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Chapter 1 Introduction...................................................................................................................4

1.1 Background.........................................................................................................................4

1.2 Research Question..............................................................................................................7

1.3 Significance Of The Study..................................................................................................8

1.4 Scope And Limitation Of The Study..................................................................................8

1.5 Definition Of Key Terms....................................................................................................9

1. Whatsapp.........................................................................................................................9

2. Listening..........................................................................................................................9

3. Online Learning...............................................................................................................9

Chapter II Review Of Literature..................................................................................................10

2.1 Listening...........................................................................................................................10

2.1.1 Kind Of Listening............................................................................................................11

A. Discriminative Listening................................................................................................11

B. Biased Listening..............................................................................................................12

C. Evaluative Listening.......................................................................................................12

D. Appreciative Listening....................................................................................................12

E. Initial Listening...............................................................................................................12

E. Selective Listening..........................................................................................................13

F. Full Listening..................................................................................................................13

2.2 Teaching Listening............................................................................................................14

2.3 Whatsapp..........................................................................................................................15

2.4 Online Learning.................................................................................................................17

2.5 Previous Related Studies....................................................................................................19

Chapter III Research Method ......................................................................................................21

3.1 Type Of Research...............................................................................................................21

3.2 The Subject Of The Research.............................................................................................22

3.3 Data Collecting Technique And Instrument Of The Research..........................................22

1. Observation...................................................................................................................22

2. Interview........................................................................................................................23

3. Documentation..............................................................................................................23

3.4 Data And Sourch Of Data.................................................................................................24

1. Data...................................................................................................................................24

2. Sources Of Data................................................................................................................24

3.5 Data Analysis Techniques..................................................................................................24

1. Coding The Data...........................................................................................................24

2. Reducing The Data........................................................................................................25

3. Presenting The Data......................................................................................................25

4. Conclusion / Verification Withdrawal..........................................................................25

Chapter IV Research Finding And Discussion............................................................................27

4.1 Research Finding................................................................................................................27

4.1.1 The Implementation Of Whatsapp In Listening Skill.................................................27

4.1.2 Student Response Of Using Whatsapp In Listening Skill..........................................28

4.2. Discussion.........................................................................................................................34

4.2.1 Implementation Of Whatsapp.....................................................................................34

4.2.2 Students Responses To Using Whatsapp In Listening Skill........................................35

Chapter V Conclusions And Suggestions ...................................................................................36

5.1 Conclusions........................................................................................................................36

5.2 Suggestions.........................................................................................................................37



1.1 Background

Listening is one of the four important skills of English as a foreign language.

Just as important as other skills like writing, reading and speaking. Listening is a

very important skill because it is used most in everyday life. Listening will greatly

help us improve our speaking skills. People need to hear different types of English

repeatedly and continuously if they are to communicate properly, meaningfully and

naturally. This means that without hearing people cannot acquire language because

listening provides language input. When listening to someone, it will be easier to

understand with other people's pronunciation and practice sharp concentration in the

world of listening. Bress in Bano (2017) states that listening skill is important

because humans start listening since babies before being able to speak. He pointed

out that listening must be the most practiced skill to communicate. However,

listening is not simple process. One is able to listen means she/he can differenciate

between sounds, comprehend and understand vocabulary and grammar, interprete,

intonation and meaning, consider everything in the same time, an also adjust to the

social culture context from utterances that are listened. (Vandergrift, 2012)

In general, listening to teaching and learning activities are often carried out

face-to-face. Namely, students are in the lab or in a special room to listen to the

audio played by the teacher and fill out some practice questions that have been

given in hardfile form. In this case the teacher asks students to prepare themselves
and what is needed when listening takes place. After the teacher controls the class

then the teacher will present the learning material by playing the audio then the

students are asked to listen. Generally, the teacher will repeat the audio playback up

to 3 times so that students can answer the questions given. In this case the teacher

will insert several strategies to make it easier for students to answer these practice

questions. Sometimes the playback is repeated more than 3 times because listening

more often will help students be more sensitive in terms of hearing. (Thomas &

Farel, 2013)

During the pandemic, teaching and learning activities have changed little.

Teachers cannot implement plans that have been prepared for one year of learning.

The rules given by the government to maintain distance require the minister of

education to make wise decisions regarding existing learning patterns. Finally,

learning is carried out online from each home. COVID-19 has shown that

technology is no longer a luxury item but an important component in the education

process. Therefore, the use of media and technological awareness must be

emphasized for all educational settings. ( Jantjies,2020 )

There are many technology-based tools or applications for language learners

to create their own learning communities by offering various services to make the

extensive listening experience with peers happen. Teachers can also use this to

facilitate their students to do extensive listening as an extended teaching-learning

practice by creating learning communities as well. Some examples of technology-

based tools that can be used are Whatsapp, Yahoo Messenger and Line. Whatsapp

(henceforth named as WA) is a popular social networking application which allows

the users to send and receive texts, audio, photos, videos, documents, location,

voice calls, and creating groups. The accessibility of WA in most smartphone and

computer devices is a great opportunity to maximize the time and place flexibility

of extensive listening activities. The learners do not need to prepare any meetings in

a specific place and time to do listening exercise together. They only need to access

their WA, create group, and communicate through it. According to Kemp (2020),

Whatsapp is ranked the top messenger app around the world. There were 22 million

social media users in South Africa in January, 2020, and 89% of users used

Whatsapp. Whatsapp is a messenger application that works across multiple

platforms like IOS and Android, and this application is being used among

undergraduate students to send multimedia messages like text messages, pictures,

video clips, and voice notes .(Destianingsih, 2020)

In this online-based learning makes students and teachers must be

increasingly active and accustomed to using technology media as a medium of

learning. One of them is using WhatApp group. Where WhatsApp groups can be

made based on subjects at school. From one Whatsapp features that can be used as a

means of online learning are group chat / Whatsapp groups. Via Whatsapp the

group becomes an online learning space, so that teachers and students can still

follow learning. This is one way of preventing transmission of Covid-19 in the

world of education. To be joined following learning through the Whatsapp group,

members can be added by the grub admin. Then the teacher can provide learning

material in the form of files, pictures, videos, audios and so on. (Yuniarti, 2020)
Therefore, from the above statement there is a previous research. MARA

Kedah University of Technology, (18) "Students' Perception of WhatsApp as an

Effective Medium for Enhancing Listening Skill in Foreign Language Learning"

WhatsApp for listening practices helps to overcome the time constraints of

traditional classroom environments. In addition, students can listen as much as they

like, anywhere, anytime.

From the reference above, the researcher did the same thing with the same

media and focused on listening skills. Some differences that arise from researchers

and other researchers are differences in research design, research subjects, and

research implementation. In this study, students listened to audio sent via WhatsApp

as the main medium in the learning, then students took notes and answered

questions from what they got from the audio and explained the problem using their

own words. The fact is that with modern technology and is commonly used,

students and teachers can do effective and creative teaching and learning during the

pandemic through these media. In this study, the researcher conducted a qualitative

descriptive study on the second grade students of MA Raudlatut Tolibin to find out

the implementation and student responses in listening skills using whatsApp media.

1.2 Research Question

Based on the background of the study that has been discussed above, the writer

determines the statement of the problems as follow:

1. How does the implementation of Whatsaap application in online learning on

students listening skill during the pandemic period?

2. What is students respond to the implementation of using whatsaap in online

media on listening skills?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

Based on the statement of the problems, it can be clearly stated that the

objectives of the study are:

1. To describe how the implementation of the Whatsapp application in online

learning on students listening skill during the pandemic period.

