 3. use of: have / has </td><td>1.
market. 2. because it has food. 3. bookshops, market</td><td>He cooperates quite
well in class. He somewhat has difficulty giving reasons to his
answer.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 14:58</td>
<td>29/03/2022 14:30</td><td>Kid 10-11 Trial Lesson &amp;
Placement Test</td><td>Kid 10 - 11 Trial Lesson &amp; Placement Test</td><td>Cao Vũ
Nam Ben</td><td>Jamela Mae</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>The
student&#39;s general accent and diction can be easily understood throughout the
trial lesson. The pupil lacks a pronounced regional accent. However, practice is
still required for fluency and accuracy.

Practice: competition, rubbish, culture, province, opponent</td><td>The student is

able to answer all of the questions asked to him during the trial class. When
answering questions and presenting his opinions, he can also use the appropriate

Review: provincial competition, reverse, opponent, advantage</td><td>

He is also an outgoing and self-assured learner. In class conversations, he is
always willing to share his own ideas and beliefs. However, there are a few
grammatical errors. He can go through the basic grammar rules again to prevent
making the same errors.

- I won the second prize in a writing competition.

- I wrote about...
- I have been living here since I was born...
- It is sunny today...
- I don&#39;t often listen to music...</td><td>When responding, remember to utilize
complete sentences. After class, continue to practice at home. Make a dialogue with
yourself. Look at how native speakers use English in regular situations if you wish
to improve your English skills. Make a conscious effort to include more English
into your day-to-day activities.
</td><td>The student is an extroverted, optimistic, and cheery individual. He has
demonstrated to be a pleasant and nice student over the trial class. My dear, it is
a joy to meet you. I&#39;m delighted we&#39;re able to have this conversation. I am
looking forward to having a class with you again
soon.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 14:55</td>
<td>29/03/2022 14:00</td><td>Everybody Up</td><td>EVERYBODY UP 5
5_208 Busy Students Lesson 4</td><td>Phạm Bảo H&#226;n</td><td>Jamela
Mae</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>Practice pronouncing the following
words: lunch, successful, possible, better</td><td>Review the following words so
you may add them to your vocabulary: health, successful, exercise, possible,
balanced meal, habit, early</td><td>
Study and practice the following sentences and questions:
- Yes, I have. I have had lunch already.
- I had rice and noodles for lunch.

- It&#39;s hot today.

- I only have one online class.
- No, I don&#39;t.
- Yes, that&#39;s right.
Is it possible for you to fly? No, it isn&#39;t.
Is it possible for you to bake cookies? Yes, it is.

</td><td>Remember to use complete sentences when replying. Continue to practice at

home after the class. Make a conversation with yourself. Read, read, read a little
more. You&#39;ll pick up more words the more you read — especially novels, but also
magazines and newspapers.
</td><td>Han is a self-disciplined individual. When faced with a difficult task,
she does not give up. When it comes to tasks that have been assigned to her, she
can always be trusted. She is also forthright and
truthful.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 14:25</td>
<td>28/03/2022 20:30</td><td>Everybody Up</td><td>EVERYBODY UP 4
6_174 Being Creative Lesson 3</td><td>Phạm B&#225; B&#236;nh Nguy&#234;n
Alex</td><td>Khương Anh Gina</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>c&#242;n
c&#242;n mắc lỗi ph&#225;t &#226;m ở từ problem, Mrs. Brown, </td><td>take out the
garbage, sweep, bake cookies, walk my dog ...</td><td>Could you carry these bags
for me?
Sure. No problem.</td><td>Con &#225;p dụng tốt c&#225;c cấu tr&#250;c vừa
học</td><td>H&#244;m nay Nguy&#234;n v&#224;o lớp trễ. Con nhớ ch&#250; &#253; lịch
học v&#224; v&#224;o lớp đ&#250;ng giờ con nh&#233;.
Con học tốt, tiếp thu b&#224;i nhanh
Kỹ năng n&#243;i tốt, nắm b&#224;i nhanh
Tuy nhi&#234;n. con ch&#250; &#253; một số từ như Mrs. để ph&#225;t &#226;m cho
ch&#237;nh x&#225;c hơn</td><td>Feedback Late</td><td>29/03/2022 11:45</td>
<td>28/03/2022 18:00</td><td>Fun for Flyers 4th
Edition</td><td>Lesson 56 Fun and games</td><td>Nguyễn Bảo Vy Mirei</td><td>Khương
Anh Gina</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</
td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>H&#244;m nay b&#233; Bảo Vy xin ph&#233;p nghỉ
buổi h&#244;m nay do con đang ở ngo&#224;i kh&#244;ng v&#224;o lớp học được.
</td><td>Feedback Late</td><td>29/03/2022 11:41</td>
<td>28/03/2022 17:30</td><td>Everybody Up</td><td>EVERYBODY UP 5
6_209 Making Things Lesson 1</td><td>Ho&#224;ng Tuấn Hiển</td><td>Khương Anh
Gina</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>Con ph&#225;t &#226;m tốt, giọng
đọc to r&#245;</td><td>con c&#242;n hơi qu&#234;n từ</td><td>How much flour does he
He needs a cup of flour.

