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Date MIRIAM COLLEGE FOUNDATION VS» CA GR NO. 127930, Pec 15,2000 Frets’ The members of the cditoria! leoard of the school paper were subjected to A inary Janction wy the college piscipline Committee after letters of complaint were fled before the Board following tne Publication of the School paper that contains elscene, vulgar end sexually explicit contents. The Committee Fund the defendants guilty and imyasied Upon discipinary actions. Defendants filed. before the court for pronibeition with __pretiminacy wjunction and queittening the J Discipline Besed over tne detendenis. Issue: Whether tine petitener has the power to discipline and disemies Me SHadente. Yes. Section 5 (2) Prticle XN of the Constitution gurrantees ai) ing Hhttions af higher le@rning academic freedom. hic tact - Futons! academic freedom Includes the right Of the school or Coltege 4 decide for iteclf. 1 dims wd objetives, and how the bev to H42iIn them fice from oubtide mercion or Inderferoace Save poscibly when tne overriding public welkere coils for uome Ceedegint. The power of the senor! dy investignde we On Adjunct of ite Power to wuspend or capel. thorctore, Midiem College fomdriion her the power to ine Ord ditemie chdents.

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