2. To find out students respond to the implementation of using whatsaap in online

media on listening skills.

1.4 Significance of The Study

This research expected to give theory and practical sector :

1. Theoretical

This research hopes can attracts student attentions to developments they

listening skill in online class using whatsapp aplication.

2. Practical

The teacher can provide the material well and students can more actively

practice when using the watsapp application.

1.5 Scope and Limitation of The Study
The scope of this study is to determine the application of the whatsapp

application to students' listening skills in online learning during the pandemic

period. And the limit is the grade students and teachers of SMA Raudlatut Tolibin

Geger Bangkalan.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

1. Whatsapp
Whatsapp is an application that has several features that are suitable for

use in listening learning such as sending messages, audio, video and files. This

application uses internet data packages and can be used for communication in

groups so as to facilitate interaction between teachers and students.

2. Listening
Listening in English is our ability to listen well and understand what

other people mean. Not only information conveyed orally but also through other

media. Listening can also be said to be an activity that must be done with focus

and seriousness in order to achieve its goals. Listening is the selection and

assignment of meaning to sound.

3. Online learning
Online learning is an effort to deliver teaching materials using computer-

based and other electronic media. Students can access information sharing online

and receive some information conveyed from the teacher without needing to

meet. In this case, there are many supporting applications that can be used by
students and teachers. Besides including the easy way. Online learning also helps

students and teachers to be responsive and take advantage of the sophistication of

technology that is currently developing rapidly in all parts of the world.



This chapter presents some related information topic of the recent study. It is intended to

provide some theoretical concepts which could support this investigation. The discussion is

presented under the following subheading: Listening, wattsApp, and online learning.

2.1 Listening
Is one of the components of a person's skills when they have good interpersonal skills.

An effective communication can be done by someone if they have good listening skills as

well. And the ability to listen is something that a person must have if he wants to establish

effective communication like a communication. In the communication process, there are

sender, channel, message, receiver, effect components that become a single component

during the communication process. One component of the communication process is

receiving messages. How to receive messages well is one of them by listening well.

Listening in learning is a necessity to support students in learning to listen because

Listening in other languages is difficult work, but it can be easier by knowing and applying

what we know about activating initial knowledge, helping students organize their learning

by thinking about them listening. (Prajana, 2017)

Here are some definitions of listening that can be used as a reference as an initial

understanding of what is meant by listening:

Selective processes in paying attention, listening, understanding, and

remembering aural symbols (Barker, 1971, p. 17). When the human organism receives

verbal information aural and selects and collects information to remember it (Weaver,
1972). The process of receiving, constructing meaning from, and responding to spoken

and / or nonverbal messages” (An ILA Definition of Listening, 1995, p )"The process of

receiving, paying attention, and giving meaning to aural and visual stimuli" (Wolvin &

Coakley, 1996, p. 69). Listening is "the acquisition, processing, and retention of

information in an interpersonal context" (Bostrom 1997, p. 247). Listening is listening,

understanding, remembering, interpreting, evaluating, and responding (Brownell, 2002)

"The act of listening really consists of four connected activities - sensing, interpreting,

evaluating and responding" (Steil, Barker, & Watson, 1983, p. )

2.1.1 kind of listening

A. Discriminative listening
Discriminative listening is the most basic type of listening, whereby the

difference between difference sounds is identified. If you cannot hear differences, then

you cannot make sense of the meaning that is expressed by such differences. We learn

to discriminate between sounds within our own language early, and later are unable to

discriminate between the phonemes of other languages. This is one reason why a person

from one country finds it difficult to speak another language perfectly, as they are

unable distinguish the subtle sounds that are required in that language. Likewise, a

person who cannot hear the subtleties of emotional variation in another person's voice

will be less likely to be able to discern the emotions the other person is experiencing.

(Shailesh thaker,2014)
B. Biased listening
Biased listening happens when the person hears only what they want to hear,

typically misinterpreting what the other person says based on the stereotypes and other

biases that they have. Such biased listening is often very evaluative in nature.

C. Evaluative listening
In evaluative listening, or critical listening, we make judgments about what the

other person is saying. We seek to assess the truth of what is being said. We also judge

what they say against our values, assessing them as good or bad, worthy or unworthy.

Evaluative listening is particularly pertinent when the other person is trying to

persuade us, perhaps to change our behavior and maybe even to change our beliefs.

Within this, we also discriminate between subtleties of language and comprehend the

inner meaning of what is said. Typically also we weigh up the pros and cons of an

argument, determining whether it makes sense logically as well as whether it is helpful

to us. Evaluative listening is also called critical, judgmental or interpretive listening.

(,2002 )

D. Appreciative listening
In appreciative listening, we seek certain information which will appreciate, for

example that which helps meet our needs and goals. We use appreciative listening when

we are listening to good music, poetry or maybe even the stirring words of a great


E. Initial listening
Sometimes when we listen we hear the first few words and then start to think

about what we want to say in return. We then look for a point at which we can interrupt.
We are also not listening then as we are spending more time rehearsing what we are

going to say about their initial point.

E. Selective listening
Selective listening involves listening for particular things and ignoring others.

We thus hear what we want to hear and pay little attention to 'extraneous' detail. Partial

listening Partial listening is what most of us do most of the time. We listen to the other

person with the best of intent and then become distracted, either by stray thoughts or by

something that the other person has said.We consequently dip inside our own heads for

a short while as we figure out what they really mean or formulate a question for them,

before coming back into the room and starting to listen again. This can be problematic

when the other person has moved on and we are unable to pick up the threads of what is

being said. We thus easily can fall into false listening, at least for a short while. This can

be embarrassing, of course, if they suddenly ask your opinion. A tip here: own up,

admitting that you had lost the thread of the conversation and asking them to repeat

what was said. ( Dr. Shailesh Thaker,2014 )

F. Full listening
Full listening happens where the listener pays close and careful attention to what

is being said, seeking carefully to understand the full content that the speaker is seeking

to put across. This may be very active form of listening, with pauses for summaries and

testing that understanding is complete. By the end of the conversation, the listener and

the speaker will probably agree that the listener has fully understood what was said. Full

listening takes much more effort than partial listening, as it requires close concentration,

possibly for a protracted period. It also requires skills of understanding and summary.
2.2 Teaching Listening

Listening associated with oral communication, while reading with regard to the

communication board. In this case the goal both of them contain similarities, to gather

information, capture the content and understand the meaning of communication.

According to underwood (1989:1) “listening is the activity of paying attention and trying to

get meaning from something we hear”. In the process of listening, it’s not just hearing, but also

the listener can understand the meaning and the purpose of what he is listening to underwood

(1989:1) said that “to listen successfully to spoken language, we need to be able to work out

what speakers mean not simply to understand the words themselves”.

Listening ability in learning English is one of the competencies that must be mastered

students. Teacher as facilitator requires some technique in order to listen in class activities is

not monotonous and become boring. There are several technique to teach listening skills that

can be applied in the classroom.

A. Filling the gap

This technique can be done by few words in a paragraph or dialog have students

listen to the spoken text through a teacher or a recording and fills the words empty.

B. Guessing picture

This technique can be done by guessing picture corresponding oral texts that are

read or heard.

C. Finding mistakes

This technique is done by asking listening to spoken text and underline words

that are not in accordance with the spoken text.

D. Choosing menu

This technique is done by asking students to choose a menu according to the

spoken text.