Does he have enough flour?

Yes, he does.
No, he doesn&#39;t.</td><td>Con &#225;p dụng tốt c&#225;c cấu tr&#250;c đ&#227;
học</td><td>Con học tốt, tiếp thu b&#224;i nhanh
Con chăm học
Kỹ năng n&#243;i, phản xạ tốt
Con nhớ &#244;n lại b&#224;i để nhớ kỹ từ vựng hơn con nh&#233;
</td><td>Feedback Late</td><td>29/03/2022 11:40</td>
<td>28/03/2022 21:00</td><td>Chinh Phục Đề Thi V&#224;o Lớp 6
M&#244;n Tiếng Anh</td><td>Lesson 3: Practice Test 2 - CLC 1/2</td><td>Lan Chi
Yuki</td><td>Cao Minh Felix</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>-Yuki
c&#243; thể ph&#225;t &#226;m v&#224; chọn &#226;m kh&#225;c biệt rất tốt. Con
c&#243; thể ph&#225;t &#226;m mỗi chữ r&#245; r&#224;ng v&#224; nhận ra &#226;m cho
từ gạch ch&#226;n
-Yuki c&#243; thể x&#225;c định dấu nhấn trong từ tốt. Vẫn c&#242;n một v&#224;i từ
con chưa ph&#225;t &#226;m được. Con cố gắng tra từ điển về &#226;m những từ
đ&#243; nh&#233;</td><td>-Thầy sẽ liệt k&#234; những từ vựng con chưa hiểu nghĩa ở
đ&#226;y. Con ghi ch&#250; lại v&#224; cố gắng d&#249;ng nhiều v&#224;o phần
viết/n&#243;i để nhớ tốt hơn nh&#233;

-exist: tồn tại

-description: m&#244; tả
-contribute: g&#243;p phần
-atmosphere: kh&#244;ng kh&#237;
-allow: cho ph&#233;p
-establish = founded: th&#224;nh lập
-turn up = arrive: đến nơi
-concerned = worried: quan t&#226;m
-favorable = favorite: y&#234;u th&#237;ch
-minute by minute = very rapidly: rất nhanh

</td><td>-Cấu tr&#250;c if (nếu). Mệnh đề chứa If sẽ l&#224; hiện tại đơn, mệnh đề
kh&#244;ng chứa If (mệnh đề ch&#237;nh) sẽ l&#224; th&#236; tương lai đơn:
If + S + V, S + will + V or
S + will + V + if + S + V

-Từ &quot;since&quot; (kể từ khi). C&#226;u trước &quot;since&quot; l&#224;

th&#236; hiện tại ho&#224;n th&#224;nh (S have/has V3/Ved), c&#226;u sau
&quot;since&quot; l&#224; qu&#225; khứ đơn (S V2/Ved)
VD: I have been here since I was eight.

-Cấu tr&#250;c bị động: be + V3/Ved.

Yuki n&#234;n ch&#250; &#253; khi n&#224;o d&#249;ng cấu tr&#250;c n&#224;y. Khi
chủ từ kh&#244;ng thực hiện h&#224;nh động m&#224; bị/được t&#225;c động.
VD: he was (be) hit (V3/Ved) by a car.

-Từ loại sau giới từ. Giới từ l&#224; những từ chỉ vị tr&#237; (in, on, at, about,
before, after...). Sau giới từ sẽ l&#224; danh từ (N) hoặc V-ing
VD: I will have breakfast before (giới từ) going (V-ing) to school

-Cấu tr&#250;c với từ &quot;find&quot;. &quot;Find&quot; ở đ&#226;y l&#224; cảm

thấy, nh&#236;n thấy
S + find (found nếu ở qu&#225; khứ) + object (t&#226;n ngữ) + adj (t&#237;nh từ)
VD: I (S) find it (O) difficult (adj) to go to work due to heavy traffic

-M&#236;nh c&#242;n những cấu tr&#250;c ngữ ph&#225;p kh&#225;c trong b&#224;i,
Yuki gửi cho thầy những c&#226;u c&#242;n lại v&#224; thầy sẽ hướng dẫn con những
cấu tr&#250;c đ&#243; nh&#233;.</td><td>-Yuki c&#243; thể chọn những c&#226;u trả
lời đ&#250;ng với c&#226;u n&#243;i hoặc chọn c&#226;u n&#243;i đ&#250;ng với phần
c&#226;u trả lời. Con c&#243; thể hiểu nghĩa của hầu hết c&#225;c c&#226;u

-Con ch&#250; &#253; &#244;n tập những li&#234;n từ sau đ&#226;y để c&#243; thể kết
nối 2 c&#226;u lại dựa tr&#234;n nghĩa:

