Toast Master

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Human’s organ anatomy of liver

a. Presiden : Putu Arsienda Dahata UlmaFema
b. Toast Master : I Made Aditya Dwi Artawan
c. Table Topic Speaker : I Gede Agus Okta Wahyu Nugraha
d. First Speaker : Luh Gede Afsari Eka Putri
e. Second Speaker : Kadek Wiryanti
f. Third Speaker : Ni Kadek Dian Karmila Yanti
g. Fourth Speaker : I Gusti Ngurah Agung Ari Kepakisan
h. Fifth Speaker : Ni Kadek Sinta Pradnya Devi Anjani
i. Sixth Speaker : Ni Ketut Restu Aditya Putri
j. Speech Evaluator : Putu Defri Githayani
k. Grammarian : Ni Komang Widyastuti
l. Ah-Counter : Luh Putu Febby Manika Sari
m. Timer : Ida Ayu Ketut Anjani

Act Explain

President Okay before I start Toastmaster for today let me introduce myself, my
name is fema as a President for toastmaster today.
Good ….. ladies and gentlemen
how are you today? …. I wish you still in blessing god
Firstly, let’s thank to God Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa who gives us
opportunity to gather on this meeting today which must be has much
disadvantages for our knowledge or even inspiring us.
Now I am stating that the meeting today is opened with the topic is
“Human’s organ anatomy of liver” (while knocking the table three times)
and please welcome our toastmaster today is Mr. Adit.
Mr. Adit time is yours

Thank you so much Ms. Fema. Ladies and gentlemen, please give
applause for our president, Ms. Fema. Before we start the meeting, we
should know who and what their duties are. Let me introduce myself I
Made Aditya Dwi Artawan, you can call me Adit, and my duty is to be
a toastmaster in this meeting. Next, it’s time for introducing and telling
the rules by our timer. Ms. Dayu, the times is yours.

Timer Thank you Mr.Toast Master for the time given to me. Good morning
everybody. My name is Ida Ayu Ketut Anjani (9063) and I’m as a
timer. My responsibilities are taking notes of the time, and giving signal
to anybody who speaks over than the decisions time. Now I’d like to
read the rules :

1. I’ll give the opportunity to the Speaker to present the theme for about
ten minutes
2. I’ll give the opportunity to the Table Topic Speaker for about fifteen
3. I’ll give the opportunity to the timer for the speech evaluator for
about five minutes
4. I’ll give the opportunity to the Grammarian for about seven minutes
5. I’ll give the opportunity to the Ah-Counter for five minutes
6. I’ll give the opportunity to the Timer for five minutes

I have two color cards, and each card has a different signal. White
means the time is up and yellow means the time run out two minutes.
Ok, that’s the rule, thank you, Time I return to Mr. Toast Master.

Please give applause for our timer. That’s great time management just
like the CEO schedule. Now please welcome our cool table topic
speaker Mr. Okta. Times is your

Table topic
speaker Thank you, Mister Toastmaster for welcoming. Good night, everybody.
I'm I Gede Agus Okta Wahyu Nugraha as a Table topic speaker. My
duty stating the purpose of the topic today and give the audience time
questions to all are the members here.

The topic today is the Human’s organ anatomy of liver

Human Organ An organ is a collection of tissues joined in a structural

unit to serve a common function. Human organ systems include
integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, nervous
system, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, urinary system,
respiratory system, lymphatic system, digestive system, and
reproductive system. Here we will explain in more detail about the liver
digestive organ system. and Now we will discuss the anatomy of the

The liver is an organ located in the upper right part of the abdomen.
The liver has 2 main sections (lobes). Both are made up of 8 segments.
The segments are made up of a thousand small lobes (lobules).

Important functions of the liver are Albumin Production, Bile

Production, Filters Blood , Regulates Amino Acids, Regulates Blood
Clotting, Resists Infections, Stores Vitamins, and Minerals and
Processes Glucose