E. Sentences paragraph

This technique is done by giving a sentences or paragraph hiatus to students.

Students are required to listen to the spoken text and make sentences paragraphs

becomes true.

F. Matching

This technique is done by breaking the conversation into two parts. The first part

contains half the sentences and the second half of the sentence. Then the students were

asked to listen to a conversation appropriate text.

2.3 Student Responds of Listening

For language teachers, the main problem is either not knowing what to do with the

listening skills or absolute obedience to the coursebook they have selected. If they cannot adopt,

edit or change listening activities for their learner, the listening skill becomes the main anxiety

source for them, and instead of supporting the learners with a kind of comprehensible input, it

may become the reason for learners’ discouragement. Underwood (1989), stated the listening

comprehension exercises into different purposes based on activities in listening comprehension,

these are:

1) Listening and making no response

These exercises may also be called no-response exercises and they are used to

enrich the learners’ listening comprehension skills as much as possible.

2) Listening and making short responses

These exercises are applied using the short responses of learners whose levels

are elementary or not enough for full communication. The exercises which can be

performed during the listening course may be true/ false exercises. These exercises

help the learners to make the connection between speaking and listening and link

the two skills by both listening and responding.

3) Listening and making long responses

In these types of exercises, learners are expected to relate to the general

sense of a whole sequence of utterances. Predictions; students are asked to guess

the meaning or to guess what is going to happen next, filling gaps; this exercise

may be done by filling the gaps in a dialogue or text during the listening activity,

summarizing; learners are asked to summarize what they have understood from

the listening.

4) Listening as a basis for study and discussion

The exercise type in this activity is problem-solving, where the students

discuss the listening activity individually or in groups. The text is short and

students are given the chance to listen two or more times to be able to discuss the

problem mentioned in the listening text.

In teaching listening here, the researcher uses Listening as a basis for study

and discussion, where the researcher expects students to focus more on learning

individually or in groups and the researcher expects that what they hear in

listening can be rewritten in their language.

2.4 WhatsApp
Is a messaging application for smartphones with basic instant massenger. Whatsapp is a

cross-platform messaging application that allows us to exchange messages without SMS costs,

because WhatsApp uses the same internet data package for e- mail, searching sites and so on

whatsapp messenger applications use GPRS / EDGE / 3G or wifi connection for data

communication using whatsapp (Prajana, 2017). According to Larasati, (2013), WhatsApp is an

application to send messages to each other instantaneously, and allows us to exchange pictures,

videos, photos, messages voice, and can be used for information sharing and discussion.

Larasati concluded that the use of the WhatsApp application as this learning discussion tool is

included in the effective category. Utilization of the WhatsApp program greatly effective with

the support of its features compared with other instant messaging apps. Message speed without

taking long to arrive delayed, able to operate in that condition weak signal, text data

transmission capacity, sound, photos and videos great, regardless advertisement interruptions

and their distribution characteristics make WhatsApp an alternative media in providing

information and improving performance. (Kheryadi, 2017)

WhatsApp has its own uniqueness when compared to social media another. In contrast

to Facebook, Twitter and forums on the internet, the forum is closed WhatsApp will create a

group of people with homogeneous thoughts it is difficult to be exposed to other information.

Apart from that the anonymity is on WhatsApp is also very low because at the time of

registration, the user's WhatsApp required to provide a successfully verified mobile phone
number. This matter makes it difficult for users to be anonymous on the social media

WhatsApp. (Risdiani, 2018)

WhatsApp has several features: Send a text message,Send photos from the gallery or

from the camera, Send videos,Send office files or others Making voice calls, including sending

messages your voice that the recipient can hear at any time, Share your location using GPS

,Send a contact card,WhatsApp also supports several emojis, but for stickers, WhatsApp is

classified as minimalist, In WhatsApp, users can also set their own profile panels, consisting of

name, photo, status as well as several setting tools privacy to protect profile and also a help tool

for backing up messages, changing account numbers. (Zakiman & Chici Rahayu, 2018)

Whatsapp advantages as for the advantages of whatsapp as follows: Does not require

money To install the Whatsapp application on a smartphone and the fee is useless,Can deliver

messages, picture, video, audio and voice messages with ease, Can communicate with 257

people in one group, Phone numbers that have Whatsapp will be automatically connected

account without the need plus as acquaintances and waiting to be accepted like any other social

circuit,Small data usage compared to other applications. (Jumiatmoko, 2016)

2.5 Online learning

Online learning was first recognized for its influence from Development of electronic-

based learning (e-learning) introduced by Illinois University through a computer-based learning

system (Hardiayanto). Online learning is a system that can facilitate students to learn more

broadly, and in variety. Through the facilities provided by this system, students can study

anytime and anywhere without being limited by distance, space and time. The learning material

being studied is more varied, not only in verbal form, but also more varied such as visual,

audio, and motion. In general, online learning is very different from conventional learning.
Online learning places more emphasis on students' thoroughness and foresight in receiving and

managing information presented online. ( Hardiyanto,2002 )

According to Bonk Curtis J. implicitly stated in the Online Training in an Online World

survey that the concept of online learning is the same as e-learning. According to The Report of

the Commission on Technology and Adult Learning (2001) in Bonk Curtis J. (2002, p. 29)

defines e-learning as "instructional content or learning experiences delivered or enabled by

electronic technology”. Therefore, online learning requires students and teachers to

communicate interactively by utilizing information and communication technology, such as

computer media with the internet, telephone or fax, the use of this media depends on the

structure of the learning material and the types the type of communication required. Online

learning can be defined as "a large collection of computers in networks that are tied together so

that many users can share their vast resources' (Williams, 1999).

The definition of online learning includes aspects of hardware (infrastructure) in the

form of a set of computers that are interconnected with each other and have the ability to

transmit data, whether in the form of text, messages, graphics, or sound. With this ability online

learning can be interpreted as a computer network that is connected to other computer networks

throughout the world (Kitao, 1998).

However, the notion of online learning is not only related to hardware, but also includes

software in the form of data that is sent and stored, which can be accessed at any time. Multiple

computers can be interconnected with each other creating a sharing function which can be

simply referred to as network (networking). The sharing function created through the network

(networking) does not only include facilities that are very and often needed, such as printers or
modems, as well as those related to data. or specific application programs. Another

advancement related to online learning is that many computer terminals around the world are

connected to online learning, so that many people use online learning every day. ( Kenji

Kitao,1998 )

According to Hanum (2013: 92) online learning or e-learning is a form of model

learning that is facilitated and supported by the use of information and communication

technology. E- Learning can be defined as a form of information technology applied in the field

education in the form of cyberspace (Hanum, 2013: 92). Munir (in Hanum, 2013: 92) said that

the term e-learning is more appropriately intended as an effort to make a transformation of

existing learning in schools or colleges into a bridged digital form internet technology. Seok (in

Hanum, 2013: 93) states that "e-learning is a new form of pedagogy for learning in the 21th

century. The e-teacher is an e-learning instructional designer, facilitator of interaction, and

subject matter experts”. E-learning is an open source learning system, a learning system that

uses web applications that can be run and accessed with a web browser (Wulandari & Rahayu,

2010: 71). E-learning is an educational system using electronic applications to support teaching

and learning with computer network media others (Wulandari & Rahayu, 2010: 72).

Warkintin and Mulyadi (2019), explain that education is a system develop a broad

enough mission related to physical development, skills, thoughts, feelings, abilities, social to

rissues of trust or faith. So that whatever obstacles or barriers to education are still going well.

