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Great Books

Listen to the rendition of "Lost in the Stars" and write an analysis of the song by relating its lyrics
and melody to any of the characters, events or situations described in the excerpt of "Cry the
Beloved Country."

Upon listening to the song “Lost in the Stars”, I can relate that song to Stephen
Kumalo, because the song is about a group of star that has been separated due to one
star that fall in the hands of God and after that God promise to watch over and take
special care to every star so that even when the stars go dim they should never be
worried as long as God is watching over them. Relating to kumalo, he searched for his
son, sister, and brother in the village of Johannsburg to reunite with them, but as the
time he finds every member of her family he finds out that they have lived in that village
with a different life. He discovers more about his family as he continues searching for
them. But, after discovering more about his family the disappointment his feeling was
change and he forgives them. After searching for his son he reached the shanty town
and there he finds out that his son killed a white man. His son is sentenced to death and
at the end he died. But, like in the song even one star fell alone there is still hope that
there are more stars that can be saved because God watches over them. And kumalo
also hopes that the tribe and villagers will be saved because there are people like
James Jarvis a white man that can help them.

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