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Name: Maenalyn Abdon Code: 9085

In conclusion, the idea of selflessness is emphasized in this song. It motivates us to

assist those who are less fortunate while also working to make society a safer place for future

generations. Sexual exploitation and abuse, violence, hatred for one another, and other

concerns are currently inflicting chaos on the world, but if we care enough about others around

us, we can make a real contribution in our own lives and the lives of future generations.

Personally, I am not a huge fan of Michael Jackson's music, but this song has a message that

resonates with me, and it has quickly become one of my favorites. Moreover, this song

essentially states that we must make the world a better place for children because they are the

future. The fact that Michael founded the Heal the World Foundation to help children and other

causes shortly after this song makes it look like it's all about helping children. Furthermore, the

lyrics of the song really expressed that you should help people in general to start making the

world a better place. Only true love has the power to transform the world. A flower has greater

power than a weapon and has the ability to influence people's views. Changes in one's mind can

have an impact on the rest of the world.

Discuss in one paragraph (4-5 sentences) "what is the message of the song “?

This song is about peace and equality. The message is that we should treat each other

with respect and prevent discrimination, as well as having sympathy for those who are less

fortunate in the world, particularly those who are in danger or live in poverty. All battles must be

ended in order for the world to become a peaceful place where love, not hatred, is promoted.

Everyone has the capacity to change the world, regardless of who you are or what you do. Allow

our hearts or love to overflow with compassion for those who are less fortunate. Do not

discriminate one another and let’s do our best to make the world a more pleasant, secure place

to live and to make life a more enjoyable experience for everyone.

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