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End Term Examination-2020

Semester: UG III
Subject: Sociotogy I (General principles ofsociology)
Time- Three Hours
I. Attempt any five questions.
2. All questions carries equal marks.
J. The .Answer script is to be uploaded on
4. The Answer script is either typed (MS Word, Times New Roman,
Font size 12 with
Spacing 1.5) or in their own handwriting on plain paper and upload
sformat file. it in the pDF

(Ql) Read the following statement:

'Although functionalism and Marxism provide very different
perspectives on society, they have
a number of factors in common,. what are
interactiopism? How do these different.sociorogi; il;; r.n,,
more comprehensive picture of any sociologicai
;;rp";tr* courd be .o,,ti.Jio f.o"ia" u
Explain with t'e hdp;?".";"p];
(Q2) A sociologist studies 'teen suicide' in
upper middle crass households. She hypothesizes
that the 'number of working parents is positivery related
to probabirity of teen suicide,. She
suspects that amount of parental superviiion,nuy
b" - intervining variable. r."fu." u a*rt or
'questionnaire' for the field research in th" ulorr"
what are the advantages and
disadvantages ofthis research method? Do you think "oni"*t.
thai ii is an rpp.opriute research tool in this
context? Justify your answer with appropriate explanations. (Marks_20)
(Q3)'Family as an institution evolved- in the society
and concept of private property is one of
essential reason for such evolution'. Ho_r1 do socioiogists justify
this .easoni'ngi wi,ui *. ,rr"
other primary objectives that contributed in the evoluion
dr famity as an institlutioni
the new forms and modifications in the structure and frnctions - wt* -"
"r -^'--' ".".g.a i,
contemporary societies? How regislation does prayed
a role in such .r,urg"rr

(Q4) The following are the certain activities

ofa household; classify them according to activities
performed by males and females in your house:
Earning livelihood, decision making rerated to household
expenditure, cooking, washing,
looking after children, going to markel and purchu.inj
oi goods for house .
there is disparitv
in the nature of work perfbrmed by males and femares?
?:ry lllll ll't .anv
uoes soclallzallon play an important role in the distribution and decision m;king in the house?
what stage does child reqrn 'gender role segregation' At
in the society? Discuss with the herp of
'theory of socialization' in the context of gender socialization which may be the best explanation
ofthe above description. ( Marks-2O)

(Q5) 'stratification is a process ofpresence of ranking of individual and social groups one above
another usually in terms ofthe amount ofpower , prestige and wealth they posses'.
How does 'differentiation' institutionalized 'social inequality and stratification' in the society'?
How open and closed system of stratification provides the opportunity of social mobility in the
society? Discuss in the context of basic arguments provided by functionalist and conflict
perspecti,ies. ( Marks-20)

Q6) 'Sociological school ofthought differs from early biological & psychological school on the
topic of'causes of crime'. How? Explain. In this context also discusi that whither an individual
responsible for the crime committed? Dpes source of deviance and crime inherent in the very
nature of society? How do functionalist and interactionist school of thought differ in their
approach that causes of deviance are inherent in society? Justiff your answer with appropriate
examples and arguments. (Marks-20)


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