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Name : Desi Fitria Fajerin

NPM : 22001073075

Class : Writing 2-D

Page 168

Practice 6

1. F 6. S
2. S 7. F
3. F 8. S
4. S 9. S
5. F 10. F

- Corrected sentences:
1. Women who work have many opportunities these days.
3. For example, people work in the field of medicine.
5. Medical schools, which didn't use to accept many women. But, now there are many women
7. Men also work in traditional women’s work, such as nursing, which used to be a woman's
10. Her dream is to supervise the construction of bridges and clams.
Practice 7

Should Schools Ban Religious Head Coverings?

(1) In my opinion, schools should not ban religious head coverings in school. (2) The most important
reason is freedom of religion. (3) Which is guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. (4) The First
Amendment to the Constitution says that people have the right to practice their religion. (5) It
says, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free
exercise thereof .... " (6) Many religions have special clothing and symbols. (7) Such as turbans,
head scarves, and crosses. (8) For example, Sikh men must wear turbans to cover their hair. (9)
lt is a requirement of their religion. (10) Muslim women may choose to wear scarves on their
heads for religious reasons. (11) Some Christians, both men and women, like to wear crosses on
chains around their necks. (12) Is their right to follow their beliefs. (13) ls wrong for a school to
take away that right. (14) A second reason is discrimination, which is also against the law. (15) lf
a school bans only head coverings. (16) This is discrimination. (17) Schools must also ban stars
of David, crosses, or any other religious item if they ban head coverings. (18) To sum up, banning
religious head coverings is wrong because it violates the law that guarantees freedom of religion
and because it discriminates against one group of people.

- Corrected sentences:
3. The most important reason is freedom of religion. which is guaranteed by the U.S.
7. Many religions have special clothing and symbols, such as turbans, headscarves, and crosses.
12. It is their right to follow their beliefs.
13. It is wrong for a school to take away that right.
15. If a school bans only head coverings, this is discrimination.

Page 171

1. A fact is a true statement that no one can disagree with . An opi nion i s a statement of someone's
2. Yes.
3. Facts are stronger support.
4. It is called an adjective clause because it acts like an adjective that is, it gives more information
about a noun or pronoun .
5. Who.
6. Which, that.
7. Use commas around an adjective clause that gives extra information about the noun it modifies.
8. No.
9. Students who fail the same class three times cannot take it again.
10. - Put quotation marks before and after another person's exact words.
- Use a "reporting phrase," such as he says or she stated. The reporting phrase can come before,
after, or in the middle of the quotation. Separate it with a comma (or two commas).
- Begin each quotation with a capital letter. When a quoted sentence is separated into two parts,
begin the second part with a small letter.
- Commas, periods, and question marks go inside the second quotation mark of a pair.
11. He says, according to.

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