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Name: Maenalyn Abdon Code: 9085

Activity 1.
1. Since we ran out of gas, we had to go to the nearest gasoline station.
2. Since rotational brownout happens in the city, my mother does not buy ice cream
3. The weather forecast called for a rain, so he brought his raincoat.
4. Because our place is already in Alert Level 1 status, children are allowed in the malls.
5. As the fire swallowed hundred houses, several families had to find another place to live.
6. Gian closed the deal with a multinational company, so he was promoted
7. I forgot to set my alarm, so I was late for work.
8. The pizza was buy 1 take 2, so we ran out of cash.
9. since I spilled the soup on it, I had to mop the floor
10. Because my older sister helped me with my projects, I was able to submit my projects
before the deadline.

Activity 2.

1. He failed the national achievement test because he is too lazy to study.

2. The rain was coming. Therefore, the event was cancelled.
3. Carla got the virus. Therefore, she was quarantined.
4. She was tardy ten times a month. As a consequence, she was suspended.
5. They did not catch the train. As a result, they missed the flight.
6. He worked so hard for the past 20 years as an OFW. As a result, he owned a vast land.
7. We left the office very late. As a consequence, we missed the bus.
8. His parents were confined in the hospital for several weeks already. Thus, he felt very
9. The visitors arrived a day before the event. As a result, the organizer was so stressed.
10. I did not complain about the incident to the police. In turn, the police did not act on it.

Activity 3.

a. Less interaction between classmates and teachers which lessens their passion
for the lessons.
b. Students have to sit in front of the screen for how many hours.
c. The feeling of studying face-to-face is much better and more fun.

a. It is fun and exciting.
b. You can play it with your friends even if you are far from each other.
c. Everyone can play video games even adults, children, and of course teenagers.

a. Sometimes it is because of free shipping.
b. Unlike the mall, the online shop is lower priced.
c. There are vouchers in online shop which lessen then prices.
a. There are so many toxic people in social media.
b. You don’t have privacy.
c. Lots of fake news.
a. Overeating
b. Not exercising
c. Stress eating

Activity 4.

a. They are more likely to experience health problems.
b. Children will not be educated.
c. Financial problem.
a. Addicted to mobile games.
b. Cyberbullying.
c. Distraction in studying.
a. Eyestrain.
b. Headaches.
c. Blurred eyes, neck or backache.
a. Enhances teacher’s satisfaction.
b. Increased child success.
c. Lower dropout.
a. Teenagers will feel more connected with their friends.
b. They can form new friendships.
c. They can find support whenever they need it.
Performance task 1.

Dating at Young Age

Love cannot be defined, it is a word that everyone wants to have, even young children
and teenagers are not exempted in love. Everyone deserve to experience dating, however there
is limit and the consequence it has to your future is something that you can’t overcome alone.
Dating at a young age has positive and negative effect since you are growing as a person that is
worth to be love, but one thing for sure is that you should never experience it at a young age
because you don’t know what you’re doing. Dating at a young age is not real love, it is what we
call “puppy love” since your mind is undeveloped and unmatured. The power of love is great
since it can inspire you to continue and fight for your dreams, but the consequence it has is
something you cannot fight alone even your parents cannot help you with this. Children or
teenager nowadays are prone in getting trouble in the aspect of love since they don’t know that
dating at a young age is risky and the impact it has to your future is heavy.
There are so many cause and effect of dating at young age. Let us start with the cause
of dating at young age, first is, the lack of parents’ guidance, this is one of the causes why
children nowadays are dating and is not thinking of their future, of course the reason is that their
parents didn’t guide them on what is right and wrong, they neglected the effect of dating and
they tolerated the action of their children, the outcome of dating at a young age is not easy to
solve. However, it all depends on the children on how they handle their relationship which
makes me think that it is not that bad dating at a young age but you should take responsibility
and think of your future. The second cause of dating at a young age is, the curiosity on dating,
based on my experience I am curious about dating and I of course want to experience it but the
thing is I don’t have the guts unlike others they are dating not because they love that person but
the reason is they are curious about dating and at the end the relationship won’t work and you
might not want to do it again. This causes are the reason why children at young age is dating
without thinking of the effect or the consequence it has to their future. Now the effects of dating
at a young age, first is the number one issue we have right now is teenage pregnancy, this
effect has a serious effect to your future and it is one of the problems that even your parents
cannot solve in a moment which is not a good thing, not just for you but to your parents who
sacrifice everything just for you to go to school and study. The second effect of dating at young
age is, low academic achievement, since you are dating and you are distracted by this what we
call “puppy love” you can’t focus on your study and of course your future will be ruined, which is
why dating is not a good thing unless you know what you are doing and you are thinking of your
In conclusion, dating at a young age has a positive and negative effect, however the
negative effect is heavy that makes me think you should study first and get job and of course
after that, you can date anyone since you are old enough and you can handle all the problems.
Moreover, you have your own choice, it all depends on you on how you handle things especially
in dating you can think of dating as inspiration and you can accomplish all your dreams together
with you partner. Lastly, I want to leave this quote by Dr. Jose Rizal “Kabataan ang pag-asa ng
bayan”. We should think of our future as part of our life because our parents work hard and has
sacrifice a lot for us to have a better life and future.

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