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OG Minggu 13, Sem. Genap 2020-2021.



Pada waktu kapal berjalan, terdapat arus di sekitar kulit kapal. Semakin ke belakang arus
tersebut semakin besar. Di sekitar buritan kapal tersebut terdapat suatu arus yang menuju ke
muka, ditinjau dari air yang diam. Arus tersebut disebut “arus pengikut/ikutan”. Secara relatif
arus tadi akan lebih besar bila buritan berbentuk penuh dan kulit kapal yang kasar.
Menurut penyelidikan, arus ikutan itu besarnya adalah lebih kurang 10% x kecepatan(V)

SLIP. SLIP adalah perbedaan (dalam presentase) antara kecepatan baling-baling(S) dengan
kecepatan kapal(V).

Kecepatan baling-baling disebut juga kecepatan mesin(engine speed), sedangkan kecepatan

kapal disebut juga ground speed. Kecepatan kapal bisa dilihat dari topdal, atau GPS.
Bila kecepatan baling-baling lebih besar dari kecepatan kapal, maka disebut: slipnya positif.
Bila kecepatan baling-baling lebih kecil dari kecepatan kapal, maka disebut: slipnya negatif.
Dalam kondisi laut normal(tidak ada pengaruh arus, angin, ombak/gelombang), maka
kecepatan kapal(V) biasanya lebih kecil daripada kecepatan mesin(S).
Kecepatan kapal yang sebenarnya = V – arus ikutan.

Pitch baling-baling adalah jarak yang ditempuh oleh satu putaran jika baling-baling itu
berputar dalam suatu massa yang tetap. Tapi pada kenyataannya, kapal berjalan pada massa
air yang tidak tetap.
Air yang dilempar oleh baling-baling ke belakang, maka perpindahan air ini kita namakan juga
Pada umumnya baling-baling berputar dalam air yang massanya tidak tetap dan mengikuti
jalannya kapal atau arus ikutan.
Oleh karena itu slip yang sesungguhnya(slip sejati) sukar dihitung. Dalam praktek, slip yang
dihitung itu(yang adanya arus ikutan) adalah SLIP SEMU atau SLIP MAYA.
Kecepatan baling-baling adalah jarak yang ditempuh oleh baling-baling dalam satu jam, pada
massa yang tetap. Nilai ini sama dengan pitch x jumlah putaran per menit(RPM) tiap jam.
Slip Sejati bisa diketahui, bila nilai arus ikutan juga diketahui. Atau Slip sejati = S – (V–arus
karena V lebih besar dari (V-arus pengikut), maka juga Slip Sejati lebih besar dari Slip Maya.

( )
Rumus Slip Sejati , Ss = x 100%. ap = arus pengikut/ikutan. Dimana :

S = speed x jumlah putaran, dan S – V = s (slip). Jika dinyatakan dalam presentage, ialah :

Slip(s) = 𝑺
x 100%.

Contoh-contoh perhitungan sbb.;

1. Diketahui : V kapal di atas air = 10’/jam, pitch baling-baling = 5 meter, RPM = 70.
Ditanyakan : Berapa presen besarnya slip?
Jawab : Kecepatan baling-baling (S) = = 11.34’.
S = S – V x 100%. S = 11.34 – 10 X 100% S = 1.34 x 100% = 11.81 %.
S 11.34 11.34

2. Contoh lain : Putaran baling-baling = 87 RPM, Pitch propeller = 3.8 meter. Kecepatan kapal
terhadap dasar(ground speed) dalam 24 jam = 10 knots.
Hitung : Slip propeller. (1 nm = 1852 m).
Jawab : Jarak putaran mesin dalam 24 jam = 3.8 x 87 x 60 x 24 = 257.054 nautical miles.
Jarak yang ditempuh kapal dalam 24 jam = 24 x 10 nm = 240 nm.
Jadi Slip = 257.054 – 240 x 100% = 6.6 %