The obstacle in this case is the obstacle experienced by teachers in the midst of the Covid-19

condition, learning is carried out online and cannot be carried out face-to-face in class. This

condition requires teachers to innovate in the learning process, especially learning online (in the

network). The solution carried out during a pandemic is to find a solution using network-based
learning. Teachers are required to be innovative in using learning with an online model. This is

in line with the opinion that teachers only facilitate class libraries, modules, text books, and

supporting books, and most importantly internet access, as well as providing several computers

for students who do not bring laptops. ( Tjandra. D. S. 2020 )

2.6 Previous Related Studies

The first research from Andika Prajana (2017) the title of this research is "Utilizing

Whatsapp Applications In Media. Learning At Uin Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh "The purpose of this

research is to take advantage of applications that can be integrated through the WhatsApp

application as the main infrastructure for running the system for media e-learning. This research

was conducted to determine how the application of WhatsApp media as an online learning

medium. From this research it is concluded that WhatsApp can help the learning system

because of the easy access and setting up of several other aspects.

The second research, namely by Fatma Yuniarti (2020). The title of this research

"Analysis of Using Whatsapp To Enhance Students 'Learning of Advanced Listening Class

"The population of this study was conducted in English Department study program. The

population of the study were 32 female and 4 male students from 4st level who were studying

English Program. Who were studying advanced listening & Morphology course in the 4st

semester 2019-2020. from this research WhatsApp helped students to develop their listening

skills, this agree with Oxford and Cambrige TOEFL TEST finding as students learn from

audios and videos that are sent in the group add to that, what mates and instructor record and

The third research, was conduct by MARA Kedah University of Technology, (18)

"Students' Perception of WhatsApp as an Effective Medium for Enhancing Listening Skill in

Foreign Language Learning" WhatsApp for listening practices helps to overcome the time

constraints of traditional classroom environments. In addition, students can listen as much as

they like, anywhere, anytime.

The differences between my research and other studies are: (a) listening using audio. (b)

My research uses students at Raudlatut Tolibin High School and (c) my research focuses more

on students to listen and the existence of questions from the teacher here has a positive impact

on students who are more enthusiastic in learning to listen and students are more enthusiastic

about getting good grades. Meanwhile, other studies did not use a question and answer strategy

and this study did not answer listening using their language and students must use the language

spoken by native speakers



3.1 Type of Research

Research is defined as the application of a scientific approach to studying problems.

Therefore, research needs to be considered for answers related to the problem you want to

solve. In research must have a design to facilitate data analysis. Research design is a plan or

strategy for conducting research. Here researchers need reliable and useful information. To

find out what design is suitable for this research is required to look at the formulation of the

problem. The type of research used is descriptive research with approach to qualitative research

methods. Descriptive research is procedure research problem solving which is investigated by

describing or describing the state of the subject or object of research (a person, institution,

community, and others) at the present time based on apparent facts as is covering data

interpretation and data analysis. ( Hadari Nawawi,2002 )

The qualitative research can be obtained through interviews, observations, and

documentation that procedure abundant information about behavior, views, and mind. This

research focuses on the effort to students’ listening skills in class XI of MA Raudlatut Tolibin

by using Whatapps media in the teaching-learning, so the students can express their opinion

directly without nervous or shy to the other. This research implements in the form of

collaborative action research with the English teacher and the students of XI of MA Raudlatut

Tolibin to find out the problems and weaknesses of the teaching-learning listening process.
3.2 The Subject of The Research
The research involves the English teacher as the collaborator and the students at class XI

of MA Raudlatut Tolibin as the participants in the academic year of 2020/2021. There are 32

students in the class. Based on the observation and some interviews with the English teacher,

several students were active in teaching-learning English class events ought sometimes they did

not understand what the teacher talks about, but they were very enthusiastic in the classroom.

As the classroom teacher and English teacher at MA Raudlatut Tolibin, she recommended her

class because she can control the class as usual and the students were very helpful to help the

researcher get information.

3.3 Data Collecting Technique and Instrument of the Research

The data collection technique is the most important step because the main purpose of

this research is to obtain data. Without knowing the data collection techniques, researchers

cannot obtain the data and standards that are determined. According to Creswell, there are

several types of qualitative data collection, namely observation, interviews, documentation and

audio-visual. In this study, data collection was carried out by interviews and questioner.

1. Observation
The researcher used observation to collected data. The observation was used to

record the teacher and the students’ activities in the teaching-learning process when

using whatsapp in the online class. Ajayi (2017) emphasizes that observation is a

technique for collecting data and records of a phenomenon that occurs in nature related

to the cause and effect relationship. Before the researcher doing the observation, she has

been doing a preliminary study and asks permission from the headmaster of MA

Raudlatut Tolibin to conducted this study by using an online class via WhatsApp. Then,
the researcher met the English teacher and she gives permission to hold the study in her

class name is XI of MA Raudlatut Tolibin.

2. Interview
Guideline of the interview is used as a guide to interviewing to know the

students’ listening skills, the students’ problem on listening skill, methods, media, or

strategies usually used by the teacher in teaching listening and so on. By doing an

interview, the researcher supposes to get the teacher and students’ responses to the use

of Whatapps in online learning listening . The result of this instrument is a form of a

transcript. The researcher gives the interview guideline after teaching listening in an

online class, but before it, both students and the teacher finished the implementation

Whatapps media on listening learning. So, they understood all questions given by the

researcher. The researcher gave an interview guideline through document word to the

teacher and all students because the teacher said it very easy and did not take a lot of

time, then they answered and returned it to the researcher.

3. Documentation
Technique of collecting data by collecting and analyzing documentation, written,

pictorial, and electronic. Document study is a complement to the use of observation and

interview methods in qualitative research. The results of the research will be more

credible and trustworthy if they are supported by documents from the sources (Nana

Syaodih, 2013: 221). Documentation to be collected are in the form of documents

related to the research carried out.

3.4 Data and Sourch of Data

1. Data
Is an important tool in a study in the form of phenomena in the field. From the

data received, researchers will find out the result of their research and they must collect

data that is very relevant to the research problem. The data in this study are descriptive

qualitative data using qualitative data of the procedures or data analysis. Data in this

study will be obtained from conducting interviews with participants about how listening

strategies are used listening, difficulties when learning to listen, and solutions to

overcome these difficulties are supported by a questionnaire to obtain a widely used

listening learning strategy and documentations as a list of participant transcripts.

2. Sources of Data
Sources of data were the subject from which data can be collected for research

purposes. In this study, the researcher collected sources of data from interviewing and

observing. Then, for secondary data, the researcher uses websites, books, journal

articles, and so on.

3.5 Data Analysis Techniques

To analysis the data researcher used coding data, reducing data, presenting data, and

drawing data from Ary, Jacobs, & Sorensen (2010),

1. Coding the data

Coding data was the first step of the data analysis technique. In this study, the

researcher has been processed and prepared data for analysis. This step including interview

transcription, typing field data, sorting, and organizing data according to the type. This
analysis process was one of reducing databases to descriptions and themes of people,

places, or phenomena then labeling the code.

2. Reducing the data

In this data processing process, qualitative data collection is often carried out

simultaneous with data analysis. Therefore in the reduction of data, the important part will

be taken and the non-important data will be discarded. After that, the researcher prefers to

analyze the results of the data and focus on the data to be taken.

After doing automatic coding we will do reducing data where the researcher chooses data

that is important to be included in the data and data that is not important will be discarded or

not used by the researcher in data collections examples in reducing are important data that

have been analyzed and then entered into Chapter IV for more detail.