Okay, it seems that all participants today are curious about our group's
explanation anatomy of the liver, without reducing much time, let's
listen to the explanations of the first speaker, second speakers and third
speaker. I'll return it to mister toastmaster. Mister Adit thank you
Toastmaster Please give applause to our table topic speaker, Mr. Okta. so now we
are going to call our first speaker today Ms. Afsari to introduce your
self times is yours,
speaker 1 Okee, Thank you Mr. Toastmaster for the time given to me. Alright,
my name is Luh Gede Afsari Eka Putri (9054) and I'm the first speaker
today, That’s all from me. The time I return to Mr. Toastmaster.
toastmaster Oke thank you for our first speaker Ms. Afsari for already introduce
your self, now i’ll give the time to our second speaker to introduce your
self. Ms.Dek wir, time is your
speaker 2 Thank you Mr. Toastmaster. Okay, my name is Kadek Wiryanti (9061)
and I am a second speaker today, nice to meet you all.
That’s all from me, the time I return to toastmaster
Toastmaster Thank you for our second speaker Ms.Dek wir for introducing your self,
next i’ll give the time to our third speaker Ms.mila to introduce
yourself. Ms.Mila time is your
speaker 3 Okee, Thank you Mr. Toastmaster for the time given to me. Alright,
my name is Ni Kadek Dian Karmila Yanti (9056) and I'm the third
speaker today, That’s all from me. The time I return to Mr. Toastmaster.
Toastmaster alright thank you so much for all our speaker already introduce their
self, now it’s time for our speech evaluator Ms.Defri to introduce her
speech Oke, Thank you for the chance that given to me. Hello everyone. Good
evaluator Afternoon. I would like to introduce my self, my name is Putu Defri
Githayani. My last id number is 9062. i'm a speech evaluator today and
my duty is looking for your mispronunciation and diction, so please
take care of your speech because i'm gonna catch you. okay thats all
from me and i return to Mr. toast master. Thank you.
toastmaster thank you for our speech evaluator ,next for our grammarian to
introduce your self, Ms.Widya time is yours
grammerian Ok, Thank you for the time given to me. Good afternoon ladies and
gentlemen, let me introduce myself my name is Ni Komang Widyastuti,
you can call me widya. I am the grammarian of this group today, my
duty is to count the grammatical mistakes, incomplete sentences, and
also malapropism. Be careful in determining grammar, because where
there is grammar there is me. Okay, thank you I’ll return it to
toastmaster thank you for our grammarian ms.widya already introduce yourself,
now for the ah counter time to introduce yourself. Ms.Febby time is
ah-counter Thank you for the time mr toast master. Let me introduce my self, My
name is Febby my last id number is 9053, I’m as Ah-counter. So it’s
clear that my duty is counting the scrutch or pause filler suc ‘ah’ ,‘ehm’,
‘uh’, ‘oh’, not counting your owes; and also repetition words.
thank you for your attention, and the time return to Mr. Toastmaster.
toastmaster Alright thank you so much for our Ah counter already introduce your
self. Oke now , its time to give the material explanation by our first
speaker. Ms.Afsari , time is yours
First speaker
Ok Thank you, Mr.Toast Master for the time given to me, now I will
present our topic today, the topic today is Human’s organ anatomy of the

First, what are human organs? An organ is a collection of tissues joined

in a structural unit to serve a common function. Human organ systems
include integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system,
nervous system, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, urinary
system, respiratory system, lymphatic system, digestive system, and
reproductive system. Here we will explain in more detail about the liver
digestive organ system.

A. Anatomy of the liver

The liver is an organ located in the upper right part of the abdomen.
It is beneath the diaphragm and on top of the stomach, right kidney,
and intestines. 2 distinct sources that supply blood to the liver:

· Oxygenated blood flows in from the hepatic artery.

· Nutrient-rich blood flows in from the hepatic portal vein.

The liver has 2 main sections (lobes). Both are made up of 8

segments. The segments are made up of a thousand small lobes
(lobules). The lobules are connected to small ducts (tubes) that
connect with larger ducts to ultimately form the common hepatic
duct. The common hepatic duct transports bile made by the liver
cells to the gallbladder and the first part of the small intestine (the
duodenum). Bile is a clear yellow or orange fluid that helps digest

B. Functions of the Liver

The liver is an essential organ of the body that performs over 500
vital functions. These include removing waste products and foreign
substances from the bloodstream, regulating blood sugar levels, and
creating essential nutrients. Here are some of its most important

· Albumin Production

· Bile Production

· Filters Blood

· Regulates Amino Acids

· Regulates Blood Clotting

· Resists Infections

· Stores Vitamins and Minerals

· Processes Glucose

Ok, that’s from me, now will continue with speaker two, thank you. The
time I return to Mr. Toast Master.