3. Contoh lain : Sebuah kapal RPM 100, Pitch propeller = 5 mtr, kecepatan kapal 15 knots.
Hitung slip semu?
Jawab : Kec. Baling-baling(s) = = 16,2 knots
Slip semu = x 100%

, ,
= ,
x 100% = 8%. Sumber : sunting google

4. Diketahui : Pitch propeller = 4.5m, Kapal berlayar selama 18 jam dengan RPM normal =
115. Lalu berlayar selama 6 jam dengan mengurangi RPM menjadi = 100. Setelah berlayar
selama 24 jam, jarak yang diukur dengan GPS adalah= 330 nm, dengan slip negatif 2% (- 2%).
Hitunglah : Slip propeller ?
Jawab : Jarak tempuh kapal dalam 24 jam menurut GPS = ( 2/100 x 330) + 330 =
Jarak putaran mesin selama 24 jam = 4.5 x 115 x 18 x 60 + 4.5 x 100 x 60 x 6 =
1852 1852

= 387.13nm.

Slip propeller = 387.13 – 336.6 x 100% = + 13.05%


5. Sebuah propeller yang “pitch”nya 17ft 6 inch (17.5 feet), apabila RPM-nya 103, hitunglah
jarak mesin yang dapat ditempuh dalam 24 jam!

Jawab : Jarak tempuh satu putaran = 17 feet 6 inch.

Jarak tempuh 1 menit = pitch x RPM. (Note ; 1 m = 3.2829 feet)
= 17.5 x 103 feet,

, ,
Jarak tempuh Mesin / 24 jam = ,
= = 426.4 mil

6. Jarak yang ditempuh menurut GPS adalah 375 mil, sedangkan jarak oleh mesin = 397 mil.
Hitunglah slip semu/maya ? Note: JM = Jarak Mesin dan JS = Jarak Satelit (GPS).

Jawab : Slip semu = JM – JS x 100% = 397 - 375 x 100% = 22/397 x 100% =

JM 397
7. Data dari BHK dan BHM adalah kecepatan sesuai GPS dalam 24 jam, kecepatan rata-rata
adalah 17.64 knots, arus dari belakang diperkirakan 1.25 knots, jumlah RPM = 158.436 , pitch
dari propeller adalah 16 feet 8 inch.
Hitung SLIP SEMU dan SLIP SEJATI ? (Note; 16feet 8inch = 50/3).

Jawab :
1. Untuk menghitung jarak mesin ;
JM = = x

2. Untuk menghitung kecepatan mesin ;

JM = Jumlah RPM x Pitch = 158.436 x 50 x 1 = 18,096 knots.
3.2829 x 1852 m 6080 3 24

, ,
3. Untuk menghitung Slip Semu : SM = x 100% = ,
= + 2.52%.

( ) , ( , , )
4. Untuk menghitung Slip Sejati : SS = = ,
= ± 9,427 %.


Penambahan kecepatan kapal (V) seharusnya dibarengi dengan penambahan tahanan dalam
air laut (W).
Ketentuan RANKINE : Keadaan normal tahanan (W) yang diterima kapal ialah sebanding
dengan : 1. carene (bagian kapal di bawah air). 2. dan kwadrat V kapal.
Untuk kapal yang sama dengan draft yang sama, berlaku :

W : W1 = V2 : V12 ………………(1).
Arbeid = daya(W) x jarak.
Jarak = V x t,
Jadi arbeid = W x V x t ……….(2).
(1) W : W1 = V2 : V12
(2) W x Vt : W1 x V1.t1 = V2 x Vt : V2 x V12.t1
A : A1 = V3 x t : V13 x t
Untuk t yang sama berlaku ( t = t1 ).
Rumusnya sekarang menjadi : A : A1 = V3 : V13

atau BB1 : BB2 = V13 : V23 , dimana

Note : BB1 = BBM awal, BB2 = BBM akhir, V1 = speed awal dan V2 = speed akhir.