-However: tuy nhi&#234;n (d&#249;ng khi c&#226;u trước v&#224; sau tương phản
-Therefore: do vậy (c&#226;u trước l&#224; l&#253; do c&#226;u sau)
-Hence = Therefore
-Although: mặc d&#249;
-So: v&#236; vậy
-But: nhưng m&#224;
-Because: bởi v&#236;</td><td>-Practice test 2 re-do
-Yuki can remember most of the answers and give proper explanations to them.
-There are some mistakes though. Yuki should do the remaining parts and send
teacher to check</td><td>Feedback Late</td><td>29/03/2022 10:49</td>
<td>28/03/2022 21:30</td><td>Chinh Phục Đề Thi V&#224;o Lớp 6
M&#244;n Tiếng Anh</td><td>Lesson 4: Practice Test 2 - CLC 2/2</td><td>Lan Chi
Yuki</td><td>Cao Minh Felix</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>-Yuki
c&#243; thể ph&#225;t &#226;m v&#224; chọn &#226;m kh&#225;c biệt rất tốt. Con
c&#243; thể ph&#225;t &#226;m mỗi chữ r&#245; r&#224;ng v&#224; nhận ra &#226;m cho
từ gạch ch&#226;n
-Yuki c&#243; thể x&#225;c định dấu nhấn trong từ tốt. Vẫn c&#242;n một v&#224;i từ
con chưa ph&#225;t &#226;m được. Con cố gắng tra từ điển về &#226;m những từ
đ&#243; nh&#233;</td><td>-Thầy sẽ liệt k&#234; những từ vựng con chưa hiểu nghĩa ở
đ&#226;y. Con ghi ch&#250; lại v&#224; cố gắng d&#249;ng nhiều v&#224;o phần
viết/n&#243;i để nhớ tốt hơn nh&#233;

-exist: tồn tại

-description: m&#244; tả
-contribute: g&#243;p phần
-atmosphere: kh&#244;ng kh&#237;
-allow: cho ph&#233;p
-establish = founded: th&#224;nh lập
-turn up = arrive: đến nơi
-concerned = worried: quan t&#226;m
-favorable = favorite: y&#234;u th&#237;ch
-minute by minute = very rapidly: rất nhanh</td><td>-Cấu tr&#250;c if (nếu). Mệnh
đề chứa If sẽ l&#224; hiện tại đơn, mệnh đề kh&#244;ng chứa If (mệnh đề ch&#237;nh)
sẽ l&#224; th&#236; tương lai đơn:
If + S + V, S + will + V or
S + will + V + if + S + V

-Từ &quot;since&quot; (kể từ khi). C&#226;u trước &quot;since&quot; l&#224;

th&#236; hiện tại ho&#224;n th&#224;nh (S have/has V3/Ved), c&#226;u sau
&quot;since&quot; l&#224; qu&#225; khứ đơn (S V2/Ved)
VD: I have been here since I was eight.

-Cấu tr&#250;c bị động: be + V3/Ved.

Yuki n&#234;n ch&#250; &#253; khi n&#224;o d&#249;ng cấu tr&#250;c n&#224;y. Khi
chủ từ kh&#244;ng thực hiện h&#224;nh động m&#224; bị/được t&#225;c động.
VD: he was (be) hit (V3/Ved) by a car.

-Từ loại sau giới từ. Giới từ l&#224; những từ chỉ vị tr&#237; (in, on, at, about,
before, after...). Sau giới từ sẽ l&#224; danh từ (N) hoặc V-ing
VD: I will have breakfast before (giới từ) going (V-ing) to school

-Cấu tr&#250;c với từ &quot;find&quot;. &quot;Find&quot; ở đ&#226;y l&#224; cảm

thấy, nh&#236;n thấy
S + find (found nếu ở qu&#225; khứ) + object (t&#226;n ngữ) + adj (t&#237;nh từ)
VD: I (S) find it (O) difficult (adj) to go to work due to heavy traffic

-M&#236;nh c&#242;n những cấu tr&#250;c ngữ ph&#225;p kh&#225;c trong b&#224;i,
Yuki gửi cho thầy những c&#226;u c&#242;n lại v&#224; thầy sẽ hướng dẫn con những
cấu tr&#250;c đ&#243; nh&#233;.</td><td>-Yuki c&#243; thể chọn những c&#226;u trả
lời đ&#250;ng với c&#226;u n&#243;i hoặc chọn c&#226;u n&#243;i đ&#250;ng với phần
c&#226;u trả lời. Con c&#243; thể hiểu nghĩa của hầu hết c&#225;c c&#226;u

-Con ch&#250; &#253; &#244;n tập những li&#234;n từ sau đ&#226;y để c&#243; thể kết
nối 2 c&#226;u lại dựa tr&#234;n nghĩa:

-However: tuy nhi&#234;n (d&#249;ng khi c&#226;u trước v&#224; sau tương phản
-Therefore: do vậy (c&#226;u trước l&#224; l&#253; do c&#226;u sau)
-Hence = Therefore
-Although: mặc d&#249;
-So: v&#236; vậy
-But: nhưng m&#224;
-Because: bởi v&#236;</td><td>-Practice test 2 re-do
-Yuki can remember most of the answers and give proper explanations to them.
-There are some mistakes though. Yuki should do the remaining parts and send
teacher to check</td><td>Feedback Late</td><td>29/03/2022 10:49</td>
<td>29/03/2022 09:00</td><td>English file Elementary 4th
Edition</td><td>Lesson 3C: Love me , love my dog Part 2</td><td>B&#249;i Phương
Tr&#224; Tea</td><td>Glynda
td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>I weren&#39;t able to come to class, I am so
sorry. I am still hoping to see you again soon.
</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 10:01</td>
<td>28/03/2022 21:00</td><td>Topic Conservation
Elementary</td><td>Lesson 37: Emergency Vehicles - We’re sending a police
car.</td><td>Đặng B&#225; Hu&#226;n</td><td>Glynda
td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>He is doing great and doing his best for the
lesson. I hope that he keep on practicing more. In the next class we will practice
more expressing our self in complete sentences using correct word.</td><td>Feedback
Late</td><td>29/03/2022 10:00</td>
<td>28/03/2022 21:30</td><td>Topic Conservation
Elementary</td><td>Lesson 38: A. Stationery - I forgot to bring my pencil case
today.</td><td>Đặng B&#225; Hu&#226;n</td><td>Glynda
td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>He is doing great and doing his best for the
lesson. I hope that he keep on practicing more. In the next class we will practice
more expressing our self in complete sentences using correct word.</td><td>Feedback
Late</td><td>29/03/2022 09:59</td>
<td>28/03/2022 20:00</td><td>Everybody Up</td><td>EVERYBODY UP 2
5_97 Things To Do Lesson 4</td><td>Dương Linh Chi</td><td>Glynda
Maye</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>Playing the guitar, listening to
music, watching TV, Doing homework</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>I can&#39;t play the
guitar but I can play the piano.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>She is friendly and
participates well in the class. I am so happy to have her in the class today. She
just need to practice more answering in a complete sentences to improve more his
grammar and pronunciation and speaking skills.</td><td>Feedback
Late</td><td>29/03/2022 09:58</td>
<td>28/03/2022 19:30</td><td>English for Everyone</td><td>Lesson
3_35-213 Opinions and plan Part 1</td><td>Nh&#226;n Đỗ Kent</td><td>Glynda
td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>Mr. Nhan Do is doing a great job. He has a
good comprehension skills. However, what he needs to work on is his speaking
because of his pronunciation. I know that he can do it better next time. I just
suggest that he spends time watching English movies to and listen to English
conversations and English musics.</td><td>Feedback Late</td><td>29/03/2022
<td>28/03/2022 20:30</td><td>English Conversation
Practice</td><td>Level 2 - Lesson 33: Unit 1 - THEY ARE OUR
NEIGHBORS</td><td>Ho&#224;ng Thị Thu Nga</td><td>Madel
Mirasol</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>Practice reading the correct
tone if you are asking a question.</td><td>1. neighbor
2. kind
3. friendly
4. lucky</td><td>Study the following questions and sentences:
1. Are they your mom and dad? No, they aren&#39;t
2. They are our neighbors. Their son is my friend. </td><td>Continue to learn and
acquire basic grammar structure to broaden your knowledge and skills in learning
the English language.</td><td>Nga shows eagerness, perseverance, and readiness to
learn the English language. She&#39;s actively participated in class discussions
and listens very well to the teacher. </td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022
<td>28/03/2022 19:30</td><td>Family and Friends 2nd
Edition</td><td>Family and Friends 2_9_97 Where does she work? Part 1</td><td>Phan
Ho&#224;i An Tina</td><td>Madel
Mirasol</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>She has good grasp of
pronunciation.</td><td>Please study the following words:
1. hospital
2. school
3. airport
4. police station
5. fire station