Toastmaster Thankyou very much for our first speaker Ms. Afsari, now for our
second speaker is ms. dekwir. time is yours to explain the next material

Second speaker Thank you, Mr toastmaster. Okay, I am a second speaker today and
here I will explain material about abnormalities in the liver and liver
disease classification

C. Abnormalities in the liver

Impaired function is often associated with certain liver diseases. Some
opinions distinguish liver disease into acute or chronic liver disease. It
is said to be acute if there are abnormalities that occur up to 6 months,
while chronic disease means that the disturbance has lasted more than
6 months. There is a fatal acute liver disease, namely a form of
fulminant liver failure, which means the progression from the onset of
liver disease to liver failure resulting in death (fatal) that occurs in less
than 4 weeks.
Some causes of liver disease according to Muchid et al, (2007) are:
1.Hepatitis virus infection can be transmitted through blood,
intercourse, or sexual intercourse (parenteral)
2.Toxic substances, such as alcohol or certain drugs
3.Genetics or heredity, such as hemochromatosis
4.Immunological disorders, such as autoimmune hepatitis, are caused
by the resistance of the body's defense system against its body
tissues. In autoimmune hepatitis, there is resistance to liver cells
resulting in chronic inflammation
5.Cancer, such as Hepatocellular Carcinoma, can be caused by
carcinogenic compounds such as aflatoxin, polyvinyl chloride (a plastic
making material), viruses, and others. Hepatitis B and C,as well as liver
cirrhosis, can also develop into liver cancer

D. Liver Disease Classification

From various studies, the classification of liver disease is divided into
various types, here are some liver diseases that are often found
according to Price, (1995) are:
The term "hepatitis" is used for all types of inflammation of the liver, the
causes of which can vary, ranging from viruses to drugs, including
traditional medicine. Hepatitis virus also consists of several types,
namely hepatitis A, B, C, D, E, F and G. Hepatitis A, B and C are the
most common. Manifestations of viral hepatitis can be acute (hepatitis
A), chronic (hepatitis B and C), or later become liver cancer.
2.Liver cirrhosis
After the liver becomes inflamed and swollen, the liver tries to repair it
by forming small scars or scars. This scarring is called “fibrosis” which
makes it harder for the liver to perform its function. As the damage
progresses, more and more scars form and begin to coalesce, in a
later stage called “cirrhosis”. In cirrhosis, the damaged areas of the
liver can become permanent.
3. Liver Cancer
The most common liver cancer is hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).
HCC is a serious late complication of chronic hepatitis, especially
cirrhosis that occurs due to hepatitis B and hepatitis C viruses
4. Fatty Liver
Fatty liver occurs when the accumulation of fat exceeds 5% of the
weight of the liver or affects more than half of the liver cell tissue. This
disorder can arise due to excessive alcohol consumption
5. Cholestasis and jaundice
Cholestasis is a condition due to failure of bile production and
excretion. The duration of suffering from cholestasis can cause the
failure of fatty fats and vitamins A, D, E, K by the intestines, as well as
a buildup of bile acids, bilirubin, and cholesterol in the liver.
6. Hemochromatosis
Hemochromatosis is an iron metabolism disorder characterized by
excessive iron deposition in tissues. This disease is genetic or
7. Liver Abscess
The liver abscesses can be caused by bacterial or amoebic infection.
This condition is caused by bacteria multiplying rapidly, causing
symptoms of fever and chills.

Okay, that's all the material from me, then I'll return it to the

Toastmaster Alright Thank You so much Ms.Dekwir, now for the next will be
continued by our third speaker Ms. mila, for Ms. Mila time is yours to
explaining the material

Third speaker Thank you Mr. Toastmaster for the time given to me. I'm the third speaker
today and I will explain material about the various causes of the liver
disease and how to maintain liver health.

A. Various Causes of Liver Disease

Liver disease can be caused by many things, including:

1. Eating too much sugar

The liver does need sugar in the form of fructose to produce fat.
However, if the intake of sugar is too much, this can cause fat
accumulation in the liver and increase the risk of developing a liver
disease called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

2. Overweight

In addition to excess sugar, obesity or being overweight can also

increase the risk of fat accumulation in the liver. If not treated
properly, obesity can cause serious liver damage, including

3. Excess fat-soluble vitamins

The amount of intake of fat-soluble vitamins that are too high, such
as vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K, can make these
vitamins accumulate in the body and trigger poisoning. This
condition can cause damage to the liver.

4. Use of unsterile needles

Liver disease, such as hepatitis, can occur as a result of infection

with hepatitis viruses, such as hepatitis B and hepatitis C viruses.
These infections generally occur as a result of using unsterilized
needles or sharing with other people.

5. Side effects of drugs

Almost all the drugs you take are processed in the liver. If the drug
is taken too high or used for too long, this can be at risk of causing
side effects in the form of liver disorders.

6. Excessive consumption of herbal supplements

The quality of herbal or natural supplements ensures does not

guarantee the complete safety of the product. Some herbal
supplements that claim to improve liver function have also not been
medically proven.

