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Social media is addicting and people are often unaware that they are addicted.

In the Philippines,
there’s an estimated 41 million people who use social media (, 2018) and the leading
country in social media usage, predicted to grow on the following years. (, 2018).
According to Miguel Camos (2018) the average use of Filipinos in social media is about 3 hours
and 57 minutes to be exact, a day mainly browsing on facebook and 9 ½ hours a day on the
internet, viewing the stories of others in instagram, stories in messenger, commenting and
sharing tweets on twitter, watching videos on youtube. These are a portion of the social media
applications that disrupt our day, rather than spending time with our loved ones.

To the individual family members, to limit the usage of social media for them to make time for
their family. To the families, to control the hours spending on using social media. Giving time
for the interaction with each other. To the community, to be aware and give a solution or
program to prevent a sudden loss of relationship between the children and their parent on the
community. Social media users need to figure out how to control their utilization and become
more mindful of the harmful consequences being a social media addict.

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