1. Contoh : MV. CIREBON menggunakan MFO = 30 ton/24 jam dengan kecepatan 12 knots.
Ditanya : Berapa pemakaian per hari, bila kecepatan 10 mil/jam?
Jawab : Rumus yang digunakan adalah : BB : BB1 = V3 : V13. (disini kita persoalkan waktu t).
30 : X = 123 : 103 123.X = 30 x 103 1728.X = 30,000, jadi X = ± 17.3 ton.

Jadi dengan speed 10 knots, pemakaian bahan bakar = 17.3 ton / 24 jam.
2. Contoh : Untuk mencapai pelabuhan Semarang, dengan V = 20 nm/jam, kapal ZENIT
memerlukan bahan bakar 100 ton. Persediaan bahan bakar di kapal sisa 75 ton.
Ditanya : Dengan speed berapa kapal ZENIT bisa mencapai pelabuhan Semarang?

Jawab : (disini kita persoalkan jarak dari tempat tolak ke pelabuhan Semarang).
Rumus yang digunakan adalah : ( V.t = V1.t1 ). dan BB : BB1 = V2 : V12
100 : 75 = 202 : X2 100 : 75 = 202 : X2 100 . X2 = 75 x 202 4.X2 = 3 x 400,
X = 300. maka X = ± 17.4 nm / jam atau 17.4 knots.
Jadi dengan kecepatan 17.4 knots, dengan sisa bahan bakar 75 ton, kapal ZENIT bisa mencapai
pelabuhan Semarang.

3. Contoh : Kapal PANTURA, dwtnya 10,000 ton. Pemakainan BBM 30 ton/hari, pada kecepatan 15
knots. Ditambah 3 ton/hari untuk motor bantu. Sisa pelayaran masih 1000 mil, sisa BBM yang
dapat dipompa tinggal 80 ton.
a. Seberpa jauh kecepatan harus diturunkan utuk mencapai pelabuhan tujuan dengan cadangan
BBM 15 ton ?
b. Berapakah pemakaian BBM/jam ?
c. Masih berapa jam diperlukan untuk tiba di pelabuhan tujuan ?
Solusinya : BBM yang dapat dipompa = 80 ton
Cadangan yang diperlukan = 15 ton.
Sisa yang dapat dipakai = 65 ton.
- Sisa jarak 1000 mil dengan kecepatan 15 knot, ditempuh dalam = ± 67 jam.
atau kira-kira 3 hari, dan pemakaian b.b motor bantu = 3 x 3 hr = 9 ton.
Sisa untk pendorong ialah = 65 – 9 = 56 ton.
- Untuk 1000 mil dengan speed 15 knots diperlukan : 1000 x 30 = 250 = 83.3 ton
15 24 3

- (dianggap pemakaian BBM untuk mesin induk dan mesin bantu adalah sejenis)
maka : sisa BBM tinggal = 80 – 15 – 9 = 56 ton.
rumus : B1 : B2 = V12 : V22 perbandingan (5) = 56 : 250 = X2 : 152.
Jawaban untuk a ; X2 = 56 x 152 x 3/250 = 151.2, sehingga V1 =X = ± 12.3 knots
atau ± 12.3 mil/jam.

Jadi bila kecepatan diturunkan ke 12.3 knots, maka kapal akan tiba di pelabuhan
tujuan dengan BBM Cadangan 15 ton. (Bila cuaca tetap baik).

Jawaban untuk b ; Rumus pemakaian BBM per jam; B1 : B2 = V13 : V23, adalah
30 : X = 153 : 12.33 , maka X = 30 x 12.33 = 0.686 ton/jam.
24 24 153

Jawaban untuk c ; Lama pelayaran setelah speed diturunkan ke 12.3 knots, adalah
= 1000 / 12.3 = ± 81 jam. Atau 3 hari + 9 jam.