B. How To Maintain Liver Health

1. Immunize as early as possible

One of the liver diseases that can trigger hepatomegaly is

hepatitis. This disease is a disease caused by a virus and can be
prevented by immunization or vaccination. Therefore, you can
try to take immunizations, such as hepatitis vaccines, as early as
possible. Some types of hepatitis vaccines such as the hepatitis
B vaccine are even recommended to be given to newborns.
2. Have a Healthy and Balanced Diet

Besides being useful for keeping the body in shape, having

healthy and balanced eating habits can also prevent
hepatomegaly, you know. The arrangement of food, both in
kind and in the right amount, can help the liver to manage
traffic properly. In addition, we also help ease the work of the
heart. Fatty liver, for example, occurs because we do not
regulate the amount of fat and carbohydrates we eat.

3. Drink Enough Water

Most of our body is made up of air. That is why we are often

advised to consume sufficient amounts of water. This
recommendation is important and must be obeyed. Because
water can help eliminate toxins and carry out the process of
absorption of important nutrients.

4. Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol can cause constriction of the liver or cirrhosis. In the

long term, consuming alcohol can also cause liver cancer.
Therefore, if you want to maintain a healthy liver, one thing
you can do is avoid alcohol consumption.

5. Be Careful in Taking Medicines

In addition to filtering nutrients in the blood, the liver also

works to convert medicinal substances into active or neutral
substances. Many over-the-counter medicines, such as cold
medicine, cough medicine, and body supplements, can be toxic.
Ok, that’s from me, thank you. The time I return to Mr. Toast

Toastmaster Thank you for our third speaker, Ms.Mila for the explanation of the
material, Now for the next session is Q&A session. I’ll give the time for
Mr. table topic speaker to open the Q&A session.

Table topic
speaker Thank you Mr. Toastmaster mister adit, for the time for the opportunity
granted to me. And now I'm starting to open Three questions to the
group. For the audience who wants to ask.

okay, I will open 3 questions for the speaker. So to the audience, you
have any questions for the speaker? do you can raise your hand using
sticker in the zoom

1. Okay Ms.Marsel, please you will be the first to ask, time is yours

What are the characteristics of a troubled heart? (Penanya)

Thank you Ms. Marsel .for your questions and now to the Ms. Puput
are you ready to answer audience questions?

(Dijawab oleh puput)

Setelah pertanyaan dijawab

Awesome answer Ms Puput, good job

So audience, is the answer acceptable? (Jawaban Diterima oleh


Okay,now I need 2 more question. Maybe the other audience have an

question you can give for the speaker

2. Okay Mr. Dimas please you will be the second to ask, time is

Explain the difference between acute liver and chronic liver disease?

great question Thank you Mr Dimas for your questions and now to the
Mr. Gung Ari are you ready to answer audience questions?

(Dijawab Gung Mc)

Setelah Pertanyaan dijawab

okay, thanks for the answer Mr Gung Ari

So audience, is the answer acceptable? ( Jawaban Diterima oleh


And the last one does maybe the other audience have an question you
can give for the speakers

3. Okay Ms. Sintya please you will be the Third to ask, time is yours

(is liver disease contagious? if yes, how to prevent it?)

Hhmm its difficult question right? Well for any speakers can you help
me to answer to the last question this?

Setelah pertanyaan dijawab

Waww its a great answer speakers, to Ms.Sinta thank you for you help
me to answer the last question from the audience.

And now audience, is the answer acceptable? (Jawaban Diterima


Sesi Tanya Jawab selesai

Okay, thank you for audience and group. that’s all the questions today,
because time is up, so I will return to mister toastmaster, thankyou

Toastmaster Wow, what’s a great discussion that table topic speaker lead, there were
amazing questions from our audients and great hard work for explain
the answer by our speaker… please give applause for them. Now we
have to heard the report from the speech evaluator, Ms. Defri Times is

evaluator Thankyou for Mr. toast master. Iam speech evaluator today. I will report a
evaluation of speech.

The speaker explain about Human’s organ anatomy of liver.

Speaker 1 explain about anatomy of the liver and functions of the liver.
She look relax and mastering the subject which was spoken. She was on time
to explain the Topic. She good good eye contact with participant and good

Speaker 2 explain about Abnormalities in the liver and Liver Disease

Classification. She look relax and mastering the subject which was spoken.
She was on time to explain the Topic. She good good eye contact with
participant and good articulation.

Speaker 3 explain about Various Causes of Liver Disease and How

To Maintain Liver Health. She look relax and mastering the subject which
was spoken. She was on time to explain the Topic. She good good eye contact
with participant and good articulation.