3. Presenting the data

The presenting data is the process to show the detailed information of the

observation. In this research, the researcher will describe the relationship between events

and objects. In qualitative reports, it will be presented by the delivery of thoughts, feelings

of objects, and experiences in their own words. After receiving data the researcher analyzes

the results of the data obtained. In presenting here the researcher presents the results using

their language. Where after getting the results of the reducing researchers, they will submit

all the data in Chapter IV that has been obtained in the online class research that has been

conducted by the researcher.

4. Conclusion / Verification Withdrawal.

Drawing conclusions regarding the researchers' interpretation, namely the

development of meaning from the data displayed. Conclusions that are still rigid are always
verified during the study, so that a conclusion can be obtained whose credibility and

objective are guaranteed.



This chapter intends to explain data analysis and research findings also describe the

results of this research. It is discussing the implementation of whatsapp in listening class and

the students response in teaching listening using whatsapp.

4.1 Research Finding

The research finding was divided into two types based on chapter 1, they were to

find the implementation of Whatsapp in teaching listening skill and to find the students

response of using whatsapp in teaching-learning English listening skill of MA Raudlatut

Tolibin especially second year or 11th grade IPA 1. In this research, the researcher was

taking a screenshot of the online class in WhatsApp to collect the data. In this part, the

researcher provided the data that have been collected from observation, interview and

quesioner during the research. The researcher explain in the following points:
4.1.1 The Implementation of Whatsapp in listening skill

So to find out the application of WhatsApp, researchers made observations to

observe the ongoing learning process. Starting from the teacher creating a special

WhatsApp group for one subject, namely English which was named "English of IPA

RA". To invite students, the teacher shares a link in the form of a link to all students

in the class. The next step is to make teaching materials and send them to students in

the form of files. The file contains the main material to be taught, class provisions

and teacher assessments of students.

Before the teacher enters the lesson, the teacher first greets and warms up. Then,

the teacher asks students to make a list of attendance lists with a time limit of 15

minutes. Next, the teacher starts the learning activity by sending screenshots of

questions and audio to answer the questions. The material to be studied is "listening

to a song" and completing the missing lyrics. The teacher explains that in answering

the students must focus on the question. After guessing the answer then listen to the

audio. The teacher gives 15 minutes to listen to the audio and all students have to

work, because at the end of the lesson the teacher will appoint students to answer the

This part started with sending
screenshots of questions and audio to
answer the questions. The material to be
studied is "listening to a song" and
completing the missing lyrics. The
teacher explains that in answering the
students must focus on the question.
After guessing the answer then listen to
the audio. The teacher gives 15 minutes
to listen to the audio and all students
have to work, because at the end of the
lesson the teacher will appoint students
to answer the question.
Then, the teacher asks if the students have finished working. Then, appoint the

student's name to answer the 6 questions. Students who don't know have to ask their

classmates and go back to listening to the audio given at the beginning. All students

can answer easily and also provide conclusions about the meaning in the song. Thus,

learning can be carried out effectively and in accordance with what the teacher

expects. Thus the media is one of the effective media for communicating and

learning and easy to use by teachers and students.

Then, the teacher asks if the

students have finished working.
Then, appoint the student's name
to answer the 6 questions

4.1.2 Student response of using Whatsapp in listening skill.

To know the students' responses, the researcher gave an interview to

them and it was explained in chapter 3. Based on the research finding, the

researcher chose all of students in an interview and as a result of students'

responses, the researcher found several responses of students based on the

interview the use of Whatsapp in listening skill. The students were given a

questionnaire to get their opinion about the experience of using WhatsApp as a

supplementary method, the questionnaire consists of five questions. Adopted by

previous study of Fatma Yuniati

The first question is above using WhatsApp can develop Listening Skills.

The above figure read that almost all of the students agreed that WhatsApp

helped them to think in English. The above figure read that most of the students

agreed that WhatsApp helped them to overcome .

The second question is about whether Whatsapp media is easy to

download and use via cellphones. The majority of the students in the above

figure, agreed that downloading the App of WhatsApp is easy and free.

The third question Do you like the application of Whatsapp media when

learning English listening skills. All off the students said that they liked listening

learning using WhatsApp because it made it easier for them to focus on each

other and not be disturbed by other friends. However, there are also those who

say that there are network problems when they have to learn to use WhatsApp

and cause students to miss lessons. This is in accordance with the constraints of

online learning that have been described in Chapters 1 and 2 by researchers

taken from journals (check chapters 1 and 2).

The fourth question is whether there is an increase in students' abilities

before and after using Whatsapp Media in English lessons? 60% of students
answered that there was an increase in their listening skills because the audio

that was sent could be played several times and could be understood individually

with efficient time and could be discussed with friends and teachers in the group.

However, 40% of them said there was no difference between learning using

WhatsApp and learning face-to-face.

And the last question is about what are the things that make it difficult

for you to learn English during the pandemic?The majority of students said that

learning during the pandemic was only hampered by signals and they could not

meet friends. For the delivery of materials and assignments, there are no

problems that make it more difficult for them to understand learning.

Researchers also conducted observation checklist to all off student to

know how students respond to when learning English especially listening skill

use WhatsApp as a main media. Observation checklist are given to students and

their can choose "Yes" or "No". Based on the questionnaire filled by the

students, the researcher could describe students response was varied and it was

described as follows.

Based on question number one, 78% of students in class answered that

they have fun and interest when learning English listening skill and 22%

answered that they did not enjoy it. So it can lock that more students agree and

enjoy. For students who answered that they were not happy when learning

listening skill it could be that they don't understand and difficult to remember

some vocabularry. And then, in the next question 96% of students answered that
Whatsapp is the effective media in teaching and learning listening skill. So here

it can be said that more students are helped to study when use this media.

Furthermore, in data number three, 75% of students answered that the

teacher can convey material well when using whatsapp media this is in line with

the results of student interviews which say that the way teachers teach using

whatsapp is almost the same as when learning in class directly.

Next, in data number four, all of students of students or we can know that

100% of them answered that they were very enthusiastic when studying. It can

be said that students' agree whatsapp are very useful to encourage students'

enthusiasm when learning.

In the last question, 80% answered that their do not find it difficult to

learn to use the media and 20% answered that they feel difficult. It can be said

that the media is flexible and easy to use by students so that their learning

process does not feel disturbed.

After doing the statistical procedure the results of the students

questionnaire were:

1. WhatsApp helped students to develop their listening skills, this agree with

Oxford and Cambrige TOEFL TEST finding as students learn from audios

and videos that are sent in the group add to that, what mates and instructor

record and send.

2. WhatsApp helped students to develop their advanced listen

3. WhatsAppis easy to download in students’ smart phone.

4. WhatsApp helped students to have easier contact their instructor than

other application

5. WhatsApp is not approved that it motivates students to learn English,

although the majority of students’ answers are with the statement.

After that, the researcher also give some question to know opinion or

response the teacher about the learning. Researcher give some interview via

whatsapp. It can be seen in the following dialogue. (see appendix 2)

1. The Whatsapp is an attractive medium for education.

It meant whatsapp can help the students to enhance their skill in English

and the teacher has a new media to teach them, especially in listening skill

because the whatsapp was a good media when student must study in online

learning so the students can replay the material at home.

Table 1.1: The Dialogue Showing Whatsapp Was an Attractive Media

Rs: Apakah Ibu pernah menggunakan media/metode/strategi tertentu

dalam mengajar listening?