Note : B1 = BBM baru, B2 = BBM normal, V1 = speed baru dan V2 = speed normal.

4. K.m. “GRAGE” biasanya berlayar dengan kecepatan 12 knots, dengan pemakaian BBM 35
ton/hari. Apabila pelayaran sejauh 1160 mil dilakukan dengan kecepatan 10,5 knots, berapakah
: a. Berapa pemakaian BBM per hari?
b. Berapa ton BBM diperlukan dalam pelayaran dengan kecepatan yang telah
dikurangi tersebut ?
c. Lama pelayarannya ?
Jawab, a ; B1 : B2 = V13 : V23 35 : B2 = 123 : 10,53 B2 = 35 x 10,53 = 23,45 ton/hari.
Jawab, b ; B2 = 1160 x 35 x 10,53 = 107,9 ton.
10,5 x 24 123
Jawab, c ; Lamanya pelayaran = 1160 = 4,6032 hari.
10,5 x 24

Note : B1 = BBM awal, B2 = BBM akhir, V1 = speed awal dan V2 = speed akhir.

5. K.m. “BINTANG PANTURA” melakukan pelayaran sejauh 3,744 mil dengan speed 13 knots, dan
menggunakan BBM 40 ton/hari. Setelah menempuh jarak 1,248 mil, untuk memenuhi
panggilan SOS kapal merubah haluan dan menaikkan kecepatan ke 16 knots.
36 jam kemudian kapal tiba di posisi kapal yang naas itu. Jarak ke pelabuhan tujuan kini masih
2,336 mil. Pada awal pelayaran BBM di kapal adalah 600 ton, sedangkan cadangan setiap saat
harus 120 ton.
Hitung kecepatan yang harus dikurangi untuk menyelesaikan pelayaran(agar BBM cadangan
tetap masih 120.0 ton).
Solusi :
a. Untuk menghitung BBM yang dipakai berlayar 1,248 mil (4 hari):
Dengan 13 knots jarak yang ditempuh/hari = 13 x 24 = 312 mil/hari, BBM yang digunakan =
1,248 x 40 4 x 40 = 160 ton.
b. Untuk menghitung pemakaian BBM pada 16 knots :
B2 = B1 x V23
V13 , B2 = 40 x 163 , jadi B2 = 74.557 ton/hari.
c. Untuk pemakaian BBM selama 36 jam dengan speed 16 knots:
BBM selama 36 jam = 3/2 x 74.58 = 111.87 ton.

d. Untuk menghitung BBM yang tersedia sepanjang 2,336 mil :

BBM digunakan untuk 1,248 mil yaitu (a) = 160.0 ton.
BBM digunakan waktu speed 16 knots (c) = 111.9 ton. +
Total/jumlah BBM yang digunakan = 271.9 ton
BBM pada awal pelayaran = 600.0 ton.
Sisa = 328.1 ton.
Cadangan = 120.0 ton. _
Jadi BBM yag tersedia untuk jarak 2,336 mil = 208.1 ton.

e. Untuk menghitung (kecepatan yang dikurangi) sejauh 2,336 mil :

Hitungan proporsional sebesar 160.0 ton (B1) untuk jarak 1,248 mil, dengan speed 13 knots
dapat digunakan rumus sbb.:
B1 x V12 x Jarak 1 , V22 = B2 x V12 x Jarak 1 , V2 = ,
B2 V22 Jarak 2 B1 x Jarak 2 160.0 x 2,336

Jadi V2 = 10.836 knots.