Speaker 1 said ….. it should be “.....”

Speaker 2 said …. it should be “....”

Speaker 3 said …. it should be “....”

Okay that’s all that I can corrected from our lovely speakers, I want to
apologize if there is something wrong with what I said. Thank you for
your attention and the time return to mr. toast master.

Toastmaster Thankyou very much Ms. Defri, uuhhh so we have to be careful before
we speak because if we got wrong pronunciation she will caught you.
Next for the grammarian as cute one in our member is Ms.Widya, for
Ms.Widya, times is yours.
Grammarian Thank you Mr. Toastmaster for the time given to me. I am the
grammarian of this group today. Well, let me read my report today.
Okay let’s start with speaker 1 :
(-) First in your said “Impaired function is often associated with certain
liver diseases” the word “Impaired” should be changed to “The
(-) Second in your word you said “Some opinions distinguish liver
disease into acute or chronic liver disease” the word “into” should be
changed to “from”.
I think that’s all about my correction and some suggestions using
grammar. I want to apologize if there is something wrong whit what I
said. Thank you for your attention and I will bring back the time to

Toastmaster Thankyou so much for Ms. widya. So if we want to speak we have to

think about it, because wrong grammar can be wrong meaning. Now for
the ah counter, we back again to our beautiful member, Ms febby.
Times is yours
Ah-Counter Ok thank you, now I want to report my observation about how many
President, Toastmaster, , Table Topic Speaker, Speaker 1 until 6,
Speech Evaluator, Grammarian said “ah..”..em....””etc.... and also
repetition words and then including when speaking in a stammer.

1. The president said eh … times and repeated the word … times, and
speaking in a stammer for… times
2. Toastmaster, said eh … times and speaking in a stammer for …
3. Table Topic Speaker, said eh … times and speaking in a stammer
for …. times
4. Speaker 1 said eh … times and repeated the word … times, and
speaking in a stammer for … times
5. Speaker 2 said eh…. times and repeated the word … times, and
speaking in a stammer for … times
6. Speaker 3 said eh … times and repeated the word … times, and
speaking in a stammer for … times
7. Speaker 4 said eh … times and repeated the word … times, and
speaking in a stammer for … times
8. Speaker 5 said eh … times and repeated the word … times, and
speaking in a stammer for … times
9. Speaker 6 said eh … times and repeated the word … times, and
speaking in a stammer for … times
10. Speech Evaluator, said eh … times and speaking in a stammer for
… times
11. Grammarian said eh … times and repeated the word … times, and
speaking in a stammer for … times
I think that all thank you for your attention, and I'll return it to

Toastmaster Okay, thankyou Ms.febby. So if you nervous and say ah, eh, ehm, oh or
repeat your sentence, Ms febby will counting you. It’s means that you
have to relax and confidence.Now we have to relax right now. And for
the our gorgeous timer Ms. Dayu, time is yours

Timer Alright, I’am the last here who give a report about how long each
person presented the presentation today.

1.First, the president had spent time for ….. minutes. It started from ….
up to …. PM
2.Table topic had overspent time about … minutes, which should be …
3.First speaker has spent time for about … minutes
4.Second speaker has spent time for about … minutes … second
5.Third speaker has spent time for about … minutes
6.Fourth speaker has spent time for about … minutes
7. Fifth speaker has spent time for about … minutes … second
8. Sixth speaker has spent time for about …. minutes
9.The Ah-counter has spent time for about … minutes
10. Grammariar has spent time for about … second
11. Speech evaluator has spent time for about … minutes … second

Those all my report, thank you for your attention, Time I return to Mr.
Toast Master.
Toastmaster Okay, thankyou Ms. Dayu for the detail report, now finally we arrived
at the end of meeting, thankyou very much for our member they already
serve the best from them and thank you very much for the audience who
already join and participant for Q&A session, we do apologize if there
some mistake in our meeting right now, and I bring back the times for
our honorable president, for Ms Fhema. Times is yours
President Thanks a lot. Well good member, good time, good place and good
progress for today. I hope it will be better in every single meeting, very
proud to be gathered with you all here.

That was great performance. I had already told the purpose of being
this topic today “ Human’s organ anatomy of liver” in the opening
session before. Now I’d like to hear your comment, suggestion, or any
else which has purpose to make the next meeting will be more and
more attractive and meaningful. Is there any comment something ?

Okay thankyou for any comment or suggestion mrs putri, I hope in the
next meeting we will be better than today. Okay , so let me close this
meeting today with the topic “ Human’s organ anatomy of liver” with a
great result (Knocking the table three time). Thankyou all.

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