ET: Iya saya menggunakan media whatsapp dalam pembelajaran online

dimasa pandemi ini

Rs: Apakah media/metode/strategi tersebut cocok dengan materi yang

diberikan dan kemampuan siswa?

ET: Ya semakin menarik media atau metode yang kita berikan akan

semakin membuat siswa/siswi tertarik. Karena semua siswa pasti

memiliki aplikasi whatsapp yang mereka gunakan untuk berkomunikasi

setiap harinya.

Rs: Menurut Ibu apakah media whatsapp merupakan media alternatif

dan efektif untuk mengajar listening?

ET: Iya, saya rasa media whatsapp bisa membuat siswa lebih mudah dalam

belajar, selain itu media tersebut juga mudah di akses oleh siswa dan

medianya juga mudah untuk digunakan dibandingkan dengan media



Rs: Researcher

ET: English Teacher

2. The Whatsapp is helping the students stay focused on the material.

It shows that Whatsapp was a helpful media to trained students’ focus on

the material

Table 1.2: The Dialogue Showing Whatsapp Helped Students Focus on

The Material

Rs: bagaimana respon siswa ketika belajar dengan menggunakan

media tersebut?

ET:siswa berani menjawab meskipun kurang tepat mungkin karena ereka

berda dirumah masing-masing sehingga tidak merasa malu selain itu

mereka terdorong untuk fokus masing-masing dan mempelajari beberapa

trik untuk menjawab

Rs: Adakah kekurangan dan kelebihan dalam pengaplikasian media

Whatsapp ketika dikelas?

ET: kalo kelebihannya banyak. Salah satunya media ini mudah digunakan

dan memperudah siswa sedangkan untuk kekurangannya mungkin karena

dideasa jadi terkadang siswa terkendala di jaringan. Namun, hal itu masih

bisa diatasi

4.2. Discussion
This section discussed the findings the implementation of whatsapp and students'

responses in teaching listening skills used WhatsApp in online learning at MA Raudlatut


4.2.1 Implementation of Whatsapp

Researchers found the application of whatsapp in teaching listening based on

observations in online classes. As a result, all students were very enthusiastic about the

material provided by the teacher. They answered questions correctly and quickly. So

that learning can be applied effectively. To get a conclusion from how the

implementation of the media in listening learning. The researcher analyzes some of the
data obtained based on observations and interviews and relates it to the theory that has

been explained in chapter II.

First, the data obtained are based on observations. According to the research

findings this part started with the teacher gives the paper containing incomplete lyrics to

the students and give an audio. The material is about sing a song. In this step, the

students listened to the audio repeatedly to understand and familiarize themselves with

what the native speaker said. After the students listened to the audio, they try to find

answers to the questions given by the teacher. In the last step the teacher asked the

students to answer the question related to the audio audio. All of student can discuss

with their friend or asked the teacher about their answer.

Students are very enthusiastic to learn and answer questions given by the

teacher. Learning also went well and without any problems. This is in accordance with

the results of the interview which stated that their problem was only in the network and

it could still be resolved. Not only that, the media used in learning has many advantages

such as sending files and so on. This is in accordance with the material described in

chapter II. In fact, Larasati said WhatsApp is an application to send messages to each

other instantaneously, and allows us to exchange pictures, videos, photos, voice

messages, and can be used for information sharing and discussion. So, they feel very

enjoy and flexible in learning.

Researchers also conducted interviews with teachers and asked about how to

teach teachers apart from using WhatsApp media, at first the teacher had used the Zoom

application in teaching. However, many students complain of unstable network

problems and the class is not conducive. This is what makes students sometimes less

enthusiastic when learning. Then the teacher uses an easy and flexible medium, namely

Whatsapp. There were a lot of student responses and they were also very interested as

evidenced by the number of students trying to answer the questions given by the


MARA Kedah University of Technology, (2018) Explains that Whatsapp media

can help students to make it easier for students in the learning process because it can be

anywhere and the application is not difficult to access. This is in line with the responses

of teachers and students to research conducted by researchers, where teachers are more

easy to use WhatsApp to keep learning effectively. Not only that, the teacher also said

that one of the ways teachers organize learning in the classroom is by asking students'

responses about the lessons delivered. In order to anticipate students leaving the forum

before the lesson ends. So, although learning is done online. However, teachers can still

maintain conductivity in the learning process.

From the results of observations, interviews, questionnaires and research results

from several researchers whose journals were taken as research reference material, it

can be concluded that whatsaap media can be implemented easily in helping students

accept online learning during the current pandemic.

4.2.2 Students Responses to Using Whatsapp in listening skill

The next discussion was about students' responses to using Whatsapp in listening

skill. From the research finding, the researcher used interview guidelines to know the

students’ response also the teacher opinion, and the result it was related in chapter 2.
The researcher found based on the teacher's opinion that WhatsApp media can make the

students more confident in listening skill, besides that the media were easy to use by the

students, the students becoming active also interested and motivated to learn English.

Kheyardi (2017) said that Whatsapp is one of the good media because of its

complete capacity and future and can also be accessed even though the signal is bad.

This is different from research conducted by researchers, because based on the results of

student interviews, one of the obstacles they use online media is an internet connection.

So, in the study it was found that students could not access learning well when the

internet connection was bad.

The researcher found the advantages of whatsapp through students’ responses

such as the aplication easy to use and download in their handphone, can study everytime

and conditional place, can focus and discuss with their friend, and give new media for

teachers to teach the students in online learning. This response supported by Andika

prajana ( 2017 ) that WhatsApp can help the learning system because of the easy access

and setting up of several other aspects.

Based on previous studies with research conducted by researchers, it can be

concluded that their research is equally successful when applied to students and can also

make it easier for teachers. The use of these media can help students to feel happy and

interested. Because listening is a skill that is difficult to understand and requires high

concentration to be able to understand it. Not only that, listening is also very important

to help someone in daily conversation and in social life. This is in line with the listening

comprehension proposed by Bress In Bano (2017).



After analyzing the data and discussing the results of the research findings to answer the

statement of the research from chapter I. This chapter closes with conclusions and suggestions

related to the acquisition of the research. The conclusion leads to the answer to the problem
questions formulated. As for suggestions to provide reviews as well as convenience for

subsequent research.

5.1 Conclusions
This research was obtained from observation and interview, but the meeting on online

learning because of the Covid-19 pandemic, so the researcher conducted the meeting via online.

Based on the research finding, teaching-learning listening skill in XI IPA at MA Raudlatut

Tolibin in the first semester of the 2021/2022 academic year. In this section, conclusions based

on the study show that the implementation of WhatsApp in teaching listening and students’

responses after using whatsApp in teaching listening skill. There were 4 main points of

students’ responses using whatsApp in the class such as the whatsApp was an attractive

medium for education, the whatsApp helped the students’ stay focused on the material, the

whatsApp easy to use and download on their handphone, and the whatsApp was a great

medium to help the students study the material in online learning. Based on chapter four the

researcher concludes:

Advantages of Using WhatsApp

a. WhatsApp was alternative to virtual classes that helps absent students to catch up.

b. It helps to facilitate students discussion, and helps students overcome their fear of using

the language.

c. It helps the students to develop their listening.

d. It helps student to more focused and less shy.

Disadvantages of Using WhatsApp

a. Students are not fixed to the agreed time, and they send messages in any time even if it

is late night.

b. Some students don’t participate in discussion.

c. Students’ attention can’t be assured, that not all students learn from the materials.

d. Some students just copy and paste.

e. Teacher must be always cautious and patient to control the group.

