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Business Communication – MGMT 212

What do the following gestures stand for?

1. Leaning forward
2. Leaning backward
3. Tilting head
4. Stroking nose, rapid blinking
5. Yawning, cupping chin in hands
6. Mouth guard
7. Continued straight gaze, no head movement
8. Looking over spectacles, narrowing eyes
9. Shifting position continually, avoiding eye
10. Sidelong glance
11. Rubbing the eye and looking away
12. One hand on back of neck
13. Drumming fingers, tapping foot
14. Glasses removed and put down
15. Leaning back with both hands supporting
the head
16. Palm placed on the back of the neck
17. Removing spectacles deliberately, and
carefully cleaning the lens
18. Arms closed over the chest
19. Sitting on the edge of the chair
20. Straddling the chair, using the back of the
chair as a shield while sitting

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