6. Sebuah kapal dengan kecepatan (V) = 16 knots, menggunakan bahan bakar 30 ton sehari, jarak
yg masih harus ditempuh 1120 mil, persediaan bahan bakar 60 ton, 10 % dari jumlah ini tidak
dapat digunakan, sedang untuk kebutuhan dapur dan lain2 selama pelayaran 4 ton. Hitunglah
kecepatan yg dilakukan supaya sampai ke tempat tujuan.
Jawab :
Sisa B.B di kapal = 60 ton.
Utk kebth. dapur = 4 ton.
B.B perjalanan 60 ton (10% dr 60 ton) = 54 ton.
Jarak 1120 mil, kec. 16 knot.
Jadi (1120 : 16) x 1 jam = 70 jam = 2,9 hari = 3 hari.
Pemakaian B.B unt dapur dll. selama 3 hari = 3 x 4 jam = 12 ton.
Sisa utk pendorong = 54 – 12 = 42 ton.

B.B yg dibutuhkan utk jarak 1120 mil kec. 16 knot.

(1120:16) x (30:24)=33.600: 384 = 87,5 ton.
A1 : A2 = V1 : V2
87,5 : A2 = 140 : V2
87,5 : V2 = 42 x 140 = 5880
V2 = 5880 : 87,5
V2 = 67,2
V2 = 8,2 knot.

- Lama berlayar = 1120 : 8,2 = 137 jam.

- Pemakaian bb/jam = 42 : 137 jam = 0,30 ton.

7. Sebuah kapal dengan DWT = 12.000 ton , mesin turbin membutuhkan bahan bakar 50 ton/hari.
Kecepatan 12 mph. Untuk kebutuhan umum diperlukan b.b.m = 8 ton/hari. Jarak yang masih harus
ditempuh = 12.000 nm. Sisa b.b.m. yang masih dapat dipergunakan tinggal 170 ton. Nakhoda ingin
sampai di pelabuhan tujuan dengan masih ada sisa b.b.m. sebanyak 35 ton.

Ditanyakan : a. Dengan kecepata berapakah kapal harus berlayar untuk memenuhi kondisi tersebut?
b. Berapakah penggunaan b.b.m setiap harinya?
c. Dalam waktu berapa jamkah masih harus ditempuh untuk sampai di tempat tujuan?

Jawaban : a. = ± 10 mph.
b. = ± 0,7 ton/jam ( = 18,2 ton / hari).
c. = ± 113 jam.
Silakan coba dihitung sendiri dengan rumus-rumus yang ada.

Soal O.G.
Please give small circle to your correct-answer!

1. The R.P .M. of your vessel is 87, and the pitch of propeller = 3.8 metres. The ground speed within
24 hours is 10.0 knots. Note: 1 nautical mile = 1852 m. Please find the slip!
A. 7.62 %
B. 6.63 %
C. 3.55 %
D. 5.71 %
Solution: Slip(s) = x 100%. Speed by propeller= (S) = = 10.71’.

S = S – V x 100%. S = 10.71 – 10 X 100% S = 0.71 x 100% = 6.63 %.

S 10.71 10.71

2. The pitch of propeller is 4.5 m. Ship sailing along 20 hours with the normal RPM = 115, then remain
along 4 hours RPM to be reduced to 100. After sailing along 24 hours, the distance checked by GPS =
330 nm, and found slips is (-) 2%.
Please find the slip of propeller?
A. 13.05 %
B. 12.90 %
C. 10.89 %
D. 14.48 %
Solution: Jarak tempuh kapal dalam 24 jam menurut GPS = ( 2/100 x 330) + 330 = 336,6nm.
Jarak putaran mesin selama 24 jam = 4.5 x 115 x 20 x 60 + 4.5 x 100 x 60 x 4 =
1852 1852

= 393.6 nm.

Slip propeller = 393.6 – 336.6 x 100% = ± 14.48 %


4. Choose the appropriate sequence of equiment.

3 2
a. 1-Tension drum, 2-Warping end,
3-Manual band brake, 4-Storage drum.
b. 1-Storage drum, 2-Manual band brake,
3-Warping end, 4-Tension drum
c. 1-Manual band brake, 2-Tension drum,
3-Storage drum, 4-Warping end.