6. shop</td><td>She has good grasp of grammar.</td><td>She could broaden her
answers and responses.</td><td>Phan Ho&#224;i An Tina has always been so
enthusiastic about participating in class discussions. She could read words
perfectly with correct intonations. She is such a sweet
girl.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 05:16</td>
<td>28/03/2022 19:00</td><td>Complete KEY for Schools
2020</td><td>Lesson 10-42 Grammar vs Reading Part 2</td><td>Nguyễn Nhật Minh
Bill</td><td>Madel Mirasol</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>He&#39;s easy
to be corrected with his mispronunced words.</td><td>1. future
2. intentions
3. plans
4. present</td><td>Study the rules of using &quot;going to&quot;
1. We use going to + verb when we have information in the present that tells us
what will happen in the future.
2. We use going to + verb to talk about plans and intentions.</td><td>Continue to
speak often and trying your best to answer in complete sentences.</td><td>Nguyễn
Nhật Minh Bill shows eagerness to learn. He listens to the teacher very well. He
could provide answers to every question.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022
<td>28/03/2022 18:30</td><td>Oxford Let&#39;s Go - 5th
Edition</td><td>LET&#39;S GO 2_40 Unit 1 Let&#39;s Read</td><td>L&#234; Gia
Bảo</td><td>Madel Mirasol</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>He is easy to
be corrected with his mispronounced words.</td><td>Study the following:
1. Mm- mop, map, mug
2. Nn- notebook, nut, nine</td><td>He has goo grasp of grammar.</td><td>Learning
the English language takes perseverance, discipline, and positive behavior. Kudos
for having these attitudes Le.</td><td>L&#234; Gia Bảo makes the class engaging and
fun because of his eagerness to read, talk and learn. He could read most of the
words. He shows respect to the teacher.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022
<td>28/03/2022 18:00</td><td>Oxford Let&#39;s Begin - 5th
Edition</td><td>LET&#39;S BEGIN 2_Lesson 34: Let&#39;s Learn to Read</td><td>Phạm
Đức Ki&#234;n</td><td>Madel
Mirasol</td><td>0</td><td>1</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>Study and learn the alphabets,
their sounds and word that begins with each letter.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>I&#39;m
I&#39;m Jenny
I&#39;m Kate
I&#39;m Scott</td><td>Speak often. Have a positive attitude towards learning the
English language.</td><td>Phạm Đức Ki&#234;n was not interested to participate.
He&#39;s not ready to attend the class and he&#39;s able to show off his not good
behavior by shouting and showing his middle finger and laughed to the teacher. I
advised him that, what he did is not funny, he needs to sit properly, and if
he&#39;s ready to listen and learn he can just tell the
teacher.</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 05:03</td>
<td>28/03/2022 21:00</td><td>English file Elementary 4th
Edition</td><td>Lesson 6B: The fird Friday in June Part 1</td><td>Đặng Ngọc
Tr&#226;n</td><td>Hồng Nghi Nancy</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>chị
thực h&#224;nh ph&#225;t &#226;m theo hướng dẫn của gi&#225;o vi&#234;n rất tốt, cố
gắng luyện tập ph&#225;t &#226;m &quot;s&quot; v&#224; c&#225;ch ph&#225;t &#226;m
từ &quot;the&quot; trước những từ bắt đầu với nguy&#234;n &#226;m.</td><td>chị nắm
tốt c&#225;c từ mới trong b&#224;i học h&#244;m nay, chị cần &#244;n tập lại
c&#225;ch đọc c&#225;c số thứ tự chị nh&#233;. V&#224; cố gắng ghi ch&#250; lại
c&#225;c từ vựng mới trong b&#224;i học để thực h&#224;nh nhiều hơn chị
nh&#233;</td><td>chị nắm tốt kiến thức ngữ ph&#225;p về cấu tr&#250;c: Like+V-
ing</td><td>chị hiểu v&#224; phản hồi tốt hầu hết c&#225;c c&#226;u hỏi giao tiếp
của gi&#225;o vi&#234;n v&#224; duy tr&#236; cuộc giao tiếp rất tốt, chị sử dụng đa
số l&#224; c&#225;c c&#226;u đơn, chị cần cố gắng sử dụng th&#234;m thật nhiều
c&#225;c li&#234;n từ, từ nối để tạo cho c&#226;u n&#243;i đa dạng hơn chị
nh&#233;</td><td>chị tương t&#225;c tốt với gi&#225;o vi&#234;n trong buổi học
v&#224; rất nổ lực thực h&#224;nh luyện tập ph&#225;t &#226;m. Chị xử l&#253; tương
đối tốt c&#225;c b&#224;i tập trong b&#224;i học h&#244;m nay. Chị cần &#244;n tập
lại c&#225;ch đọc c&#225;c số thứ tự chị nh&#233; v&#224; cố gắng thiện th&#234;m
về kỹ năng Listening</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 00:45</td>
