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How the euthanasia influences the medical practice

Darian J. Pineda

Foreign Languages Program, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras

English Workshop V

Mr. Zapata

July 30, 2021

Introduction & thesis statement:

Do you know people with a terminal illness who are suffering

because of this? The euthanasia helps them to not to suffer anymore, NIUS
(2021 from a scientific or medical point of view, it’s much more.
According to ABC ciencia, the euthanasia is the process of accelerating the
death of a person with an incurable disease to prevent him from suffering.
in the discussion of euthanasia, reference is made to "actions carried out by
other persons, at the express and repeated request of a patient suffering
from physical or mental suffering as a result of an incurable disease and
which he lives as unacceptable, unworthy and an evil, to cause him death
quickly, effective and painless”. In euthanasia it is always a medical team
that administers the drugs to the person who wishes to die. The
implementation of euthanasia would be good in the medical field as we
know it, can be very positive for people suffering in hospitals because it
allows them the opportunity to end that suffering in a painless way.

What is euthanasia?

The euthanasia has been an important issue with the passing of

the years but people does not have a knowledge that it is really this
because have never been told what is or have an erroneous concept. To
start talking about euthanasia, we have to clarify things that people believe
and that are wrong, euthanasia is a painless process, people usually have
an idea that people suffer when it is applied, Euthanasia is also not
compulsory, the patient and family members have the decision whether or
not to do so. Leaving this clear, Euthanasia is the "deliberate intervention
to end the life of a patient without a perspective of cure" (Candial, 2021), It
is also defined as "death without physical suffering". This medical
procedure is given to people with an incurable disease who feel a lot of
pain and do not want to continue living, but its application also generates
much controversy Candial (2021). The lack of knowledge of people about
these issues is evident because what they knew against what it is, is totally
different, so people do not opt for this, because they really do not know the

The euthanasia In the medical of Canada

Euthanasia in Canada is called "medical assistance to die"

and was legalized alongside assisted suicide in June 2016 (BBC News
Mundo, 2021). The country sets strict requirements, ranging from
requesting the procedure 10 days before implementation, the presence of
two independent witnesses and the approval of two doctors, who must
confirm that the patient has no cure and is in an advanced stage of
suffering. Canada is the last country to legalize voluntary death from
psychiatric illnesses. In 2016, Canada passed Bill C-14, a law that allows
medical euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide, known together as
medical aid to die (Komrad, 2021) Although the procedure may now be
requested by persons whose natural death is not reasonably foreseeable, in
such cases the application will be subject to further evaluation, which
includes a mandatory period of 90 days to study the patient’s situation
through psychological counselling faced with the possibility that improved
palliative therapies may alleviate their sufferings (Singer, 2021) all these
procedures help Canadian families, and their sick loved ones may die
without suffering.

Why should it be implemented in our country like Honduras?

The hospital and health center infrastructure is poor, services are

not of the required quality and coverage Some public centres date back to
the beginning of the last century and require heavy investment in
infrastructure and equipment to provide services in optimal and risk-free
conditions. Maintenance has been low and has led to the continued
deterioration of both infrastructure and equipment (Carmenate-Milián,
2016) Honduras is one of the countries in Central America that invests
very little money in health services. It is barely surpassed by Guatemala.
However, this low investment results in the same emergencies occurring
year after year: lack of medicines in health centres and hospitals; the
expiration of medicines in the warehouses of the Ministry of Health, lack
of equipment and health personnel in all areas, obsolete equipment and the
worst, a population completely neglected and far from obtaining the
human right to health (Centro de estudio para la democracia 2019)

The euthanasia is a process that should be implemented in

Honduras will help a lot of families specifically those ones who don’t have
stable economic support because for the most part terminal illnesses are
expensive to treat and Honduras does not have sufficient capacity in the
field of health, it will help hundreds of people who is suffering in Hospital
without any hope of life. In addition, Families will be able to see their
loved one’s rest in peace. In conclusion the euthanasia is an appropriate
aid, we would save many lives from suffering.

BBC News Mundo. (2021, 18 marzo). Los 7 países del mundo donde la eutanasia es legal

(y cuál es la situación en América Latina).


Candial, A. F. (2021, 25 marzo). Eutanasia: el derecho a morir dignamente. La



Carmenate-Milián, L. (2016, 30 diciembre). Situaciandoacute;n del Sistema de Salud en

Honduras y el Nuevo Modelo de Salud Propuesto | Insight Medical Publishing.

Creative Commons Attribution.



R. (2019, 27 mayo). Salud en Honduras: sin camas, médicos, enfermeras, equipo,

medicinas. Centro de Estudio para la democracia.

Singer, P. (2021, 9 abril). Se extiende el reconocimiento del derecho a morir. Project



Candial, A. F. (2021, 25 marzo). Eutanasia: el derecho a morir dignamente. La



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