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Hey Ratifiers! Ethan here! I’m taking over for Shira this week.

Here are your latest

Generation Ratify CA updates!

First off, I hope everyone survived AP Testing! I wish you all a safe memorial day
weekend as well! Please always know you’re not alone during any situation. If you or
anyone you know is feeling anxious, depressed, or unsafe in their situation, text
“HOME” to 741-741 to be connected with the Crisis Text Hotline. As well, you can call
the Crisis Helpline at (855) 991-0709.

This week, Generation Ratify National just finished Week 6 of their Advocacy
Bootcamp! We discussed the importance of storytelling and how it intersects with
advocacy. When fighting for equal rights, using your own personal story can amplify the
reason why you’re fighting for your cause. As well, it’s absolutely crucial when lobbying
with legislators in order to touch their hearts and connect with them on a personal level.
This week, encourage yourself to get to know more about your story and how it relates to
the ERA/Gender Equality.

Generation Ratify National is putting on other digital events besides the boot camp, so
click here to RSVP to any and all of them!

Here’s our Legislative Directory so that you can get in contact with your federal

Now, let’s talk about something a little bit serious. Recently, Secretary of Education
Betsy DeVos released guidelines to repeal certain aspects of Title IX. Title IX is a
landmark law that helps protect victims of sexual assault on their high school and
college campuses. Know Your IX is a website that contains resources to help you take
action against these new guidelines. You can also find a ton of information on their
Instagram @knowyour9. Here’s the link to their specific High School and College pages
on what Title IX entitles students on their campuses.
On another note, we want to also welcome the newly founded Generation Ratify Chapter
of Lincoln, CA! Starting a chapter is a great way to get involved on the local level. Here’s
the Chapter Application in case you’re interested in starting a chapter in your area!

Lastly, we have a new position available on our Generation Ratify CA team! We are
looking for a Finance Director. Finance Director is in charge of all the financial matters
regarding Generation Ratify CA as a movement. If you’re interested, here’s the link to
our State Team Application.

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