<td>28/03/2022 21:30</td><td>English file Elementary 4th
Edition</td><td>Lesson 6B: The fird Friday in June Part 2</td><td>Đặng Ngọc
Tr&#226;n</td><td>Hồng Nghi Nancy</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>chị
thực h&#224;nh ph&#225;t &#226;m theo hướng dẫn của gi&#225;o vi&#234;n rất tốt, cố
gắng luyện tập ph&#225;t &#226;m &quot;s&quot; v&#224; c&#225;ch ph&#225;t &#226;m
từ &quot;the&quot; trước những từ bắt đầu với nguy&#234;n &#226;m chị nh&#233;.
</td><td>chị nắm tốt c&#225;c từ mới trong b&#224;i học h&#244;m nay, chị cần
&#244;n tập lại c&#225;ch đọc c&#225;c số thứ tự chị nh&#233;. V&#224; cố gắng ghi
ch&#250; lại c&#225;c từ vựng mới trong b&#224;i học để thực h&#224;nh nhiều hơn
chị nh&#233;</td><td>chị nắm tốt kiến thức ngữ ph&#225;p về cấu tr&#250;c: Like+V-
ing</td><td>chị hiểu v&#224; phản hồi tốt hầu hết c&#225;c c&#226;u hỏi giao tiếp
của gi&#225;o vi&#234;n v&#224; duy tr&#236; cuộc giao tiếp rất tốt, chị sử dụng đa
số l&#224; c&#225;c c&#226;u đơn, chị cần cố gắng sử dụng th&#234;m thật nhiều
c&#225;c li&#234;n từ, từ nối để tạo cho c&#226;u n&#243;i đa dạng hơn chị
nh&#233;</td><td>chị tương t&#225;c tốt với gi&#225;o vi&#234;n trong buổi học
v&#224; rất nổ lực thực h&#224;nh luyện tập ph&#225;t &#226;m. Chị xử l&#253; tương
đối tốt c&#225;c b&#224;i tập trong b&#224;i học h&#244;m nay. Chị cần &#244;n tập
lại c&#225;ch đọc c&#225;c số thứ tự chị nh&#233; v&#224; cố gắng thiện th&#234;m
về kỹ năng Listening</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 00:45</td>
<td>28/03/2022 20:30</td><td>English for Business - Level 6 &amp;
7</td><td>Lesson 3 A3 How to Criticize</td><td>Nguyễn Ho&#224;ng Lan
Phương</td><td>Hồng Nghi
td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>She was
sick</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 00:40</td>
<td>28/03/2022 20:00</td><td>Oxford Primary Skills Reading and
Writing</td><td>Reading and Writing 6-2_108 Unit 2 Comprehension,
Writing</td><td>Nguyễn Đức Minh Bim</td><td>Hồng Nghi
Nancy</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>con cần ch&#250; &#253; c&#225;ch
ph&#225;t &#226;m từ &quot;the&quot; trước c&#225;c danh từ bắt đầu bằng
nguy&#234;n &#226;m, thực h&#224;nh ph&#225;t &#226;m tốt c&#225;c từ vựng trong
b&#224;i h&#244;m nay</td><td>con nắm tốt tất cả c&#225;c từ mới trong b&#224;i học
v&#224; đo&#225;n nghĩa của từ dựa v&#224;o ngữ cảnh rất tốt, cần luyện tập
ph&#225;t &#226;m c&#225;c từ vựng mới v&#224; cố gắng ghi nhớ c&#225;ch viết
c&#225;c từ mới con nh&#233;</td><td>con cần ch&#250; &#253; c&#225;ch trả lời
Yes/No trong b&#224;i Reading đ&#250;ng với ngữ ph&#225;p (con chưa ph&#226;n biệt
tốt chủ ngữ để x&#225;c định c&#226;u trả lời ph&#249; hợp)</td><td>con hiểu
v&#224; phản hồi được những c&#226;u hỏi đơn giản của c&#244;, giao tiếp với
c&#244; rất tốt, con c&#243; nổ lực trong việc sử dụng tiếng Anh để giao tiếp với
c&#244; v&#224; duy tr&#236; tốt cuộc hội thoại</td><td>Con tương t&#225;c tốt với
c&#244;, con rất vui vẻ v&#224; rất nổ lực học tập, con c&#243; kỹ năng Reading
tương đối ổn. Tuy nhi&#234;n v&#236; b&#224;i học c&#243; kh&#225; nhiều b&#224;i
tập n&#234;n con cần tập trung cao độ hơn để c&#243; thể ho&#224;n th&#224;nh tốt
c&#225;c b&#224;i tập trong buổi học nh&#233;, v&#224; cố gắng l&#224;m c&#225;c
b&#224;i tập về nh&#224; c&#244; đ&#227; giao cho
con</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 00:40</td>
<td>28/03/2022 19:30</td><td>Everybody Up</td><td>EVERYBODY UP 5
5_207 Busy Students Lesson 3</td><td>Phạm Bảo H&#226;n</td><td>Hồng Nghi
Nancy</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>con kh&#244;ng mắc lỗi nhiều trong
ph&#225;t &#226;m, giọng đọc tr&#244;i chảy v&#224; c&#243; ngữ điệu, ch&#250;
&#253; c&#225;ch ph&#225;t &#226;m từ &quot;the&quot; trước c&#225;c từ bắt đầu
bằng nguy&#234;n &#226;m nh&#233;, ch&#250; &#253; ph&#225;t &#226;m c&#225;c từ
sau: practice, recital, hour</td><td>con nắm tốt c&#225;c từ vựng trong b&#224;i
học v&#224; vận dụng xử l&#253; b&#224;i tập kh&#225; tốt, con cần ghi ch&#250;
v&#224; &#244;n tập lại để nhớ l&#226;u hơn con nh&#233;. Ch&#250; &#253; ph&#225;t
&#226;m c&#225;c từ sau: practice, recital, hour</td><td>con nắm tốt c&#225;c cấu
tr&#250;c c&#226;u trong b&#224;i học v&#224; vận dụng thực h&#224;nh tốt c&#225;c
mẫu c&#226;u</td><td>con hiểu v&#224; phản hồi được những c&#226;u hỏi của c&#244;,
