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Descripton ini dibuat untuk Memenuhi Tugas Mata Kuliah Keperawatan

Bahasa Inggris yang Diampuh oleh Bapak Bambang Abdul Syukur M.Pd

Di Susun Oleh :

Nika Hartanti





My Favorite Book
I have a book that I bought last year. The book is a novel entitled The Story of An Idiot. I love
the book because when I read it I get not only knowledge but also entertainment.

Unfortunately I have lost this book. I think I lost it at Palembang Airport. It was hard to find the
book because I never found it in a bookstore. I got it at the Gramedia Bookstore, Palembang.

The cover color is predominantly red. The cover image is of a young man in a black jacket
walking over a bridge.

On the first page of the book, I wrote the name and address of my school. I also drew simple
love in the corner of the first page. I always do the same for all of my books because I hope
that if I lose mine, someone who finds it will return it to me.

The book is written in English. The author of the book is Joseph J. Joseph. A strange but cool
name for a novelist.

The total pages of the book are 125 pages divided into 6 sections. On the back cover is actually
a brief summary of the book, but I changed it by pasting a flower image on it.

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