5.2 Suggestions
Based on the conclusions that have been presented, the researcher wants to suggest to:

1. For the teacher

The teacher should be able to control the group so they are more interested in

learning English. Remember the students are very enthusiastic when the teacher uses

fun media in the class. So, the teacher has several methods of teaching English

especially listening skill.

2. For the students

The students should be more confident when learning listening skill, even if they

do not understand or don't know the vocabulary. As long as they dare to convey the

ideas they have, they will be able to answer the question without shy to the teacher or

their friends. Even though the listening skill is difficult activities to master, but the

students should be focus and remember vocab because other things also support

listening skill that is sensitivity level in hearing and tricks in learning.

3. For the next researcher

Researchers have conducted online classroom research to find out the

implementation of WhatsApp media in listening learning. Researchers consider this

study to have many shortcomings, for example data collection that is less than optimal

so that the source of information obtained is less than optimal.


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Instruments of The Research


First (I) Sessions

Interview with the Teacher

No. Researcher Teacher

1. Apa yang Ibu pikirkan tentang siswa-siswa Ketika pembelajaran dikelas

ketika kegiatan belajar mengajar Bahasa siswa aktif. Hanya ada kendala

Inggris di kelas? dari sinyal

2. Apakah menurut Ibu para siswa menyukai Iya siswa antusias belajar

pelajaran Bahasa Inggris? bahasa inggris

3. Bagaimana dengan kemampuan listening Kemampuan siswa dikelas

siswa di kelas? hampir sama dengan skill yang

lain karena listening memang

lumayan sulit

4. Hal apa saja yang membuat siswa kesulitan Mungkin karena banyak

untuk mendengarkan dalam Bahasa Inggris? kosakata yang masih terasa

asing bagi mereka

5. Bagaimana respon mereka ketika belajar Respon mereka aktif dan

tentang pelajaran listening skill di kelas? tertarik meskipun ada beberapa

siswa yang kurang menyimak


6. Bagaimana cara Ibu mengajar pelajaran Menggunakan. Whatsapp

listening kepada siswa di masa pandemi?

7. Apa kendala Ibu dalam mengajar listening Kendalanya hanya dijaringan

secara online? dan tidak bisa berkomunikasi

secara langsung

8. Bagaimana Ibu mengatasi masalah-masalah Sebenarnya itu bukan hal yang

tersebut? sulit bagi mereka dan masih

bisa di atasi

9. Apakah Ibu pernah menggunakan Saya menggunakan media

media/metode/strategi tertentu dalam Whatsaap untuk

mengajar listening? mempermudah mereka dalam

belajar dimasa pandemi ini

10. Media/metode/strategi seperti apa yang Ibu Media Whatsapp

gunakan untuk mengimplementasikan

aktivitas tersebut?

11. Apakah media/metode/strategi tersebut Ya, semakin menarik media

cocok dengan materi yang diberikan dan atau metode yang kita berikan

kemampuan siswa? akan semakin membuat

siswa/siswi tertarik. Karena

semua siswa pasti memiliki

aplikasi WhatsApp yang

mereka gunakan untuk

berkomunikasi setiap harinya.

12. Bagaimanakah respon siswa ketika belajar Siswa berani menjawab

dengan menggunakan Media tersebut? meskipun kurang tepat

mungkin karena mereka berada

dirumah masing-masing

sehingga tidak merasa malu dan

fokus belajar masing-masing

13. Menurut Ibu apakah Media Whatsapp Iya, saya rasa media Whatsapp

merupakan media alternatif dan efektif bisa membuat siswa lebih

untuk mengajar listening? mudah dalam belajar, selain itu

media tersebut juga mudah di

akses oleh siswa dan mudah


14. Adakah kekurang dan kelebihan dalam Kalau kelebihannya banyak,

pengaplikasian media Whatsapp ketika di salah satunya mudah

kelas? digunakan. Untuk kekurangan

mungkin hanya kendala

jaringan dan itu masih bisa


15. Bagaimana cara Ibu mengevaluasi hasil Dengan cara menanyakan

kerja siswa? kembali mereka sudah paham

atau tidak tentang materi

Instrument Penelitian

Observation cheklist

Respondent : 32

Day/date/year : 08 june 2021

Place : MA Raudlatut Tolibin

No Question Answer Total

Yes No
1 Apakah kamu senang belajar listening? 25 7 32

2 Apakah Whatsaap merupakan media yang 30 2 32

efektif dalam pembelajaran?

3 Apakah guru bisa menyampaikan materi 24 8 32

dengan baik ketika menggunakan

4 Apakah Media Whatsapp membuatmu lebih 32 0 32

antusias dalam belajar?

5 Apakah ada kesulitan dalam belajar secara 6 26 32

online menggunakan media tersebut?

Instruments of The Research


Second (II) Session

Interview with the students

Nama : nur Mala sari

No. Researcher Students

1. Apakah Anda menyukai pelajaran Bahasa Iya menyukai


2. Hal apakah yang membuat Anda kesulitan Semua pelajaran sulit karena

dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris selama tidak tatap muka

pandemi ?

3. Bagaimana cara Anda untuk mengatasi Dengan tetap menyimak

masalah tersebut? meskipun guru menjelaskan

jarak jauh

4. Apakah menggunakan WhatsApp bisa Bisa, karena bisa diputar

mengembangkan Keterampilan berulang2


5. Apakah menggunakan WhatsApp membantu Tidak terlalu membantu

untuk memperkaya kosa kata?

6. Apakah media Whatsapp mudah di download Sangat mudah karena

dan digunakan melalui handphone ? memang sudah digunakan

meskipun tidak dalam


Apakah Anda menyukai penerapan media Iya, saya menyukai

Whatsapp ketika belajar bahasa Inggris skill


7. Bagaimana pendapat Anda tentang cara Sanagat efisien dan lebih

mengajar guru dalam pelajaran Bahasa mudah digunakan daripada

Inggris di kelas menggunakan media aplikasi yang lain


8. Menurut Anda, apakah kemampuan Anda Iya, lebih bisa menjawab

ada peningkatan sebelum dan sesudah karena bisa fokus menyimak

menggunakan Media Whatsapp dalam dan tidak diganggu oleh

pelajaran Bahasa Inggris? teman yang lain

Instruments of The Research


Second (II) Session

Interview with the students

Nama : Amiruddin

No. Researcher Students

1. Apakah Anda menyukai pelajaran Bahasa Tidak


2. Hal apakah yang membuat Anda kesulitan Tidak paham bahasanya

dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris selama

pandemi ?

3. Bagaimana cara Anda untuk mengatasi Bertanya pada teman sekelas

masalah tersebut?

4. Apakah menggunakan WhatsApp bisa Tidak

mengembangkan Keterampilan


5. Apakah menggunakan WhatsApp membantu Tidak

untuk memperkaya kosa kata?

6. Apakah media Whatsapp mudah di download Iya mudah

dan digunakan melalui handphone ?

Apakah Anda menyukai penerapan media Suka, tidak perlu ke sekolah

Whatsapp ketika belajar bahasa Inggris skill


7. Bagaimana pendapat Anda tentang cara Sama dengan saat ngajar

mengajar guru dalam pelajaran Bahasa dikelas

Inggris di kelas menggunakan media


8. Menurut Anda, apakah kemampuan Anda Tidak ada

ada peningkatan sebelum dan sesudah

menggunakan Media Whatsapp dalam

pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

Instruments of The Research


Second (II) Session

Interview with the students

Nama : Kholil

No. Researcher Students

1. Apakah Anda menyukai pelajaran Bahasa Iya


2. Hal apakah yang membuat Anda kesulitan Tidak ada

dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris selama

pandemi ?