con c&#243; nổ lực trong việc sử dụng tiếng Anh để giao tiếp với c&#244;, con sử
dụng tốt c&#225;c cấu tr&#250;c c&#226;u trong giao tiếp</td><td>con c&#243; tinh
thần ham học hỏi, biết ghi ch&#250; lại c&#225;c lời giảng của c&#244;. Con thực
h&#224;nh rất tốt b&#224;i tập Reading ng&#224;y h&#244;m nay v&#224; vận dụng tốt
c&#225;c mẫu c&#226;u, từ vựng trong b&#224;i học để xử l&#253; b&#224;i
tập</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 00:37</td>
<td>28/03/2022 18:00</td><td>Teen2teen 3</td><td>Lesson 23:
REVIEW: Units 4-6</td><td>Phạm L&#234; Kh&#225;nh An </td><td>Hồng Nghi
Nancy</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>con kh&#244;ng bị mắc lỗi nhiều
trong ph&#225;t &#226;m, giọng đọc tr&#244;i chảy, c&#243; ngữ điệu</td><td>con
c&#243; vốn từ vựng ổn để giao tiếp bằng tiếng Anh trong buổi học với c&#244;, con
nắm c&#225;c từ mới trong b&#224;i học kh&#225; tốt</td><td>con nắm tốt kiến thức
ngữ ph&#225;p trong b&#224; icux v&#224; vận dụng xử l&#253; b&#224;i tập kh&#225;
tốt</td><td>con phản hồi tốt c&#225;c c&#226;u hỏi của gi&#225;o vi&#234;n, sử dụng
đa dạng c&#225;c c&#226;u đơn v&#224; c&#226;u gh&#233;p v&#224; duy tr&#236; cuộc
hội thoại rất tốt</td><td>con ho&#224;n th&#224;nh xuất sắc buổi học h&#244;m nay,
con rất t&#237;ch cực giao tiếp, chia sẻ với c&#244; v&#224; duy tr&#236; tương
t&#225;c cuộc đối thoại với gi&#225;o vi&#234;n rất tốt. Con xử l&#253; tốt
c&#225;c b&#224;i tập Review tuy nhi&#234;n cần &#244;n tập lại một số cụm động từ
trong b&#224;i cũ con nh&#233;. Con c&#243; kỹ năng Listening tốt, vốn từ vựng
ổn</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 00:34</td>
<td>28/03/2022 18:30</td><td>Teen2teen 3</td><td>Lesson 24: Unit
7 - Topic Snapshot &amp; Vocabulary: Movie Genres</td><td>Phạm L&#234; Kh&#225;nh
An </td><td>Hồng Nghi Nancy</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>con
kh&#244;ng bị mắc lỗi nhiều trong ph&#225;t &#226;m, giọng đọc tr&#244;i chảy,
c&#243; ngữ điệu</td><td>con c&#243; vốn từ vựng ổn để giao tiếp bằng tiếng Anh
trong buổi học với c&#244;, con nắm c&#225;c từ mới trong b&#224;i học kh&#225;
tốt</td><td>con nắm tốt kiến thức ngữ ph&#225;p trong b&#224; icux v&#224; vận dụng
xử l&#253; b&#224;i tập kh&#225; tốt</td><td>con phản hồi tốt c&#225;c c&#226;u hỏi
của gi&#225;o vi&#234;n, sử dụng đa dạng c&#225;c c&#226;u đơn v&#224; c&#226;u
gh&#233;p v&#224; duy tr&#236; cuộc hội thoại rất tốt</td><td>con ho&#224;n
th&#224;nh xuất sắc buổi học h&#244;m nay, con rất t&#237;ch cực giao tiếp, chia sẻ
với c&#244; v&#224; duy tr&#236; tương t&#225;c cuộc đối thoại với gi&#225;o
vi&#234;n rất tốt. Con ph&#225;t &#226;m kh&#225; tốt c&#225;c từ mới trong
b&#224;i học. Con c&#243; kỹ năng Listening tốt, vốn từ vựng
ổn</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 00:34</td>
<td>28/03/2022 19:30</td><td>Grammar Review &amp; Practice Test
for Grade 6 Entrance Exams</td><td>Lesson 11: Function: Giving compliments and
congratulations (Khen ngợi v&#224; ch&#250;c mừng)</td><td>Phạm Đức
Minh</td><td>Cao Minh Felix</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>-Minh can
read the new sentences. However, his voice is flat without intonation. Please
practice to read them with raising and falling voices.</td><td>-Learn new sentences
and phrases to express compliments and congratulations
-He does know most meanings of the phrases and sentences. Well done on preparation
-He can use the appropriate sentences to answer teacher
-Please keep reviewing the phrases and try to use them as much as you can to
remember them better.</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>-Minh is active in class today. He
stays focused well and friendly in class
-Minh can do all the related exercises to the new lesson correctly.
-He can translate most of the sentences and tell teacher their meanings. Please try
to write down their Vietnamese meanings for every sentence. He can look up
dictionary for this task</td><td>-Ways to compliment and congratulate others
-Minh can acknowledge the sentences and their meaning very well
-He can finish all the below exercises within the time with
accuracy</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 00:18</td>
<td>28/03/2022 21:30</td><td>Oxford Let&#39;s Go - 5th
Edition</td><td>LET&#39;S GO 1_27 Unit 6 Let&#39;s Review</td><td>Chung Hồng
