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Truth is not subservient to democracy or human rights or public

Truth is impervious to nuclear weapons and cyberweapons.
Constitutions and laws can't touch it.
Threats and intimidation can't move it.
Individuals can't mould it.
Truth stands eternally, unchanging.

Truth is not a narrative

It is not a paradigm
You can't spin it
You can't bend it
Truth is impervious to politics
It's not a school of thought
It doesn't honour club memberships or brotherhoods
Truth is immune to philosophy
It is far above academic discourse
It's not tradition
It is not culture
It can't be broken
It can't be repainted or reshaped
It can't be won over
Truth penetrates everything
Truth stands apart from the affairs of earth

Truth resists dilution
Truth can't be gagged
Truth is brighter than the sun
It's gravity can crush a neutron star
It slices through bondage
It shines brightly in the dim inner recesses of mind
It penetrates the cores of stars and planets
It unravels the intrigues of men
Truth frustrates iniquity
It annihilates wickedness
It bares sin
Truth towers over evil
Time stands in awe of Truth
Galaxies bow down to Truth
Truth knows all
It can assemble and disassemble everything in the universe
Truth is, was and will be
Truth cannot be restrained by geography or by walls of stone nor
by cages of steel
It does not honour the kingdoms of this earth.
Truth is never politically correct
It does not observe the etiquette of earthly palaces nor the
protocols of Man
Truth cannot be domesticated
It cannot be restrained or chained nor tamed

It is not amenable to genetic engineering or natural selection
It can't be ensnared by human intellect
Truth will never bow down to mortals
It cannot be priced and traded for gold or silver
Truth does not allow itself to be ignored, it demands ATTENTION
Truth does not need to shout or repeat itself
Truth has never been known to relent or repent
Truth is unwavering, untouched by storms and hurricanes,
unshaken by tornadoes and by earthquakes
It's not rattled by gravity waves
No blanket is expansive enough to cover Truth
No code is sophisticated enough to obfuscate it
Truth can't be disguised or buried six feet under for ever. It finds
a way to emerge into the open and announce its presence.
It can't be traded
It can't be hired nor contracted
Truth cannot be confounded by eloquence or charisma
It rubbishes social status
It nullifies flattery
Truth is indefatigable, tireless
TRUTH is unassailable.

Jason M Githeko
27th September 2020
Nakuru, Kenya

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