3. Bagaimana cara Anda untuk mengatasi Dengan cara belajar

masalah tersebut?

4. Apakah menggunakan WhatsApp bisa Lumayan bisa

mengembangkan Keterampilan


5. Apakah menggunakan WhatsApp membantu Bisa karena kalo lupa bisa

untuk memperkaya kosa kata? liat lagi di group

6. Apakah media Whatsapp mudah di download Mudah, saya sudah lama

dan digunakan melalui handphone ? menggunakan Whatsapp

Apakah Anda menyukai penerapan media Saya suka karena tidak ribet

Whatsapp ketika belajar bahasa Inggris skill


7. Bagaimana pendapat Anda tentang cara Penjelasannya detail dan

mengajar guru dalam pelajaran Bahasa sabar

Inggris di kelas menggunakan media


8. Menurut Anda, apakah kemampuan Anda Ada

ada peningkatan sebelum dan sesudah

menggunakan Media Whatsapp dalam

pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

Instruments of The Research


Second (II) Session

Interview with the students

Nama : Kamelia mumaizah

No. Researcher Students

1. Apakah Anda menyukai pelajaran Bahasa Iya saya suka bahasa inggris


2. Hal apakah yang membuat Anda kesulitan Mengingat grammar

dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris selama

pandemi ?

3. Bagaimana cara Anda untuk mengatasi Mengulas Kembali

masalah tersebut? pelajarannya agar bisa ingat

dan sering praktek

4. Apakah menggunakan WhatsApp bisa Sangat bisa, saya bisa

mengembangkan Keterampilan mendengarkan kapanpun

Mendengarkan? kadang juga bisa di ulang

dan dilanjut

5. Apakah menggunakan WhatsApp membantu Iya, dibanding belajar dikelas

untuk memperkaya kosa kata? saya lebih suka belajar lewat

aplikasi seperti itu

6. Apakah media Whatsapp mudah di download Sangat mudah, saya rasa

dan digunakan melalui handphone ? semua orang bisa

menggunakan Whatsaap

meskipun anak kecil

Apakah Anda menyukai penerapan media Suka, dulu pernah

Whatsapp ketika belajar bahasa Inggris skill menggunakan google meet

listening? tapi saya malah ketinggalan

karena sinyal

7. Bagaimana pendapat Anda tentang cara Cara mengajarnya hampir

mengajar guru dalam pelajaran Bahasa sama dengan saat dikelas

Inggris di kelas menggunakan media cuma yang bikin beda cara

tersebut? ibu membuat teman2 tetap

mengikuti pelajaran sampai

8. Menurut Anda, apakah kemampuan Anda Tentu saja banyak. Karena

ada peningkatan sebelum dan sesudah saya lebih percaya diri untuk

menggunakan Media Whatsapp dalam menjawab dan bisa lebih

pelajaran Bahasa Inggris? fokus dalam mendengarkan

Instruments of The Research


Second (II) Session

Interview with the students

Nama : Ikromatus sakdiyah

No. Researcher Students

1. Apakah Anda menyukai pelajaran Bahasa Iya saya suka bahasa inggris


2. Hal apakah yang membuat Anda kesulitan Karena saya suka bahasa

dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris selama Inggris jadi semuanya

pandemi ? dibawa santai

3. Bagaimana cara Anda untuk mengatasi Sering praktek dan aktif

masalah tersebut? dalam pelajaran agar bisa

ingat dengan sendirinya

4. Apakah menggunakan WhatsApp bisa Sangat bisa, saya bisa

mengembangkan Keterampilan mendengarkan kapanpun

Mendengarkan? kadang juga bisa di ulang

dan dilanjut

5. Apakah menggunakan WhatsApp membantu Iya, namun saya lebih suka

untuk memperkaya kosa kata? belajar tatap muka

6. Apakah media Whatsapp mudah di download Sangat mudah

dan digunakan melalui handphone ?

Apakah Anda menyukai penerapan media Suka, karena tidak perlu

Whatsapp ketika belajar bahasa Inggris skill belajar medianya. Kadang

listening? saat pembelajaran kita masih

kesulitan dimedianya jadi

belajarnya agak lama

7. Bagaimana pendapat Anda tentang cara Cara mengajarnya hampir

mengajar guru dalam pelajaran Bahasa sama dengan saat dikelas.

Inggris di kelas menggunakan media


8. Menurut Anda, apakah kemampuan Anda Iya saya jadi lebih aktif

ada peningkatan sebelum dan sesudah dikelas

menggunakan Media Whatsapp dalam

pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

Instruments of The Research

Second (II) Session

Interview with the students

Nama : Moh Gufron

No. Researcher Students

1. Apakah Anda menyukai pelajaran Bahasa Iya


2. Hal apakah yang membuat Anda kesulitan Vocabulary

dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris selama

pandemi ?

3. Bagaimana cara Anda untuk mengatasi Bertanya pada teman

masalah tersebut?

4. Apakah menggunakan WhatsApp bisa Bisa

mengembangkan Keterampilan


5. Apakah menggunakan WhatsApp membantu Saya lebih suka belajar

untuk memperkaya kosa kata? disekolah

6. Apakah media Whatsapp mudah di download Sangat mudah, saya rasa

dan digunakan melalui handphone ? semua orang bisa.

Apakah Anda menyukai penerapan media Suka, karena mudah

Whatsapp ketika belajar bahasa Inggris skill


7. Bagaimana pendapat Anda tentang cara Cara mengajarnya hampir

mengajar guru dalam pelajaran Bahasa sama dengan saat dikelas.

Inggris di kelas menggunakan media


8. Menurut Anda, apakah kemampuan Anda Hampir tidak ada

ada peningkatan sebelum dan sesudah

menggunakan Media Whatsapp dalam

pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

Instruments of The Research


Second (II) Session

Interview with the students

Nama : faradila

No. Researcher Students

1. Apakah Anda menyukai pelajaran Bahasa Iya


2. Hal apakah yang membuat Anda kesulitan Karena tidak tau bahasa

dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris selama Inggris jadi saat tidak

pandemi ? dijelaskan langsung terasa

lebih sulit

3. Bagaimana cara Anda untuk mengatasi Dengan banyak bertanya

masalah tersebut? kepada teman atau guru

4. Apakah menggunakan WhatsApp bisa Iya bisa

mengembangkan Keterampilan


5. Apakah menggunakan WhatsApp membantu Bisa, karena diakhir

untuk memperkaya kosa kata? pembelajaran guru meminta

kita mencatat kosakata yang


6. Apakah media Whatsapp mudah di download Mudah, saya sudah lama

dan digunakan melalui handphone ? menggunakan Whatsapp

Apakah Anda menyukai penerapan media Saya suka karena kalo pakek

Whatsapp ketika belajar bahasa Inggris skill aplikasi lain kadang tidak

listening? ada sinyal

7. Bagaimana pendapat Anda tentang cara Hampir sama dengan saat

mengajar guru dalam pelajaran Bahasa mengajar dikelas offline

Inggris di kelas menggunakan media


8. Menurut Anda, apakah kemampuan Anda Tidak ada

ada peningkatan sebelum dan sesudah

menggunakan Media Whatsapp dalam

pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

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