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имени Доржи Банзарова»
Институт филологии, иностранных языков и массовых коммуникаций
Кафедра английского языка и лингводидактики

Зачет по дисциплине
Медиатекст в обучении иностранному языку
7 семестр

Работу выполнил:
студент IV курса
заочного отделения
группы 18280з
Гусев Михаил Зориктоевич

Овчинникова Марина Фёдоровна,
кандидат педагогических наук,

RENDERING of the article
“My classroom. Colombia”

The article is headlined “My classroom. Colombia”. The author of the article
is Wendy Coulson, teacher’s trainer in Teaching Young Learners and Special
learning Program and a participant of some programs in Colombia. She describes
an experience of a young teacher Ms.Monsalve, who has been working in 2
provinces in Colombia as a teacher of English.

The article starts with the description of her dream to learn English and be a
teacher, that was rather difficult in the region she lived. Nevertheless, she studied
much and her dream had come true.

The main idea of the text is to show the significance of a teacher’s role in
young people’s life in low-income areas, for indigenous youth to motivate them
learning English. It is teacher who helps them open their minds to different
countries, people and cultures. The author touches upon a very important problem,
that for Afro-descendants education is the only path to achieve something good
and interesting in their lives, an opportunity to achieve their dreams, English can
help young people to get values and social skills

The author gives a vivid example of a devoted teacher Ms. Monsalve, who
managed to get a good education herself and now is proud of being a part of social
projects and MLK program. The goal of MLK Fellowship Program is given in the
article. It provides English and leadership training to youth in low-income areas of

The author concludes with the fact that the teacher Ms. Monsalve is going to
get master’s degree in literature, cultural diversity and women’s study.

This article aroused my interest, because a similar case happened to me. My

attitude to the article is positive, because it is thanks to such teachers who try to
help in order to somehow help students learn English for their further success in
life. I fully support the author in the statement that education is the only way to
achieve something good and interesting in your life, the opportunity to fulfill your
dreams, English can help young people acquire values and social skills. A similar
situation happened to me when I decided to move to work in a remote village with
a low income. Then I also had to teach in two educational organizations. The
distance between educational institutions was about twenty kilometers, the road
was very terrible, and I had to drive my own transport, the main thing was to give
knowledge to students so that they could succeed in the future.In my opinion, Ms.
Monsalve is a very brave and generous woman - to leave the best society and go to
teach young people in the provinces of Colombia. In my comment, I would like to
emphasize that this article should be read by young teachers who are really ready
to work for the benefit of young people, and their further development and success
in life. Many teachers nowadays are not ready for this, for many there will be a
problem of housing conditions and personal entertainment interests. I believe that
the teaching profession implies that we must give all possible strength so that
young people achieve a lot in their lives.

1. American English: official teacher’s forum. – US. Retrieved from
2. Coulson W. My Classroom: Colombia / W. Coulson // English teacher’s forum. –
2019. – 39-43. Retrieved from
3. Мультитран: интернет-система двуязычных словарей. – Россия. –
[Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа:
4. Англо-русский / русско-английский словарь. – 3-е изд. – А64 М.:ВАКО, 2017.
– 768 с.

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