5. Which one of the following statements are correct?

A. Do not drag the rope over the sharp edges
B. A new mooring rope should be uncoiled from the inner end.
C. Chafting at chocks and fairleads has no effect on the rope.
D. Wire last forever.

6. Choose the statements you think are correct in connection with “During mooring operation”:
A. Check for leaking oil or grease seals and replace when necessary
B. Listen to bearings for abnormal noise and check for overheating
C. Check that the hydraulic valves are correctly adjusted
D. Grease all lubrication nipples.

7. What is the main purpose of the VTS?

A. Reduce port operation costs
B. Provide information
C. Increase safety for all ships in the aread.
D. Increase safety for ships participating in VTS.

8. The vessel is in a 360 degrees turn with engine full ahead. If the engine speed is reduced during the
turn, will there be any change in the turning diameter?

A. Yes, the turning diameter will increase if the speed is reduced.

B. Yes, the turning diameter will be smaller if the speed is reduced.
C. No, the turning diameter will not change if the speed is reduced.
D. No, the turning diameter will only change if the rudder angle is reduced.

9. Two ships are meeting in a restricted channel as illustrated. Which

of the following actions would be the most suitable to take on both
vessels as they approach and pass each other?

A. Slow down if possible without losing steerage and be prepared for prompt application of rudder to
counteract any swing as they approach and pass each other.
B. Maintain speed and a straight course on the starboard side of the channel
C. Keep as far as possible on the starboard side of the channel and maintain speed to retain effective
D. Increase speed slightly to pass each other as quickly as possible and thereby reduce the effects of
"ship to ship" interaction.

10. Two ships travelling in opposite directions are to pass each other in a
narrow river, as illustrated. Explain what is likely to happen as they pass each other?
A. Due to interaction, the bows will repel each other, and then when alongside each other the two ships
will be sucked together and finally the sterns will be repelled as they start to pass clear
B. Due to interaction, the bows will attract each other as they approach, then they will repel each other
alongside and as they pass clear, the sterns will be attracted.
C. As they approach, rudder should be applied quickly to avoid sheering into the path of each other.
Then as they are alongside they will be attracted and finally repel each other as they pass clear.
D. There will be very little effect between the two ships as they pass.

11. Two vessels are meeting each other in confined waters. What would be the effects of interaction
between the two vessels as they approach each other?
A. The bows of the ships will be pushed away from each other
B. The bows of the ships will be sucked together
C. Each vessel will experience an increase in speed
D. There will be no effects in these circumstances

12. What depth of water would be considered as "Shallow Water" inrelationship to a change of the
ships manoeuvring characteristics?
A. When the "Under Keel Clearance" is less than 50% of the draught of the ship
B. When the "Under Keel Clearance" is equal to the draught of the ship
C. When the "Under Keel Clearance" is less than 15% of the draught of the ship.
D. When the "Under Keel Clearance" is less than a quarter of the draught of the ship.

13. What is the correct understanding of the term "a ship with good Directional Stability"?
A. A ship which when the rudder is left amidships, it will continue on approximately a straight course
B. A ship which will maintain its course unless large rudder angles are applied.
C. A ship which when a rudder angle is applied and the ship starts to swing, will continue to swing even
after the rudder is returned to amidships
D. A ship where the amount of positive transverse stability (GM) will vary with the direction of the ship's

14. The ship's engine is going astern and the ship is picking up sternway.
The rudder is amidships and the ship has a single, right-handed, fixed pitch propeller. What would be
expected to happen?
A. The ship will probably start to change heading to starboard and stern speed will increase
B. The ship will probably start to change heading to port and stern speed will increase
C. The ship will probably go straight astern without a change in heading and the stern speed will
D. The ship will move astern at an increasing speed and the stern start to swing off to starboard.