&#194;n Kiwi</td><td>Trần Tr&#226;n
Emily</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>Cố gắng tập trung. </td><td>Cố
gắng tập trung. </td><td>Cố gắng tập trung. </td><td>Cố gắng tập trung.
</td><td>Kiwi cố gắng tập trung ho&#224;n th&#224;nh b&#224;i học. Con nghe chưa
tốt, con cần ch&#250; &#253; luyện nghe nhiều hơn. Cố gắng &#244;n lại b&#224;i tập
cũ. Con ghi nhớ c&#225;c giới từ chỉ vị tr&#237;, v&#224; biết c&#225;ch đặt
c&#225;c c&#226;u đơn giản. </td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 00:16</td>
<td>28/03/2022 21:00</td><td>Oxford Grammar for
Schools</td><td>Lesson 3_11-139 Present perfect Part 1</td><td>Nguyễn Lang
Th&#249;y Trang</td><td>Trần Tr&#226;n
Emily</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>Cần cố gắng. </td><td>Cần cố gắng.
</td><td>Cần cố gắng. </td><td>Cần cố gắng. </td><td>Con cố gắng xem lại b&#224;i
học để hiểu r&#245; hơn v&#224; ghi nhớ cấu tr&#250;c c&#226;u. Con cần học thuộc
bảng động từ bất quy tắt c&#244; gửi. Con cố gắng mở camera để tương t&#225;c với
gi&#225;o vi&#234;n nhiều hơn, cho buổi học được hiệu quả hơn. Con phản xạ chậm,
chưa nắm được nội dung b&#224;i, con hay qu&#234;n nhanh.
</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 00:12</td>
<td>28/03/2022 20:30</td><td>Everybody Up</td><td>EVERYBODY UP 6
1_227 Getting Around Lesson 4</td><td>Nguyễn Sơn B&#225;ch</td><td>Cao Minh
Felix</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>-His pronunciation is correct when
he repeats new words
-His voice in speaking and answering questions is tiring. He is advised to speak
loudly and more confidently.
-He does not have intonation in speaking. He says sentences too fast. He can say
slowly to pronounce all words clearly.</td><td>-New words to support reading
-Bach knows some words and can fully understand them with the Vietnamese meanings
-He can use new words to understand the reading and partly answer the
questions</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>-Bach needs to learn more ways to say 1 sentence.
Please don&#39;t repeat yourself.
-When answering questions, please answer with full sentences (subjects and verbs).
He only gives the key words and supposes it is sufficient.
-Bach is not patient in reading. He says &quot;I don&#39;t know&quot; very quickly
even when teacher instructs him to find the answers
-He can barely finish the speaking practice with Yes/No questions. Please add more
information to the answers</td><td>-New words to support reading
-Reading passage and answering questions
-Speaking practice
-Bach should be more patiently in finding the answers.
-Bach should use different sentences to introduce (don&#39;t always say &quot;I
don&#39;t know&quot; or &quot;I&#39;m fine, thank you, and you&quot;. We have a lot
of other ways to say them</td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 00:10</td>
<td>28/03/2022 20:00</td><td>Everybody Up</td><td>EVERYBODY UP 3
3_123 People In Town Lesson 2</td><td>Nguyễn Sơn T&#249;ng</td><td>Cao Minh
Felix</td><td>0</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>-New words about
what people do with their jobs
-These words are difficult to him. He should review the new words hard
-He knows the jobs for each picture and make questions with them.</td><td>-New
questions with opening and Yes/No questions
&quot;What does;
-He can use the jobs to make questions according to the pictures. However, since
the new words are quite difficult to remember, he cannot use them well for the
answers and needs to listen to the audio and repeat
</td><td>-He is active in class. Please sit to study with a laptop next time
-He can use the words about jobs to make questions. He needs to review the verbs
more in order to answer the questions
-He can listen, look at the pictures, and answer Yes/No questions pretty well.
Please keep going
-His listening skill is good today. He can hear and number all picture with their
correct order</td><td>-New words about what people do with their jobs
-Speaking and listening practice
-The vocabulary number is much to him. He is not able to remember 6 words and they
are also quite difficult
-He is very active and cooperative with teacher. He should sit on a table with
laptop and study next time </td><td>Completed</td><td>29/03/2022 00:02</td>

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