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“Don’t Look Up” is a Netflix film in which Adam McKay, the author, presents a satire of

government, political, and media indifference to the climate crisis, according to Wikipedia. The film
depicts a pair of astronomers who attempt to warn an unsuspecting audience that a comet is on its way
to fall onto the planet Earth but the people didn’t believe it. And so, they have failed their mission to
save the planet. This movie is very inspiring and strikingly similar to what we are going through right
now. It is an exaggeration of today’s world and it’s obsession with wealth. It was heartbreaking
commentary on how they handle climate change, capitalist collapse, societal divide, and even pandemic.
It really brings up an important issue.

In movie, the president is about to lose the midterm election because she got caught on doing
something bad. So it’s an advantage to her to act on the comet. Later on, they abort the mission in
saving the planet. Instead, they will let the comet crash the Earth to mine rare minerals from it and to
make the rich people even richer. All they think about is money. The wealth that they can extract from

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