15. The ship's rudder is full over when the ship's engines are full ahead.
Will the turning effect (lift force) of the rudder be changed when the engine is stopped?
A. Yes, the lift force will be dramatically reduced when the engines are stopped
B. Yes, the Lift or turning force will be reduced to about 50% of the original lift force when the engines
are stopped
C. No, the turning force applied by the rudder will be maintained within about 90% of the lift force
when going full ahead
D. No, the lift force is unaffected by the speed of the propeller.

16. What is the correct understanding of the term "bank effect"? If a ship was approaching the bank
at an angle, what would be the effect on the ship?
A. The vessel's bow is pushed away from the bank
B. The vessel's stern is pushed away from the bank
C. The vessel’s bow is attracted by the bank.
D. The whole vessel would continue straight towards the bank and
would require a large helm order to avoid going aground.

17. What would be the correct definition of the term "Squat"?

A. Squat is the reduction of underkeel clearance and the possible change of trim of a ship when it
moves through shallow water due to a reduction in water pressure.
B. Squat is the reduction of underkeel clearance of a ship when it moves through shallow water due
to a reduction in water pressure.
C. Squat is the loss of effectiveness of the rudder and propeller as a ship moves through shallow water
due to the reduction of water pressure.
D. Squat is the reduction of underkeel clearance due to increase of water flow under the keel and an
increase in the water pressure.

18. What would be the effects of a ship passing into shallow water?
A. The ship is less responsive to both rudder and propeller.
B. There is no noticeable difference in performance of the ship
C. The speed is not affected, but more rudder is required to steer the ship
D. The vessel has a tendency to swing to port with a single fixed-pitch right-hand turning propeller.

19. When a ship is lying at anchor in a tidal area using both forward paying special attention?
A. When the ship swings to the tide the direction of swing should be controlled to avoid the anchor
cables becoming wrapped round each other.
B. The tension on both cables should be similar, to avoid one dragging and all the weight of the ship
remaining on the other anchor only.
C. The two anchors will restrict the ships swing with the tide and the ship may not lie to the prevailing
current and wind
D. The ship will become controlled by the tide and the wind will not be allowed to have any effect on
the direction the ship lies at anchor.

20. Where would the "pivot point" be considered to be located when the ship is proceeding at full
speed ahead and there is no wind or current?
A. At about 1/6 of the ship's length from the bow
B. At amidships
C. At a position near the stern of the ship
D. At about 1/6 of the ship's length from the stern
21. Which of the following answers correctly specify the following most common rudders?
d) UNDERHUNG BALANCED or SPADE. i.e. The number in the picture is related to the letter adjacent
to the name of the rudder.
A. 1 = a, 2 = b, 3 = c and 4 = d
B. 1 = b, 2 = c, 3 = d and 4 = a
C. 1 = c, 2 = d, 3 = a and 4 = b
D. 1 = d, 2 = a, 3 = b and 4 = c

22. Which of the following hull shapes would normally provide a directionally stable ship?
A. A long ship with a narrow beam.
B. A short ship with a narrow beam
C. A short ship with a wide beam
D. A long ship with a wide beam.

23. Which type of vessel suffers from the greatest squat effects?
A. Vessel with a high Block Coefficient
B. Vessel with a low Block Coefficient
C. Vessel with a large length to beam ratio
D. Vessel with a small length to beam ratio.

24. Who is responsible for the number and the position of any tugs to be used during a mooring
A. The Master, with consideration of the advice of the pilot
B. The Pilot is fully responsible for the number and use of tugs within the port area
C. It will be only the wind speed that will determine the required number of tugs and how they are
D. The Port Authority will dictate the tug requirements and their use within the port limits.

25. In the above diagram of a ship's turning circle the distance A is known as:
A. Tactical Diameter
B. Stopping Distance
C. Advance
D. Transfer

26. In the above diagram of a ship's turning circle the distance B is known as
A. Diameter of the turn
B. Transfer
C. Radius of the turn
D. Tactical Diameter.


27. In the above diagram of a ship's turning circle point C is known as:
A. Heading Point
B. The Foremast
C. The Pivot Point
D. Centre of Flotation.

