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Intercultural communication – 4B

Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity. Perceptions

Exercise: Below there are eight statements. Write ‘A’ or ‘D’ beside each statement to
indicate if you personally agree or disagree with it. If you disagree with the
sentence, change it so that it is acceptable to you.

1) The fact that the first automobile was invented by Gottlieb Daimler is proof of the
technological superiority of Germans

2) Asians do many things backwards.


3) The Arabs who flew the passenger jets into the World Trade Center didn’t value
human life.

4) Primitive people haven’t yet reached the higher stages of


5) Minority members of a population should conform to the customs and values of the

6) Americans have absolutely no culture.


7) If other nations were as orderly and punctual as the Germans, the world would be a
much better place and people everywhere would treat each other better.

8) Everyone should learn English as it is the one unifying language.


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