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ASA Pain reliever, 325mg-650mg PO

antiplatelets agents q4h-q6h/ PRN
Diclofenac RA, OA 50 mg PO q8H-12H
Ibuprofen Pain,Fever, OA, 200-400 mg PO q4H- Avoid in hepatic
Inflammatory disease 6h impairment.
Adjust dosage or
reduce dosage for
patient with impaired
renal function.
Monitor GI risks.
Increase risks of serios
thrombotic events, MI
and stroke. (All
Mefenamic Acid Acute 500 mg PO once, then Same as above
Pain/Dysmenorhhea 250 mg PO q6H PRN
(not more than 7 days
for acute pain and 3
days for
Indomethacin RA, GA 25-50 mg PO q8h- Same as above
Q12H, not exceed
than 200 mg/day.
Paracetamol Pain 500 mg PO daily or Monitor LFT.
more, not more than 4 Caution use in G6PD
g/day. For hepatic deficiency patient.
impairment, not more
than 2g/day.
Opoid analgesics
Tramadol Pain 50-100mg PO q4h-
q6h/PRN, not more
than 400 mg/day
Dihydrocodeine Pain
Morphine Pain
Allopurinol Xanthine oxidase 100mg/day initially, Hypersensitivity.
inhibitors, antigout. increase to 200-300
Indomethacin Same
Colchicine Uricosuric agents Treatment of acute Renal impairment and
gout flare: 1.2 mg PO hepatic impairment
at first sign, then 0.6 does not need dosage
mg after 1 hour, not adjustment, monitor
exceed than 1.8 mg in patients for adverse
1 Hour period. effects.
Prophylaxis: 0.6 mg
PO once daily, not
exceed than 1.2
Azathioprine RA 1mg/kg/day, and Hypersensitivity,
increase by 0.5 monitor LFT.
mg/kg/day every 4
weeks, but not exceed
than 2.5 mg/kg/day
Hydroxychloroquine RA, Malaria Malaria: 800 mg PO,
then 400 mg 6-8 hours
Prophylaxis: 400 mg
PO weekly.

RA: 400-600 mg PO
daily for 4 to 12
weeks, 200 to 400 mg
Methotrexate RA, antineoplastic, 7.5 mg PO as weekly Black box warnings.
immunosuppresant dose. Infection
Sulfasalazine RA, inadequate Enteric coated 2-3
response or g/day divided into 4
intolerance to doses, after meals.
salicyclate or NSAIDS. May start with 0.5-1
Leflunomide Immunosuprresant 100 mg PO/day for 3 Severe infection
days then 10-20 Severe hepatic injury.
mg/day Do not use if Liver
enzymes has
exceeded more than 2
times the upper
normal limits.
Penicillamine Chelators metal 125-250 mg/day/PO Penicillin allergy
poisoning (initial). Renal insufficiency
Maintenance: 125-250 which less than 50
mg/day for 1 -3 ml/min

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