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Answer Sheet to the CQ Honey

Name :Aprilia Dwi Lestari

NIM :202011008
Date : March 17, 2022
Class / Sem : D3 Sem 4 STIKes Panti Rapih, Yogyakarta
Write your answer on the respectice part! Then send it to no later than 11.59 p.m. today.

NO A (T or F) B (a or b) C (1)
1 T B The Koran mentions honey
2 T B Herodotus and Euripides and others talked about honey.
3 F A honey has a very ancient and important place in human history.
4 F A
5 T B
11.59 p.m. today.

C (2)
It is possible to use honey as an antibiotic.
A British doctor used honey to treat a patient’s wounds after an operation.
C (3) D E
This poison is white prehistoric Dessert
most people have it in the kitchen precook Probably
it isn’t salt. preheat Fattening
prejugde Sweet

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