28. The position of the pivot point when making Sternway is approximately:
A. Amidships
B. One eight of the length of the ship from the stern
C. One quarter of the length of the ship from the bow
D. One quarter of the length of the ship from the stern

29. When a single screw ship with a right handed propeller is stopped in the water and the engine is
put half ahead, transverse thrust effect will:
A. Swing the stern to starboard and the bow to port
B. Swing the stern to port and the bow to starboard
C. Have no noticeable effect
D. Swing the bow and stern to starboard.

30. Your ship is on a course of 240° True. A person has fallen overboard on the port side and after
letting go smoke and light floats, in order to carry out a Williamson Turn would you:
A. go hard to port until you are heading 180° True, then hard to starboard until you are on 060° True
B. go hard to starboard until you are heading 300° True, then hard to port until you are on 060° True
C. go hard to starboard to 285° True, then hard to port until you are on
060° True
D. go hard to port until you are heading 195° True, then hard to starboard until you are on 060° True

31. In a narrow canal, a ship proceeding at half speed ahead swings towards the port bank of the
channel. As the bow approaches the bank, would it initially:
A. be first pulled towards the bank, then rejected away
B. be pulled towards the bank by bank suction
C. be unaffected
D. be rejected away from the bank by the pressure.

32. In the diagram B represents the start of a turning circle of power driven ship in deep water with
20 degrees starboard rudder. If the ship was in shallow water would the turning circle with the same
rudder angle be:
A. B
B. None of the other options
C. C
D. A

33. What is "ship squat"?

A. A slight increase in underkeel clearance
B. A requirement for ships proceeding up river under low bridges
C. The sinkage and change of trim caused when the ship is proceeding with a small underkeel
D. Deeper draft caused by operating in fresh rather than salt water.

34. What is the maximum ship speed over the ground recommended for anchoring a 250,000
deadweight VLCC or similar sized ship?
A. 1 knot
B. 0.5 knot
C. 1.5 knots
D. 0.25 knot.

35. Most large tankers in order to remain safely moored alongside the berth uses wire ropes fitted on
winches. If required extra mooring lines, would a mixture of wires & full-lengthsynthetic fibre ropes
be appropriate?
A. Yes, because the extra fibre ropes are easier to handle
B. Yes, because the fibre ropes are more flexible and complement the wires, adding to the overall
effectiveness of the mooring
C. No, because most fibre ropes of the required breaking strain are large and difficult to handle
D. No, because the wires would take most of the strain and the fibre ropes practically none.

36. A ship turns around a point called the “pivot point”. What is the position of this point when the
ship is going astern ?
A. At about 1/4 of ship's length from the stem.
B. At the stern.
C. At about 1/4 of ship's length from the stern.
D. At the midships.

37. The rudder is hard over, engine full ahead in shallow water. How much rudder lift force remains
when the engine is stopped ?
A. About 50%
B. About 5%
C. About 10%.
D. About 80%.

38. Your ship is equipped with a single right-handed fixed propeller.

While steaming full ahead you reverse the engine to stop the ship. How will the ship react?
A. You will stop on 1.5 times the ship's length.
B. You will sheer to port and stop rather quickly.
C. You will sheer to starboard and gradually lose headway.
D. You will continue on a straight course.

39. You are performing an overtaking manoeuvre in confined waters. What should you watch
out for?
A. The stern may be pulled towards and the bow may be pushed away from the other ship as
you pass.
B. The change in speed of the other ship.
C. The bow may be pulled towards and the stern may be pushed away from the other ship as
you pass.
D. The change in your underkeel clearance.

40. How is shallow water effect felt by a vessel ?

A. The vessel responds very quickly to the rudder.
B. The vessel has a tendency to turn to port (for a right turning propeller).
C. The vessel becomes sluggish in responding to the rudder.
D. The vessel has a tendency to turn to starboard (for a left turning propeller).



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