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Cyber Law Report

Muhammad Syadad bin Nor Azman


Week1 Presentations

1st Group

I really enjoy their ideas of online speech and understand most matters that they had present
during their presentation. Furthermore they had conveyed the change in the content code very
thoroughly with very good examples that portrays the do’s and don’t’s for the media. They also
had clearly touch on the matters regarding the content code including matters for women and
gender and addresses most of the modern problems in their presentation. And they had also
clearly establish the content code to be somehow used in the media although not everything is
followed as the content code is not abligatory per se for the content creators to adhere to.

2nd Group

The presentation was given out with a clear concept on the matters of section 211 of the content
code. There was also a comparison with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which I
find creative as it compares our laws and laws outside of Malaysia. I found it also clear that
s211 has various flaws, including artistic materials, which shows that this section needs to
change for the content code. I also love the criticism of Malaysia’s somewhat archaic approach
to the content code. We only look at the most susceptible person and not the average
consumer, showing how underdeveloped the code makers were thinking.

3rd Group

This group presentation is excellent, and there are also supporting cases that they had
compared for their production. Their presentation also includes a good proposal where they had
to add on the dangers of false representation by brands and an influencer and content that
should not promote hazards for women and vulnerable groups. It’s a perfect proposal, and I had
enjoyed the presentation.

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